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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Azalea was nodding her head before she was turning and heading off so that she could get back to the palace, and once she was there was striding off towards the king's chambers so that she could wake him up and deliver the news.

Archer was just looking for a moment in time before he was nodding his head and speaking, "Yeah that sounds like fun."
Grant smiled and then got up and got dressed so that they could go and watch the guys train. Grant would do his own training later in the day once he was more awake then he was at the moment.

Azalea would find Abby standing by the door guarding it from the advisors who wanted to go in and wake the king. while she didn't know what was going on Abby wasn't going to let him be woken up unless it was absolutely necessary. Abby spotted Azalea and then spoke "it is necessary to wake him he hasn't been asleep long" if the woman said it was then she would let her in to the room
Azalea was looking towards Abby before she was nodding. "Yes it is necessary. Robert was going to have a runner have you wake him up but I figure it would be easier for me to come and explain the situation right away." With that she was letting out a breath of air and pushing some of her red hair out of her face.

Caera was walking into the throne room and giving a small curtsy to Caly who was just waving her hand. After a moment Caly was looking at Caera before she spoke, "Just recently we finished constructing the orphanage. And I was wondering if you would like to become the matron - to are for these children until they are adopted." Well this had a couple of nobles rather shocked and there were a couple of them that were making snide comments about how Caly was crazy to trust somebody from the underground. This had Caly looking for a moment before she was speaking, "Enough. Yes Lady Caera is from the underground but that was a year ago. This is a new year, a new beginning for many."
Abby nodded her head and then stepped to the side and opened the door going in to the room so that Azalea could enter as well and wake the king. while she didn't like the idea of waking him but if it was important enough for Azalea to come herself then she knew it had to be bad "how bad is it"

Vincent looked at Caera "you don't have to do it if you don't want to but the job is yours if you want it" Vincent had spoken with Caly about it and he was in agreement with her choice of matron.
Azalea was just letting out a breath of air before she was speaking, "A new war... will be waged." No it was pretty bad and with that said she was going over towards Hayden so that she could wake him up. No shock at all that he was upset and hissing at whoever had woken them up, telling them that it was best they leave him alone. "It is an emergency." was all she was stating, as calm as could be.

Caera was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "No... I will accept the position." This had Caly giving a smile although she found herself distracted when a scout was running in and stating that they had a messenger from Hayden's kingdom.
Abby walked to the kings side carefully touching his back "I wouldn't have let her in if it wasn't from what she has told me its really bad Hayden" Abby felt bad that he had to be woken up but she hoped that with them both being calm that he would remain calm as well.

Vincent nodded his head lightly and then smiled when she accepted the position.
Hayden was just growling a bit before he was sitting up and hissing that it had be important. No he was beyond irritated at that point in time, and it was directed at everybody. This had Azalea looking before she was speaking, "The village outside of the kingdom was destroyed. The civilians were slaughtered and just pinned up as though trophies of war. There was a symbol painted on the door of the house in the blood of the civilians, the symbol of the kingdom far to the South, deep within the swamps." A kingdom that many had thought had just been stories, well some anyways. Those that were skilled in warfare knew better thought.

Caly was smiling before she was looking at the messenger as they were hurrying in and bowing to her before holding out a hastily written letter. The handwriting Vincent would recognize as Robert's handwriting.
Vincent took the letter from the messenger and then opened it and read it before handing it over to Caly his face pale "we need to prepare for war" Vincent knew this wasn't going to go well if this kingdom was coming for them they would have a lot of work to do.

Abby put a hand to her mouth at the description of what had happened. she didn't cry out as there was nothing her hurt could do for those who had been killed she just hoped that they were being buried with honor.
Caly was just looking towards the letter for a brief moment in time before she was letting out a breath of air before she was giving a nod of her head. After that she was looking towards Vincent before she spoke, "Please find Grant and tell him that we need to have a war meeting." No that would be enough to tell Grant that it was an emergency.

Hayden was just frowning before he was growling a bit before he questioned, "Were there any survivors?" This had Azalea speaking, "I have some of my men checking now as we speak. The dead are being buried as well and after I am done here I will be leave to check some of the other villages."
Abby looked at Hayden and then spoke "I will gather the advisors in the meeting hall when your ready" she couldn't do much but this was something she could do and it would get them from infant of the bed room and give him a chance to wake up more.

Vincent nodded his head and then stood and headed off to find Grant so that he could be alerted to what was going on
Hayden was giving a nod of his head before he was moving so that he could get up and get dressed, already Azalea was heading off so that she could get some of her own stuff down. Well this whole situation was more than annoying.

Caly was letting out a breath before she was dismissing the nobles then looked towards Caera before she was stating that she would have one of her handmaidens show her the orphanage.
Abby moved and shooed the advisors away and told them to head to the meeting hall and the king would join them soon but he didn't need to come out of the room to them standing there. Abby sighed when they left and then she looked back in to the room and sighed lightly feeling bad for her

Vincent found Grant and then looked at Archer and asked if he wanted to go and learn how to forge a sword after telling Grant that a war meeting was being held
"I can take you to her if you want to go with her instead but I believe she is going to look at the orphanage that she has agreed to manage" Vincent knew Grant would want to get going and he would offer to take him there
Vincent nodded his head "then I will take you to her" Vincent smiled at him lightly and then stood up and offered his hand to him so they could get going
Archer was nodding before taking his hand so that they could get going. As they were doing this, Caly was already within the meeting room with a few of the other generals. There were a couple of them that still seemed to be against her being apart of the war council, people who were good warriors and had risen through the ranks. While they respected the hell out of Grant and knew what they were doing... they didn't seem to respect Caly all that much when she was acting as a member of the war council.
Grant looked at them and rubbed his head "as your queen she has every right to be here as does King Vincent besides she is also a skilled warrior" Grant was curious as to what was going on and why they had been called but he figured she would tell them when everyone was there and she was ready.

Abby looked at the advisors who were gathered and watched them closely some were nervous and anxious while others were calm almost too calm for her liking
Caly was just looking towards Grant for a moment as she was handing him to letter, and listened as one of them was stating that a woman shouldn't be a warrior. That their job was to stay at home and tend to the house, and care for children. Eventually Caly knew that she was going to have to take a step back although knowing all of this information now just had her stressed. She was letting out a small breath of air and running her fingers through her hair. No she still wasn't feeling well at all, on top of she hadn't been able to tell Vincent what she needed to tell him, and now this.

It wasn't long before Hayden was coming into the room along with Robert and it seemed like a knight that was a step below Azalea.
Grant finished reading the letter and then looked at the one who had made the comments "leave now" Grant wouldn't put up with that kind of behavior from the men who were under him and he would make it clear that such disrespect would not be tolerated. Grant then looked to Caly and spoke "you orders my queen" Grant had replaced one of her generals who had retired and he had proven his mettle quickly so no one argued with him often.

Abby pulled Haydens chair out and then set some coffee infant of his seat so that he could make it through the meeting. Abby didn't know if the coffee would help keep him awake or not but she would do what she could to keep him awake till the meeting was over
Caly was just looking towards Grant when he was telling her person to leave, not really wanting to deal with it at that point in time. No she was going to leave it to somebody else at the time. Soon enough she was letting out a breath of air before she was speaking, "We will need to gather information first." Although from what she knew of Azalea... and she was sure that Grant would have this same idea as well... the woman was probably off to gather information and would keep them in the loop.

Hayden was taking the coffee and once everybody was there he was explaining what had happened; recounting what he had been told by Azalea.
Grant looked at Caly "Azalea will most likely go and find out more information and once she has it we will be informed along with that of King Hayden" Grant knew that Azalea would do her best to find out what happened and then let them know what had happened. Grant wanted to put the people on alert and have the outer villages move in to the area around the castle but he knew that would only cause panic.

Abby stood and listened as he told them what happened and she watched the advisors while most were shocked and some even looked sick one of them looked pleased
Caly was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "For the time being we shall stay alert. As for the outer villages.... we shall give an announcement that all are to gather at the palace for a celebration and an announcement." This had some question her about why she was wanting to do that which had her stating that she didn't want to send them into a panic. "Once they are here then we can "pretend" like we just received word and keep them here for safety. The villagers will come without a fight. And I always have some of my men go to personally deliver invites such as this and many remain behind to help the elderly to the palace."

Hayden was watching the advisors as well, although perhaps not as intently as Abby was. After all he was still only half awake. The man under Azalea was all keeping an eye on them, and making a mental note about the advisor that he was going to have to question.
Grant nodded his head in agreement "its a good movie it will prevent panic like your saying" Grant liked that her mind had gone to the same place his had and he was pleased she thought of her people the most.

Abby watched the advisors and when they said that they would talk and make a plan Abby spoke up "you should wait for the general to return before making a plan" Abby knew Hayden was half awake and not in a good place to be planning military movements
Caly was just nodding her head before she was looking towards one of her other generals, who was bowing and stating that he would get the men ready to move out at her command. After that she was turning her attention towards that of some of the others that were in the room, one of them asking what the celebration was for. This had her just commenting that it was a secret for the time being.

Hayden was just nodding in agreement although it was the man who served under Azalea who was stating, "You are all advisors. Not a single one of you has ever fought a battle. With the king being indisposed and the general being away, that leaves me with the authority to ultimately plan military movements. You can all come up with suggestions and ideas to bring them to me - I shall there compile a list to pass onto the general. From there she will plan with the king."
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