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Pleasures In Space [IC]

"I mean.. hard to be prepared for something straight out of a pulp novel." Kelly said with a smirk. She gestured to the smaller plants. "Might wanna chop those up before they grow and we have to do this again.. or maybe use a flamethrower?" She offered.

"Anyone hurt? Maeve?" She asked, looking to check that everyone was ok.
Rose holstered her gun and took another long breath, letting the scent of the room wash over her. She shivered despite the heat she felt as the sweetness hit her, goosebumps forming on her exposed flesh. Her heart was still pounding in her chest, even as the rest of her body relaxed now the immediate danger had passed.

At Kelly’s words, Rose glanced sharply over with a disapproving look on her face. “You shouldn’t destroy them just because they’re dangerous,” she said. Her expression softly slightly as she looked back towards the plants, looking across the room and towards the shattered glass where they’d first escaped. “Maybe this just isn’t the right place for them…” she added softly.

Without knowing entirely why she was doing it, the psychic began to slowly cross the room, her veils swishing gently against the grass as she went. There was a slight sway to her hips as she walked, almost an imitation of Alexsis’ sashay. Her back was to most of her companions, but any scientists peeking through the window on their door would have a chance to spot her hardened nipples poking against the thin fabric of her near-transparent shawl.

When she reached the container, she placed one hand against the metal frame — aware enough to avoid the bits of broken glass — and slowly leaned in for a closer, curious look at the remaining plants that called out to her.
As if in response to her-or perhaps in truth in response to her-the plants reach gently for Rose. Beyond the glass, the plants wriggle and move enticingly, emitting more of that lovely scent. One of the tendrils moves directly to Rose's face, caressing her and releasing a little puff of perfume.

A scientist in the room beyond opens the door, and they move quickly through the plant room, holding their breath as they do. In the hall on the other side, the guard who escorted you asks the sensible question of "Why are you holding your breath?"

"Pheromones," one answers a small distance away. "Nothing too dangerous, but with some... Heated effects."

The guard nods with an "Mm-hm," her eyes fixed on the room ahead. "Not dangerous, right?"

Okay. Y'all have three main courses here:

1) Fuck the plants.
2) Fuck the guardswoman.
3) Not fucking. :p

Obviously feel free to mix and match your answers amongst yourselves.
"Huh... Lucky me then.. why don't you guys have masks and oxygen bottles all over the place in case something like this happened?" Kelly asked. That kind of equipment was standard on ships and stations she was used to after all. It seemed to her than an environment where the air may be compromised, or in her case non-existent, might have backups.

Still, that wasn't her problem anymore. Kelly walked over to the guard and gestured to all the dead plants.
"Well.. job's done so far it seems.. wanna go for a drink? I know a spot not far from here." She offered, gesturing to the door they'd burst through. "It's got air conditioning.. if that helps." She added, grinning.
"Uh-huh... what she said... for the second time. Not the destroy them part... Because I do not see any of these brave scientists hurt, and unless they made fighting vines specifically, they should be looking for the cause why they attacked... But to tell the truth, even I would try to claw anyone's eyes out who trapped me if I did not felt good... So, care for your plants, it can't be that hard!" Alexsis looked up at the scientist, still patting the actively curling and wriggling small plants. Then she tried to stand and find Draggy with her eyes. "So, Professor, what we should do next?"
"They're supposed to be contained," one of the scientists replies. "That said, it seems a prudent use of some grant money now that you say it..."

Another of the scientists-there are four of them-says "We're going to need to investigate how they breached the window. Repair shouldn't be too hard, though we have to make sure the remaining plants stay docile."

Draggy looks Alexsis in her eyes and says "I'm sorry that this trip isn't going too well. But we were able to offer help-that's always a good thing." His eyes flick over to the nametag on the scientist that looks most in charge, a large, rotund man. "Doctor Merrow, is there anything else we can do to help?"

Doctor Merrow starts to shake his head, but stops after a mere moment. "There is something that can be done... But I can hardly ask you and your students to do it."

The guard tugs at her collar, drawing attention to her shapely breasts and her own nametag. It reads "Francine."

"Ask anyway," Draggy tells the Doctor. "Worst that happens is we can't help."

"Well... As I'm sure your students have noticed, the plants do have an aphrodisiac effect. As a side effect of the MAP Project, the plants are always secreting some form of pheromone, and this is the least dangerous one. But, as a side effect of this side effect, the plants can get aroused in a an almost-human manner," Merrow says. "It hasn't been an issue before, but the most likely course of action to ensure they stay docile is... Well, the obvious one."
"Well, strip and hop to. Not like you're doing anything useful." Kelly said with a scowl, then turned around and began making her way out. "I'm headed back to the tilted tumbler. If anyone needs me that'll be a good place to look." She said, then paused and looked up to Dreggy. She pulled out her comm pad and showed the draal her id. "Let me know when this is all over and we can get back to the job at hand yeah? I'm sure this'll give you enough material for your studies." She said, then left, climbing over the plant remains. Once back in the corridor, she clicked the safety on her laser rifle, and put it into her backpack, not wanting to raise suspicion.

Out in the corridor, Kelly looked around for a decontamination station or anything of the sort. She wanted to wash any remnants off her helmet and clothing, without risking pouring aphrodisiacs into Eden's water supply. Only after that, and when she was out in fresh air did she take her helmet off. Once she packed it into her bag, the short woman began slowly making her way back to the bar and strip club, though taking a meandering route and looking around. If she was stuck here, might as well do some cheap tourism, and maybe see something interesting.
“Mm,” Rose hummed softly as the tendril caressed her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment as she pressed into the motion, rubbing gently back against the plant and receiving another sweet dose of its pollen in return. These smaller limbs didn’t seem so dangerous, now. Rose wasn’t privy to the conversation going on just outside, but she felt she understood what the plant was saying — what it wanted from her, and what it was offering in turn.

She couldn’t deny that she wanted it. Her body was crying out for her to let go — to step into that sweet-scented, wriggling mass of plants and let her concerns melt away. She could imagine how good it would feel to have those vines wrapped around her body, soft, leafy tendrils caressing and exploring every inch of her flesh… but for the moment she held herself back.

There was something she had to do first.

“Patience,” she whispered softly to the boldest tendril, placing her lips against it for a moment in a soft kiss before turning her gaze regretfully towards the three larger tentacles they’d subdued. She felt a little guilty about that, now. Was there another way this could have ended?

Can I help?, she thought, breathing slowly, forcing herself to focus through the heat. If I help… will you behave?

Rose wasn’t trained as a telepath. The Academy shied away from that kind of thing — few people wanted their doctor prying in their mind and picking up stray secrets while they worked. She knew that the plant wouldn’t be able to understand her.

But the future might.

Rose is committing one effort for the day to activate her Oracle power and ask:
If I give myself over to the plants, and use Psychic Succor to heal the three large tentacles, will they return to their container or will they resume attacking people?

Oracle instantly gives her a vision from her own point of view, up to one minute long. She can only see up to 1 minute in the future with her level of precognition, though.

Effort used: 3/4
She can see that they'll be significantly more passive.
Actually returning them to their appropriate spots will take more than a minute, but even if healed quickly, they won't go on the offense again.
The blonde just giggled, leaning back down to caress the plants. Of course she would be happy to just stretch naked among the mass of plants, but she wouldn't be the first to start undressing. After all, there was enough people around to do that - and she quite loved if she was pampered and even undressed by others.

But she had two free hands to caress, and nudge, playfully showing the plants away from the path, and back to their soil and growing pods.

"If I was a dancing girl in that bar, I would love to give you all a good show... But you wouldn't have the credit for it... On the other hand, if we could become friends, there could be all kinds of benefits..." Alexsis cooed and purred, obviously squirming a little from her arousal, as she spoke towards the plants, but loud enough to be heard even by whoever stood outside of the room.

On the other hand, if nobody stopped her, she would easily loose herself in playing with the wriggly squirmers, after all, as she was not really useful to Draggy's main concern, she could at least give him something to study - because there was no way that she would not return for a more in-depth visit even if they have to leave soon.
“The greatest threat to a precog — or to a telepath — is their own thoughts. Your emotions — your hopes, fears, anxieties, desires — can mislead you. It is all too easy to convince yourself that you have perceived something significant, when you are in fact just looking at your own reflection.”

The professor cast his eyes across his attentive audience, his gaze settling on a young woman in the front row.

“Allow me to demonstrate. Ms. Evergold. Stand up, please.”

She stood, nervously, feeling the eyes of the class on her back.

“What would happen if I were to tell Ms. Evergold to take off all of her clothes?”

A wave of uncertain laughter and excited chatter spread across the room as Rose turned bright red. The professor silenced it with a gesture.

“Most of you will have just pictured a possible future. Some will have pictured her dying of embarrassment, or arguing, or fleeing from the room. Some will have pictured themselves in her place. Many of you will have hoped that she would go through with it… or that I’d take it even further. Ms. Evergold — relax, you can sit down — will be thinking of slapping me, or reporting me to the Dean.”

The professor surveyed the room again, his eyes seeming to bore into the class as Rose sunk back down into her seat.

“Now: Were any of these
true futures? Or were they all just the whispers of your imaginations?

“Do any of you know how to tell?”

She couldn’t be sure. Not with the pollen coursing through her mind and her body crying out for the plant’s touch. Not with her limited vision. She might have just been seeing what she wanted to see — or she might not have been seeing how it would all go wrong a moment later.

Still, she was willing to try. She wanted to try.

“Be careful, Alexsis,” she called out to her companion with a backwards glance over her shoulder, biting her lip subconsciously at the way Alexsis squirmed — and the thought of what she was about to do. Her hand went to her shawl as she spoke, loosening it where it pulled tight over her chest. “The big ones will recover in a moment. I’ll catch up with you and Mr. Draggy afterwards.”

Her shawl fluttered to the ground. Her gun holster followed a moment later, then her veils as she unclipped the girdle from her waist and let it drop. Clad only in a thin white thong and a pair of sandals, she stepped carefully through the broken glass and into the plant’s main container.

Ok, she thought, with a thrill, as she spread her arms and reached for the base of the damaged tendrils. I’m yours. Go ahead and take me.

Committing her last point of Effort for the day to activate Psychic Succor again, which she'll use to heal the plants.
Psychic Succor can automatically stabilize a mortally-wounded target as a Main Action if used within six rounds of their collapse, and additionally restores 1d6+1 hit points, reviving them and allowing them to act normally on the next round.
"Let's hope they have no memories of before..." Alexsis grinned, and kept looking at the impromptu striptease "... or if they do remember, you like spanking..." she herself wouldn't get closer than her to the big ones, even if she wondered how they would regenerate this fast. But it was getting hotter, and this hotness was not something her climate controlled protective clothes could help her with. With another look around and back at the 'professor', she winked at him, and started to shrug off the protective jacket. "I am more of a caresses kind of girl." While being careful about the revitalizing big ones, Alexsis would try to get a massage out of the small ones by backing against them, and returning to stroke her now naked hands and arms against them.
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The botanical garden employees avert their eyes, with Doctor Merrow adding a "Thank you. We'll give you a little privacy."

At Rose's touch, the large tendrils stir a little. Their currently-damaged forms wriggle and move, some of the burn marks recovering visibly in moments. Alexsis feels the littler ones caressing and stroking her, light tickles of plant life across her back and butt. The plants try and invade her clothing, but these small ones lack the reach and strength to properly do so, though the little ones at her feet provide delightful tickles.

With the larger ones, they start to perk up, moving for Rose's sensitive spots. One winds its way along her leg, reaching up and almost tearing her thong as it curls along her thigh. The next one, its base higher up, seems to know where the source of the healing came from, the tip of it moving to her head. It releases gentle pheromones, exciting the psychic even more. The third one moves and caresses her bare breasts, squeezing strongly, but not painfully.
“Ah!” Rose gasped and shivered in delight as she felt the tendril creep up her thigh. She wouldn’t have minded if it had torn her thong. Her body was waiting for it, wet and trembling with anticipation. She wasn’t normally so sensitive, but repeated doses of the plant’s pollen had her every nerve on-edge — and on top of all that there was her own psionic energy, thrumming and flowing outwards as she focused on healing the plant. Every touch seemed magnified, every sensation stretched…

When the third vine took hold of her breasts, she almost came on the spot.

A surprised, throaty moan escaped the young psychic as her knees momentarily gave out, but she caught herself with her hands against the bulky base of the higher tentacle. Her arms were stretched up overhead in a way that drew her spine out, her ass and stomach muscles taunt and her chest thrust forward. She took a moment to catch her breath, eyes and mouth wide as she panted heavily — then she tried to tilt her head backwards, wetting her lips as she looked towards the tentacle moving above her and took in another burst burst of its pheromones.

She wanted to kiss and taste it, to stroke it and treat it like a lover — but for the moment she was off-balance, helplessly open before its teasing and its explorations, unable to respond in kind. Another, slightly more needy moan slipped in amongst her panting breaths. Her lower body squirmed, her knees parting a little more as she subconsciously tried to spread her thighs, inviting the climbing tentacle further. She did her best to stay focused, and keep her energy flowing.

It wasn't easy.
With the other two 'student' leaving, and even the guard and scientists giving them privacy, Alexsis had nothing else to focus on other than the plants than Rose... And it was definitely something to see. And hear. And kind of smell/feel, leaving the blonde breathing deeply and kind of moaning with the other blonde.

Licking her lips, Alexsis kept staring at Rose, while finally stepping out of her protective clothes fully. The undergarment - an almost chromed partial graphene body glove - would be very minimalist evening gown missing the skirt part... While it covered her private parts making her decent, it really left her arms, legs, and almost all of her back naked to the caresses of the plants.

She was almost salivating at the show, her arousal high enough to have her nipples show through the dress and her pussy drip enough to overflow the cloth and her juices start to wet her thighs.
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