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The Massacre at Silica Pond - [MsBloom x Austice]


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
Calliope Callie Williams

Her eye were pitch black when they dragged her screaming away from the lifeless girl. Calliope Williams, generally called Callie, was not a big girl. She stood 5'2 on her bare feet and weighed in at 99 pounds but it still took three fully grown men to separate her from her victim, a girl her own age whom she had attacked for no apparent reason. And she would give none either during the interrogations at the police station. She just sat there quietly looking off into the distance beyond the one way mirror.
"You're lucky the girl survived," the middle-aged female detective interviewing her had said.
"Or you'd be looking at manslaughter, at least, perhaps even murder."
Callie had barely even looked at her.

The staff at the juvenile detention center where the attack had happened had equally little idea as to the motives behind the seemingly unprovoked attack.
"Sure, she can be quite a handful with her attitude and cause her fair share of trouble," Ms Jordan Jones, the therapist at Cedarville Juvenile Correctional Facility, had explained.
"But she is also our best student, grades ahead of the other girls and boys here."
She had then further explained that the psychological tests had shown Calliope to be of a genius level IQ and that much of the trouble she got into, combined with her background, was because of nothing more dramatic than boredom and under-stimulation.

This of course might serve as an explanation of the multitude of crimes that had landed Calliope at Cedarville JCF, petty theft, car theft, drunk and disorderly, possession of drugs (both for personal use and with intent to distribute), solicitation ... but was it enough to explain why she had jumped Miranda Blakely, of the same age, one morning during breakfast, in front of the entire cafeteria and beaten her severely enough to break three ribs, her nose and three fingers on the right hand. No, it probably wasn't Dr Jones had agreed, nor could it explain the other violent outbursts Calliope had had over the year she had been there.
"Unless of course you consider the fact that she feels like a wrongfully caged animal who has been deprived of many of her human rights," she had added.

Before being sentenced Calliope was sent to the a psychiatric facility for a forensic psychiatric evaluation to determine whether she was legally sane and could be held responsible for her actions or not, but as she had not turned 18 the doctors there hesitated to diagnose her as a sociopath or even us the term Anti-Social Personality Disorder. All they said was that she was showing such tendencies and confirmed she had an IQ of 127 which for her age was considered superiour.

Five years later

Calliope had avoided the ivy league universities when she was released from Cedarville JCF. At first she had decided to not even apply to any university but had gotten a rather menial job as a waitress at various truck stop diners around New York State, keeping to herself, mostly living out of small motels. Eventually one of her supervisors had convinced her that she was wasting her potential working as a waitress, making little more than minimum wage.

She had still avoided the ivy league universities, convinced they would find out one way or another find out about her background and retract any scholarship they might initially grant her. Instead she had opted for Buffalo State and was quite happy there. Almost no one knew her background. She had made a few friends, among which was Sarah Louise Parker whom Callie (as she now preferred to be called) considered her BFF. Callie had also met James Whitman with whom she had initiated a steady relationship. She majored in psychology with a variety of minors in everything from art, sociology, mathematics to medicine and drama.

There was one though she knew from her time at Cedarville. Aiden. She had seen him skulking about campus, mostly on his own, given him a subtle nod of recognition which he had returned but the two had barely even talked to one another before they met at Camp Silica Pond where they were both apparently going to work as youth councillors. Aiden had been one of the few at Cedarville she had confided in. She had even considered him a friend but they had lost touch when she was released a few months before him.

Callie had not really been interested in going when Sarah had brought it up but after having found out that James ha cheated on her with some, as yet, unknown whore, she had agreed that perhaps some time away from school would be good for her and so she had arrived at the camp with Sarah and three other friends.

Seeing Aiden already there she had once again given him a nod of recognition which he had returned but then she had approached him while her friends unpacked.
"Look. No one knows me here," she had said without any introductions.
"And I want it to stay that way, so ... You don't know me and I don't know you. OK?"
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"Are you sure that you will be fine?"

Even though it must have been the seventh time that he had answered the question, his parents did not appear to be satisfied with his answer. Instead, they were looking down at him as if he were someone who had to be reminded constantly about what he was supposed to do. Of course, it was the first time that he was going on such a vacation (his mother had been vehemently against the idea, until she had agreed upon the stringent condition that he would be contacting them once they had arrived), but that did not warrant such behaviour from them.

"I will be," the twenty-one-year-old responded calmly. His voice was slow, soft, and something which might have been called mechanical. That had been another factor which had been a constant source of worry for his parents for so long; they seemed to think that he did not interact with others as everyone else normally did.

"Now, I'd better get going. It's getting late, you know."

They proceeded to give him last-minute advice which parents typically did. That he had to be a "good boy" (which was a meaningless term considering his age, and he believed that he had long outgrown its usage), be careful, and take care of himself all the time. And to inform them once they had arrived, of course. It was very tiresome considering that he had been an adult for a few years now. And besides, Aiden was more worried about what would happen once he already reached the place.

"Yes, I will. I reckon that I hear the sound of the car, Mom.... it is really late now, they'd be here any moment."

And just like that, he had left without saying another word. His parents did not see him again for months.

Although he had known she would be there based on what he overheard from others, the young man was not expecting Callie to approach him immediately. He almost blinked at her question; it was an unusual way to start a conversation, but he had seen her around for some time now. The others had already begun to make their way out of the vehicle, almost avoiding the two of them as they talked amongst themselves. It was almost as if he were a complete non-entity.

"Don't worry," he responded, a smirk playing across his lips. "I don't concern myself with things that have nothing to do with me... and I have no reason to ruin it, anyway."

Jason interrupted the momentary silence that descended between them, standing some distance away with Joan.

"Hey, let's check out the cabins. There are a few of 'em out there."

It was past evening already, and the light would not be present for much longer now. Aiden consulted his watch, before turning around to look at her again.

"Let's go."

As he made his way through the thick undergrowth, he had almost tuned out every other noise except for the crunching of leaves beneath his feet. It did not take him very long to reach one of the cabins, either; the others were waiting outside as Jason dealt with the locks.

"We can unpack later," he said, swinging the door open just as Bree turned back to look at the others.

"Are you two even coming?"
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Calliope Callie Williams

Having nodded at Aiden that she had understood his response and accepted it, and to let him know that she too had neither intention nor reason to expose him as a juvenile offender, that as long as they pretended to have just met both their secrets were safe.

There were a total of seven cabins at Camp Silica Pond. Six were dormitories, among which two were intended for the councillors, one for the women and one for the men and the other four were for the kids, two for the girls and two for the boys. The seventh cabin was communal and had the kitchen, dining hall and rec room.

Callie waved at Bree as she called out to ask if they were coming or not and then walked over to the other women.
"What were you talking to that weirdo about," Bree asked when Callie joined them.
"Nothing," Callie said and shrugged.
"Just telling him not to be weird about James and stuff. You know the two know each other right? Like Adrian or whatever his name is and James are sort of acquainted."
Most of it was of course a lie but Callie was good at lying. She had had a lot of practice over the years, lying to social workers, the police, a string of foster parents and her biological parents as well.

She looked over at the other cabin and then shook her head.
"Boys ... right?" she said.
"I know," Sarah said and nodded.
"Sadly a dildo can only do so much," Andrea added with a giggle.

After they had unpacked it was already dark outside but they were all hungry and so the girls decided to check out the kitchen and see if it had been, as promised, stocked with groceries before their arrival. They found bread, butter, eggs, milk, cheese, mayonnaise, vegetables and a lot of staples like pasta, rice, oatmeal, flour. The small walk in freezer was fully stocked with meat. They made omelettes and grilled cheese sandwiches and talked until well after midnight, or rather, the others talked while Callie mostly listened, as was the case most of the time.

She was perhaps not as much a social disaster as she had once been but she still wasn't one to initiate a conversation unless she had something to say, nor did she interject her opinions into a conversation unless she felt she had something to say. One might still call her socially awkward but no more so than having actually made a few friends, or rather one friend and a few acquaintances in college.

Shortly after the girls had sat down to eat most of the guys joined them, equally hungry of course after a long day of travelling.
"Tomorrow we'll explore the camp a bit more and get acquainted with the surroundings," Sarah concluded, stretched and yawned.
And so the girls all headed back to their cabin and went to bed.
It was not lost on him that he was the lone wolf of the pack; he was not even wanted at the camp, actually, and was only invited when someone had taken pity on him. Ethan's father was friends with his own; he was of the opinion that someone who was friendless like him would benefit from hanging out with others. He informed Jason about it (who was the de-facto "leader" of the group), and subsequently Aiden was asked whether he'd like to join. Not that anyone was glad about it, anyway... well, with the possible exception of Callie. He figured that she did not mind. In fact, if he were not wrong about this, she actually liked having him there. Or at least he hoped so.

He hardly bothered to check out the communal cabin, and instead made his way towards the boys' dormitory. He was there until it was time for dinner, upon which he returned to the kitchen. Hardly speaking as he had his meal, he chose to just eye the others instead. Jason was holding an animated conversation with Matthew, and Andrea seemed to be busy with Bill. He was personally seated next to Ethan himself, but he might as well have not existed anyway.

Afterwards, as the others went to bed, he straightened to his feet with a sigh.

"I am tired," Matthew was saying, stifling a sudden yawn as they traced their way towards the boys' cabin. "Going to sleep like a rock, you guys." It seemed as if the others disagreed, for Jason was still intent on having a conversation even after they had returned. In fact, Aiden just lay on his bunker in a kind of stupor, staring up at the ceiling until a couple of hours had passed. It was past eleven o' clock when everyone had finally appeared to have drowsed off. And that was saying something since many of them liked to stay up at late, but the trip had started early in the morning.

But he couldn't sleep.

Pulling out his phone, he swiped through his contacts until he reached Callie, and messaged her:

Can't sleep. Was wondering if you'd like to talk.

And he followed that with:

I have got something cool to show you. Meet me outside?
Calliope Callie Williams

Callie couldn't sleep either while it seemed all her friends had needed was a bite to eat before they were all fast asleep. Having made absolutely sure the other four were all sound asleep she had tried masturbating. It usually helped when she couldn't sleep but she could barely even get herself wet that night. It wasn't that it was a strange bed or that she had four other people sleeping in the room with her. She had done all that so many times before, sometimes not even bothering to make sure no one else was awake. There had after all not been all that much privacy at Cedarville, not unless you knew the blind spots but they could be hard to get at after evening roll call.

Rubbing her clitoris a bit harder, a bit more desperate, she noticed her phone lighting up and reached for it. There was a text message from Aiden. That was of course an option. She had scratched quite a few itches with him over the years they were both at Cedarville, and gotten a few goodies out of it as well, mostly cigarettes and pot, which they had usually smoked together in one of the blind spots.

Can't sleep. Was wondering if you'd like to talk.

She smiled and pulled her left hand out of her underwear. Maybe talk was code for fuck, not that they had ever used code back in the day. Even if it wasn't she knew how to entice and seduce him, knew his kinks and weaknesses.

I have got something cool to show you. Meet me outside?

She got up and quietly slipped on a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt over her sports top, shoes, no socks and she slipped out the door as quiet as a mouse. Amazing really how some skills never seem to fade once you've learned them, like riding a bike, or giving half hour long blow jobs, with perhaps just a bit of a titjob thrown in for a bit of variation (and to rest the jaws).

Deciding to have a bit of fun and to try some of her other acquired skills she took the long way around and came up behind Aiden tapping him on the shoulder.
"So which it is ... you want to "talk" or you want to "show me something cool" huh", she whispered and made air quotes at the appropriate words.
Having stepped out of the cabin when he had ensured that no one else was nearby, Aiden remained some distance away from the woods. He only turned around when someone tapped him on the shoulder, smiling as he noticed who it was. "It's both," he said quietly, hesitating for just a moment. Perhaps she assumed that he was referring to a fling in the middle of the night, but that's not what he'd thought of. "I wanted to talk to you about what's there in the woods."

He gestured at what lay only a few feet ahead in front of them, his eyes glinting in the moonlight.

"I know I was unwanted, but there are stories I'd heard from the others. Or rumours. Either way, there apparently a cabin in the woods haunted by the spirit of a witch. That's what the legends say, but I am sure there's a burned down house there. The people had burned it down years ago." A slight smile crossed his face as he eyed her appraisingly.

"Want to check it out? The others don't have to know about that."

Assuming that she would agree, the young man had already begun to trace his path through the thick foliage. He was not, however, stupid. Pulling out his mobile phone, he ensured that there was still internet coverage before illuminating the path in front of him. As they walked on through the darkness, his eyes narrowed at every wild sound that interrupted the silence, and his heart jumped into his throat more than once.

They seemed to have walked on for what seemed like hours, and as he did not know where he was going either, he began to get worried.

"We can find our way back if we are lost," he reassured her. "Just make a call, I--" His voice was cut off as he noticed what appeared to be a ruin in front of him.

It was not a very large cabin, or at least it didn't seem to be one. Most of it had burned down to the ground, but just enough structure remained so that someone could enter it if they want to. It was in the middle of absolute nowhere, further solidifying its sense of mystery.

"There it is," he announced triumphantly, and gave her a glance. "I reckon Sarah would want to show it to James if she'd known about it... but that's not really surprising as it was her who he used to cheat on you with."
Calliope Callie Williams

Callie listened but didn't say anything else, not even to confirm that she was following him when he went off into the woods, though not before having activated the gps tracker on her phone and marked down their location. Who knew how big these woods were. On the map they looked huge and the last thing she wanted out of the summer was to get lost in the woods, even if it was with Aiden.
"Y'know, if Hansel and Gretel had had gps they wouldn't have gotten lost and ended up in the witch's cabin in the first place," she said when it was starting to become obvious to her that Aiden had little to no idea where he was in relation to the camp anymore.
"Then again, here we are looking for the, rumoured, witch's cabin ... so maybe getting lost is the best way to find it."
She chuckled at the joke.
"Weird really that we actually still have a connection out here though. There must be a mast somewhere nearby."

She stopped dead in her tracks when he did. There actually was a freaking burned down ruin, right in the middle of nowhere.
"Y'think it's made from gingerbread?" she asked with another chuckle but having concluded to herself that there had been truth to his story she stepped into the ruins.
It wasn't very big but she could easily imagine some woman, skilled in the art of herbology and whatever else, living there, cooking up all manner of potions and salves, both for healing and the opposite.

"Alright so now we've found it, do you want to fuck now, or do you still just want to talk?" she said while poking around.
"I could perhaps let you catch me while I smoke and masturbate," she said with a school girl giggle and pulled out a pack of cigarettes from her shirt pocket.
"Y'know what a bad girl I am. Don't you," she added, lit the cigarette and put her hands on her hips.
"Besides. I could use a rebound after that asshole James."
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She didn't seem to really care.

His initial amusement at her words had given to surprise as she joked that it might be made of gingerbread. Fairytales had never really been his thing, but of the ones he did read, the darker ones were his favourite. His parents might not have been reading out the darker versions when he was a child, of course, but it was not hard to get his hands on a copy when they when they were out.

"I don't think so at all," he said slowly, realizing that she did not seem to care at all about what he had said. He raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You... don't care at all about James did?" His voice was one of incredulity as he asked her. The latter part of her question wasn't that surprising, since it was not the first time that they had gotten into a tryst while the others weren't watching. It had started back at the asylum, and he had almost forgotten about that up to now. At the very least, he'd wanted to. A sigh escaped him as he assessed her for a moment, before stepped forward.

"Fine. But I don't want to just watch you doing it... I want to help you." And a moment later, he had pulled her in for a kiss, his right hand moving towards her waist as he did so.
Calliope Callie Williams

It wasn't that Callie didn't care what he had said or that she hadn't heard it. She had in the moment chosen to ignore it. Her suggestion of the two of them fucking was no longer just a way to maybe get some sleep but a desperate attempt at blocking out the information, at keeping in check the anger rising inside her.

Had Sarah been there with them she would have beaten the bitch to a pulp and left her to rot in the ruins. But she wasn't and Callie couldn't afford another charge for aggravated assault or, considering what was going on inside her at that moment, attempted murder, possibly even voluntary manslaughter. That would get her locked up in a straight jacket in a padded cell for the rest of her life.

What she needed was something to distract her dark thoughts about how badly she wanted to punish the one person she considered her closest, most intimate, friend in the world. Sex often helped, had often helped calm her down in the past, both before and after ending up at Cedarville, and after being released from Cedarville as well.

But Aiden just couldn't take the hint of her refusal to acknowledge the information he had given her. He mentioned it again as if he thought she hadn't heard him the first time. She said nothing in response but the way she looked at him would certainly suggest that she didn't want to talk about it, not then, not there. Not while she was so mad she could almost feel her nostrils flaring.
"Sure you can help," she said when he approached and kissed her and used her left hand to undo her jeans while taking his left hand in her right hand and guiding it inside them.
"But I need you to fuck me into oblivion. Don't stop even if I scream. I want you to fuck me like I'm nothing but a silicone doll."
She pressed herself against his hand and slipped her left hand onto the bulge in his pants.

She then pushed him off of her, pulled her jeans and underwear down to her knees and leaned up against the highest point of the ruins, no more than a few stones high, and started rubbing herself while looking straight at him with a look as if to challenge him to do his worst with her.
Although he was not exactly glad about how casually she was taking the whole matter, Aiden could not deny that it was something he looked forward to. Their past trysts had been anything but bad, and he had enjoyed them when it happened. Of course, she was probably a lot more experienced than he was, but that did not matter. "Are you sure?" he asked her cautiously when she asked her to not stop even if she screamed. His heart leapt into his throat for a moment as he wondered exactly she wanted him to do, and eyed her hand as she guided his own inside her jeans. A sigh escaped him as she touched his shaft through the clothes that he had on, but was nonplussed as she undressed in front of him then, pushing him away.

"I don't want you to complain about it later," he teased her, already beginning to unbutton his shirt. He could not help the sense of foreboding excitement that had come over him; once the material was strewn across the the floor, he unbuckled his belt before removing his boxers. Once he was completely naked, he stepped forward to pull Callie in for a kiss again. His hand reached forward to hungrily knead her breasts as he made out with her, his tongue stretching forward to entwine with her mouth. And then he had positioned his member in front of her, entering her roughly without letting her prepare herself for it. No sooner had he done so than he broke the kiss, reaching towards her hair now as he grabbed onto it.

As he slipped onto her, he slammed her head against the ruins, using his other hand to roughly smack her thigh, hard enough to leave a bruise mark. "Isn't that what you wanted?" he asked her, grazing her forehead against the stone as he repeatedly hit her with it.
Calliope Callie Williams

Callie smiled demurely when he asked if she was sure that she didn't want him to stop even if she screamed. She knew that Aiden knew very well that she was no stranger to rough sex. There was a time in her life when she had made a living from it but she played along as it was all part of the game.
"I'm sure," she said confidently and then bit her bottom lip before taking another drag on the cigarette.
"I wouldn't ask for it if I wasn't sure, would I now?"

She watched him undress and after pulling up her top she undid her jeans, letting them drop to her ankles before pulling down her black microfiber hipsters to reveal her neatly trimmed light brown pubes, tapping the middle finger of her free hand against her clitoris and then almost reluctantly allowed him to kiss her before he roughly turned her around and entered her from behind.

His grip on her hair was tight and gasped as he slapped her ass and pressed her forehead against what was left of the rough stone wall.
"Fuck yes," she cried out and felt her breasts scrape against the same wall as he began to pound into her. She made no attempt to steady herself but rather let her body move with his thrusts.
"Fucking slap me hard. Treat me like a fucking whore," she said loudly in a commanding voice.
There was no need to keep quiet. There was no one around to hear them, except perhaps for a few small woodland critters like squirrels and rabbits, maybe the odd badger and birds.
Did he genuinely want to hurt her? The answer was 'no', but he could not help but imagine what it would be like if he got too carried away. He entertained the thought for a moment, but then shoved it away from his mind. It was probably wiser to leave it for some other time, and besides, he did not really want to breach her trust. Not only would that be something he was against to do (she was likely the only friend he'd ever had), but it would also ensure that she never talked to him again.

His hand reached down to smack her thigh as he began to build up his speed, hard enough to hurt before he made for her hair once again. He yanked it backwards as he shoved her against the wall, leaning forward so that his breath tickled her neckline. "Well, as I am the one in control," he said softly, "you should listen to what I say. And I want you to just quietly enjoy what's happening." As if to make his point, he made for her neck, squeezing it for a couple of seconds before he let go.

As the minutes passed by, his breathing had begun to grow more shallow, and he found it hard to speak himself. He was properly ramming inside her now, and his breathing came in grunts. His heart was battering against his chest as he suddenly felt a familiar sensation building up inside his body. It started off slow, but then intensified as he kept up the steady pace. Suddenly, a grunt escaped him as he was thrust over the edge, holding onto the young woman as he released himself inside her.
Calliope Callie Williams

Callie too grunted and groaned, clearly in a state somewhere between ecstacy and severe discomfort. She cried out when he smacked her thigh but she kept encouraging him and when he once more grabbed her hair and made sure she knew he was in control and that she should listen to what he said and just enjoy his rough fuck.

The sound of flesh against flesh as he pounded into her violently echoed through the woods and added to the choir of noises already present in the dark, but as Callie came closer and closer to an orgasm, she heard another sound, one that wasn't what one might expect in the woods at night. It was a cackling laughter and it was so loud and so close it startled her but at the same time sent her over the edge and into a spiral of orgasm following upon orgasm, each one more intense until she collapsed breathless, her body still shaking.

She barely noticed him not pulling out, as he had always done before to avoid any risk of getting her pregnant. Instead she felt strangely empowered and stood up straight, turned around and looked deep into his eyes.
"So you think you're in control do you?" she said, her voice a little deeper than normal, a little more hollow.
She pushed him in front of her until he was pressed up against a tree that had grown through the floor of the ruined building. She then reached down and took a firm hold of his cock. Stroking it roughly and rapidly she began to nibble on his face, his ears, his cheeks, his lips, nothing that would cause any serious pain, just playful nibbles.

Her free hand found its way to his chest and began playing with his nipples. And then she stopped, still with a firm grip on his cock she bent it down towards the ground.
"Lie down," she said in that same unusual voice.
"Face up, hands behind your back."
Lie down on the ground? That was definitely going to be something he agreed to, despite the fact that a soft hiss of satisfaction had escaped him as she pleasured him, making his eyes almost roll towards the back of his head.

"You are joking, right?" he said in a tone of slight disbelief. The ruins were one thing, and it might comparatively more sense to be pressed up against a wall than to recline on a ground that was filled with foliage, possible insects, and brambles that were already beginning to cut through his skin. "I am not going to sleep here, if that's what you are asking." He hesitated for just a moment, glancing at her eyes with a mixture of apprehension and slight curiosity. "It's probably time to head back, actually. It's early in the morning and we're getting late." He did not want to think about what the others would say if he showed up when they were already awake. They might not assume that both of them had been spending time in secret, but it would certainly not bode well. And besides, he was already beginning to get slightly drowsy. A part of him wondered what the time was... he did know that it had been hours, however.

He stared at her in the eye as he attempted to bat her hand away.

"Really, it's enough for now."
Calliope Callie Williams

"It is enough when I say it is enough. And I said: lie down, Now."

Callie was strong for someone with such a small frame as her and Aiden knew this. He had certainly seen her get into enough fights over the years they had known each other, with boys as well as with girls but the strength with which she now grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him, first to his knees and then onto his back, would be something he had not expected.

As she now stood over him he would realise that somewhere between him starting to fuck her and the moment she began to lower herself down onto his face she had completely removed her jeans and underwear.

She stopped when her cunt was only an few inches from his lips and his nostrils would fill with the mixed scent of her arousal and his own semen having leaked out of her and now was hanging in gobs from her inner labia.

"Now you can either make me cum with your tongue and lips, willingly, or I can rub my cunt all over your face until I do."
Her voice was still strangely hollow as if it was being processed through an audio filter.
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Interestingly enough, he was not sure that he had seen this side of her before. He was aware that she was strong, but this was more than what he was expecting. "What in the--" His voice was cut off as he was shoved to the ground. A grunt escaped him as his head nearly made contact with a boulder that was nearby, and he immediately reached forward to rub that side of his skull. There was a deafening ring in his ears, and he was unable to hear what she was saying for a moment.
"Enough of this," he snapped. The rational part of his mind was processing information more slowly now; he was not aware of what had gotten into her, although he would have likely laughed it off even if someone had told that to him. He yanked his face out of the way as she shoved her womanhood near him, and then attempted to straighten himself up once more.

"Listen, I don't really want to get into an argument. Let me go, and we can continue this later." He winced at the pressure on his knee, but then began to get on his knees.
Calliope Callie Williams

"No," Callie said in that same hollow voice and pushed him back down as she lowered herself down onto his face.
She locked his arms with her legs and, as she had said, since he didn't seem willing to use his tongue and lips to pleasure her she began to grind her cunt against his face, smearing her slimy juices all over it. If he tried to break free again he would find her strength not only surprising but somehow unnatural as he would not be able to move his arms at all.

As she straddled him in what one might consider a reverse cowgirl position she also had free access to his cock which she resumed her mercilessly rough and fast stroking off as soon as she had him under control. Her face mere inches from it, close enough for a random taste of the lingering cum from him having shot his load inside her moments before.

Every now and then she ran her tongue across the head of his cock and kept riding his face until he would feel a thin but sticky liquid gush out of her and cover his entire face as she came. And when she did she stopped stroking his cock again and stood up.

She lit another cigarette and pulled up her underwear and jeans.
"Now you can finish yourself off," she said and giving him a strange look as if she only just barely recognised him she then began to walk back towards the camp.
By the time that it was over, Aiden's face was contorted into one of displeasure. "What was that for?" he called out as she returned towards the camp, but received no answer. He stared at Callie as her profile disappeared from view, and then gave a slight sigh. He could not say that he had not entirely enjoyed it, but he did not appreciate how she had gone about that.

He straightened up to his feet presently, registering that they felt unusually long, and he winced as he made his way towards the camp-site. It appeared to take even longer to find the place for some reason, besides the fact that it was almost early in the morning. His initial exuberance had almost disappeared as he crept into his room, and he collapsed onto the bed almost immediately.

Unfortunately, it did not last for long since he was supposed to be up early. He almost rolled onto his back as Ethan shook him awake, but then opened his eyes with a mixture of resignation and fury. "Can't you let me sleep for some more time?" he muttered, but then slowly got to his feet. "Fuck this. What time is it?"

"Nine in the morning," Ethan answered. "Everyone's up at the lounge, waiting for you before beginning breakfast."
Calliope Callie Williams

Callie had been up early with the other girls, showered and got dressed. She was in a weird mood though. She felt both satisfied and at the same time restless and short-tempered. She had snapped at Sarah for now apparent reason and gone aside for a cigarette before breakfast. She didn't remember much of what had happened last night, just that she had gone into the woods with Aiden to fuck, a sort of revenge fuck but that was it. How she had gotten back home was a blank. She also couldn't remember whether he had made her orgasm or not. Something about her mood suggested he hadn't. The mess she had found in her underwear when she changed that morning suggested he had unloaded inside her, which was ok since she was on the pill and had been for many years.

For breakfast she didn't really eat. She just had a large coffee, some dry toast in silence while the other girls chatted away excitedly. She felt, for the first time in a long while, like the outsider she really was in relation to the group, none of who knew about her background at Cedarville. None of them knew anything about her from before college. She rarely talked about it and had even lied during games of Never Have I Ever to hide some of her pre-college experience.

"I'm going to have another cigarette with my coffee," she said not really bothering to see if anyone had even noticed.
As she left the dining hall she met Aiden who looked like his face was still attached to the pillow.
"Last night was nice," she whispered in passing and lied as she did because she didn't really remember anything beyond the two of them having fucked in the woods.
Having reached the lounge, it was a tired young man that accepted the cup of coffee that was offered. It seemed to burn some life into him, but he was not really in the mood to have anything else. Instead, he chose to spend his time outside, but was somewhat disappointed to run into her yet again. His face was etched with displeasure as she said that she had liked it, and shook his head slightly.

"Let's not talk about that," he said acidly. He was already regretting the fact that he had invited her to check the ruins out, and did not want to be reminded of it again. He did, however, have a sudden idea that occurred to him at her comment. "Hold on for a moment," he called out, reaching out to touch her arm before she could walk away. It was something that he was wondering about since last night, and it perplexed him somewhat.

"Do you really not care about what James did?" he asked her slightly. Part of the reason why he had acted as a whistleblower was simple: he was hoping to get a reaction out of her, as cruel as it might have seemed. On the other hand, she did not seem to care about it at all. "And Sarah, I mean. I would have thought that you might like to have some revenge... on anyone who might have been in on it."
Calliope Callie Williams

She pulled her arm away from him but nodded in the direction of the small group of trees she had been heading for, inviting him to follow her there. She then lit a cigarette and nodded again this time looking at him.
"Of course I care. The question is why do you?" she said and took a deep drag on the cigarette and blew the smoke out with as much force as if she was trying to blow out a candle.
"No. First tell me what really happened last night," she said.
It had not been lost on her that his tone of voice had not exactly suggested he was of the same opinion about what had happened.
"Was I not good enough for you, now that we're both adults and free of that rotten fucking place. Or was it because you ... Fuck I don't know but you obviously don't seem to agree with me that it was nice. I mean sure, it wasn't exactly mindblowing but it did the job didn't it. I slept just fine after and that was the point wasn't it?"
There was a chill in her voice that suggested no emotional attachment, suggested that in her mind what had happened between them the night before had been little more than a means to an end, a decent fuck to help them relax enough to sleep.
Her response was surprising; he discerned a state of detachment in her words, as if he did not particularly care as to what she had said. It might not have been very different from Callie would say in certain circumstances, and yet... it was unexpected. Aiden also had no idea how he was supposed to respond to her essentially forcing herself on him. Momentarily, the fact that he was assaulted crossed his mind, but he shoved it way. That was not a discussion he wanted to have at the moment.

"That's not the point," he said wearily. "It's not about whether I liked it or not. And in case you ask, I did." It was obviously a lie, but he had to in order to convince him of what he wanted her to do. He was silent momentarily, being aware that what he was about to say now might be dangerous. But as long as he took it slow, perhaps it did not really matter.

After ensuring that no one else was nearby, he continued in a hushed tone:

"You ask me why I cared? It's because you are my friend. And don't you think that what they did requires some... punishment? I am not sure you'd like to just wallow in self-pity, do you? We can actually exact revenge on them if you like."
Calliope Callie Williams

Callie's eyes seemed to light up with excitement and then darken to a shade beyond black, a shade of complete absence of light, at his words of punishment, of punishing them for what they had done and about exacting revenge on them. A grin, that was as far from a smile as a cat was from a mouse, a grin like poison come to dinner.

She had at first looked demandingly at her friend as he hesitated and in the end seemed to fail to find the words to tell her about what had happened between them in the woods the night before. She had looked at him trying to remember anything beyond her getting pounded hard from behind with his right hand firmly gripping her hair, pulling her head back, and then nothing but release, relaxation and waking up in the morning. She had no memories of walking back to the camp, but then there it was, clear as day in her memory.

It was not the first time she had had blackouts. In fact she was quite used to them but she had not had any recently, not in the last year and a half or so. In fact up until she found out that James had been fucking around with not just one other girl but a handful at least she had felt almost normal (whatever that meant). Her studies had been stimulating enough to keep her from getting bored out of her head. She had managed to stay out of trouble with the law. She hadn't even stolen the odd chocolate bar at the local seven eleven around the corner from the dorms.

This was of course in parts because she had been careful with alcohol and other intoxicating substances ever since she was released from Cedarville and more so since being admitted to Buffalo State University. But it was perhaps more because her brain was now being stimulated intellectually instead of resorting to such substances. The only addictions she still had, and nurtured was coffee and nicotine, both of which were relatively harmless in comparison to some of the things she had been using before Cedarville, and more importantly neither of the two caused memory loss if using too much of them.

Then, as she stood there trying to remember what Aiden apparently did not want to tell her about the night before, at the very moment he uttered the words: And don't you think that what they did requires some... punishment? She heard it again, that cackling laughter. And she remembered ... what had happened, at least blurred fragments of it but rather than feeling any need to apologise the grin spread on her face and then she nodded.
"Yes. I suppose we could," she said in that same strangely detached hollow voice as she had spoken to him in the night before as she violated him sexually.
She had agreed to it. That was a promising sign, and Aiden gave a nod. "Of course we could," he corrected her softly. "There's no need to second-guess yourself over it." There was a more sinister reason behind that as well, even if she thought that he was just helping her exact revenge on those who had wronged her. In truth, it was she that he wanted to send to jail. He had love for the woman who had accidentally sent him to prison over a false accusation. Or, a misguided one if he were to be more accurate. The police were just doing their job, but the real criminal was still out in one of the cabins, pretending as if they were still close friends.

As expected, Callie was interrogated during the investigations, but the evidence was planted against him from the very beginning. Her answers served to just be the icing on the cake that sent him to prison, although he was perfectly innocent. She might not have known that, and she probably still had no idea. But that did not mean he did not want to pay her back in turn. After all, would she apologize if he revealed everything to her now? In all probability, she would just say that she did not believe he wasn't behind it. Or at least that's what he told himself so that he could focus on the juicier parts.

"And we should begin with some of the others," he continued, "in order to make sure that we are ready for the actual ones. They are friends, remember? All of them were probably in on it." He was not sure how true that was, but he hoped that she would buy it. He leaned forward then, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of desire and fervor.

"Let's start with Andrea, what do you say? Tonight."
Calliope Callie Williams

There had always been a darkness within Calliope and a hollowness where most people had emotions like empathy, sadness, joy, guilt, shame and love. She had trained all her life to at least appear to feel any of them and to do so in the appropriate contexts. It was this darkness, this hollowness that had eventually landed her in Cedarville Juvenile Detention Centre, where she perfected the mimicry and learned to behave as she was expected to behave for the warden as well as the doctors at the Cedarville Psychiatric Facility to consider her rehabilitated and ready to face the world outside again. It was through those lessons learned that she had then lived her life up to that moment in the ruins, no more than a few hours earlier, when she had first heard that cackling laughter. In that moment something inside her had changed, no ... not changed, something had awakened inside her deep within that darkness, that hollowness.

Now as she looked at Aiden, almost as if seeing him for the first time her gaze was dark, almost black, and there was a shine in her eyes, of ill-intent, of malevolence, of something Aiden might perhaps soon regret having awakened.

She nodded again at his suggestion. Andrea would do as a first victim, the smug little bitch.
Her voice hollow and cracked and then she finished her cigarette, dropped it in the grass and stomped it out with her boot.
"We're going for a swim," Sarah called out to them as she and the other girls passed by in bikinis with the boys not far behind.
"And then we can do inventory and all that boring stuff in the afternoon, or tonight," Joan added and as she nodded Callie let her eyes linger on the Asian girl's barely clad ass.
"Sure, be right there," she said in her usual voice and without taking any further notice of Aiden hurried back to the cabin and go changed into a bikini that was just as revealing as what the other girls had worn.
She then joined the others at the pond after which the camp was named. It wasn't very large , or for that matter very deep, maybe twelve feet at the most, and the water was cool.

The day then went by with everyone busying themselves with various projects to prepare the camp for opening. It had been decided after lunch that they should make a bonfire and grill their dinner, pigs in blankets and marshmallows essentially, the kind of food the kids would enjoy. Callie kept to herself on one side of the bonfire and rather than eating just sat there staring into the fire while the others seemed to pair up already. Sarah was sitting on Ethan's lap with one arm around him and he had his hands on her thigh and ass. Joan had paired up with Jason and was straddling him and grinding slowly against him, presumably thinking she was being quite discreet. Andrea then was left with a choice between Matthew or the weird kid that none of them really knew other than through his connection to James. Needless to say Matthew had been the obvious choice and the two of them were also the first to withdraw from the fire for "a walk in the woods" as Andrea said with a giggle as she was being playfully pulled down the same path where Callie and Aiden had begun their walk the night before.

A few minutes later Callie stood up, tossed her uneaten sausage into the fire and without a word walked off, seemingly in a different direction. There was no agreement on a signal between her and Aiden for when to take action but Andrea walking off with Matthew would be obvious as a signal, she hoped.
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