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Valorverse: The World Tournament Arc

True Grave

Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
One Week Later

Rise had returned to his home world. Firestar, feeling sorry for the state of Rise's world, decided to find a New God to take jurisdiction of it. The search was ongoing. In the meantime, refugees were being allowed to settle on the depopulated planets in the Plutarch System. Though it was tragic how it came about, something good was being made from it. Team Firestar was helping with the coordination.

Crusader had attended a memorial service to mourn Jukei. Though he had been a traitor to his people, he had also been Valor's best friend. Valor was haunted by his broken promises even as he tried to move past the guilt. He suspected that some part of him would never forgive himself. Jukei had made his own choices, but Valor had to wonder if he had driven his friend to those choices. It would take a long time for him to heal, if he ever fully could.

On Planet Grym, Dulzak had taken power once again. However, he had renounced Omega and was working with Team Firestar to create a new system of government. Environmental experts from Kash-Volt were attempting to terraform Grym and bring life back to it. Dulzak had dismantled part of the military and was devoting resources to education and science. A society built on Omega's corruption would take a long time to heal from it. Despite this, for the first time ever, the light of hope burned in the hearts and minds of the Grymwar.
"Whaaat?!" Shell Shock exclaimed.

Crusader nodded.

"That's right."

"Could you repeat that again? There must be something wrong with my ears."

"There's nothing wrong with your ears, Nick."

Crusader took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I'm stepping down from my position as Champion of Earth One. Naturally, that also means giving up being the leader of Team Firestar. I'm going to go live on Combatia, where I will become the best Destroyer I can be."

This repeated news was met with stunned silence. Everyone needed a moment to process what he had said.

"You'll renounce your title at the World Tournament?" Existence asked.

"Yes, I will. I'll be staying for the tournament, though, so you guys better put on a good show."

Shell Shock couldn't help but grin.

"I'm upset, but I can't help but be excited that the title is up for grabs."

This was a sentiment shared by all of Team Firestar.
One Week Later

Crusader held a press conference at the World Tournament announcing his vacating of the championship title and his temporary retirement from Team Firestar. Naturally, the media bombarded him with questions. He answered none and left the podium. Later that same day, in a meeting with tournament officials, he received tickets for VIP seating. As the first ever Champion, he even received them for free. Crusader would have the best seats in the house for the upcoming tournament.

The tournament would limit participation to one hundred competitors. The preliminaries would be a series of ten battle royales in which one competitor per round would win. The final ten competitors would compete in the main tournament. The winner would be named Champion of Earth One for five years and become the new leader of Team Firestar. There was a lot of money and prestige on the line. Who would become Crusader's successor?
The day of the tournament was sunny and clear, though that was irrelevant to the indoor World Tournament Stadium in Manhattan, New York. The venue was sold out to a capacity crowd of 90,000 seats. Billions around the world were watching from home on streaming services like Chillflix. Everybody was excited to see who the best fighter in the world would turn out to be. Existence was the favourite to win, but none of Team Firestar could be underestimated. For second stringers like the Shadow Force, this was a chance to move up to the big show.

Crusader was watching from a VIP lounge with air conditioning, room service, and a private bathroom. His seat was incredibly comfortable and he was reclined back while holding soda and popcorn. Having made his decision, he was going to take this time to relax.

You think Existence is going to win, too, Scott?

Most likely. With nine other major competitors, though, even he can't be complacent.


Returning to the broadcast booth were Jack Joyce and Jill Hoyleton. Rock music stirred up the crowd and T-shirt cannons fired into the crowd. Signs for Team Firestar were waving everywhere. Some had even come to the event cosplaying as Lithuel, Spirit Rider, or Shell Shock. There was even a guy dressed in mock-up Crusader armor taking a picture. The atmosphere was joyous and electric.


The first round of the battle royale began at seven in the evening. Shield generators were activated to protect the crowd while security protected the generators. The guards were on loan from Shadowgreen and had force field powers. A random selection put Existence in the first round. In typical fashion, he put his competitors to sleep. Despite the lack of excitement, the crowd still went wild.


The losers of the tournament were still allowed to stay and watch the event from a special lounge. The next round was particularly exciting, as Lithuel would be competing in it. He decided to take it easy and just use his fists.

"Well, let's see if you guys can entertain me," he said with amused confidence.

His nine competitors all took stances and carefully sized him up. Lithuel didn't bother to take a stance, confident that he wouldn't need it for these small fry.
Lithuel waited for his opponents to come to him. As expected, they all moved to attack him at once. It was their best strategy, though doomed to fail. Lithuel moved faster than the human eye could see and moved through them to stand on the other side. All nine competitors collapsed into unconsciousness. The crowd went insane.

The white-haired nephilim walked over to stand next to Existence on the sidelines.

"You feel so bored right now, don't you?" the psychic asked.

Lithuel exhaled in embarrassment.

"Can't fool you."

"If we both make it to the finals, let's have a great fight."

"Deal," Lithuel replied with excitement burning in his eyes.
The third round of the preliminaries involved Spirit Rider. He was as relaxed as always, not even seeming to care about the pressure. When the signal was given, he used his expert control of the wind to steal the oxygen only from the air outside of the force fields. The other nine competitors passed out due to lack of oxygen. Spirit Rider returned the oxygen to their bodies and the crowd went insane. He walked over to Existence and Lithuel.

"That was dirty and you know it," Lithuel said with a smile, ribbing him.

"I'm saving my strength for the main tournament," Spirit Rider replied in his usual chill manner.

The two knuckle bumped.

"We'll see if Nick feels the same way," Existence said.

That would be hard to predict. Nick was a known show-off but had also shown tremendous growth recently.
The fourth round of the preliminaries featured Shell Shock. He took his Combat Sambo stance immediately.

"I'm gonna fuck you guys up," he said with a smile.

When the signal was given, he threw a punch into the air. It glowed with white Soul Energy and then nine precision blasts branched out from it. The concussive precision blasts hit the nine other competitors in the face and they collapsed into unconsciousness.

The crowd went wild and Shell Shock pumped his fists.

"Yes! Woo!"

He rushed over to the sidelines and his friends welcomed him. They all complimented his new technique. It didn't have a name, but it was damned effective.

Shell Shock gave a determined look to Spirit Rider.

"Let's make it to the finals and settle once and for all who the strongest mutant of this generation is."

"I don't care about that, but I won't lose to you, either."

Spirit Rider and Shell Shock were such polar opposites that it was funny to see them stare each other down. Existence grinned to himself. They were both underestimating Siren and it could very well end up biting them.
The fifth round of the preliminaries featured Lone Wolf. The stoic and taciturn master of martial arts opened with an honorable Karate bow. He then took his stance and was like stone in demeanor. He had no openings, but his opponents attacked as a group, anyway. With no wasted movements, Lone Wolf's punches and kicks struck the knockout points of nine jaws. After the last fell into unconsciousness, Lone Wolf bowed to close the contest as the crowd erupted into cheers.

Lone Wolf walked over to his teammates and smiled as he was welcomed.

"You're still one scary son of a bitch," Shell Shock quipped.

"Your technique is better than ever," Spirit Rider complimented.

"Wouldn't it be crazy if he won the whole thing?" Lithuel joked.

"Indeed," Existence replied with a knowing smile.

With Team Firestar done, it was now time for the second stringers to shine.
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Siren felt nervous when the sixth round of the preliminaries started. Team Firestar had just gone out there and proven why they were the best fighters in the world. The competition wasn't exactly top-notch, but they weren't tomato cans either. Every contestant in the tournament was either a professional fighter or an amateur with comparable skill. Siren was confident in her skill, but this was also her first World Tournament. Tutoring with Existence and field operations with the Shadow Force hadn't prepared her for these kind of nerves.

She wasn't used to an audience. Billions of people would be scrutinizing everything about her. She had thought that she could handle it before, but showtime had made it real. She took deep breaths to avoid panicking.

Keep it together, Julie. You've been through worse than this.

Once her nerves were under control, she put her game face on.

Siren looked up at Crusader's VIP box and then over at Team Firestar.

I can't lose in front of my uncles. I'm going to join Team Firestar someday.

The signal was given and Siren used her psychic powers to put her nine competitors to sleep. What she lacked in power compared to Existence, she made up for in talent.

Julie squealed in excitement. She had made it through to the main tournament. She rushed over to Team Firestar like an excited puppy. The best men she had ever known complimented and congratulated her. She had gained a reassuring degree of confidence after this victory. It was another step forward in being the best Siren that she could be.
18 year old Roland DuPree, code name Magiknight, was in the seventh round of the preliminaries. He was a graduate of the Wintergreen Institute and had attained the rank of Wizard, meaning that he had authorization to both teach magic and fight threats to Earth One that were not planetary level. Unlike Shadowgreen and its Shadow Force, Wintergreen was less public and accessible. This had led to less prestige for their school and general way of life, especially since no one affiliated with Wintergreen had yet made Team Firestar. Roland was going to change all of that. He was a modern wizard with progressive ideas and the talent to back them up.

For starters, he was not a traditionalist that only used magic. Roland had trained in some MMA and learned how to use both swords and guns. He also did not advertise his status as a mage. He did not dress like one or carry any kind of wand. His magic was done by hand and primarily used to augment both his body and weapons. Roland had not rushed things, taking his time in building a unique fighting style.

Roland had short, wavy black hair and brown eyes. His body was athletic and toned. Standing at six feet, he could look much more imposing than the average mage. He wore a black tank top and matching loose leggings for maximum comfort and mobility. Since deadly weapons were not allowed in the World Tournament, Roland looked just like the sea of other martial artists. No one yet suspected that he was a highly-skilled mage.

When the signal was given, he unleashed a powerful ice lightning spell. All nine of his competitors were frozen solid. After smiling and acknowledging his victory, he walked over to Team Firestar and Siren. When his eyes met hers, something passed between them. It was only for a second, but something was there. Before he could dwell on it, he was speaking with living legends.

"I've never seen a mage like you before," Lithuel mused.

"I'm unorthodox," Roland answered confidently.

"Clearly," Existence said, "You used ice lightning?"

"Yes. I'm impressed that a layman recognized that."

Existence only smiled, not telling him that he had read his mind.

Roland turned to Siren.

"You were very impressive. Let's have a good fight if we meet."

Siren nodded, grateful that this guy she had just met seemed like her uncles.

"Of course. It's the only honorable thing to do."
The eighth round of the preliminaries saw Rocky be called up for his turn. Although he had no ambitions of making Team Firestar, he did want to test himself against them. They had to be as good as everyone said if they could (slightly) tame his wild little brother. He was particularly interested in seeing how good his defenses were against them. To do that, he would have to win this round. Being a strategist, he had already planned his winning formula.

When the signal was given, he slammed his palms on the floor. The other nine competitors were instantly encased in earth that erupted from the floor. With rapid speed, Rocky gave them stone handed punches to the jaw. Once they were unconscious, he retracted the earth. The crowd went insane at the win. Existence did everyone a solid by undoing the damage to the floor while Rocky pumped his fists.

Rocky raced over to his little brother Shell Shock.

"I saw you over there, being all strategic and shit."

Shell Shock rolled his eyes.

"Shut up," he said with a smile.

"Mike's up next."

The Baker brothers were going to watch the round with their mutual friend very closely.
The ninth round of the preliminaries saw Sandstorm step up for his turn. When given the signal, a tornado of sand began whipping around the room. It abrasively stung the eyes and bare skin of his competitors. While they were blinded, Sandstorm clocked them in the knockout points of their jaws with hands covered in clumped sand. After the last had fallen unconscious, the crowd went wild. Sandstorm dissipated the sand tornado and acknowledged his victory before jogging over to his friends.

"I never thought I'd see both of you guys being smart. Those were some slick moves earlier."

"You weren't so bad yourself," Shell Shock replied with a cocky grin.

"Yeah, well, the small fries are just about done. I want to fight the real contenders."

"Be careful what you wish for," Rocky half-joked.
The tenth and final round of the preliminaries saw Hans Holbrook, also known as Cybernator, step up for his turn. Hans was a genius graduate of MIT who had built the most advanced armored suit money could buy. It was made of a mixture of metal alloys specially designed to mimic the mythical metal called adamantium. The suit itself was then weaponized and computerized to such a degree that even the fictional Tony Stark would be impressed. It was stocked with weapons and technological features, creating a comfortable though heavy suit. Due to the rules of the World Tournament, however, the guns built into the suit would be firing rubber bullets instead of live rounds.

After the suit was complete, Hans had spent a month wearing it as much as possible, taking it off only to shower and use the bathroom. The armored mask could be pulled up to allow for eating and drinking. The cushioned inside and HVAC systems built into it even allowed Hans to sleep in it. By the end of the month leading up to the tournament, it was like a second skin to him. Moving around in it had been a constant workout, giving this mechanical engineer a toned, muscular body. In this World Tournament, he would put his expertise to the ultimate test.

The suit had been painted white but was flecked with red in the style of bloodstains. This represented Hans' controlled but intense bloodlust. When the signal was given, a small mounted machine gun unfolded from a panel on his right shoulder. It sprayed the other nine competitors mercilessly with rubber bullets. Using the computerized targeting systems built into the suit, Cybernator aimed only for the face, especially the eyes. Once the other nine competitors were unconscious, the crowd went insane.

Cybernator didn't even hear them. His eyes were wide and glowing with unhinged joy. His smile was tinged with borderline insanity. Inflicting violence on others filled him with joy. He was even sexually aroused. As Cybernator walked over to the sidelines, he was so enraptured in the moment that he spoke to none of the other winners.

Existence shuddered. He could hear the thoughts of Hans and they were...disturbing, to say the least. The man was psychotic and bordering on criminal insanity. Thankfully his live rounds had been disallowed. Cybernator was a ticking time bomb, a potential mass murderer. Existence would make sure that this man, more than any others, did not win the World Tournament.
With the preliminaries complete, the ten competitors for the main tournament were asked to stand in two rows in the center of the room. Jack Joyce began his announcing duties.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce our contestants. Every single one of them is clearly among the best in the world, but only one of them can truly be the best in the world."

A spotlight shown on Existence. They were clearly going to start with the favorite to win the whole thing.

"Our first contestant is Marcus Trelawney, also known as Existence. He is an Omega-class mutant with psychic and reality changing powers. This is his first World Tournament, so we're in for a treat when we get to see his real skill."

Existence smiled and waved at the crowd. The spotlight next moved to Lithuel. His groupies went absolutely wild.

"Our next contestant is Lithuel. He is a nephilim with both demonic and divine power. This is his first World Tournament, as well."

The spotlight next moved to Spirit Rider.

"Our third contestant is Eric Coverdale, also known as Spirit Rider. He is a mutant with wind powers that previously competed in the first ever World Tournament."

The spotlight next moved to Shell Shock.

"Our next contestant is Nicholas Baker, also known as Shell Shock. He is a mutant with Soul Energy manipulation powers that competed in the first ever World Tournament, as well."

The spotlight moved to Lone Wolf.

"Our fifth contestant is Lone Wolf, real name withheld. He is a regular human martial artist who also previously competed in the first World Tournament."

The spotlight moved to Siren.

"Our next contestant is Julie Jameson, also known as Siren. She is a mutant with psychic powers. This is her first World Tournament."

The spotlight moved to Magiknight. The ladies went crazy for his handsome, youthful looks.

"Our seventh contestant is Roland DuPree, also known as Magiknight. He is an enhanced human with magic. This is his first World Tournament."

The spotlight moved to Rocky.

"Our next contestant is Richard Baker, also known as Rocky. He is a mutant with earth powers that previously competed at the first World Tournament."

The spotlight moved to Sandstorm.

"Our ninth contestant is Michael Clark, also known as Sandstorm. He is a mutant with sand powers that previously competed at the first World Tournament."

The spotlight moved to Cybernator. The man within the suit was bored with the ceremony but knew he had to get it over with. He would get the chance to inflict violence on others soon enough.

"Our next and final contestant is Hans Holbrook, also known as Cybernator. He is an enhanced human with a technologically advanced suit of armor. This is his first World Tournament."

With the introductions done, the spotlight snapped off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, among these ten is the next top fighter in the world. Let's show them some love!"

The crowd went even more wild. As they cheered, all ten contestants either responded or were in their own heads. They had all come here for different reasons. For some, it was to test their skills. For others, it was to prove themselves. Regardless of their motivations, only one of them could walk away the winner today.
"Before we begin the main tournament, I would like to request a word from our former Champion, Crusader."

Crusader rolled with the sudden request and set down his popcorn and soda. A crew outfitted him with a headset before leaving. He walked up to the glass and seemed to be speaking directly to everyone.

"The winner of today's World Tournament will have the future of Earth One in their hands. Ponder what that means to you, and walk toward that path with confidence."

The crowd went wild. It was a very short speech but said all that needed to be said.

"Thank you, Crusader. With that, the main tournament will begin. Our first match will be randomly selected."

After the random shuffling of the board, the first match was revealed to be Magiknight vs. Spirit Rider.
Both competitors for the opening round of the tournament took their positions. After they did, security put another force field around the other competitors. This was not only to protect them, but also to prevent them from interfering in the match. Magiknight took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He hadn't expected to face a member of Team Firestar right off the bat. It was going to take every bit of his skill to win this one.

When the signal was given, Spirit Rider immediately sucked the oxygen out of the air. Magiknight had prepared himself for that strategy and immediately dropped an enrolled magic scroll. When he stepped on it, his body filled with oxygen. It was a Clean Air magic scroll meant to prevent a mage from drowning, choking, or dying from poison or radioactive fumes. Magiknight wasted no time launching a hail of magic arrows. He couldn't hesitate on offense if he wanted to win.

Spirit Rider countered with his wind tunnel. Magiknight shielded himself from his own arrows with a magic shield and rooted himself in place with a spell derived from trees in the nature magic school. Spirit used Wind Blades within the wind tunnel to start slashing at his body enough to hurt. Magiknight tried to focus and used a root spell to travel under the floor. It would snare Spirit Rider due to its almost invisible trajectory, he hoped. However, Spirit Rider felt the vibrations under the floor and dodged away while mounting his vessel.

Using the wind tunnel, Spirit Rider picked up tremendous speed to ram Magiknight. Using a strong magic shield cast with both hands, Magiknight stopped him. Spirit Rider kept pushing, however, twisting the throttle harder and channeling more and more wind power into the front of his motorcycle. Magiknight cast ice lightning, but it was blocked by Spirit Rider's Soul Aura. Spirit Rider was almost impossible to stop once he was mounted on his vessel. It was taking nearly everything Magiknight had just to hold him in place.

There was no chance of winning that battle, however. Spirit Rider eventually broke through the magic shield and hit Magiknight with full force in the face with his motorcycle. Magiknight was sent flying backwards and became embedded in the stadium wall. He then fell from the stadium wall and starfished face down on the floor. Magiknight was unconscious, so Spirit Rider was declared the victor. Existence fixed the wall while medical personnel stretchered Magiknight off to the infirmary elsewhere in the stadium.

Spirit Rider sent away his vessel and was allowed by security back into the sidelines. His team and every competitor except Cybernator congratulated him on his win. Existence had sympathy for Magiknight.

"A shame. Had he elected to dodge rather than block, he would have lasted longer."

Siren was a little worried about Magiknight, but knew that he would be okay if he was truly like her uncles.
The board randomly shuffled again, and this time it was going to be Lithuel vs. Lone Wolf. The two friends and teammates shook hands before taking their positions. When the signal was given, Lithuel moved at top speed and appeared behind Lone Wolf as if he had flash stepped. Lone Wolf wobbled and collapsed onto his back. His face was swollen from being hit as hard as Lithuel could while moving so fast. The medics stretchered the unconscious Lone Wolf off to the infirmary.

After Lithuel was declared the winner, Jack did some analysis.

"Lithuel is known for his speed, so it's perfectly natural that even Lone Wolf's peak human reflexes could not keep up with such supernatural speed. A most unfortunate end to his tournament run."

Lithuel walked over to the sidelines and was congratulated by all but Cybernator. Lithuel was still bored, having not faced a real challenge yet. Despite his boredom, he knew that without Crusader in the tournament, Existence was probably the only realistic challenge for him.
The board once again randomly shuffled and the next match would be Shell Shock vs. Rocky. The crowd was shocked but excited. This battle between brothers promised to be a serious showdown. The two shook hands before heading out to the floor. Shell Shock took a Boxing stance, as Combat Sambo had Boxing incorporated into it. Rocky took a Boxing stance, as well, though he only knew how to box and wrestle.

When the signal was given, Rocky armored up with earth armor, tearing up the floor in the process. Shell Shock made his fists glow white with Soul Energy. Rocky charged at his younger brother and absorbed several blast bolts that chipped away at his armor. When he closed in and began throwing punches, Shell Shock slipped them and used Judo to put Rocky on the ground. He then started beating Rocky in the face with enhanced punches. When his older brother tried to catch his fist, Shell Shock backed off.

When Rocky got up, Shell Shock blasted him in the chest with a concentrated burst of energy. He hit the wall but the armor absorbed the impact. When Rocky landed, he began picking up and tossing chunks of earth the size of boulders at Shell Shock. His younger brother destroyed them with blast bolts. Shell Shock then flew at Rocky and tackled him into the wall. From there, he was able to clinch and beat him in the face with a Dirty Boxing technique.

Rocky kept his cool and countered with a body uppercut to Shell Shock's solar plexus. The punch hit so deep that Shell Shock puked up a little blood. Rocky headbutted and then followed up with a left uppercut that knocked him down. Shell Shock retaliated with a Soul Energy blast that launched him diagonally against the wall. That combination from his older brother was his reminder that he needed to keep his distance. Although Shell Shock was the better fighter, Rocky still had the advantage in close-quarters.

After Rocky had landed and Shell Shock got to his feet, both acted quickly. Rocky slapped the ground and an earthquake began ripping up the floor toward his younger brother. Shell Shock jumped away and fired a hail of precision shots at Rocky's face. Most of them hit, clearing almost all of the earth armor from his face. Shell Shock rushed him and faked him with a body shot before pulling back to dodge a counter hook. Shell Shock's 'pull counter' allowed him to land a palm strike and then grip Rocky's face.

The concussive energy blast directly to the face made Rocky's brain bounce around in his skull like a pinball. His older brother was unconscious before he hit the floor. What was left of his earth armor crumbled to dust. After being declared the winner, Shell Shock made sure that the medics were careful with Rocky as they loaded him onto the stretcher. Once they had carted him off, Shell Shock went back to the sidelines. His team and friends congratulated him.

Spirit Rider gave Shell Shock a knuckle bump.

"That was some solid work. You fought smart and calculated. The old Nick wouldn't have done that."

"I can't lose until we settle things between us."

The two stared each other down again, the friendly rivalry just as strong as during their Shadowgreen days.
The board shuffled to decide the competitors for the fourth match of the first round of the main tournament. The next match would be Siren vs. Cybernator. The young woman felt a shiver go down her spine. She had made the mistake of peering into his thoughts out of curiosity and would probably have nightmares tonight over what she had seen and heard. Cybernator was psychotic, the kind of person fully capable of opening fire on a crowd this size. His bloodlust and lack of a conscience made him a perfect human killing machine.

While Team Firestar and their friends found Cybernator disturbing, another group found him useful: the United States government. The Department of Defense was sponsoring Cybernator and had provided the funds to build his suit. This World Tournament was a testing ground for the suit. If it performed well, it could pave the way for mass-production of these war machines. Thousands of Cybernators killing in the name of the United States would shift the global balance of power solidly in the direction of the red, white, and blue. Cybernator himself had volunteered to work as a mercenary for the United States but had yet to receive the go-ahead.

Both competitors took their spots and the signal was given. The newly-fixed stadium would be their battlefield. Cybernator popped up his shoulder-mounted machine gun but Siren ripped it free with her psychic power. Another one popped up from the other shoulder and she did the same thing. Unable to use his lasers in this tournament, he fired freezing beams from his wrist cannons. Siren dodged and detached them, as well.

Cybernator's chest panel opened up to fire a barrage of flash bang missiles, replacements for his real missiles. Siren used her psychic power to detonate them before they left his chest. The armor was heavily damaged and shrapnel pierced Cybernator's body, though fortunately for him, not deep enough or in the right spots to be life-threatening. As he staggered, Siren unleashed a blast of psychic power that hurled him into the wall hard enough to embed him there. She then pulled him out and psychically pile drove him headfirst through the floor. She pulled his unconscious body out of the floor so that he would not suffocate and dropped him unceremoniously on the floor.

After Siren was declared the winner, the medics stretchered Cybernator off. Existence withheld congratulations as she returned to the sidelines.

"You fought with anger out there," he said with a reproachful look.

Siren looked shamefaced.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Marcus. I'll do better next time."

Existence kept the reproachful look for a minute longer and then let it soften.

"I know how you feel. But we must maintain control even against men like him. That is our responsibility as psychics."

He smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Congratulations on your win, Julie."
The fifth and final match of the first round of the main tournament would be Existence vs. Sandstorm. Both competitors shook hands and took their positions. When the contest started, Sandstorm whipped up his namesake. Unfortunately, Existence was not deterred. He closed his eyes, found Sandstorm's mind, and put him to sleep. The sandstorm dissipated and Existence was declared the winner.

Sandstorm was carted off to the infirmary to sleep in comfort. Jack moved to the microphone.

"What an exciting first round of matches that was, huh? We're going to give our competitors a thirty minute break before we start the second round of the World Tournament."

The five winners were guided to a VIP lounge where they could eat and relax. With all of them being friends, it would be a very relaxing break.

However, they were now really going to have to fight for keeps. Shell Shock wanted to settle his rivalry with Spirit Rider. Spirit Rider wanted to see how good he had become. Siren wanted to prove to Existence how good she had become under his tutelage. Existence and Lithuel both badly wanted to be the next Champion and leader of Team Firestar. As rough as the first round had been, it was only going to get more dangerous from here.
After the half hour break, the winners returned to the sidelines. The board randomized a pairing and the first match would be Spirit Rider vs. Shell Shock. The latter could not have been happier, while the former shrugged, chuckled, and accepted the inevitable. The two competitors took their positions and the time had finally come to settle the rivalry. Who was the strongest regular mutant in the modern day? This match would answer that question.

When the signal was given, Spirit Rider sucked all of the oxygen out of the air within the force fields. Shell Shock held his breath and unleashed the most powerful Soul Energy blast that he could. Spirit Rider held it off using a left hand coated in green Soul Aura. With his right hand, he summoned his vessel and mounted it. Gunning the throttle and unleashing his power, Spirit Rider's soul screamed as he sought to both end this fight and save Shell Shock from serious brain damage. He moved with such speed through the Soul Energy blast that Shell Shock never even had a chance to dodge being hit full force in the face.

Shell Shock bounced and tumbled before crashing through the wall and hitting a car in the parking lot. Medics rushed in immediately to administer life saving help for the badly injured Shell Shock. Spirit Rider returned oxygen to his body, preventing any brain damage from occurring due to the fight being settled in less than a minute. Shell Shock was stretchered off and Existence fixed the stadium damage and car. Spirit Rider sent away his vessel and walked over to the sidelines. The outcome of the fight was too sobering for congratulations to be appropriate.

"You did the right thing, Eric," Existence said, "Nick wouldn't have wanted you to go easy on him."

"I know. I just can't be happy about hurting a friend that badly."

"He'll be fine," Lithuel said, "He's been through worse."

Siren hugged her Uncle Eric in support and comfort. A winner had to be decided, but the outcome of battle was not always happy.
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The board randomized the next pairing and it was going to be Existence vs. Siren. The two shook hands and moved out to the floor. Once the signal was given, Existence began trying to reach into Siren's mind in order to put her to sleep. As his protege and a naturally talented psychic, though, Siren was not going to make it easy. In fact, she warded off his probe and psychically squeezed his testicles hard. Existence dropped to one knee and pushed out the low blow, surprised that Siren was willing to fight so dirty.

It was the unexpected nature of the attack that allowed it to slip through. He used his reality bending powers to give her a spank on the ass for that. Siren was surprised and dropped her guard. Existence pushed her hard but Siren stopped herself. She used her primary ability to make Existence see things. There were ten Sirens in his mind rather than one.

Existence dispelled the illusion before psychically grabbing her leg and throwing her toward the wall. Siren stopped herself and tried to lift her mentor off of the ground. This was neutralized and Existence psychically grabbed her torso. He began constricting her, threatening to break ribs. Siren broke that hold, too, and began psychically reaching out to him. Existence shoved that away, as well.

Siren decided to fall back on her training with Uncle Lone Wolf and United Clans. Taking a Japanese Karate stance, she then rushed at Existence. Existence countered with a much stronger psychic push. Siren halted herself, but Existence wasn't done. His purple Soul Aura flared as his psychic and reality changing powers increased to levels far beyond Siren as he paralyzed her body with a psychic iron grip. Siren's soul screamed and she resisted for all she was worth despite being paralyzed, but ultimately was forced to sleep.

After being declared the winner, Existence helped load Siren onto the stretcher. Like Sandstorm, she would just need to sleep and recover as she would. After walking over to Spirit Rider and Lithuel, he was congratulated on his victory.

"Julie has gotten a lot better," Spirit Rider said.

"Definitely. She forced me to use my full power in order to end it quickly."
Jack got on the microphone again.

"Well, folks, we have a situation here. With only three competitors left in the main tournament and two of them already having places in the third round, that leaves Lithuel without an opponent. Does he get a buy into the next round?"

"He has an opponent," a voice said.

The crowd went more insane than ever.

Crusader landed in a ninja crouch on the floor in full armor. Standing up, he pointed at the announcing booth.

"Put ten minutes on the clock. If Lithuel can last ten minutes against me, he'll have earned his spot in the third round."

Lithuel began warming up, overjoyed for the chance to fight Crusader again.

"This won't be like last time."

Ten minutes appeared on the big screen. Crusader took his Muay Thai stance.

"Come and get it."

Lithuel shot forward and the two began exchanging at high speed. The clock began counting down. It was a brutal slugfest with neither holding anything back.

Lithuel ate a Fist of Valor that embedded him into the wall. He quickly rebounded and landed his own combo that embedded Crusader into the wall. They were moving so rapidly that a high-speed camera had to display video so that the audience could see what was going on. Lithuel got lit up with Million Punches of Valor, going through a wall after eating the millionth powered up punch. He was back in no time, though, and using angelic martial arts to strike Crusader in the soul. Both were bleeding heavily as their fists clashed and the shockwave blew back the hair of everyone in the stadium.

The two were evenly matched until the clock hit zero. Lithuel was bleeding heavily from the face but still conscious and smiling. Crusader was also bleeding from the face thanks to the shots to the soul. At the end of the fight, though, the two shook hands. The crowd went wild and began chanting their names. Lithuel had earned his place in the third round.
There would be another thirty minute break before the start of the third round of the main tournament. While Existence and Spirit Rider ate, Crusader and Lithuel went to the infirmary to receive minor medical treatment. This involved medics wiping blood off of their faces and icing swollen parts of Lithuel's body. Lone Wolf was awake and looking fine other than having black eyes and other facial bruises. Shell Shock was still unconscious and being treated for broken bones. Cybernator was also unconscious, having been removed from his armor and treated for blood loss.

Siren and Sandstorm were both still asleep. Rocky and Magiknight were both awake and had recovered from their minor injuries. Magiknight grinned at Crusader.

"The former Champion himself is here? I guess you couldn't resist getting into the mix."

"I guess not," Crusader laughed.

"So, who all is still in the running?" Rocky asked.

"Myself, Existence, and Spirit Rider."

Lone Wolf looked at Lithuel with serious, burning eyes.


Lithuel held up his fist in a symbol of strength.

"You got it."
The third round of the World Tournament opened with a random shuffling of the board. The first match would be Existence vs. Spirit Rider. The two competitors shook hands and took their positions. When the signal was given, Spirit Rider resisted Existence's attempt to put him to sleep. He hopped on his vessel and began moving at high speed. He didn't bother removing oxygen because it wouldn't work on Existence.

Spirit Rider's plan for now was to move fast enough to make it hard to hone in on him. Unfortunately, Existence used his reality changing powers to send away his vessel. He psychically gripped Spirit Rider and flared up with his Soul Aura to paralyze him and forcefully put him to sleep. Despite Spirit Rider's soul screaming, he ultimately could not resist forever and was soon asleep. Existence loaded Spirit Rider onto the stretcher and fixed the stadium from Lithuel's test. Existence had earned his place in the finals.

To do the same, Lithuel would have to last another ten minutes with Crusader. This time, however, Crusader would be using the Destroyer Fists. Lithuel flared up with a holy Soul Aura. Crusader took his Muay Thai stance and flared up with his own Soul Aura.

"Come and get it."

The two clashed and the timer counted down.

Blood splattered all over the stadium. Despite his speed, Lithuel couldn't dodge all of the millions of punches sent his way. He was holding out, though, and peppering Crusader with both angelic and demonic strikes to the soul. Walls came down and holes were knocked in the roof. They were moving at such speed that even the high-speed camera couldn't keep up. The two clasped hands and screamed as their Soul Auras shook the entire world.

Thankfully, time ran out before things could escalate further. Both hovered to the ground, panting and bleeding worse than before. Lithuel wiped his mouth free of blood.

"You're one hardcore motherfucker, Scott."

"You, too, Lithuel."

The two shook hands, confirming that Lithuel had also earned his place in the finals.
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