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Treble Follows [EEE x LFP] NSFW Images


The order wanes, the Family falls, and kaos reigns
Oct 24, 2022
The center of the universe

"I want to be magic. I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile. I want to be a friend of elves and live in a tree. Or under a hill. I want to marry a moonbeam and hear the stars sing. I don't want to pretend at magic anymore. I want to be magic."
~ Charles de Lint

Twenty rotations around the sun was cause for celebration for anyone. Life in LA was always intense and a part of Cordelia liked it that way. Things were looking up and going her way. Most women her age would be partying and living like it was the last day on earth, but she had made it. Recording her own songs and closing deals. Her mother had been worried about her getting this much recognition, but everything was going as planned. Delia remembered like it was yesterday. Watching her mother sitting on the stage in a town she could vaguely remember. Her voice was hypnotic and everyone paid attention to her and it felt like that was her turn. The rush from being on the stage singing to a sold-out concert hall was something she just could not replicate. Her mother had always been worried though luckily she was able to quell that fear especially since the paycheck was not something to scoff at.

Was this how it felt to make it? Her life was coming full circle and everyone knew her name. People chatted her name and wanted her autograph it made her feel like a goddess and even with all the good her mother had to keep her grounded and not let it get to her head and luckily Delia was quite down to earth No she did lack a proper friend group.

Some nights sleep came easier than others. The one thing she never confided in her mother or her dreams that started when she was 16. Those dreams gave her the courage to pursue her own path in life. Dreams filled with a woman who always called out to her from that quaint little town that she thought was a figment of her imagination. Grandma Ellie, was the one to reach out during the full moon I made contact first and at first she thought it was just her imagination running wild and stress from auditions. These dreams were so real and vivid. The sights and even smells felt like she was actually there. At first these dreams were just chatting and she had someone to confide in and tell her secrets and worries and fears. Cordelia Looked forward to each night and even nap times where she would astral project and meet up with this woman who became her confidant but as she grew older and became more successful and famous grandma Eli would eventually tell her she had to visit someplace in Massachusetts. That place Sounded so familiar and ask her career picked up the stress of being famous was eventually getting to her and a part of her said fuck it! Follow her dreams literally.

Everything is screaming. The deadline was screaming and the recording sessions were screaming. Life was so hungry and she was feeling drained she had to call off a tour which her agent wasn’t happy about but without her know tour was going to happen and her fans were not happy to hear her taking a break but most of them are supportive. Delia was officially on break. Of course she didn’t tell her parents about her dreams but only about how stressed she was. They understood and thought she’d just take a get away but in reality she booked a one-way ticket to Gloucester Massachusetts not sure about what she would find there but after telling the grandmother in her dreams about her plans when she landed at Logan airport not only would she see the same woman from her dreams waiting for her at the gate but welcoming her with open arms!

“ I can’t believe you made the trip I’m so happy you’re here my sweet grand-baby it’s been far too long now give me some sugar!” Ellie didn’t realize she was being over bearing but Cordelia didn’t mind. She would run over and give the woman from her dreams a hug and it was still hard to believe that they were related but she could see how her father took after this woman who had the same piercing blue eyes her father had. “You look so much like dad… or maybe he looks so much like you..”Cordelia managed to say while she hugged her grandma who Wasn’t alone she brought a few other people with her to help with bags of Cordelia needed it. That when she mentioned how her father looks like her The sprightly and robust chubby older woman with salt and pepper hair let out a hearty laugh as her companions took Cordelia’s bags. “If you think he looks like me wait until you meet your grandpa. He is going to have a heart attack once he finds out you’re in town he might not let you go he hasn’t seen you since you were five. Do your parents know that you are here?” Calming het laughter she asked with more concern. “No. I had to do this on my own my mom won’t tell me anything and my dad…I think he wants to, but he just doesn’t… I have so many questions…I…”her grandmother wrapped an arm around her and had her follow her out to the car nodding and listening to what she said. “I know dearie… let’s just gotten back we have a lifetime to catch up on and besides I had no idea I have a famous granddaughter I have all of your what do you call those music discs.” Ellie said But her description made Cordelia start chuckling and at least stopped her questions as they hopped into the mini van. The drive itself would not be so bad but I let her grandmother introduce her to some cousins that she had no idea she had and even though she didn’t know that it felt like she was finally home.

When they finally got into town Ellie what do her best to get her granddaughter settled and give her a tour. She would be staying at her grandmothers estate which was quite beautiful and it seems like everyone in the town knew her. Cordelia couldn’t help but look around with her mouth agape shocked that she had family and they seem to be well established and all she wanted to do was question her parents about hiding this and not tell her about her extended family since they moved to the West Coast. For now her grandmother was going to try and feed her as she took her to a small diner getting her settled in a booth in order her something nice and warm to eat and apologizing that she wasn’t cooking but she just wanted to look at her. This town has big but not too big and it seems like everyone knew everyone here especially how they greeted her grandmother and even one of them called her mayor which caused her to give her grandmother a look before her grandma Ellie gave her a sly grin before confessing that she was the mayor of this town which was news to her. Why had her parents kept us from her? Even though she was full of questions she would focus on eating her clam chowder and catching up with her grandma about little things especially about her number one hits as she explained what a cd was. Right now this was a happy reunion especially since she matched everything she saw in her dreams.

There was so much she wanted to know but it was in that moment she knew she would be staying in town for more than just a couple of weeks….

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He was young again. Barely out of high school. He adjusted the belt on his suit and ran his hands over the brown jacket he was wearing. He looked up and saw his mentor, standing next to him, "This is the worst part of the job boy... you gotta be careful when pointing the finger, but you also gotta consider the whole towns safety," he said softly as the door squeaked open as the sheriff tipped his hat, "Morning Louis. Is Amelia home?" he asked him as the man looked between the two.

"Oh? Yeah, she's here. I see you got the apprentice, err sorry, I mean the Deputy along. This official business?" he asked as a small girl squeezed next to her father and asked him something. He watched her, watched them all and felt a looming sense of dread. The rest of the dream was usually different from there. She'd answer the door covered in blood sometimes. Sometimes she'd not come at all. Some times they'd just be down by the docks where the Sheriff met his demise. He couldn't shake the dreams and they'd been getting worse and worse and worse. It was about time to ask Ellie for help. He grumbled ash e pulled himself out of bed and winced, stretching.

His morning routine was simple. Workout, clean up. Make a quick breakfast of waffles, think about shaving and not do it, leaving the scruff for when it just got a little too long. He grumbled as he got into his SUV, and gathered himself for another day of protecting the odd and strange inhabitants of this old town. He pulled down the sun-visor and stared in the mirror that was in it. He looked haggard. The dreams. The anniversary of the old sheriffs death... a lot had been weighing on him lately. And then there was Ellie. She'd been so odd lately. Saying such cryptic things. He hated it. If there was something wrong he'd need to know, but she'd never say. She'd let it happen and then...

His radio buzzed as he sighed, "Checking in. Debby checking in. You in your car yet Jack?"

He picked up the radio, "Yeah, I'm here. Calm yourself down. I'm on my way into town now, whats up first?" he said.

"Mr.Pickette says that someones been digging in his yard at night. He thinks its the Wilder children. He heard howling when it was happening but was too scared to look..." she said as she began to explain. He set the car into motion and was off for his petty crimes. Werewolves digging up there neighbors yards. Vampires biting people without permission. Voodooists stealing hair for dolls. Little things really. Nothing too much of a problem. No murder. No fighting. Just petty disputes, well as petty as one can get with supernaturals.

Finally it was time for lunch, and he made his way to the diner, "I'm taking a lunch. Emergencies only for now," he said to his radio before he got out. He straightened out his uniform and made himself presentable before walking in and sitting down at the counter. He took off his hat, and his radio and sighed, running a hand through his hair before Ellie over in the corner. He paused, glancing over and caught her eye. She waved at him and he paused before standing up and making his way over, "Hello Mayor, hello... uh..." he paused as he saw the young girl. He saw it. Something in her eyes. He hesitated and turned to the old woman, "You brought her back? Where the hell is her father and mother? Why... you know I've been having dreams about that night, about that day for WEEKS NOW!? I haven't slept a wink! Gods.... why the hell didn't you just SAY that she was coming here?" he said almost angrily. He calmed himself down. He collected his thoughts and looked at the young woman again, pausing before he gave her a genuine but tired smile, "I... apologize. My names Jack. You may not remember me but... we uh... met on the day your family left town. One of my first calls actually. I want to apologize for what happened. I'm sure you don't want to hear it from me but, for what its worth, we are VERY sorry for all that happened that day.... Cordelia, right?"
In the diner Ellie was busy with her granddaughter but not too busy to say hello to the sheriff. Cordelia had misplaced memories about many things especially her past here she couldn’t remember all of it it was fuzzy like a cloud covering memories. The happy reunion was cut short. The sheriff didn’t seem too happy to see her in the way her mixed set of eyes; One blue and one green stood out with her darker hair making her look familiar but also unfamiliar. Most people would start telling her she looked like a singer they knew but had different eyes than what most of her fans did not know she wore contacts all the time to hide this part of her.

She was about to continue talking to her grandmother before the sheriff mentioned something about dreams and why didn’t she tell him why she was back and she had no idea what this had to do with her. “What does he mean grandma?”Cordelia asked as Ellie brought her finger to her lips telling her to shush. “Calm down. She’s home where she should be. Sit down and eat something with us sit next to me.” Ellie Motion for him to take a seat and join them they were so many questions on both ends but for now she could deal with the sheriff and talk to her granddaughter in private later. “Yea irs Cordelia and kinda… you look familiar and sound familiar but I don’t really remember too much I don’t know what you’re exactly apologizing for my parents don’t really talk about here ever. We left when I was little. I can tell them that you say you’re sorry, but I have no idea how to take it or take that I’m back here. They don’t ever want to come back at least every time I bring up Massachusetts they change the subject and tell me it’s in the past.”as Cordelia begin to explain Ellie looked over at the sheriff and shot him annoying look as if she was trying to tell him silently to not say too much. “I’m only here for a few weeks to see my grandma and grandpa don’t worry I won’t stay too long it seems like you don’t like my family.” Cordelia said before her grandmother chimed in. “Oh darling it’s not like that we have to talk a lot perhaps with the the sheriff. don’t you think so Jack. What do you say a nice dinner. All of us? It’s been a long time coming. Maybe we can make it right. It’s about time to make it right…” Ellie said as Cordelia looked confused and looked over at Jack expecting him to explain more to her especially since now she was even more confused than before!
Jack looked a bit shocked at the mayor, shaking his head in disbelief. Sometimes he hated witches of prophecies. He hated old timey magic. Sometimes he hated his job all together. But he turned back to the starry eyed starlet and paused, before letting out a sigh. He grumbled as he moved to sit down. The waitress brought him a slice of pie and a coffee as he pushed the pie away, "Fish and Chips please?" he said, "I'm gonna be here a bit longer I guess," he said as he shook his head.

He took a breath and let it out slowly before looking over at young girl, and her five year old face flashed in his head. But then it was quickly overridden by the beautiful young woman in front of him. He paused again as he looked at her, "You know... I have to admit, like most of the guys in town we all thought your dad was a lucky son of a bitch," he said to her, "Hell of a catch, excuse the pun," he said before he cleared his throat and drank from his coffee cup.

After a moment longer of pausing he finally glanced at her, "Your mother was accused... or framed... for killing a ship of men. Luring them onto some rocks outside of town and drowning most of them. It was a big scandal. Huge deal that could have brought a lot of attention to our town. When it happened a second time to a smaller fishing vesseles we were able to contain it, but if it happened a third time we'd be everywhere. So we had to do what we had to do. We warned your mother. The evidence was that someone lured them there... and she was the only registered Siren. No one else in town would have done it the way it was done. It was made to look like she had done it. So we asked her. Told her if it happens again we'd have to take action. She.... obviously, decided to leave. I feel bad about it still. I remember the hurt in her eyes, the anger in your fathers voice. THey just up and left. Sold everything after the fact through your grandmother. The old bar where your mother used to sing... all of it..." he said softly as he looked down at his hands.

He then paused, "The sheriff then took me out one night about a week later when we had a bait vessel out at sea. We had narrowed it down. Figured out what was going on. A new person who came into town, a drifter... we weren't sure what she was but... it started to look like she was a Siren too... she had a whole school with her. Seven of the cunts. They came at us and... killed the sheriff..." he said softly, " I took on his role. Told your grandma I wanted to apologize. That we wanted to make things right and all she would say was "You'll have the chance one day," and other mysterious crap like that. You old hag," he said in a teasing manner before he turned to her with a sad smile, "I'm sorry... but hey. It worked out for you, didn't it Miss Starlet? I knew I recognized you. You got a record in our jukebox over in the old bar. Not as good as the live shows your mother put on but... its a recording," he said with a small smile.
Cordelia was not expecting all of this. Her grandmother even though they just physically met she had known her for years through dreams. Jack she recognized she was so young when they first met and I didn’t last very long. It wasn’t until they were fleeing and closing loose ends she got to talk to him a little bit but that was all in the past. She had ordered a salad which was rare for the diner to serve but she also had waffles which her grandma recommended. Listening to the pair banter it was interesting. Ellie let him talk without Interrupting but didn’t expect Cordelia to follow her lead.

“Son of a witch would be a much better pun.” she took no anger to his pun as she fixed it and gave him a smirk. Sipping on her coffee and watching her granddaughter as they both chatted she could tell that Cordelia was nervous and very curious about what was going on. When Jack started to talk about how lucky her dad was especially with her mom she smile to herself especially knowing how still in love they were. Cordelia looked like she was going to say something but Jack decided to elaborate and he could tell by her mismatched eyes and how she looked at him, watching him, and hanging off of every word she was invested. “Registered siren? Is that even a thing?” that was something she never heard. In LA and in Hollywood There was nothing like that even though she knew what she was. Her mother trained her how to use your gifts positively and do no harm which is why hearing the story Jack could see the hamster wheels in her head turning.

“That explains a lot. They clearly told me never to go to the East Coast. Ever. It was off limits but my grandma reached out when I was 16 and I guess I don’t have to say it wasn’t letters or a phone call. What are you?” Cordelia finally asked especially since he knew about sirens and witches and powers especially since the sheriff was killed by someone like her mother and they fled she had so many questions but was trying to limit only one or two at a time. “I’m sorry for your loss and yea….I’m learning my grandma can be cryptic….just like my dad…”when she said her grandmother smiled a cheeky smile. she knew her oldest son with so much like her.

Looking down at her tea cup she could tell she was pensive and had so much to say but when he mentioned how things worked out and called her starlet she chuckled. “I guess. I didn’t get to grow up with any family. So I guess it worked out and I got lucky with something bigger than my mom but I’m careful…. so yes I’m lucky but I’m also jealous you had a family here and lived here only ever heard stories….”She kept her face down as she spoke thinking about how her mother had so much from her. “I found hidden articles when I was younger and my dad would explain things to me but my mother was tightlipped about this place. My parents know I’m here. Maybe my dad might but if my mom found out I’m here…” she would look up contact with Jack and her grandmother before back to him again.

“Let’s just say everyone knows I’m on a mental health break for a bit… can you tell me more of my mom said was it was best for us to leave and not look back and make our lives elsewhere. my dad never questioned it he would call my mother to the ends of the Earth. What happened to the others? Is it safe for me to be back?” she would ask both of them as Ellie would look to him what he would tell her.

At least when he mentioned her songs in the jukebox and broke the serious expression on her face as she looked to take a peek at what Cd was in there. “You said no one would recognize me out here. Seems like you’re keeping secrets from both you and me.”At least that would lighten the conversation between her and Jack. Ellie was at least giving the pair a chance to talk. This was good and at least for now she does not meddling too much in their affairs but she wanted her granddaughter home for good or at least longer than two weeks.
The man stirred his coffee with a spoon, despite not having sugar or creamer inside of it before he took a long sip as she spoke and asked questions. He smiled at her as he shrugged, "Registered.. .just... letting me know. I'm a... Hunter. A grimm or a helsing or whatever you wanna call us. But I can see and deal with you paranomral types. And I'm the link between keeping the humans out and in the dark, and the magical folks safe and not preying on humans. So my job is a bit... complicated. Think magic cop. But human. Mostly human," he said to her as he shrugged., "Registered siren just means I knew what she was. And what you are. We know who the people who move into town are. And good news, this place isn't comfortable for long periods of time for folks who are... for lack of a better term, normal. They get a sense of dread and unease..." he said.

The man then grinned at her a little, "So you're only staying a week though? I guess you'll need a full tour eh?" he said, "I'm sure your grandmother can show you all the shops. Your dad's old place... some of the other things. Maybe you can retire here after your little career as a star... I'm honeslty shocked no ones called you on it or that you haven't had run ins with others like me. Using your magic that... blatantly is usually a big no no," he said.

his food was placed before him and he picked up a fork and knife, cutting into his fishsticks instead of just grabbing them with his hands. He cut a slice of fish off and dipped it in tartar before taking a bite, letting out a soft grunt of satisfaction, "John's making the fish today eh?" he said, "So... to let you know. We got a lot of... nautical types around here. Sea witches. Two other sirens now, though they're older than you, a few mermaids and mermen... A velya... he's a weird one. He's a vampire... but aquatic. Its.. complicated," he said, "A few werefolks, mostly wolves but some others. And a slew of witch and wizard bloods... of course you're only getting told this cause you're the mayors granddaughter and it goes without saying, you tell NO one any of this," he said.
Ellie could tell the registered part got to her but she didn’t bat an eye to it. “I don’t think I like the sound of that. Maybe I’d good I’m not sticking around for long. Don’t worry I don’t cause trouble.” Cordelia’s defenses went up and that was when Ellie could see she was very much her mother’s daughter. She had gotten just enough of the story from both sides to have a healthy amount of fear. “So mostly human with sensitivities. Many full humans are sensitive, but I rarely see communities like this. LA has covens but in all honesty it’s most humans who romanticize magic and interpret tarot badly. No harm really though some do have one or two who are the real deal. Then again is LA it has all types.” lilting get tea cup to get lips she took a sip as Ellie knew how odd California was and even if she could’ve survived well over there she chose to stay here. “Maybe you can show her around too. Make sure she knows you don’t hold grudges. Maybe it’ll get back to my son too.” Ellie was hopeful and honestly trying to bridge the gap between generations.

When he mentioned how her magic was being used so blatantly Cordelia held her cup taking another sip before she began explaining. “Yes and no. You know my mother was a singer and entertainer. She used her gifts to entertain. Same for me and I’m not the only one. I just know my strengths and weaknesses. To be honest every singer or entertainer has gifts though some more than others. I just know what I am.” sitting her teacup down before eating a strawberry from off the top of her waffle before she’d continue from her proverbial soapbox. “Be good but not too good. Make sure you have wins and losses. My mental health break is showing I’m not perfect. No one questions the artist who has a bit of a breakdown only to come back and defy the odds. I know what I’m doing my mother taught me well. My rise to fame is not forever. Trust me or don’t. Up to you. This place didn’t trust my mother but maybe you’ll trust me.” that was a bit of a jab and Ellie shot her a look before she mouthed sorry to her under her breath.

“How tit liking the recipe? The fish has been good lately.” Ellie asked since it was a ways she trying to diffuse her granddaughter’s harsh words even though she knew where that fire came from. “She understands not to tell anyone. Right Cordie darling?” Ellie made it a point to look over Cordelia and she would confirm. “Secret is safe with me as long as the same politeness is given to me. I assume yes since I’m th mayor’s granddaughter. I normally am not one to rely on nepotism for help but it’s greatly appreciated in this situation. So…on that note tell me about you. What made you stay here? I guess I’m assuming the sheriff’s son? I sadly don’t know all the details only what I read from old articles and letters my dad had hidden away. I at least can traced my dads family back here but no luck on my mother’s. Maybe you can tell me about the ones who framed her. Do you know why they did it?” Cordelia was wasting no time asking questions and Ellie thought she had more time before she’d start asking as she sipper her coffe going silent before she would probably puss off jack with her action speaking into his mind.

“Maybe it’s best not to tell get everything on the first day. She’s here for two weeks. How about you offer her a tour? It’s quiet and didn’t you owe me a favor? I appreciate it!”
The man put up his hands as she spoke back to him, "HEY! No guilt, no pointing fingers. No cruelty or accusations!" he said to her, "Don't feel like I'm trying to threaten you. I'm a law man. I lay down law. I'm warning you fairly. Most folks around here arne't gonna fall for a siren's charms though... at least not the magical ones," he said with a small alugh, "Your mother was always the kindest soul... it was awful what happened," he said.

The man hesitated as she asked about him, "I'm not the Sheriffs son. The old bastard never had kids. I was the trouble child that got sent to live with Uncle. Then took after him. Parents weren't happy. But I had a gift and my family has a duty," he said to her honestly ,"Never really had to explain that to anyone, but you seem to have that air about you..." he teased her.

When she brought up her mother he paused, "Well...rightly..." he said, "I don't know much. She came in one day, said she wasn't allowed back home. We took her in. Your father did really... and they became fast friends. Have a feeling he knew her from before she left the ocean but... there comes a time when a Siren can decide to leave the ocean behind... and live on land. Your mother did that. The people who came and did the crimes... I think they wanted to bring her back. Not sure. Either way though they're all gone. They did quite horrible things... and we... did what we had to do," he said softly, "I don't expect you to be like them. They were monsters. Not civilized in any way. Still ate flesh," he added with a shiver.

He put a hand to his head and glared at the grandmother, "How would you like a... trip around town Miss?" he said to her, "Lead by the sheriff himself... we can see the sites and things. The old dock, the lighthouse," he told her before he glanced over, "I have a feeling your grandma has more plans for all of us and all of this. Seems she's got one of her PROPHECIES in play or something. Your father do that too? I figure the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree with the mysticism and what not," he said.
“Remains to be seen. I don’t use my gifts for things like that. If I wanted a date I don’t think it’s right if fair to use my gifts like that. It would’ve be real. My mom was big on that. My dad was with her without the use of her charms. To be honest she didn’t really sing much after leaving. Only to me and dad at home. She taught me a lot about my gifts and how to use them.”at least Jack wasn’t pointing fingers but it made sense people in this town could resist her charms that and she knew how to use them properly. “I don’t think my mom ever got over leaving. She even avoided the beaches. We went but usually in off seasons when it was quiet. I don’t blame her after hearing all that happened.” focusing on hey waffles the break for eating gave Jack a chance to talk.

It was nice that he was sharing and she had no idea that the Sheriff was his uncle. “I’m sorry you lost him in the line of duty. Do you at least enjoy your work?”Cordelia was making progress and at least giving him a bit of leeway instead of making him an enemy, besides is he was really bad her grandmother wouldn’t let him get close to her, right?

The moment he starts speaking of her mother she perked up. All of it made sense. She never met anyone from her mothers side of the family and she outright kept her away from bodies of water during certain holidays and moon cycles. “That explains a lot. I don’t know much about my mom’s side. I’m glad they’re gone. I don’t advocate for death or anything but safety first. I’m sure she didn’t say much of anything for a reason….”while Cordelia talked Ellie was listening and she had pieced together enough over the years since Amelia married Lewis.

When Jack glared at Ellie she shrugged like she did nothing even though she was telepathically communicating but didn’t want Cordelia to know. “Plans? Oh no…me? Never I just have some meetings today and dealing with the town hall that’s all. Gotta set up her room and paperwork. She’s a homeowner. Probably should’ve told you that I didn’t let your fathers place go….bring her back by 7. You too. I got the bill covered.” And before either of them could protest Ellie stood up fixing her navy blue dress and blazer. “He did the same and I feel like is deja-vu with my grandmother.” Ellie waved them both off as Cordelia finished her food but stayed seated. For a woman up in her years around 65 she was energetic and quick as she went to settle the bill and left them to their own devices. “Does she usually make you give people tours? If you don’t want to I’m sure I can manage in my own. I’m not helpless just new to town. I’m sure her prophecy was making you give me a personal tour.y skills aren’t as good as hers or my father’s. Maybe someday.” she offered him a small smilie as she turned to look out the window at the town letting her mismatched eyes sparkle in the glass reflecting.

Mixes of creatures were common though a siren and a witch might not be as common as others and Cordelia never ran into any like her. “Well we ate. What else is there to do? I highly doubt you have a mall out here. What do people do for fun?”
The man finished up his meal as she responded. Eating quickly as his radio buzzed. "All's clear for now," the woman on the other end said.

The man shot a glare at the old witch again before he sighed and shook his head, "I'm not usually chuffer for a fancy out of town starlet, but I suppose I can make an exception for a cute one," he said to the young woman as he stood up and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a twenty and set it down as a tip. The woman waved at him, knowing he was always good for it as he walked the woman out to his car. "What do we do for fun? Sweetie we're by the ocean. Its mostly cold all year long, gets up to the eighties or so sometimes.... a hot day is maybe 90. Right now we're just kinda waiting for fall and winter. You can go out on a sailboat and fish, or you can take a paddle boat out to fish, or you can go out in an innertube and just... relax out on the waves for a while. Or fish..." he said to her, "Honestly we do have the normal things you might have. Our theater is only five screens but they show most of the big movies," he said as he opened the passenger door for her.

He sighed as he got into the drivers seat and started the car, before pulling out of the diners little area., "I'm guessing grandma already has your bags and things..." he said to her, "So we can just... uh... go somewhere. I'd say the docks or the light house are the big touristy things. But I don't know what you want... we can hit up the bar your pa used to own later, it opens a lot later at night though," he said to her as he glanced at her again before shaking his head, "You mentioned a mall... we have a thrift row. A few shops and things, mostly touristy kitch. If you want real shopping its about an hour out of town and I can't really leave right now. My deputy is out with a cold..." he said to her, "And before you ask. Deputy is a witch. A young one. She's good at her job though," he said staunchly.

They drove a few minutes from the area to a small section of the town where there were a few different state license plates. This must have been what he was talking about, as there were people who were clearly not from around there walking around with old furniture or little knick knacks. Three antique stores, a thrift shop, and a place that looked to just sell souviners lined the street on either side as he paused, "You ever been in an antique store run by a vampire? Its pretty fun, he can tell ya the story behind every piece... and if we ask nicely he'll let us into the basement where there is some real stuff. Magic things and knick knacks that I usually have to tell him not to sell..." he said.
Her grandmother left her with the sheriff and she had no idea what to do next but when she stood up he could see she was really small barely 5 feet tall. Her hair was darker and it seemed that it used to be much lighter before but the color looked good on her. Following him out she would look around and listen and the fact that they didn’t have them all made her shake her head. “Thanks. I’ll cover the tip next time I usually have people do that for me.”she said with a chuckle as she would follow behind him and when he asked about bags she shook her head no. “Granny Ellie Took my things but I have my purse and everything I need.when he called her cute she blush but didn’t acknowledge it but he could see how red her face got at least small town people thought she was cute! It was really interesting to have a normal conversation with someone even though this conversation was far from normal.

“You have a really quiet from here I don’t think I’ve been anywhere this quiet in years. I don’t mind it it’s just a very big change of pace from Los Angeles. I don’t mind sailing but I’ve never done anything smaller than a cruise ship if that’s called sailing.”making polite conversation she wasn’t quite sure how to handle being someplace so small but he started mentioning thrift shops in antique Shoppes at one coffee run was that he knew a witch and worked with one and antique shop owner was a vampire! All of this was beyond the pale for her since where she lived she never met anything other than wannabe witches. The only real witch was her dad. “I’m only half witch if they counts. My dad taught me some things but I’m sure your deputy knows more than I do. Is she nice? Or maybe you both are a couple.”Cordelia was teasing Jack but it was a tiny town maybe they were the town drama. “Don’t worry I won’t hit on you while I’m sober. The last thing I need up to is get run out of my dad’s hometown. Not only I’d be on the run from here but also the paparazzi would ruin my career.”she was being nosey and wondered if he’d give het more info about himself.

Once in the car he could see her looking around and even pulled out her iPhone to snap photos as they drove. “Don’t Judge me too harshly but I wanna do everything even thrifting. I’ve never been in a place the small but if you drink let’s do the bar later after grandma feeds us. With you telling me everything that you know I want to do it over drinks I want to know everything about my parents and anything you can tell me I’ll welcome.”turning to watch him as he drove. Cordelia would love the ocean but her mother made her so afraid of it she most likely wouldn’t get close.

“Are you sure there are no other bars available I could really use a drink after hearing everything you told me at the diner at least a shot of something strong…”she wasn’t in alcoholic but she was learning so much to the point she needed a drink to try and comprehend everything that Jack was telling her. “If this small town is anything like the dramas on TV do you have a hidden flask in the glove compartment?”it was a joke but a part of her hoped he did!
The man shrugged, 'The bar is the bar. There aren't many others. The other two are more bar restaurants. You want drinks though you go to the bar. That's it. As for what I have in the car... I'm a proffesional. I have to answer to regular old police people too besides also being a hunter of creatures like you and what not," he said to her, "That being said I did pick up Tommy last night... and he had three bottles. One was empty. One was broken into, and the third..." he said as he reached under her seat, leaning over her for a moment, "I was gonna give it back to him. Just be careful please, don't make it obvious," he teased with a smile to her as he sat in the car.

He opened the glovebox and did pull out two spent shotgun shells and poured the shots into them, before handing her one and tipping his into hers before he downed it. He chuckled as he sighed, "God.... your granny is the worst influence on me you know that?" he said to her.

He leaned back and sighed, "I'm still sore... tired too. Last few nights have been rough, glad we're leaving the full moon behind...' he said to her before glancing at her, "Listen, I get you're not used to a smaller town, but we're really just like any other. LA is huge sure, but its mostly just... busy. Things are slower here. Calmer... its not a big deal right? I lived in Chicago for the first sixteen years of my life, and honestly I couldn't imagine going back. Its miserable. Out here... you can sit back, relax, and only occasionaly have to deal with threats to the lives of everyone you know and care about," he said as he poured himself another shot.
“I’m used to having things available 24/7 and now you’re saying things are closed and this town is very quiet and slow this is all new for me.”Cordelia admitted as she watched him open the glove compartment and to her surprise he did have shots and she wasn’t gonna turn down any alcohol especially after having her eyes open to this new situation. When he offered her the shot she would tap it against his and take it without even batting an eyelash. “Now that is alcohol…. I felt that burn all the way down and yes my grandmother is a bad influence I met her when I was 16 but I kept seeing her in my dreams since I was little I thought she was a figment of my imagination and she didn’t become more prominent until I started getting famous and giving me advice.”She would hold it out for another shot and it seem like she definitely needed a few more shots to get over all of the things she was learning. “At least I know where you hide confiscate a liquor under my seat I’ll remember that next time I’m in your car and I need something.”That realization came out with a chuckle as she leaned her head back letting her dark hair rest against the headrest.

When he started speaking about the full moon she understood fully about it. “My father told me about how to handle full Moons. Sometimes it attacks me and sometimes it doesn’t I never understood why… grandma said it’s because I’m part witch. My mom always paid attention to moon cycles…. in the big city everything is weird no matter what the moon I guess that’s why I can blend in there pretty easily. I’m not sure how I’m gonna do it here just stay out of eyesight maybe. Does the full moon affect you too?” she turned her head to watch him when she asked so she had no idea if it affected him but he said he was pretty normal so he must be okay to an extent. “I thought coming out here I’d be more relaxed but the more you talk in the more you tell me I have a feeling that’s not going to happen. My granny got me out here but now I’m starting to regret it…hearing everything…. I want to know but also I don’t does that make any sense to you? I guess I’m conflicted I don’t know how to handle it. How the hell do you do it? My mom has cats so much from me and my dad is so cryptic and even though I’m living my own life there’s so much I don’t know. Do I want to know? And now my grandmothers in my life again well for the first time and I’ll get more answers than I can handle….”Cordelia did not realize she was ranting and she eventually slow down and went silent. “When did you first notice you were special? For me it was when I was really little… Are used to hum to myself and get little critters to hang out with me. The one memory I thought was a dream from this town now I’m questioning it was hanging out with the squirrels and ducks. I remember my mom telling me if I’m going to sing to be careful about it and I never understood why until I got older… I also could never join any singing events with my school. Oh boy I have an odd life…”She laughed at herself more shaking her head but now she was using her gift on a much larger scale. Cordelia had to come along way from singing to little animals to singing to massive sold out concert halls.

“I’m sorry…. i’m talking way too much I’ve never had anyone I could actually talk to about anything other than my parents who said rules no real friends I could vent to I’m sorry I’m using you as a therapist…. I bet you get that a lot don’t you.” turning her head to the side she would look out the window again and let out a heavy sigh. Jack was the first person who actually understood what she was talking about and here she was venting her life story probably driving him crazy.
The male sat there looking slightly amused as she kept going a mile a minute. He nodded and listened and smiled a little more as she spoke more and more about her life. The full moon comment had meant to be a starter so he could tell her about the werecreatures. But she took that as things for herself. He simply sighed as he leaned onto a fist and watched her through half lidded eyes as she kept going. When she finally got to the end and asked if she was treating him like a therapist he reached over and put a hand over her mouth before putting his free hand to his lips.

He slowly shushed her as he stared into her eyes, keeping his hand over her mouth for a good minute or so before he removed his hand. He kept hte finger to his lips as he rolled down a window and turned up the music a little. He leaned back and closed his eyes, leaning his chair for a minute before he eventually broke the silence after two songs, "You need to live in the moment. Calm down. Stop thinking so much and just relax. Enjoy yourself. Or you're gonna end up in an early grave."

He then let out a soft chuckle as he shook his head some more, the smile crossing his face as he put his feet up, "I feel like I should take a nap right now," he said teasingly as he glanced over at her, "So how about this. No more questions about past. No more poking and prodding. You wanna ask little things go ahead, but for the moment, just... relax..." he said as he poured another shot and took it as someone tapped on the window of his cruiser. He paused before rolling it down, as the person outside asked him about a gas station. He pointed around for them before he sighed, and relaxed a little, "I was worried they might have been in trouble. But... Nope. Tourists..."he said with a smirk as he glanced at her again, "Okay, how about this. We'll take turns telling truths, eh? One question then another," he said.
When he put his hand over her lips her eyes went completely wide staring at him not sure what to do. That at least kept Cordelia quiet. She had never had anyone put their hand over her mouth to be quiet like that before so he stunned her like a scared rabbit. Her heterochromia eyes stared straight into his home as she was silent for the first time in his car.

It felt like they sat there for like an eternity as the songs kept playing she had so many questions and she wasn’t sure what he was going to do next. What did he mean about living in the moment? Wasn't she doing that especially asking all about her family history? When he talked about putting his feet up she gave him a glare but it didn’t last long. When he poured himself another shot she held out her shot glass for another but when someone knocked on the window she looked worried not because they would hear them talking but she was worried about being recognized. “Do you actually get lots of tourists around here?” she would ask before she would take a deep breath and calm herself but her questions would never end. “Trust me. I always live in I just never get a chance to talk about the strange stuff. Can you blame me for asking I haven’t had time to talk to besides my parents and even though they don’t share anything.” she what confess but when he mentioned they would take turns coming true it’s your first instinct make her say; “Normally i’d say ladies first…. But since this was your idea you have to go first. That and I need a few more shots. After all you said the bar won’t be open for a while. Aren’t you the sheriff can’t you open it and we can start a tab early? I have a feeling most people in town drink. Maybe my prediction will come true but then again that’s just an educated guess.” she said with a smirk in the chair at his car and relaxed.
The man shook his head and chuckled, "I'm not using my powers to open a bar early for a starlet who just wants to get drunk. YOu need to be careful and your tiny. This whiskey isn't exactly cheap nor is it weak. This stuff is gonna be strong. It was being used by a vampire!" he said as he tapped the cork back into the bottle. He then glanced around, "We do get a lot of tourists. ANd despite what one might think, a lot of folks around here don't drink because its not really popular. I mean we have a lot," he said to her, "But about half the town just doesn't bother. Some people even get drunk off not alcohol. Some get drunk off sugary stuff, or caffinee..." he said to her, "Biology is different for different creatures,' He said.

He then took the shotgun shell from her and put it in the center console with the bottle, as well as his own shotgun shell glass and then got out of the car before going to her side and helping her out. He made sure she was steady, squeezing her hand a little as he looked over at the old building they had parked in front of. It wasn't as flashy or shiny as the others, so there were less people inside and he gently guided her by the hand into it till they got to a flamboyantly dressed man at the back of the old curios shop. He looked up from a book and smiled widely at the sheriff, "JACK! You come to see me! And you brought an absolute SNACK! Wait, let me guess..." he said, "You're a couple now? How cute! What can I do for you two?"
“I have a name and it isn’t starlet. What’s the point of being a sheriff if you can’t get into the bar early. I’m good for it since I’m a starlet albeit short I can hold my liquor.” the tiny starlet clapped back as he took the shell from her and Cordelia let out a soft huff. “I can’t be the only one…well two..” she looked at him and where he put the bottle then back up at him. “I still can’t wrap my head around everything and everyone here. So I’m new here. Kinda…I won’t get tossed out on my ass at the bar will I? No one will recognize me now I think. I’m. All grown up now. Then again you recognized me before I put two and two together.”she said with a soft snicker.

Sitting a moment as he got out of the car and opened het door as she swung her legs out helping her out of the car she was so much shorter than him and she took his hand and let him. She was dressed rather plainly in black slacks and a loose black sweater that made her look more pale than she should’ve been. She would probably look good with some colors as she fix the purse on her side. What was the flamboyantly dressed man who startled her a bit but she kept her calm. Before she could say anything or a hello this man thought that they were a couple and she took a step back. She didn’t mean to but she pulled her hand away from Jack and started blushing with embarrassment. “Oh no… he’s just a friend….a family friend. Nothing like that….w…who are you?”She asked him as she fluttered her unique eyes. Cordelia would look towards Jack for help pleading with him not sure of what to say other than being painfully embarrassed, red in the face and heart racing. “We just met again today….not a couple…I rarely date…no time…it’s nice to meet you…” Jack was learning that when she got nervous she talked so much much and rambled!
The male vampir e laughed at her nerves 'Tim. Just call me Tim. You came in with the sheriff and I can already tell there's... something else about ya, right? And I tease. Jack there doesn't do relationships. Ever. Even when women throw themselves at him," he said as he looked at her, "Make yourself at home. I got more exciting stuff back behind me if you're here for something more magical..." he said, "Haven't had any tourists today. They don't tend to like what I sell," he said waving his hands around him. It was mostly furniture, stuff that would be hard to get home so it made sense. He smiled over at Jack thou

Jack smirked, "She's new here. She used to live in town. HEr parents left before you ever arrived," he said to him, "But now she's just... visiting the town. She's the mayors granddaughter actuallyl!" he said as the other man nodded and smiled, "So you got magic in you... you a witch like them? I got some nice antique pots back here..." he said teasingly.

Jack wandered around poking at the furniture, looking at a few mirrors as he shuffled around the store with her. There was a lot in the place as Tim smiled at the woman looking friendly, "You need any questions answered sweetie? I might have some of them. I'm the town gossip now. I talk with your grandma about stuff in town all the time," he said.

Jack sighed, "What he means its he's on the town council. He lived here when he was alive back when this place was founded a few hundred years ago. Moved around and then came back recently..." he said as the man shrugged with a smile.
It should not be that big of a deal with Tim’s assumptions but and she should be used to the tabloids but this was right in front of her. “It’s nice to meet you Tim. That’s fine by me. I don’t date. It’s not really my thing. He has nothing to worry about since I’m not interested in the trouble dating anyone brings.” the fact that she was still blushing from embarrassment said enough without saying anything at all. He mentioned things in the back and that caught her attention. “I’d love to see the stuff in the back. Magical you could say that.”she was not about to give him her full story but Jack mentioned that she was the granddaughter of the mayor and he picked up on the witch part. It was nice to happen with her as she looked around and she nodded when she asked her about if she was a witch like them. “You could say that. Dad taught me quite a bit. I’m sure my grandmother will be teaching me a lot more. Town gossip? In that case tell me all you know about the sheriff I’m sure my grandmother will tell me a different story …. I’d offer to do it over drinks but…. I have a feeling we drink different things.” she would glance back at Jack as she would dig further into information about him. “So… you’re a vampire right? How did you become one? Don’t worry not asking to join. I have enough magical baggage to deal with myself.” she said with a chuckle. “I’m Cordelia by the way. If my grandmother is the town gossip you probably heard about me and my family. I’m backtracking on my history….oh!!!! What’s the story behind that one? “ she couldn’t help but be drawn something from the sea. She had yet to tell him she was more than a witch. Picking it up she would stare at it for a long time.

“It feels sad….what can you tell me about this?”Cordelia would ask looking it over holding it carefully letting her fingers trace over it. It looked like she lost herself in trying to read it before she’d suddenly ask Tim questions about himself. “Why did you come back? Did you become a vampire here or elsewhere? Did you get a calling to return home too?” Jack knew she was full of questions and now poor Tim would have to handle her or Jack would just have to cover her mouth again!
The fvampire looked shocked at her as she began to shoot off question after question to him. He watched her and raised an eyebrow as she continued to ask questions about this and that and everything else before she finished and he sighed, "I can tell why Jack brought you here. He's not much of a talker..." he said to her softly as he leaned on an arm and watched her from a slouched position on the counter. He had a small smile on his lips as he took in a deep, but wholly unneeded breath, "You need to relax deary. Have you considered going out on a boat for an afternoon?" he said to her.

Then he smiled, "I didn't get a calling to come back, I just felt like I should .I got turned in this town by someone, to stop them from hanging me. I was turned and that night they hung me. It didn't take obviously but I pretended it did. THe crime I got accused of doesn't exist anymore and isn't important to you missy, so don't even bother asking. I don't know the story of every curio I have, a lot of them are just... neat looking. Not really anythign to them. I try not to take things with histories because that means curses," he said t oher as he answered some of her questions.

Jack finally but in, moving up to her as he sighed, "And as for drinking... I already told you to cool it. Its barely three in the afternoon. Alright? I don't know where you're staying tonight but I doubt anyone wants to deal with you when your drunk and questioning everything..." he said with a laugh as he shook his head.
Oh she was quite the talker and as he answered more for her while she looked at the ship in a bottle the poor woman nearly dropped it when he mentioned going out on a boat. “NO BOATS! NO SEA!!!! NO!” her volatile reaction said more a soft no thank you ever would have. She wasn’t okay with boats or water at least anything to do with the ocean. At least she clung to the shop in the bottle and didn’t drop it. It was intersting but she was not fond of the sea. At least when he started talking about his history it got her to at least calm down a bit.

“You have a very interesting story. Don’t worry I won’t ask and am glad you’re here. You…you won’t bite me will you? I never met a vampire before….I never really met others. Well if I did they never told me.” at least she was calming down a bit and Jack could relax a bit as she focused on this new creature. “Oh this isn’t cursed just sad….”she said putting the shit in the bottle down before focusing more on Jack. “I’m just stressed. I’m not a drunk. This is a lot to take in. Meeting my grandma for the first time and being here…my mother never told me anything and my father was just cryptic…I’m sorry if I need a drink to settle my nerves it’s the most normal thing I can think of at 3 in the afternoon. Do you have anything to take the edge off?” she asked Tim wondering if he could give her something to help. Normally when she got stressed she drank since going for a walk usually meant paparazzi. “And you need not worry. I’ll be staying with the mayor as you know her. I… i’m still trying to comprehend that this is a town of creatures similar and more strange than myself. It’s literally a lot to take in. I’m currently talking to a vampire and a….what do you call yourself? Sensitive or a medium? I am absolutely sure if this was all revealed to you on the same day you met estranged family you’d need a drink too…”Cordelia lifted her right hand to her temple and placed it on her for head and she took a deep breath trying to comprehend everything especially since it seems like her world just got 1000 times larger!
The two men froze up to stare at her, a little shocked at her outburst. The sheriff made his way over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder to try to calm her down, both looking worried, the vampire moving quickly to catch the item before it broke, relieved when she took it. He shook his head as the two watched her before she once again returned to simply asking question upon question. The sheriff groaned and moved to get behind the young woman, putting ah and over her mouth again as he pulled her close to his body, "I apologize for bringing this curse upon you... I really do. I'm very sorry. He doesn't bite. He's not some monster. He's just like you. I get your stressed out sweetie, but you just need to calm the fuck down. Stop asking questions. Just realax... right now missy. OR I swear I will take you to the jail house in cuffs nad lock you up till your nana comes to pick you up damn it!"

The vampire laughed a little as he shook his head. He stared at the two before he smirked, "She likes it when you put your hands on her. Or if she doesn't quite like it now she will... and sure, call it a medium or something. I see things like your grandma. We have the gift of sight... or curse if you wish. Point is that right now I don't mind telling you two that you'll be hooking up before long. Your grandma was VERY apparant on that one. She's made me sit on that for a while. 'I have a granddaughter who's gonna come home one day, and when she does, she's gonna get with that handsome old sheriff. He'll finally get that stick out his ass when he gets laid and she'll have a good protector...' " he said in a mock old lady tone.

The sheriff had his eyes go wide as he swung the woman around and walked the two out as the vampire laughed louder behind them .He marched them out to the car and pushed her into it quickly and quietly before he got in to the drivers seat. HE reaqched over her, strapping her in, arms rubbing against her and he jerked back, as if touching a live wire. He grumbled as he made sure she was in before he turned on the lights and pulled back. He floored it as the two starated to speed off down the main street, a look of something in his eyes.
“A curse? I am not a curse I’m just curios!” Cordelia tried to protest but she wa still more than fearful of the sea and boat rides were not on het agenda though at the thought or mention of them the tiny starlet couldn’t help but look like she had just seen a ghost. Luckily Tim was fast making sure she dropped nothing but just as she was calming down and about to give Jack a tongue lashing for his word the vampire decided to drop a huge bomb on her that made the poor newcomer turn a ghastly shade of white.

With his hands over het mouth again she couldn’t argue but he was threatening her with cuffs and she couldn’t even make a snarky comment since he blurted out how she liked his hands on her which wasn’t a lie since she was tough starved but why would her grandmother think they belonged together?!?!?

Everything he said was something that made the tiny sweet Cordelia mortified! He was over half her age? Why would her grandmother even think that and now the vampire! This had to be an elaborate joke being played in the both of them! With that secret out he had no issues manhandling her and getting her out of the curiosities shop. Frozen in shock he easily got her buckled in and fit the first time since they met Cordelia had no questions and was silent as they took off. When her brushed up against her she’d jerk away but she was now terrified to even look in his direction.

“It’s a joke…an elaborate joke. My dad said grandma liked jokes…that’s it…I….it’s wrong. Don’t worry…it’s wrong. It’s has to be…”not only was she finally speaking but she was not believing it. If he dared to look at her she looked pale but also damn near tears with full out embarrassment. “I’m sorry…please take me to my grandma’s…I’m so sorry I asked for a tour…I’m sorry…I…I shouldn’t have come here…” she pulled her hands to her face hiding in them as the stress made her start to sniffle and cry into her palms.
The man had already been speeding off to the witches house. Intent on shouting at her about this crap. She'd pulled this mystic stuff before, telling people things and spreading weird rumours and things. While most came true after a time, it was still... odd. She was so intent on bringing her grand daughter here. To bring her in and make her close again. To keep her safe and happy and.... he heard the crying and hesitated. He flicked the lights off, slowing down before pulling off to the side of the road, still in a forested area just outside of town.

He heard her sniffle a few more times before he paused and sighed. He undid his seatbelt and leaned over to her, gently putting an arm around her, "Hey now... no crying. Don't you... start... crying. I get it.I'm pissed too. I don't see any reason for you to get so upset though. Its not like I'm gonna... do anything. I promise. Nothing will happen. She's been trying to hook me up with people for a while. Took her till last year for her to finally say she found, the perfect match for me... then she stopped trying. I thought she was done but obviously she was... Listen I need you to stop crying darling," he said as he gently undid her seat belt, "Its alright... everything will be alright princess," he said to her.

He waited for her to at least stop crying before he gently sat back in his own seat and stared the car again. He drove slower now, moving out of town as he made his way to her grandmas house only to see the old gate she had locked up tight. They wouldn't get in that way. He cursed as he sighed, "Your grandma isn't seeing visitors. She's got some spells and such but... if that gate is shut then we ain't gettin in," He said.
Cordelia didn’t even notice him slow down as she didn’t mean to get that emotional on him. This was something her brand mother failed to even mention to her. Was this why she was so eager for her to ‘come home’? The car started to slow and the lights of the siren turned off but even when they finally stopped she was still crying.

Normally she wouldn’t flinch so hard when he got close but his arm around her made her pull away. Not because she didn’t like it but she knew what happened when anyone got close to her. “She’s wrong. I know she wrong ang it’s not you….I know you aren’t going to do anything. I won’t let you. It’s…it’s just…it’s me….she doesn’t mean it…it can’t happen…”she was being very vague but not not blaming him at all. Her face was still hidden and she was still sniffling. It was so sweet as he comforted her and she slowly laid her head on him once the belt was undone though she refused to look at him.

It took a few moments before she’d slow down and stop crying only leaving light sniffles. When she stopped and he started the car again getting her to get grandmother’s the game was locked when she looks up trying to see if there was a way it but it seemed like climbing the gate might be the only way but not the safest. “if I leave town no prophecies or predictions can happen….I could just leave. I’m sorry…she didn’t mention anything like that to me. You’ve been nothing big kind…I didn’t come here to ruin another persons life…” she let slip though didn’t elaborate at all.
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