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Valorverse: The World Tournament Arc

During the thirty minute break before the finals, Crusader and Lithuel got more medical treatment. Existence meditated to center himself before the big fight. Lone Wolf repeated his message for Lithuel to win. Crusader walked Lithuel back to the sidelines.

"If you want to succeed me, now's your chance. Good luck."

Crusader returned to his VIP booth and sat down. Lithuel and Existence stood on the sidelines. Jack got on the microphone.

"It all comes down to this. One of these men will become the new Champion of Earth One and leader of Team Firestar. Who will it be?"

The two competitors shook hands and took their positions. When the signal was given, they both flared up with Soul Auras. It was all or nothing time. Lithuel's soul screamed and he unleashed all of his power. It let him resist both the psychic and reality changing power of Existence. His power and speed increased to maximum levels.

This is it!!!

Lithuel shot forward at speed that couldn't be measured or imagined. He landed a maximum power punch right between Existence's eyes. The Omega-class mutant flew through the wall and kept bouncing and tumbling for hundreds of miles. The stadium was forced to dispatch planes in order to verify his consciousness. The time passed with tense suspense but the message to the broadcast booth from the plane determined the result.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Lithuel is the Champion!"

The crowd absolutely lost their minds.

"Lithuel is the Champion! Team Firestar has a new leader!"

I...I did it...!

Lithuel collapsed face down into unconsciousness.
One hour later, Lithuel had woken up from his unconsciousness. Existence had returned and fixed the stadium. Thanks to his reality changing powers, he had healed both himself and Shell Shock after he came to. Crusader was with everyone as they gathered around Lithuel's infirmary bed. He extended his hand toward Lithuel.

"Congratulations, Champion."

Lithuel beamed as tears flowed from his eyes. He grasped Crusader's hand, feeling euphoric.

"I'll make you proud."

"I know you will."

Everyone was misty-eyed except Cybernator, who had left earlier. A new era for Team Firestar had just begun.

After a small party to celebrate Lithuel's win and see Crusader off, Team Firestar and the Shadow Force assembled in a corn field in Illinois. It would be Crusader's farewell for five years. He hugged everyone until it was time for Lithuel. Instead of a hug, the two did a clasping high five.

"I'm coming to reclaim my title in five years, so don't you dare lose it until then," Crusader said with a smile.

"I'm not going to let you have it," Lithuel shot back with his own smile.

The two stared each other down, two Champions seeking to excel. Their eyes were filled with fierce warmth. They truly loved and respected each other. They were the best of friends. The best of rivals. The best of warriors.

No one could keep a dry eye. Even Existence wept with joy. He had never seen a purer display of true brotherhood. Siren had never loved her uncles more. Everyone was filled with joy. Things could not have looked brighter.

Crusader and Lithuel began screaming. Their Soul Auras flared up. Their souls were screaming as their power soared. The entire planet shook. Their Soul Auras together were as bright as the sun. The two disappeared from sight in a shining whiteout.

Crusader Will Return...
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