Hayden seemed to be fast asleep at the time - although Abby had already been deep asleep by the time that he had finally gotten to the bedroom the night before. There had been a lot of paperwork that he had wanted to get done and out of the way; which had resulted in him staying up for a good majority of the night the night prior. So he had maybe gone to sleep about two hours prior to her waking up that night - so there was that chance he wasn't going to end up waking up until closer to lunchtime. Though people knew not to bother him - half the time if they absolutely needed somebody they would rather bother one of the generals first, and at that point the only general that had decided to return had been Azalea. Grant had stayed with Caera and Archer in Caly's kingdom, as that is where the young woman and the boy had wanted to stay.
Caera was rousing a bit and rubbing her eyes, although only after Archer came running into the room sobbing and crawled up onto the bed next to her and the only thing that she heard was the whimpered, "Mommy." Her arms were going around him gently and she was just rubbing his hair a little before she was asking in a soft voice, "What's wrong, baby?" "S....Some of the other kids were being mean to me....." Archer was whimpering and just buried his head into her chest before telling her that they were being mean because he didn't have an actual daddy and that he was from the underground. Yes there were still somebody people like that even after a year - yet again it was a transition for a lot of people and it would definitely take time to adapt for many. Caera was just sitting up and speaking to him in a soft voice that everything was going to be alright, just holding him close.
Caly was looking towards Vincent as he was walking into the room before she was commenting, "Good morning." Sure she wasn't sick anymore, but she was still a bit under the weather and still recovering from being sick. Her eyes were going towards the nobles that were there and now that Vincent was actually in the room they were launching into everything that they were wanting to talk about. One thing just happened to be about an heir and how they should have one sooner rather than later. Then there was more serious discussion about planning for what they were going for preparing for the winter, and talk about how some of the buildings that Caly had wanted to construct were going; an orphange and a shelter for those without a home.
Azalea was just pushing some of her hair out of her face as she yawned before just glancing at the door as somebody was knocking on it. "Somebody had better be dying." she groaned as she buried her face into the pillow before she was getting up. She was grabbing her nightgown from the ground and pulling it on - so she was wearing at least something at that point in time. Sure it was a black rather sheer nightgown but it was still more than her just being nude. Opening the door revealed one of her rather nervous looking lieutenants at the time - somebody who knew not to bother her unless it was an emergency. "General Azalea, there is something that you need to see." he was speaking after a moment in time which had her giving a nod before she was stating that she was going to get dressed and she would be there right away.