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Pleasures In Space [IC]

Kelly’s offhand suggestion brought Rose to a shocked halt. She supposed that it made sense to think ruthlessly, given the situation they were discussing, but she still hadn’t expected the chirpy young woman to raise an option like that so casually! It was a sharp reminder that these strangers, no matter how friendly they seemed, were mercenaries; inherently dangerous people.

The psychic shook herself, and hastened to keep in step.

“Some kind of sedative would be ideal,” she offered, looking to Mr. Draggy for advice. “Something that could be inhaled or injected, in the event we are in a position to catch one of them by surprise. I’d say something like chloroform, if we were dealing with humans, but I’m not familiar enough with Draal biology to know what would work.”

Of course, if it came down to it, they could always physically subdue someone; her abilities ought to be enough to keep that from going too far. She didn’t really want to float that as Plan A, though.
"Helium has a soporific effect on us," Draggy tells you when asked about chemicals. "Though I don't know where a large supply could be found. And there are no seeds-that's simply what the cargo is listed as."

You discuss a little more as you reach the Botanical Gardens. There's the public area, with the more mundane and aesthetic plants, filled maybe halfway with exuberant youngsters, curious adults, and the occasional weary parent. This part is a mix between tourist attraction and museum-nothing of particular note, though there are plenty of fun facts around.

The pass Alexsis has, though, allows you access to some less well-travelled spots. She and Draggy take point, and show the document to an attendant directing people. He unlocks the door behind him and gestures you through, closing it behind you. Inside, the rooms are much more drab-utilitarian, rather than showy. Before you have a chance to do much exploring, though, someone in a lightly-armored suit rushes to you. "Thank gods you're here!" she says. "Follow me, right away-good thing you came so fast, the plants have gone crazy."
"Umm... Who you think we are, miss? Not that we are not them, but nobody really said anything about what is happening here?" Alexsis is still thinking about the Helium, and thus she is not really in the right mindset to play at being someone else than she is... but being helpful by her nature, she shakes her head. While the last party did not had enough helium balloons to fill a room with the gas, she did breathe some of it and spoke like a mouse in a cartoon after that. And that makes her grin even now.

"What happened with the plants? Did they got something different or was there a change of their usual surroundings in the last days?" she really hoped that Draggy knew more about plants, being a biologist.
"The MAP Project-some of them breached containment," she says. "You're armed, you can help."

Draggy seems to recognize the term, but you don't really have time to listen to an explanation, as the guard hurries you along. Soon, you've reached a doorway with a clearly audible commotion from the inside. "Three of them got loose-be careful."
Kelly quickly reached over and yanked her laser rifle from her bag. At first she aimed it at the guard, but seeing he didn't seem hostile, she held it at a low ready.

"You know, I'm starting to feel like the universe really wants me to fight. I walk into a stripclub and end up signing up to stop terrorists. Walk into a botanical garden and get voluntold to fight plants. The only way this day could get weirder is if I got given my own capital warship and a small army of busty sex robots." Kelly said, looking to the rest of the group with a grin. "Fingers crossed eh?" she added.

When they were all at the door, Kelly looked over, mainly at Maeve given she was probably the toughest looking bar Draggy.
"Women and Draal first?" she asked, trying to peek through the doorway to see what exactly they were up against.
The door has a small window, and there's writhing green tentacles on the inside. There's a second door on the far side, which the plant tendrils seem to be going for, and just barely visible through that window, some terrified looking folk in lab coats.
"Ah.. lots of green tentacles, and some scientist looking types. Let's all burst in and be heroes shall we?" Kelly said, checking her weapon to make sure she was good to go.
Listening to Draggy speak, Maeve would simply nod. Her job wouldn't really be changed, since she's only got the stun baton, but it is good to know where not to hit in the case keeping people alive is the concern. Even better to know not to stay near the mid-side nor be in reach of the bottom arms. All useful info to be tucked away for any potential fights. When Kelly suggests a rather cold idea to blow away the terrorists in space, the merc would raise an eyebrow, but not comment, as it was clear the intent was non-lethality.

When Alexsis responds to her, Maeve nods at her inquiry to the heat. "My armor's basically a boiler on this planet, yeah. But I ain't keen on gettin' stabbed or shot or whatever. Not that I expect it to happen on a scoutin' trip, but it's best to be safe, y'know?" At the multiple rather open double entendre and an invitation to dance, Maeve would once again raise her eyebrow, only to be blocked by the helmet she'd already put on as Alexsis spoke. "Uh, alright... I guess I could dance, but this don't seem too cut 'n' dry, if you're askin' me..."

When Draggy expands upon what chemicals might be of use, Maeve nods, but is also unsure where a reasonable place to supply that would be. Sounded more like Alexsis' wheelhouse, so she'll let her come up with ideas therein. However, as the group reaches the Gardens, they were quickly brought into a problem those here were actually dealing with. Maeve grimaces under the mask as the researcher explains that some of the plants were rowdy, and she was wishing she had brought her spear, now.

Looking through the window on the door, the merc took a second to breathe deep, composing herself as she pulls out her stun baton. "Right. I'll be takin' point, as I gotta get up there, when you're all ready, I'll kick in the door, and we'll deal with 'em, yeah? Simple as simple does, I doubt the plants can be all too smart..." As she finished speaking, the armored woman squares up in front of the door, baton in hand and more than ready to get in there.
The Botanical Gardens had been on Rose’s list to visit at some point during her trip. She would’ve liked more time to just look around as a tourist. Tarxsis Prime was a particularly cold world, especially relative to Eden — there was snow in the capital half the year round — and so she was curious to see what the spread of plant life here looked like, and how it compared to the great greenhouses of the Royal Gardens back home. Of course, now that she was here her attention was mostly focused on looking at things with a critical eye, trying to imagine how the walkways might serve as entry points or cover during a fight — and she didn’t even get to do much of that before they passed into the back areas and were dragged into trouble.

Following Maeve and Kelly’s lead, Rose drew her pistol from its holster and held it ready by her side, clicking the safety off. The way she handled the weapon revealed that she was familiar with it, at least, even if she wasn’t a fighter herself. She felt a mix of anticipation and nerves building her stomach as she prepared, wishing that she was wearing a little, well, more for this — but at least they were only up against plants. How dangerous could those be?

“Ready,” she nodded seriously to Maeve.
Turning towards the woman in the lightly-armored suit who seemed to be happy that some people with weapons would help getting the trapped lab people out, Alexsis curiously asks "And what are these plants are looking for? Water, food, freedom, or are they blooming? Just how aggressive and dangerous are they? Is it enough to save those people and keep them contained in the room, or do we have to kill these waving wisterias?" anyway, she was staying in the back, letting the ones with the weapons and better ideas go through the door.
"They're expensive," the guard tells you, "but people's lives matter more. I don't know what exactly caused this-I'm not on the science side."

With time running quickly, you knock the door down. One of the plants whips over and smacks into Maeve, causing some harm, while the other plants start moving for those in the room.

18 to-hit, 4 damage.

While hostile, the plants also have an alluring smell to them. Something faintly sweet, something that calls to you. Something arousing.
No longer a participant to the conversation Alexsis was having with the guard, it almost bleeds away from Maeve as she focuses on the door, listening only for the calls of readiness from the others. Since Kelly seemed to already know the score, it was not a second after Rose announced herself as prepared that Maeve lunged forward, kicking the door open and rushing into the throng of plants. The immediate thing that pops into the merc's mind is that something is clearly strange about the smell in here. She had armor and a helmet on, so it wasn't full blast, but it wasn't like the thing was airtight. It knocks her into a reverie for a moment, as she's still running.

However, she's swiftly taken out of it as she sees one of the plants' tentacles whipping around. Knowing she couldn't match against the speed, she slows to a crawl, and leans back as it hits her, dispersing the force as much she can, and then immediately squares up with the baton. Maeve maintains a strange flow of movement, not unlike a boxer as she lashes out with the stun baton, going first for light jabs before trying to set up a more extended exposure for the plant. As she combats it, she calls back to the others, "Focus your fire! If we need to remove them one by one, that's better than letting them have the run of the place while only sustaining injury!"

Maeve will use her Instant Warrior ability to negate the successful attack of the plant, taking no damage, and then attack the one that attacked her.
Attack: 11
Damage: 9 if a hit, 2 from Shock if she misses as Maeve treats all targets as having AC 10 for purposes of Shock
8-Plant One [-2]
6-Plant Two

4-Plant Three

Another one of the thick vines crashes into Maeve.

There's a lot of smaller tendrils that aren't quite so dangerous, but are still squirming and wriggling in an animate fashion.

17 to-hit, 2 damage.
Rose was just a few steps behind Maeve, but she broke off as the mercenary charged into melee — instead hurrying to a position off to the right side of the room, where she’d have a clearer angle on the mass of plants. The young woman planted her feet as she raised her pistol, taking up a firing stance that was better suited to a firing range than a live fight; stable but too stationary, not ideal for reacting to incoming danger.

“Got it!” She called back in response to Maeve’s instructions, training her gun on the tentacle the woman was fighting. She didn’t fire right away, but took a slow, steadying breath as she waited patiently, taking in the rhythm of the fight, looking for a moment where Maeve wouldn’t be in danger of stepping into her line of fire. The air was surprisingly sweet and heavy, and something about it sent a flush along the young woman’s cheeks and across her exposed skin — but she did her best to ignore that for now, focusing on finding the right moment…

There. The bulk of the plants drew back for a second as a second thick tentacle struck at Maeve and Rose used the moment to squeeze her trigger, firing a thin red blast at the tendril Maeve had been fighting.

Firing on the plant Maeve has already damaged.
To-Hit: 1d20 + 1 = 17
Damage: 1d6 + 0 = 4
HP: 4/4
AC: 10
Effort: 2/4
Ammo: 9/10
The last thing Kelly did before Maeve kicked the door in was slip her helmet on. They were plants not people, but it was still a good idea to try to avoid a concussion or brain damage. Just as she heard it seal, it seemed everything kicked off. She watched Maeve run in, and Rose after her. Kelly herself wasn't far behind Rose. With her rifle, it was clear she wasn't one for melee where possible. She dropped to one knee and took aim at a plant, but just as she was about to let off a burst, her target dropped dead from Rose's shot.
"Great minds think alike huh?" She said, her voice slightly muffled through the helmet.

With the first pick of target dead, Kelly switched to the next nearest one. Since she was already in a good firing position, she took a second to aim, before squeezing the trigger. A burst of bright, almost eye-burning red light shot from the muzzle at the plant thing.
Using burst fire on my laser rifle:
Laser Rifle: +4 to hit, 1d10+2 dmg, rng 300/500, mag 20, burst fire (uses 3 ammo, +6 to hit, 1d10+4 damage), ash
or sand cloud applies up to a -4 to hit and halves range., TL 4, TL 4

Firing at Plant Two:
1d20+6: 6+6= 12 to hit
1d10+4: 1+4= 5 damage :(

Also going to plagiarise Rose and post status:
HP: 4/4
AC: 14
Ammo: 17/20
Shaking her head slightly and sighing, Alexsis looked after the three women. "A little bit trigger happy, aren't they?" she checked on their Draal 'professor' with a small smile, then carefully tiptoeing after the three, she peeked into the room, to see more of the plants and the situation. She was curious if there were more contained plants, than the three obvious free ones - but she was also trying to see if they obviously broke out, or it was more of an accidental burst to freedom. Also, she was looking for any fallen people or ones trapped within the room with the 'wild' plants.

She could not stop herself smelling what is going on, and not being in the fight - at least by her standards - she still felt the arousal growing. It was just such a situation that while the other three had other things to care for, Alexsis could realize that it was much more of a sexual arousal, than a fear for life. One could even say, that she was much more focused on the good sensations, than rightfully concerned with the fight that was going on, but who knew her would just put it up to her usual blonde hedonistic demeanor.

AC: 14 (Secure clothing+DEX)
No Notice, low Wisdom...
maybe a little Sneak from dex?
6-Plant Two

Kelly's gun nips another of the plants in the bud, leaving just one large one thrashing around.

There are plenty of plants beyond the threatening ones-smaller tendrils less capable of causing harm, some flowers and buds, and a short veneer of grass. They're leaning in from beyond some broken glass, but luckily, it seems the science team had time to evacuate to the far room. The only people currently in the room are you three, with Draggy staying just outside, but ready to come in if someone needs the help.

Alexsis, as she steps in, accidentally steps on some of the smaller tendrils closer to the wall. These ones, while still mobile, aren't quite so dangerous. A few of them curl around her ankle, tugging with a gentle insistence.
As the second plant closes the distance, Maeve keeps an eye on it, even as she keeps control over the battle with the first, and she raises an arm to block the attack on her, leaving it without any appreciable effect. A bit worried about the fight on two fronts, the merc is happy to see the first one she engaged with getting gunned down, as well as another one. Maeve turns to the last plant, and interposes herself a bit, staying off to the side to allow the others to get a shot, but not letting it freely run towards them.

Focusing on positioning more than attacking, however, was less than useful for the prospects of Maeve getting a decisive hit. She was still doing something to the plant, but the continued usage of the stun baton only really made her reaffirm the feeling of regret for not bringing her spear.

Attack: 6
I won't bother with damage, so it's 2 from Shock

I guess I'll also be yoinking the status page:
HP: 7/7
AC: 18
6-Plant Two [-2]

It retracts slightly at the touch of the stun baton, though it hit a part that was not so conductive. Still, the shock seems to have thrown the plant off, as it fails to connect when it thrusts forward towards Maeve.

10 to-hit, which should be a miss, methinks.
Rose didn’t reply to Kelly’s comment, but a slight smirk did cross the psychic’s face as the first plant dropped. She turned her gun onto the final target, repeating her patient strategy from before — waiting for the moment when it lashed out at Maeve, then firing as it withdrew. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the heat spreading across her body making it hard to focus…

… and it was enough to distract her, throwing off her aim this time. Her laser blast scored the wall behind the leafy tendril, and she let out an irritated “tch”, loud enough that Kelly would hear it.

To-Hit: 1d20 + 1 = 3
Damage was a 6, at least! 😅
HP: 4/4
AC: 10
Effort: 2/4
Ammo: 8/10
Seeing two plants fall, Kelly quickly shifted to aim at the third. She tried not to pay attention to what else was happening while she was lining up. Breath in, hold, breath out, squeeze the trigger. Another burst of bright red light flashed towards the plant at the speed of.. well of light. It was only then that the short woman glanced around, seeing her teammates acting.. off? She'd only known these people for an hour or so. Kelly was to put it frankly, better with starships than people. Yet she could still tell something was wrong.

Kelly glanced up to Rose and cocked an eyebrow inside her helment.
"You ok up there?" She asked, though quickly glanced back to the room, keeping an eye out for further dangers.

Same shit different turn. Burst fire at ze remaining planty boi.

1d20+6: 5+6= 11 to hit
1d10+4: 9+4= 13 damage :D

HP: 4/4
AC: 14
Ammo: 14/20
6-Plant Two [-2]

The last of the dangerous plants is still active.
Alexsis was distracted by the wriggling of the small vines or roots at her feet. Thinking that the other three girl would easily free the trapped scientists, she squatted down to pat the curious - and for her friendly looking - small plants. The blonde wanted to make sure she did not squashed them/it, but was already thinking of walking on the wriggly-grass with naked feet... Even if right then and there she was dressed for protection, mostly from the elements.
Having left room for the others to take shots, even if they didn't fell the plant itself, it did work to keep it penned in. Maeve made quick use of such an opening and lunges forward, almost using the baton like a rapier as she exposes the plant to a rather potent jolt of electricity, finally getting her first good hit in on this fight. Even though she was in the midst of this fight, though, she keeps her head on a swivel for any other problems.

Attack: 21
Damage: 9
HP: 7/7
AC: 18
The last of the vicious plants is taken down, crumpling to the ground inanimate.

The guard who led you here lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you," she says. "They did not prepare us for this."

There's still a good number of vines and tendrils moving, but the remainder are smaller and less alacritous.
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