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Circulatory Flora (EEE X Wedge) NSFW IMAGES

A shitstorm it was. Behind his closed eyes was a torrent of thoughts. A series of queries that were being unanswered. The little information know..troubling.

Work ranges in depth and possible chance of threats. Not everyone lies their details being looked into. Especially those that concern corpors and their employees. But Lun-Smoke. Smoke was worst. She had connections. She had a family that were more than employees. More than managers or supervisors. Founder sof their own Corp. She said there would be little trouble, but anything that involved corpos had a chance ofngoing haywire.

Not to mention her ex. Th3 source of her problem. Verne had little details, but he could see that this was a little over his head. A little over his head but a opportunity. Money wise and also reputation. And rep went a long way. At times even being more valuables then credits. But at this moment..he had no leverage to buffer themselves in case anyone did come knocking.

He tossed and turned, hearing sniffles and some low audio. He listened intently but it sounded like videos. Not a call. He eventually drifted off to sleep onen sentence being heard and echoing in his mind. 'Did you even care about me?'

His dreams were muddled, foggy. Streams of 1s and 0s everywhere. He saw himself in his apartment. In his dream he heard the pitter patter of feet. Smoke walked out of the bathroom, one of his shirts covering her chest. But nothing below. His eyes were glued to hers as she swayed her way over to him. She took a seat on his lap and leaned in. Her logn hair brushing against his face as she whispered a sentence he had heard before "I need you."

Without a thought hisn hands reached under the shirt and lifted it up. The streams of 1s and 0s covering her body. His hands reached up to bring her close.Yet Smoke looked at him. Her body unmoving, like she was a doll. 'Did you even care about me?'

Then a roaring sound in his ears as red tendrils seemed to come out of nowhere and wrap around his neck. Constricti quickly. His eyes went everywhere for help..but soon the 1s and 0s turned red and starting to make a loud static sound. The sound of credbi5s being received filled his ears...

Verne woke up sitting up in his bed. He look3d around the apartment. He wondered if it ALL had been a dream. But he saw Smoke on the couch...

He rubbed his face and muttered "Fuck me. Am I the gonk?" He sighed and was still a moment before looking over himself. Shit he had a boner too, a little tent under his covers greeting him from his nightmare. He sniffd and smelled himself and his own funk. Man he should have showered last night. He rose and made his way to the bathroom, stopping to place a pair of his shorts on small table in front of the couch for Smoke. Couldn't go shopping with her half naked.

He made his way into the shower and stripped. Going into the shower and turning it on cold. He hung his head and just stood there a bit as he tried to calm down his mind and his buddy below. The little wingman already shrinking. Verne shook his head and started to wash himself in the bathroom.
It took a bit of time before Luna would fall asleep though her dreams were not restful. Her happy memories right now nightmares and she had no one to talk to. No one to confide anything to. At least when she was asleep she stopped crying at her dreams it was like she was back before all of the shit hit the fan.

Normally her dreams were off her travels but why were her dreams of Red? Perhaps it was disassociation as she tossed and turned a bit but at least the visions in her mind started off in innocently enough. If she could stop these thoughts she would have but she remember the side of him when he walked into the bathroom topless having her turn to him in her dream she would gently place her hands on his chest feeling his muscles and reaching around pulling him close against her. He could hear how her breath would catch and gasp every so often.

“You’re so strong…” She would whisper to him as she would explore touching his chest and reaching around to feel where his tattoo was it was so intense as she would trace her fingers around the tree on his back. Body type wise Verne was the type she would normally go for and that was probably why she went for Hunter instead of his older brother. Both of them had very attractive bodies and in her dream she was exploring his and before her hand would reach down below the belt she would gasp and shoot up from the couch knocking the blankets off of her. “Ohhhh….that’s not good… Forget about it Luna forget about it it’s just a dream…. subconscious my subconscious is having issues… I need a cold shower…”she would give herself a peptalk as she would sit up and run her fingers through her long dark hair trying to forget about the thoughts of her guy for hire. She should’ve noticed the shorts waiting for her but the first thing she wanted to do was to get the image of her new guard dog for higher out of her brain with a cold shower though she should’ve probably thought to listen and hear that he had made his way to the shower himself.

Luckily for her he was out of bed and she thought maybe he had run out and her brain was too clouded and more embarrassed about what she dreamt about she would make a straight line to the shower especially since her body was overheating after that dream even though she didn’t get very far in it her body was reacting and threw his T-shirt her nipples are quite visible and without thinking she just barged into the bathroom before she would realize it was actually occupied.

It took her a moment to register that he was in there before she would’ve coughed too alert that she was in there too before actually speaking. “L… let me know when you’re done I need a shower…. I know I took one last night but the best I’ll wait outside the door….” she let her gaze dropped to the floor and quickly stepped back out of the restroom waiting outside the door at least she would know when he was finished but right now she did not need hot water she needed extremely cold water especially after that dream it felt so wrong to think of her hired gun like that and she had no idea why he was the one in her dream and why she was reacting to thinking about him. It had to be a stress dream after all! She would push it to the back of her mind and hope he would not notice anything especially how at attention her nipples were under that top. It was a normal body function he should at least understand that, right?
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Verne was washing himself, his thoughts mostly on the dream of Smoke. His hands trailed over his body quickly as he did his usual quick shower. He sighed and shook his head as he tried to focus on other things. His thought process was broken as the door to the washroom opened. He looked through the glass as a still semi naked Smoke stood there staring at him in the shower. He stared back in surprise, and then shifted his body as he felt a swelling start below. Seeing her in his tshirt and nothing else was leaving little to his imagination. The tips of her nipples seemed to be fighting against the shirt, as they were very much noticed.

As she coughed he gave a shake of his head and a small laugh “Shit, I should get some locks..Hey next time knock!” He turned off the shower as he was basically done. Looking down at himself as he was now erect yet again. He glared down at his length, and quickly put his pants on. He stormed out of the bathroom, brushing against smoke and deciding to mess with her “Done..didn’t know you wanted the shower so badly. Or you just wanted an excuse to see me?”

He would go to his closet and start to change, putting on an orange and black windbreaker jacket, with a white shirt underneath. He opened a drawer and sorted through some pants, settling on some syntheticweave jeans. He tried to not look at Luna or show his front to her. He hated to admit it, but his body was getting primed for her. Business and pleasure did not mix well, and trying to shoot for a corpor girl like that? Man it spelled alot of more trouble.

"Hurry up, we can get you some cloths and go eat.. Just wear the cloths on the couch. Too early to look lieka joytoy in the morning with your old outfit."
Knocking would’ve been the civilized thing to do, but she barged in. Seeing Red through the glass made her fumble and panic. Not realizing how pronounced her nipples were under his shirt and that he noticed. “I…I…SORRY!!!!” Luna would get out when she saw him through the glass shower. Red mentioned something about locks but she didn’t catch it being so damn flustered. “I didn’t think you were in here….I didn’t mean to….I really didn’t….”she rambled as she managed to get out and stand outside. She kept her gaze down and seeing him through that glass didn’t help only made her body react even worse after her own dreams. When he brushed against her as he pushed past the door squeak and felt her body shutter. It made her feel worse that she was reacting. Why do she even dream what she did? There was no rhyme or reason to it and it was beyond the pale why was she attracted to him? It must’ve just been his body type and a fluke but when he brushed against her it only made her nipples harder. “NO!!! I wasn’t trying to sneak a peek of you!! I just needed the shower that’s all… I really didn’t mean to… even if I wear I’m not your type anyways….” that last part slipped out and he could see the panic on her face turn red when she realize what came past her lips before running into the bathroom and closing the door. “Clothes on the couch got it in my dress is not a joy toy outfit do you have no idea how expensive that is! I won’t be long I just need a shower.” At least she remembered how to use it And the water didn’t take long to come on and she hopped into wash her self again but this time she kept her hair out of the way pull it up into a nice neat bun but letting the cold water run across her body. He could hear her make very relieved sighs when the water hit her. At least the cold of the water was helping her nipples go down a little bit and when she finished she drive herself off and throw the T-shirt on again to go to the couch and pick up what he left for her. It wasn’t glamorous it was shorts and a baggy shirt for her but it covered her enough to make her not stand out though all she had to wear her heels which would look awkward with the outfit and to be honest maybe that’s what she needed it would draw too much attention to her she would probably just look like a joy toy who needs something to wear after a night of debauchery.

Once he was dressed she would fold up the blankets on the couch and sit there hoping he wouldn’t say anything about her nipples that were still pretty pronounced even after the cold shower but at least the baggy shirt now was hiding them a bit better. “So? Food or shopping first?” Luna asked as she played with the bracelet around her wrist and tried her best to not look at him for too long especially after seeing him in the shower and hopefully he wouldn’t mention how her body reacted when she woke up because she didn’t wanna tell him or explain why she was like that so early in the morning.
Verne would look over at her sitting on the couch. He raised an eyebrow as she fidgeted with a bracelet and seemed to avoid looking at him. He remembered how red her face was and almost wanted to say something, but then a flash from his dream came into his mind of her milky body and then her red face today in the bathroom. She was very expressive, he wondered.. Yeah, better to just get the day rolling. He scratched his head and motioned to her to come on “Yeahh..come on. Lets get you some clothes. Can’t have you wearing my clothes all the time. And don’t care how expensive your outfit is, it is not doing anything for you right now.” He would straighten and head out the apartment with Smoke, and they would join the rush of people doing the same. It was morning and everyone was out there to earn money. People form all walks of life, and all varying shades of outfits. Some were more revealing than others. But everyone seemed comfortable. Verne would look over at Smoke a couple times, keeping an eye on her.

The smell of coffee, smoke, and even liquor was in the air. As everyone made their way to the apartment complex lifts. People crowded into them, and it was tight. Verne grabbed a hold of Smoke and kept her close to him. He already knew not only hands seemed to wander in such places, hands did that often as well. Plus he did not want to lose her in the bodies. Yet such an action brought the two close together. Chest to chest. As the elevator moved down, the crowd was restless. Bodies bumped into bodies, and Verne’s would bump into and rub against Luna’s and vice versa. Verne kept his eyes up and above her in the crowd he muttered “Always like this. ” Plus he didn’t want to betray the heat building up in his face, because damn he was enjoying the sensation. He tried to shift to give them space, but all it did was just make the front of his body bump into hers.

He was glad when the lift finally finished descending, the crowd moving out of it and onto the streets of the District. The bright song glared down at them, and the sounds of the docks being at work echoed here and there. The horns of the ships blasting like roosters, announcing the beginning of the day and time to get to work. Verne would feel his communicator buzz and he would take it in hand looking as the holoscreen lit up. “Hold on a second.” The Schedule of the day was broadcasted, and reminded him he was not on call for his pod today. IT also mentioned a few missed messages from his supervisor. At the sight of that Verne put the communicator away. No need to touch that today. “Alright let's go. And stay close.”

As they moved, the smell of food in the air, breakfast. Vendors calling out foods and prices. Robotic servants cooked, and wandered delivering packages. A certain yellow foodtruck passed by. Slowing down as it pulled up by Verne. Andy with his durag sticking his head out the window and saying “HAHAH slept well brother!?” As he saw Smoke he would laugh even more and say in a foreign tongue “HAHAH she still with you?! WOAH! No sleep then?! You get her for week or something?! You need give her break! She then meet real! HAHAHA!” He clucked his tongue and sped off with a laugh. Verne would barely have anytime to say anything before Andy sped off. He would sputter and then flip off the truck, which gave a honk as it drove away. “I swear he never sleeps and always has his mouth running.”

Verne would shake his head but have a small smile on his face. Even though Andy was the person who he paid his Gang dues to…the guy never lorded it over him. Maybe that was why he was so good at his job. He seemed more like a friend asking for a quick buck than an enforcer collecting.

Anyway Verne would guide Smoke along, not in a rush at all. Soon they arrived at the store. A shop with glowing neon signs that said ‘Minke’s Apparel’ . The image of a whale wearing a suit flashing. Inside the store there were not that many people. A droid worker at the counter, and another walking around organizing and keeping the clothes net. Cloths were in rows hanging from hooks. Hanging above everyone were holograms of whales and a few ships moving about. All the whales looked sharply dressed. Which was funny as there was not a single suit, tux, or fancy dress in sight.

Verne would nudge Smoke with his elbow and say to her “Go ahead look around..but this isn't like a restaurant. Just get something bag. We will eat after.”
Luna continue to fiddle with that bracelet it was something she always had he would eventually see what it looks like later but for now she kept her eyes away from him especially after what she saw. Focusing on getting dressed she would pull that long hair up into a bun albeit a messy bun. With hair as long as hers it would stand out and she had a gut feeling she should keep it up and out of the way those strands of it were everywhere which would probably look strange with how she was dressed it looked like she had a rolled out of bed look. Lacking make up she still looks stunning with her plush pink lips and wide glittery brown eyes. “I definitely need something to wear these just don’t fit my body properly I appreciate them though…” she was being very polite but the blush on her face was still very evident. He mentioned something about her outfit not doing anything for her at least when she came in but she wasn’t going to argue it was too early to argue. Normally she’d be sleeping in if she was at home but she wasn’t at home and they had to get a start on the day and figure out what she was going to do next.

Like a lost puppy she would follow him and stay as close as he told her to though on the way out they were closer than she would imagine. Once outside he could see how she looked still like a tourist with wide eyes looking around at least keeping close to him he would have to make sure no one noticed how wide eyed and excited she was. Luna just couldn’t help it! She luckily didn’t notice him needing to check his communicator as she stayed close their bodies would be closer than she wanted them to be and every time she bumped into them they kept her face a very fresh looking crimson red. “Is it always this noisy? There’s so many sounds out here. Why are so many people out here this early? Don’t people sleep in?”now is when the questions began she would keep her voice low hoping only he would hear her questions. There was no worry in her mind that he would keep her safe but she had no idea how hands would wander outside. It was very fortunate for him she didn’t notice how he was turning red but he was telling her how to walk and how to move and she was being a sponge taking in everything trying to follow his every move even if her body and small chest kept rubbing against him. Luna was mortified how much they were touching but they were so many people and they had to stay close and he could feel how she accidentally would wrap her arms around him a bit too scared to go any further and to not lose him as she embraced him as if she would let go he would vanish from her sight. With her that close she could feel how fast her heart was beating. It was like the heart of a hummingbird beating so fast it felt like it might burst from her chest even though she lioked calm he could probably tell she was internally freaking out.

What broke her out of her trance was looking at all the food trucks being run by a robot cooks as others yelled out prices. The smell of food made her stomach grumble but that was her later and she could hold off for a little while. Still looking around like a little lost lamb she heard a familiar voice and it was the food truck from the night before. Even though her clothing was different and her hair was more messy he still recognized her and what he said to Red she understood and blinked a few times before she would chuckle a little bit. What she would do next would probably freak Verne out when she not only understood what the vendor was speaking but could communicate right back. “He’s real enough for me. It’ll probably be a while until you get your turn he’s not finished with me yet.” she normally was not that bold and it even shocked herself when those words just popped out of her mouth before she would look down and hope he wouldn’t question that sudden bravado of hers. “You can’t just say things like that out loud…”she would quietly make that comment under her breath hoping that he wouldn’t notice and it seemed like she was talking to herself which wasn’t too unusual for people like her especially after such a bold outburst. She had no idea if his friend would’ve heard her but it was such a quick clap back she was still shocked it popped out. “Well… this is a very lively place I hope he does sleep it wouldn’t be good for him if he stayed up all night.” Now there was a naive woman he had the heart to help yesterday worrying about the sleep of a vendor she barely knew. Dude I have no idea the relationship between the pair but it seem like they got along and she figured they were just friends and she went back to looking around and making mental notes of where she wants to eat some thing if he would stop after shopping of course.

Verne could easily guide her even though she would stop occasionally to look around but at least she followed his lead. The moment they got to ‘Minke’s Apparel’ he would see how wide her eyes got again and she mouth ‘WOW’ looking at the whale in a suit. Then she would chuckle at it it was like a whole new world for her and actually it was since she was so used to high-end things this was something out of a dream and didn’t seem real.

It was a rare site for him when he nudged her and she stayed quiet normally she had something to say or a retort but not now she was mesmerized by all the clothes on rats and the droid. In her world yes they did have droids running shops but they also had humans to make the experience more personal this felt like something out of a simulation. “one bag… got it you didn’t say how big that bag could be though.” there was her smart ass so coming out and her spoiled brat as well and with that nudge she started looking around and picking out different outfits of course she would try them on but he could see as she started picking out things it was like night and day with what she was picking out something cute and then something more practical it was hard to pick what her style actually was.

“Not one of everything, but what if I pick out a weeks worth of clothing is that too much something different for each day. I know I’ll commit a mortal sin I’ll have to wear the same thing again but I can live with that for now. So do you think a dress fine?” as she was walking around he could see her pulling things off the rack and she had a nice little pile in her arms that she would have to try on and even bug him about what would look nice. The occasionally she would talk to herself and if she would listen it sounded like she was actually having a phone conversation.

“Oh! This is so cute! It’s nothing flashy stop getting on my case. It’s not like I’m buying everything I’m gonna wear what I like. You never liked dresses anyway just let me pick out something I want… pick out something you want if you just stop getting on my nerves about it I want something that glows I’m gonna at least look nice….”she was holding up address and something more practical but she was arguing with herself over the choices which would seem strange the question was what he comment on it or let her just do her weird corpo spoiled kid routine. For now she started lining up a handful of clothing she chose if you wanted to put his two cents and now was the time especially since they range from very much joytoy to assassin and everything in between!
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The trip had been an avalanche of questions. For such a small body, Smoke could talk! Verne tried his best to answer her “The docks never are queit, there is always stuff to move. Alot of people here work at the docks…well you sleep in and you lose out on credbits. Some of us need every little one.” He almost felt like a tour guide with this girl to him. He thought it was cute that she looked at almost everything with amazement. He had to pull her along a couple times but he had a grin on his face. It was nice to feel depended on like this. Smoke was very different from the usual girls. And even weird in her own way.

And even when Andy had arrived, he had been surprised she answered him back. But he just said “Right forgot you were a prodigy..and nice you're getting into your role. You're a natural.” He nodded his head as he continued to walk, not thinking much of her response, just something for their facade. He did look back as she talked to herself and smirked "Well I guess your not wrong, we still got some stuff to figure out. So yeah, not finished with you yet. Still gotta work out the kinks."

But as he nudged her to the cloths, and she said he didn’t specify the size of bag he grumbled..and then his eyes widened as Smoke went full shopping mode. He didn;t even know Minke had such fancy cloths. He wondered where she was finding all of this! He just got whatever was on sale. As the pile of clothes increased, slowly a tower held in her hands. He shrugged and decided, let her go out. “Yeah sure get yourself a week’s worth. Better than wearing my clothes everyday.” He watched as she lined up outfits before him, and he scratched at his neck as he looked at them all. She even was talking to herself, and it was interesting to see her arguing with herself like there were two people deciding over the clothes. A little crazy, but hey Verne put it simply to the fact that she was excited for the shopping. He did raise a eyebrow at a it seems her style was all over the place between a joyroy, corpo, and merc.

Verne would step forward at the lineup of cloths and would laugh “Hah wow you put alot of thought into this…Honestly you would look prem in all of it I think.” He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the outfits. “But you don;t need all those dresses..I suppose just one would be fine…But this one..why do you want to look like a bird?” He points at the one covered in feathers “I am pretty sure I have seen a stripper wear this a couple weeks ago. I know I said you could pass as a joytoy but still…and this white suit? Why do you want to look like a corpo?” He blinks confused and then gives a sigh as he looks at the cloths. “Look we need something for the streets yah? Something that won’t make ya look important..” He looks at her and then snaps his fingers and then leans in “Look you know those holoshows? Outfits, actors and shit. You are Smoke, so just think and wear what Smoke would wear…and one dress for backup…But be sure to try the stuff on. If we need to delta from somewhere, well better to be in something comfortable…So no heels. ” He relented at the end but added one last point.
Luna couldn’t help it she was full of questions and she had never had this much experience on the outside at least down here. It was so crowded but as he explained that people worked it was something she wasn’t used to hearing but she kind of understood the concept. “Oh! Kind of like a job I have one of those but it’s not really an every day thing it’s just something to keep my mind busy.”she didn’t mean to sound so spoiled when other people actually had to work and make sure to get by and here she was enjoying doing stuff that she loved. She never had to worry about where her next meal is coming from or live from credbit to credbit. Red was definitely her tour guide and he could tell that everything was keeping her busy and everything was exciting for her. Luckily she didn’t fight it when he pulled her long to get her going but she kept stopping every so often to look at something new it was remarkable that they even made it to the fashion shop.

The moment he called her natural she chuckled happily and took the compliment. “Why thank you! I do have a quite unique skill set. I’m happy you’re appreciating it finally.”he could tell Luna enjoyed being complemented and she had a silly grin on her face.“You don’t need to fix perfection I may have a few kinks but nothing that can’t be created into something more magnificent.”Luna had a bit of an ego that was starting to show since he complimented her but at least she wasn’t lording anything over him.

He didn’t need to do much to nudge her towards the clothes as she went a little nuts digging through everything finding the best that they had and lining up all that she wanted but he did say a weeks worth of clothes was good. The talking to herself continued especially as she was looking at different outfits but then she looked towards Red to see what he thought figuring he would just approve everything like anyone in her life did but he was actually giving her advice. “You think so? Prem in all of it? Well in that case…”she was about to say something but she went silent for a moment as if she was thinking a little too hard but looking over everything that she had she almost was going to say yes to everything there until she listen to what he had to say about different pieces. “Birds oh beautiful don’t you like it I think it looks like a swan. It’s not funny…I like and I never judged you on your taste…”The last part did not seem to be aimed at Red as she ran her fingers over the long white dress that looked very birdlike which she was very much focused on. It seems like she was talking to herself again and she was but it was a slight argument which would seem bit out of place but after all maybe he thought she was just a very strange corpo kid. “How about you pick out a weeks worth of clothing it would be good to have maybe even a suit but I haven’t seen any suits in here…”her attention turned back to Red as she went back to ignoring the voice in her head.

The moment he started giving notes on the outfits she had especially the one with the feathers Luna frowned to herself and put it back really quickly along with the white suit. “I get it. Don’t start with the I told you so I happen to like them they’re classy…”there she was speaking to herself again but she put them back looking a bit defeated especially when he said stripper she looked mortified but internally her twin was cackling with mad laughter.

The moment he leaned in she felt like he stole her breath and she stopped breathing for a moment as he whispered to her talking about holoshows. He could see her start to put things back and actually taking his advice but when he mentioned pick out something Smoke would want she quickly picked out the yellow short set and the full black outfit. Those were definitely not something Luna herself would wear but Smokr jumped at the chance. He did say one dress and anything with heels she would put back grumbling that she did pick out one pair just for her. “Shut up… you’re getting your way let me pick at least one out you’re getting all the things that you like let me get something I like. No you don’t know better than me. I’m the one out here. What’s wrong with looking nice? I’m getting boots But I’m getting one gown you have no idea when you’ll need one. Trust me. Be prepared.”she was at least picking out things with that were more practical and some that were way beyond the pale unpractical but at least mostly it was things that she could run around in and very formfitting.

Luna what then line up her final round up and look towards Red. “I want to try on these what do you think?” at least the talking to herself stopped and she was focus more on him and he could see what was left of what she wants to try on. “You didn’t say one dress but which one I can be practical but I need at least one dress to look my best and besides you have no idea when I’ll need it or if we have to go undercover or something I think you should pick something out to I think I should try them all on what do you think? I say mini fashion show!” If only he could see her twin rolling her eyes in Luna’s subconscious she really just wanted to tell her to be more practical but Luna was far from practical and the two sisters could not be any more different as it was showing in the clothing they were picking out.
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Verne would slowly raises a eyebrow at Luna as he spreads his arms. Thinking she was talking to him as they both looked at the feathery dress. When he looked at that..he saw no swan. No he saw a girl dancing on a pole. He didn't see why she would wear such a thing..though the image of Luna wearing that and on a pole filled his kind and he quickly shook his head at her “Look trust me. Maybe some corpos might wear that to a party..but you don't need it. You are better than looking like some..pigeon or something.”

Red would roll his eyes at the mention of his getting a suit “Not my style.
But if your paying for it sure.”
He would huff as it shiseems Luna was getting upset by suggestions. He raises his hands in surrender “Fine fine, look.. try them on. You are right I don't know what we may need. And this is your credbits.” He puts a hand on her shoulder and tells her “This is more than looking nice. No one is saying you won't. But in the end we want to blend in. Face in the crowd, not in the spotlight right? So get yourself a dress. But focus on what you need, not what you want.” He turns and looks at the rack, letting go of her shoulder and scratching his jaw. “I will look for something. Just a outfit to look more..professional yeah and your paying. Go try on your stff in the dressing room I will be right here.” He pauses as he sees some actual gowns. He did not even know Minke carried this stuff. How could a shop with a whale in a tux have so many options!

He Motions to a rack filled with on clearance items next to the dressing rooms. Making his way to it and saying “Call me if you need me.” He looks over some suits. Poking them with a frown on his face.
Luna didn’t realize she was talking out loud; but Smoke really knew how to get to her especially by arguing with her about her clothing choices. His compliments were very strange but really endearing especially when he said she would look better than a pigeon making her laugh a bit out loud covering her mouth to not draw attention to them. “It’s a swan silly. A pigeon has more gray but a dove is white too I think I have to give you a lesson later.”she sounded absolutely serious about it to his poor dismay.

The moment he rolled his eyes about the suit she would huff and pout as she would grab her hall and put it close to her chest. “if I’m paying get at least one suit you need to look professional what if we have to go undercover or something?” Luna would say before she would go silent again and whispered under her breath. “Don’t tell me what to do I know what I’m doing you’re in there and I’m out here I know what’s best let me do this I’ll get us out of this….”that was not meant for his ears but her sister was driving her crazy giving her two cents about everything and telling her what she did and did not need.

When he put his hand on her delicate shoulder he probably didn’t notice she was blushing she would try to push that out of her mind since whatever this guy was doing it was making her sister act all sorts of weird. “Thank you… i’m sure you look lovely in anything you put on….umm handsome I meant handsome or dashing whatever adjective you want…”she was correcting herself or someone was telling her to say the right words to him but she was trying to quell any feelings for Sister was pushing through and couldn’t understand why for the life of her she thought he was hot. She would make it a point to rush off to the dressing room with the spoils of clothing in her arms deciding to choose an elaborate gown to try before adding heels to it even though he said not to.

If he was close by to the dressing room he would hear her talking to herself again. “Look I want a dress you’re getting what you want let me have at least one or two things for me and don’t argue…”she would say before he would hear the cadence in her voice change and response would actually come. “Look. We have to think differently right now especially out here this is not a simulation. Listen to him. You really need to not be such a brat he’s trying to help you people out here a different trust him you’re paying him he’s on your side pick out one dress but let me do the rest. Please. At least let me sit in the driver seat for a bit you both are clashing in ways you shouldn’t he’s trying to help you and you’re paying him try to meet him at least halfway Luna…” That voice sounded very much a voice of reason before the dressing room went quiet and she put on the skirt and top of choice before walking out opening the curtain and taking one step outside. “TADA! How do I click it fits wonderfully doesn’t it it’s sleek and it’s not too puffy I have a feeling this one would be something you wouldn’t say no to don’t worry I’m picking out some other more practical things but this is the one I really want. Thoughts? You told me to blend in I think this blends in perfectly!” she was excited about her choice though her sister scarfed in her head so this time he wouldn’t hear what she said but he would hear the response of Luna. “No it doesn’t. It doesn’t look like a joy toy it blends in. I saw what women wear outside just trust me for once. So? Do you like it?”

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Verne blinked at Luna as she gave him a small lesson in birds and the different types. Information he never really thought much about. What does a swan look like anyway? He didn’t know, because he never has seen one…Guess he could add a small teaching lesson from Luna on the list of things to do with her. And that list seemed to grow every day.

“Damn straight I’m all that and more.” He would say when she commented how he would look. He felt no discomfort with his body, underneath the windbreaker was a muscular form. Forged by going to the gym, walking, and other activities.

He just decided to go with the flow. Idly he wondered what was Luna thinking with all those outfits? They ranged from joytoy, to merc, to like being a fashionista. Is this what it would be like to take her to a restaurant or anywhere? With her never making her mind? He shook his head and just choose a simple tux, black. One of the droids coming over to help him as Luna got changed in the dressing room. The droid buzzed as its mechanical limbs moved gracefully around him. Gitting him and checking his measurements. Verne would have an annoyed look on his face, that seemed to deepen as a holographic whale floated by letting out a moan. He heard Luna a couple times but he picked nothing out. He was starting to wonder if she was alright. She was tlaking alot to herself.. He shook his head and sighed. He did not think this would turn into this. Why couldn’t she get some cloths, toss them into a bag?

He sighed as the droid went away, notifying him that it had something in stock that would do. As he heard TADA he turned to look at Luna. And his mouth opened and he was frozen at the sight in front of him…was this another bird? Because Luna was in black shiny outfit that left little to imagination. The top and skirt hugged her tightly, like a second layer of skin. And those did they even work? They extended and were larger than her head! He could not help but sputter trying to come up with something to say. Did he like it..a bit. More than a bit. If she was a joytoy he would try and take her home…but she was not.

He moved forward and tried his best to not look at her, as he felt a warmth and tightness from below. He coughed and then said “Those women you saw were joytoys..heading home or wherever after well..working… and this is much worst than the one with all the feathers and shit.” He said as he looked at her “..If we leave here with you wearing that..someone is going to think I am your pimp. You are not blending in…your going to have the whole block looking at your ass and legs.”
Luna was way too excited and having fun as she did a twirl and it left literally nothing to the imagination when she did that and without thinking she even did a cute little bounce. The heels were absolutely ridiculous and it was amazing how she was keeping her balance. She was more than pleased with her choice but had no idea the implications of what she was wearing. To be honest she was expecting him to praise her and tell her it was cute and perfect but that feeling will eventually fade after she would stand there with a white smile expecting him to tell her she did a good job and picked something perfect.

The reaction she got from him made her chuckle figuring she had did such a good job he was speechless! She was very much a black swan and even that was very fitted it didn’t bother her. To be honest she wore less during dance class but out here it was completely different and Verne would shatter that reality really quick. When he approached she pushed out her chest as if awaiting to be complimented like a goddess waiting for him to tell her how perfect she looked and how she did an amazing job choosing some thing but the words out of his mouth were disappointing.

The smile on her face slowly faded as she listen to him talk and tell her how she looked like a joy toy and if she went out like that they would think he was her pimp! She thought people like that were only in stories not in real life and as a smile faded from her face her eyes look like they were about to well up with tears as they flickered looking mortified. Her lower lip quivering before she Would turn and go back into the dressing room closing the curtain and he could hear her start to sniffle and the clothing that she brought in there and started ruffling. “Shut up… i’m not in the mood for your I told you so I thought it looked nice it’s something I’d wear to dance anyway…. why is everything so different out here? Stop gloating you must be happy I thought I did a good job at picking it out just shut up.” she started talking to herself again as internally he couldn’t hear what her sister was saying and she was telling her how much she warned her about the outfit and that Red wasn’t wrong especially since she spent most of her time deep diving the web she knew this was a bad idea but Luna just couldn’t wrap her head around it.

The ruffling continued as she went through her options. “D…did…did you get a suit? Can you pick me up some pajamas or something do they carry those? I can’t keep wearing your T-shirts….”Luna was trying her best to have a conversation from behind the curtain as she changed out of what she thought was a perfect look. This time when she came out she picked something more tame but she had no idea what would actually blend in out here or at least she thought she had an idea but he shattered her conception. Picking something very simple she had no idea if it would work but it covered more than the last and she looked like she was probably visiting from out of town but at least she looked less like a joy toy. For now her sister was quiet she had no idea if this was good enough for her hired protector But her sister at least knew when to keep quiet especially when Luna was just upset it wouldn’t do any good for her to antagonize her too much more and let her pick out something. She also came out holding a blue dress and wondered if Red would approve that choice as a fancy dress to add to her new wardrobe. It was still short and showed off her lovely legs but at least her top was covered more than usual. At least it was more practical though instead of fill out sexy it was cute.
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In her hands she held out a very formfitting dress to the side as she looked at him hoping for approval and craving approval this was something he would learn she needed considering her upbringing she was a massive people pleaser. “I really like this one. I think it would complement your suit if you got one and we needed it what do you think? if you don’t like it I’ll put it back…. I don’t wanna cause any trouble for you. The last thing I want to do is look like a joy toy or draw attention to us you know best right?” her voice was soft and sweet and the voice in her head was quiet for the time being she will hold out the option for him to approve or tell her it was too much like a joy toy. If you told her the latter she would put it back. At least now she was listening properly which would be good since it meant maybe she would cause less trouble and actually be more practical but he could tell his comments did hurt and that she wasn’t used to being told not to do something but her reaction wasn’t yelling at him or calling him names it was just her getting upset which made sense. At least she didn’t have a temper or at least one that he had awoken.
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Valen rubbed at his eyes and idly wondered to himself if Luna was alright. She talked to herself again and he grew more concerned about this shopping trip. He told himself she jsut did not know that much about the streets, and it was just corpo nonsense. But he felt a voice telling him there was more to this than he was thinking. "Look just think you are making..progress yeah! I bet you will find something soon..but hurry I want some breakfast!" He watches as she goes bakc inside, and he gives a awkward sigh. The sight of Luna was starting to get to him. Too be in such tight clothing that emphasized her body quite well..his imagination was going a little wild. He coughed to himself and looke din the clearance isle..grabbing a few cloths he considered comfortable for sleeping in. Especially what looked like whale pajamas that had tiny neon whales all over it.

As she came back out, he looked at her and just tilted his head at her. "I..yeah this could work." He said as he looked at her eyes that were practically begging for some kind of approval. "Yeah that is fine. There ya go an-" He paused as a droid came to him holding a suit. He took it and nodded his head at the droid and then looked at Luna. "Hmm good with my suit..I guess we can...I never have worn one like this before." He then looks at the tight fitting dress, and a part of him does want to see her in it. "How about this, you can get that. Hell try it on, I will try on the suit and you can tell me how I look. Can see if we compliment each other. Then we got cloths for the club or whatever corpo shit yeah?" He nodded at her and gave a grin before heading into the dressing room next to her. Taking off his windbreaker and tossing it to the side and then taking off his shirt. His hands already going to his pants to take them off before looking back and closing the curtain with a laugh "Shit forgot to close that, my bad Smoke."

As he changed, he took his time. Looking in a mirror as he got into a provided dress shirt and put the suit and pants on. Taking a couple breaths to calm himself as he looked in the mirror. He paused as he grinned at himself "Prem." He then would come out of the dressing room.

Luna did not mean to talk to herself so much but her sister was unbearably chatty for some reason today even though she knew the situation. She was trying to get her to be quiet but it wasn’t working. When she came out in her new look and Verne didn’t have anything too bad to say about it he could see the smile on her face. “I’m i’m very happy that you like it I like both of these I think I’m gonna get the gown and maybe a couple other things don’t worry I won’t be that long.” Luna was gonna say something else but she saw the whale come over with a suit and her eyebrow went up watching his reaction. Luna was more focused on outdoor clothing but she would pick up some pajamas to help though she was extremely curious about how he was looking a suit. When Verne took the suit she would watch him intently as he went to the changing room.

The only thing he would have to argue with was when he went to the dressing room she would pick out a few more outfits that he will probably have to tell her to put back and look too much like a joy toy. When he forgot to close the curtain it made her chuckle and even her sister chuckled they both found him very amusing. When he came out of the dressing room she was going to say something but he could tell by the shop took on her face he made a big impression on her and her jaw dropped.

“Wow…stellar… supernova even.” Luna complimented before her sister said something he couldn’t hear and she would talk to herself again. “I wouldn’t go that far but yes he looks good especially in a suit don’t get any funny ideas I hired him.”at least this time she turned her face away as she spoke looking down before turning back I’m looking up at him. “It’s fantastic. you never told me how good you look in a suit you look like you just stepped out of a board meeting and that’s a good thing. I feel just down standing right here. You are way past Prem Red. I think you need a couple of those but if you’re hungry let’s only do one for now but I definitely think you’d look good in a few more designer suits.”Luna would complement him before she would turn bright red and look away and start muttering to her self again. “No I’m not! I’m not flirting with him he looks good what’s wrong with telling him that he looks amazing it’s just compliments get your mind out of the gutter. Whatever you’re faking stop it this is business…”she would say under her breath before looking back up at him and giving him a big thumbs up Ashley looked him up and down again.
Current attire
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Verne nodded his head as he puffed his chest and fixed his collar at her words of praise. "Course I am Nova! Wait supernova? HAHAH, nice." He smirks and looks at Luna. Noting down the amassed cloths she had selected. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he couldn't. She called him supernova and he could see she meant it. "Ah proper corpo right, one of those corpo suits at the parties you went to yah?" He smirks and looks in the mirror at himself. He wondered to himself if he could get more, but he shut down the idea. "One for now..if we need more we can get some. Remember we are still figuring stuff out Smoke."

He went over to her after hearing some muttered words, he raises a eyebrow "Not Flirting with me huh? Thought you said I looked prem? Nothing wrogn with saying someone looks nice. We are trying cloths after-all too!" He shakes his head and looks at her "You look prem too, eyes are going to trail you..hmmm always grabbing them without trying it seems."
She couldn’t help but smile when she saw his reaction and him puff out his chest he was so adorable Luna thought so but also her sister though she couldn’t really say much about that to him at the moment. “You would fit right in at the meetings trust me that’s a good look on you. I mean it and perhaps later but you do need more of those suits tailored to you but we’ll have to go to a different shop. All in good time. You Definitely need a suit in your wardrobe. It’s a necessity.” Luna would continue to complement as her sister for once stayed quiet and let her talk.

For a moment she thought she was safe until he commented on her face not flirting comment and she turned a crimson red and internally her sister started cackling which only made her turn a brighter shade of crimson. “I…I…it’s nothing… of course…. It’s okay to say we’re trying on clothes that makes perfect sense…and you shut up… he heard me the last time you need to stop distracting me….” The last part was under her breath. It was not meant for him but he heard it Ashley kept trying to cover her tracks but her sister internally was teasing her terribly but it was a good thing that only she could hear her.

She quickly stopping at her feet and held up address she didn’t Tryon looking at it before blurting out.
“it’s my size… it’ll fit in his little crate where do we get going do you want breakfast right I’m starving!”Luna helped you wouldn’t confront her about her talking to herself but she was trying quickly to change the topic and it was not hard to see that she was trying to distract him from her whispered words. She was not quite ready to share the relationship she had with the ghost within her.

Verne raised a eyebrow at Luna as he looked at himself with the suit on. He thought how she was right, and getting more would not be the worst idea. Though it would put a dent in his credits. Yet he remembered...she was the one likely paying. He could afford it right now. He relented and said "Fiiinne, we can get more. Just in a different shop. Already drawing eyes..".
He would look around...the few customers glancing at them and the robotic helpers staying a little close than usual. Probably seeking to assist Smoke and Red as it seemed they would be doing a slightly large purchase.

Those thoughts went away as he saw the bright red of Luna's face. She was muttering to herself again. Yet she tried to turn the focus of the conversation on something else, breakfast. Yet she was so cute he could not resist, moving forward up to her and saying "Distracting you huh? I am the distracting one? When you are the one trying all these cloths showing yourself off? You collecting stares from what I see, distracting plenty." He looked at her in her current outfit, and he felt his throat get dry as he looked at her. He reached out and grabbed her by the waist. "Yeah I am hungry for something...but you havent tried that on Smoke. Try it on, then I'll take care of ya and ya belly."
It was nice when he finally relented to get another suit but maybe not at the shop and she agreed to that stipulation. “I can except that part of the deal we can get you more sense and I have a feeling they’ll come in handy.” it didn’t really register how the bots were eyeing them and trying to keep an eye on them since they would be spending quite a bit of credits on outfits. Red was right in the sense that they would have to eventually pack up and go but she kept muttering to herself and having internal conversations that probably would make him look at her funny. Luna‘s cheeks were still flushed with a red as she was embarrassed just talking about how cute Verne was with her sister it seems like her sister was more focused on him making Luna more embarrassed. When he mentioned distracting it caught her attention and made her look up.

What she wasn’t acting was for him to grab her waist pull her clothes and tell her to try on the dress she had in her arms which she was just going to buy outright and she hopes he couldn’t hear how loudly she gulped. Her stair went vacant for a moment as her sister said something about just do it before she would nod.
“I’ll try it on. Can you tell me if you like it once I put it on?” she asked Verne as her sister would chime in “Do it. Trust me here in Luna do it I guarantee excited to see you in it I know we’ll both look good.”her sister would challenge her to do something a bit more daring and even she got what Verne meant. “Once we decide on this last outfit you can buy me breakfast I’m already getting more hungry than I thought.” with that she would wiggle really cutely and slip inside the dressing room to try on that sexy number. The last outfit made her look like an exceptional business woman and when she got herself all in it she would call out. “I’m try not to be flashy tell me how you like it!” She would invite him into the dressing room so he can take a look at the outfit she chose.

Verne was wondering what was going on inside of him as he wrapped his arm around Luna..Smoke. Her muttering had been getting concerning now. The first night was not like this. Maybe she had hit her head..or maybe she was going cyberpyscho. He shivered for a moment at such a thought. That was no small thing. That usually ended up with someone dying. But she wasn't showing aggression..instead he was looking into her big eyes and feeling her slender frame. And his body was reacting to her. Greatly.

The dresses, outfits. Each showing off her slender form, each cute or sexy. Her cheeks were flushed, which he assumed had been excitement at the shopping. But now as they stared at each others' eyes he was wondered if he had been wrong this entire time. He mumbled out a "Yes..sure." He then watched as she went into the dressing room. He would turn and wait outside in the suit he was sitll wearing. He pretended to smooth out the sleeves, to keep himself distracted form thinking of her.

When he turned aorund at her question, he looked at her and he would gulp himself. He would turn to see the door open to the room, and he blinked as it seemed he was being invited inside. He hesitated, before shaking his head and just saying "She..just doe snot want to draw eyes to her now..Yeah." He made his way nto the dressing room. Not anything fancy just a small room, barely able to fit two people. As he saw her outfit he would was actually something mature. Noting flashy. Something a decent person would wear with a normal job. He tilted his head and said "Oh..yeah that is good. Prem. Look like a manager..or a officewoker" He would then snort and look at her and then say "Or a cute receptionist. the one that turns heads and distracts clients yeah?" He then would grin "Look at us now. I look like the one in charge. Mister Verne..and Miss Smoke. Ready to take on the corpo world." He would look at her and shift in the dressing room. His legs brushing against hers and a hand pullign at her sleeve and looking at her outfit. He would nod and "Anything on my calendar today Miss Smoke? think I have a few appointments..hmmm maybe a breakfast."
Luna probably was not expecting how his arms would wrap around her slender form but internally her twin knew exactly what this could possibly go. She made a small gasp as he held her close moving them deeper to the dressing room since she did invite him in to take a look but this was a much closer look and she was planning. The dressing room is small and when he decided to make his way in with her they would be in very close quarters and with the way she looked it was like she was his receptionist and he looked like he was her boss which was a nice change and would probably not make anyone look twice at them as they would think of him as the one in charge.

The way her big brown eyes looked up at him locking with his own it’s felt like she couldn’t breathe for a few moments. She was frozen staring at him and a part of her trembled it was a mix of excitement and nervousness. Luna wasn’t sure how to react but her sister would know as she was doing her best to calm her down and walk her through it. “I’m happy you think I look prem. It looks good against your stellar.”where did his confidence come from? Her sister. All her twin wanted to do was come out and take over but she knew better she was letting Luna take the lead so she knew her sister might chicken out. “You know I can handle this better let me take over… you name me smoke let me take over he’s calling me trust me you’ve always had all the fun just let me do it.” Luna wet silent for a long moment as her sister was telling her to let her take the reins. Verne’s legs were brushing up against her and she let out a soft moan which made her blush even more as her sister was clawing her way to get out especially since Luna was always the one having fun and she was always in the backseat. The way he tagged at that outfit Luna would finally let her sister take over when she closed her eyes for a moment her brown eyes will change to a more purple color.

When she finally opened her eyes he could see how different they looked if he was paying attention but then he would feel how Smoke would wrap her arm around Verne pulling him closer and she let out a very cute giggle that was a bit too mischievous for Luna. “The only thing on your calendar today its me if you decide to be brave enough to take on that challenge.” smoke said with yet another giggle. “ maybe you should tell me what appointments you have to handle this week Mr. Verne… i’m curious how you’re gonna handle the corporate bigwigs maybe I should say how do you handle me first.” what he noticed the difference between smoke and Luna but smoke was definitely more charismatic than her shy sister.
As Verne entered the dressing room, he felt the inkling that he had misunderstood something. He said the joke to try and sooth the tension between them. But as she stared at him with those large brown eyes, and heard that moan he felt a urge, a desire in him as their legs brushed up against each other. He was silent as she seemed to freeze in place. Verne licked his lips and started to turn. Yet he was stopped as a tiny arm wrapped around him and pulled him closer. Their bodies melding together as Verne did not stop smoke as he was in surprise.

He had a look of confusion on his face as he looks at her eyes, that had changed to a different color. He looked at purple ones and he said "What the-". Her giggles and words made him stop his train of thought, his body reacting to the small woman pressed against him rather quickly at the attention. He looked at her a moment more before his arms would wrap around the woman. "Ahhh..well..hmm." He said as he collected himself "Only you today? Seems like a easy day of work..or someone is not doing their job." His fingers grasp onto her, curling on her cloths. "Meetings with some Companies for transportation this week..even one company with a representative from Morita Cybernetics." He says with a grin on his face and a teasing smirk. "Heard she is hard to negotiate with....and how I plan to handle her?" He pushes her against the one of the walls of dressing room. "Directly, head on." One hand would go around her waist..and and under her shirt, grabbing her around the waist. "Close and Personal, show I am not someone to walk over...but still show I am willing to..have skin in the game and see if they are willing as well."

He huffs and can't seem to look away from her purple eyes. His other hand would slap onto her rear and grip tightly. "That is how I will start to handle you..her." He says.
This was an interesting ride for Luna especially letting her sister out but she trusted her and she never failed her before. Sparkling purple eyes followed every move that Verne made. The way their bodies pressed against each other was driving her crazy and the fact that Luna never really let her out this was her chance to show her that she made a good decision with this one. her dainty arms wrapped around him keeping him close letting him know that every move he made she was approving off and enjoying it. “today Is your lucky day especially since my eyes have been on you since you slept in like a knight in shining armor.” smoke spoke the truth and ever since he decided to help Luna she had a gut feeling about him. She could be wrong but she was gonna take a chance on him especially now with him looking as nova as he did. Verne continue to tease her and it made her giggle even more and it seem like she gained so much more confidence especially since Luna tend to lack in that department.

“Negotiations? You have your work cut out for you tonight especially since I am amazing negotiating…. though I don’t wanna get in any trouble is there anyway we can settle this without alerting the CEO?” smoke was getting into her role as she pressed her small body against his wondering how he will react but feeling how he pulled her closer and wrapped his own arm around her she could feel her body get goosebumps.

When he mentioned head on and personal she could not help but blush. This was a rare moment for her that she was enjoying this intimate tango. Smoke would dare bit more forward as she would reach her arm underneath his suit shirt and wrapping around him feel like his skin against hers and luckily Luna was just quiet and it was not fighting this she was actually trying to learn how to be this seductive and away especially since Smoke being cooped up as she was was handling it situation much better than she ever could.

Keeping her purple eyes locked on his when he slapped her ass she let out a cute moan and even fit her lower lip as she gave him a bit of a shocked look. “And here I thought you were an angel but I like this side of you slap it again. I dare you to put me in my place.” now smoke was being naughty herself and she was wondering if he would actually do it again or lose his nerve but what she didn’t ask what she would reach down and slap his ass wondering how he would take it.
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