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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Azalea was just watching for a moment before she was taking off her helmet and shaking out her hair a bit before letting out a breath.
Abby soon joined her after Robert came and told them about the move "the people aren't happy about moving below but they will do it to keep their kids safe"
Azalea was just nodding her head before she was tapping her fingers before she was speaking, "Wait. Move them down below but have that use that tunnel that you told me that had been made to help people escape to Caly's kingdom years ago. Have them head there and leave via that exit, have them flee to Caly's kingdom."
Abby and Robert nodded their heads as it would be a good Idea for them to all leave and to head to Caly's where it would be easier to hold out against this new enemy
"You lead them there. I will remain here with some of my men to make it seem like we haven't abandoned the kingdom then when they retreat again... We will retreat and join forces with Caly's people." Azalea was speaking after a moment in time and was stating that they needed to be sure to get a message to them first.... or else they were going to be severely confused to random people arriving.
Azalea was nodding before she was speaking, "Do what you need but try and make it quick. We need to be moving now." No she didn't want to sound like she was rushing Abby but she was also sure that Abby would understand. Right now it was dire that things be taken care of as swiftly as possible.
Azalea was heading into the ballroom and was managing to get everybody to quiet down. "I know you are all afraid right now but I need you all to listen and remain calm. We have a new plan. You are going to follow Robert and Abby through the tunnels; you will stay together, help each other, but most importantly remain calm. You will be retreating to Queen Calypso's kingdom."
Abby looked at them all and nodded when she was mentioned. while everyone knew her she wanted to make sure that everyone knew what she was wearing
Azalea was just directing everybody towards where Abby was at before she was speaking, "Remember the most important things are to stay calm and help each other. You are all going to be safe and sound. And I know that for some of you it is terrifying to go back down there, having been down there for so long but just tell yourself that right now... it is to protect your family and it is temporary. Now if Abby or Robert give the order to remain down below as it is dangerous to leave through the exit at the time.... listen."
Robert looked at Abby and then he spoke "we won't keep you below long but if it isn't safe we will ask that you stay where you are till it is" Abby looked around and went to comfort one woman who was starting to panic
Azalea was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was pushing some of her hair out of her face.
Azalea was just watching before she was turning to head back out to the throne room where the king was at with some of his guards.
Hayden was just watching them all leave before he was looking towards Azalea as she was stating that it would be best for him to leave.
Hayden was letting out a sigh before he was telling his soldiers that they had better not fall in battle. "Even if any of us did... we would make sure to take the enemy with us." Azalea was speaking.
Azalea was just giving a smirk before she was waving to the king and was just turning on her heel to wander off towards the doors the palace.
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