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Swingers OOC NSFW

I notice that you have copy/pasted our characters from the interest thread into the character thread here. Should we post expanded and perhaps more detailed versions ourselves?
Is it just me or are we a guy short? I may have an interested writer if we need him.
Yeah, we are 1 (if not 2) short. I was going to work on another character to balance the odds.
I would be interested in doubling up with another girl and having Marty's husband watch as a bit of a cuck play.
Hi all, good to meet those of you who I don't know.

I'm a little confused on how the card system works.
Male picks a card.
Female picks a card.
Cards match up.

I am having the males pick the cards first, allowing the female characters (really, the players) to then pick what card they pick to pair with people.
I think the premise was to just play one half of the couple to speed up the pairing process and not make people who were uncomfortable playing their non preferred gender do so.

The npc partner go off to their own thing off screen.
Hmm. Ok.

Well I sure wouldn't mind playing both Luna and Orlando ... Maybe we should keep it open as an option for those who are comfortable playing both genders.
So ... (assuming I am not stepping on any toes now) ... any of the female characters want to draw card number three (Orlando) feel free to so so, whether it be your main character or their spouse.
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