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What am I Doing Wrong? Help Me Find Out

Vapor Phoenix

May 19, 2024
First, I want to thank anyone that comes into this thread to offer input. The fact that you're here sitting down and reading stuff you're not into only to help a fellow roleplayer out says you're a kind person willing to lend a hand to those that ask.

Ever since I joined I had zero luck with my RTs. I haven't gotten a single bite out of any of them. I reworked them both. Left stuff open so people could come in and get a general idea, no traction. Added some barebones ideas meant for mutual discussion, no traction. Reworded some stuff, no traction.

I am at a loss here. I even used BBCode to stand out from the rest, kept everything tidy and made everything as compact as possible to avoid boring people. I clean my bumps so I don't make a second page and even offered pointers back up because I read some people get sent to the replies rather than the main post.

I made two RT's to even the odds a bit, having my Main Thread and My more "Normal" Thread, thinking that msybe the more normal one would get some traction but not even that.

What would you say? Is there anything I can do to fix my absolute lack of luck in this site or should I just forget about RP?
I think the threads themselves look fine (good, even!) But just understand with the titles, you're already marketing to a niche(r) genre in the RP community, not that there's anything wrong with that! I personally, do not enjoy playing monstrous girls or MILFS very often or at all, and since they were both in the thread titles, I likely wouldn't click on them just scrolling by-- I also tend to be very vanilla compared to most though so do with that information what you will, I'm simply just stating why I personally wouldn't click at first glance!

I think if you're open to your partners playing a myriad of different women then you should make your Thread Title a bit more broad if you're open to it. Of course, not saying you have to change your ways or what you'd like to see-- but understand you're not going to be pulling from as large of a pool with a niche(r) kink right out of the gate.

For me, I'm basically only looking for Fandom plots and that's clear in my thread title so I 95% of the time get people also looking for fandom play, Fandom is extremely broad as a term hence why I tend to get several responses (also the unfortunate truth is that it seems F Request threads get more popular responses than M Request threads, I don't make the rules >.<). I have some very niche fandoms and pairings that I still have not gotten bites for and I fully accept and understand that if I'm bumping for something very popular, I'll get it ten fold, but if I want a specific kink or a specific pairing that people are less familiar with, it's honestly a coin toss on whether or not you'll be able to do it at all, just the unfortunate truth.

So my suggestion is to make it clear if you're open to playing against other types of women outside the niche, and if not-- well, try bumping on the weekends. I find I get far more responses bumping on a Saturday/Friday evening rather than in the middle of the week.

Just my two cents, take my advice with a grain of salt, but just thought I'd offer my chip!
First, thanks for your input!
I think the threads themselves look fine (good, even!) But just understand with the titles, you're already marketing to a niche(r) genre in the RP community, not that there's anything wrong with that! I personally, do not enjoy playing monstrous girls or MILFS very often or at all, and since they were both in the thread titles, I likely wouldn't click on them just scrolling by-- I also tend to be very vanilla compared to most though so do with that information what you will, I'm simply just stating why I personally wouldn't click at first glance!

I am aware that my main thread is more niche. But it would have never occurred to me that human or furry MILFS were of that category. Although considering the lack of luck, it does make sense in hindsight.

I wouldn't know what to make of the titles in all honesty. People's time is very important so I wouldn't want to put something vague only for them having to read and click out, maybe even with a bit of frustration that I wasn't blunt enough 😅.

So my suggestion is to make it clear if you're open to playing against other types of women outside the niche, and if not-- well, try bumping on the weekends. I find I get far more responses bumping on a Saturday/Friday evening rather than in the middle of the week.

I mean. I want what I want hehe. For more general "tastes" I resort to looking for other people's posts but I rarely if ever find anything that catches my eye and those that have weren't looking. I got a single partner this way. Which I enjoy writing with and all, but sometimes we also want to write what we want to write hahaha. If it hadn't been for that one user my account would just be an ornament at this point lol. As per bumping. I had been doing it consistently but no luck. Weekends, work days, morning, afternoon, evening. "Fishes" just don't seem to like my "bait" 🤣
I agree with Mint, I think the threads look fine. I think the titles are very on point with what it is you're looking for, so that uninterested in that type of RP aren't going to click.. which seems to be what you want... Not to waste anyone's time. The titles are a bit long (IMO), but I've seen and admittedly clicked on longer ones, so that might not be a huge deal.

I think that the biggest problem you're facing, as Mint pointed out, is the niche interest. Mommy types and Dommes seem to be in short supply, as are women willing to play the older role... And then finding one willing to play as feral/furry... It's limiting the pool even more.

I, however, don't agree with...
also the unfortunate truth is that it seems F Request threads get more popular responses than M Request threads...
I had another account for playing make characters, that I have since retired, and I got swamped with interest there, possibly even moreso than on this account.

That is not the point of this though, so...

Have you considered offering to double up? Playing something that wouldn't normally be so tailored to your interest in order to get a partner willing to play what you want, too... You would, of course, need to be willing to compromise for it to work... But it might be worth it for you.

I would also suggest maybe offering up some writing samples, it helps potential partners get a better idea of what you're bringing to the table.

I do hope you find partners, and have all the RP you can stand!! Good luck & best wishes!!
I agree with Mint, I think the threads look fine. I think the titles are very on point with what it is you're looking for, so that uninterested in that type of RP aren't going to click.. which seems to be what you want... Not to waste anyone's time. The titles are a bit long (IMO), but I've seen and admittedly clicked on longer ones, so that might not be a huge deal.

I think that the biggest problem you're facing, as Mint pointed out, is the niche interest. Mommy types and Dommes seem to be in short supply, as are women willing to play the older role... And then finding one willing to play as feral/furry... It's limiting the pool even more.

So, threads themselves aren't the issue (anymore). Which is a bit relieving. Now the issue is demand.

Although, the reply does make me notice that people may think I look for exclusively dommes which is not entirely the case. "Mommy Subs" would definitely be welcome, just like more sub ferals. Maybe I'll need to give it a little of a touch up right there? Although, I am well aware it won't be a magic cure because regardless, not many people like to play female ferals, and much less older women at least for more wholesome settings.

Have you considered offering to double up? Playing something that wouldn't normally be so tailored to your interest in order to get a partner willing to play what you want, too... You would, of course, need to be willing to compromise for it to work... But it might be worth it for you.
I had very disappointing experiences involving doubling so I've been putting the idea aside for a bit. Don't get me wrong, It's a good advice and I will still implement it, despite my reluctance haha. But I left because even by offering doubling, the well had eventually dried up for me.

Alright, I got a bit of an update idea: merging both posts and using the remaining one as the doubling-centered post (because by experience. Saying "I double" in the post I want to attract attention to doesn't tend to work on its own.

Maybe, together with a double emphasis approach on doubling, that MAY increase my odds. Sorry for the overexposure, I usually explain what I am gonna do so it convinces me hahaha.

I would also suggest maybe offering up some writing samples, it helps potential partners get a better idea of what you're bringing to the table.

There's an issue with this. The lack of interest makes me less motivated to write a sample, which most people already not interested in the post won't read anyways. That and my imposter syndrome...yeah, it'll be a while before I let anyone see stuff made a la Kojima hehe (by me, with me, for me).

Regardless. The input did give me an idea which has potential.

I do hope you find partners, and have all the RP you can stand!! Good luck & best wishes!!

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it! From the kind words, the input, and your time. Such a sweet poison, the kind one needs to be careful around ;) hahaha.

Anyhow. Will get myself on that. Although the results will be known anywhere from tomorrow to the next Sunday lol
Now the issue is demand.

This, truly, may resolve with patience, and time. Think about how many people browse the forums on this site on a given day. Now consider how many simply aren't looking for the same things you are. In with all of those people, are those who don't have time to take on new partners right now. Aren't in the headspace to write. Are on hiatus, or dealing with real life obligations...

Someone once said that it's really a miracle that anything gets written at all. Given the sheer amount of chance it takes to meet someone you vibe with, has the time to write, and will stay invested in the story you create, it shouldn't be surprising, or discouraging, to have to invest some time into the search before you find something worthwhile. Though, I do understand how it can discourage someone from trying, when it feels like you're shouting into an empty room.

I can only draw from personal experience when I say: it takes time. I've been on this site for 10 years, and I can count on one hand the amount of stories I've successfully gotten started, and maintained. The same of the people I've met, who have remained a part of my potential partner bench. There've been flashes in the pan here, or brief encounters there, but mostly it's a waiting game.

The good news is you can, and should, use that time to hone yourself. Write something you enjoy, until you find someone to enjoy it with you. Don't stop, because that's the quickest way to make sure nothing will happen.

Good luck.

Think about how many people browse the forums on this site on a given day. Now consider how many simply aren't looking for the same things you are. In with all of those people, are those who don't have time to take on new partners right now. Aren't in the headspace to write. Are on hiatus, or dealing with real life obligations...

Someone once said that it's really a miracle that anything gets written at all.

It indeed is, by numbers/math alone that it is a miracle to find someone to write in taking that into consideration. Hence why I consider Roleplaying Venues to be similar to Gachas where you get a set number of pulls a day. Good thing is, unlike Gachas, the pulls are free hahaha.

Though, I do understand how it can discourage someone from trying, when it feels like you're shouting into an empty room.

This is oddly helpful, understanding someone may feel discouraged. Now, yes. I know: Nobody owes us anything and we neither do. But it does hit a bit here and there. Having someone understand those thoughts is weirdly encouraging.

The good news is you can, and should, use that time to hone yourself. Write something you enjoy, until you find someone to enjoy it with you. Don't stop, because that's the quickest way to make sure nothing will happen.

Good luck.

May need to get into some storytelling and writing course one day. Anyways. Thanks for encouraging me to not throw the towel on this hobby!
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