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Welcome To The Family (PreciousKitten and Naturan) (NSFW)

Altair wasn't normally this pushy. Well, that wasn't true. In his line of work, being pushy was how he got things done. He could be a bit controlling, yes, and he liked things to be done a certain way, in a certain fashion, yes. He was used to being told no, but that just meant he needed to work harder to get a yes. So when Nayu kept saying no, he kept saying yes, and to his pleasure, here she was with him. Technically, she was with the family, but as far as he was concerned, she was here with him, for him even. On one hand, he should have been happy that his family had come, they had done most of the convincing he was sure, but now he wished it was just the two of them.

His grasp on her hand was firm, a sign that he refused to let go but was also practicing restraint. "He'll be fine. He just needs some time." He chimed in, glancing down to her. He's not the one you should be paying attention to. "He likes to do his own thing half the time, anyway. It was only a matter of time before he dipped off." He wasn't too worried about Castor, the youngest brother would be fine with some time, of that he was sure. If anything, he was more worried about that girlfriend of his, but he was sure she'd be fine. They'd all pitch in and take care of her somehow, some way. Of course, he was completely oblivious to the machinations of Viorica and his father, unaware that they were the source of his brother's bad mood.

His thoughts on his father were broken at the mention of the swimsuit, and more specifically, Nayu in it. But she didn't intend to get wet...and that simply would not do. Planning how to get her wet wasn't hard, planning was half his damn job, after all. That and he had two kids who both adored toys, water, and the doe. Getting them to spray her down was easy as could be, his bright eyes watching her carefully, mischief behind them as she was soaked.

He sucked in air through his teeth as he saw the outline of her swimsuit below, and more importantly, the shape of her body that sported it. She was beyond gorgeous, he'd known that since meeting her at the hotel. But seeing her like this was something else. He felt a rise in his swim shorts a little, but he fought that feeling back down. "Nayu, you have nothing to be self-conscious of. I've never seen a soul that looks even half as good as you." Even Viorica hadn't caught his eye like this when they went hiking.

He smiled in her direction. "It's okay if you wish to cover up, but know that you have nothing to be ashamed of, and everything to be proud of." She was gorgeous, he thought she was beyond beautiful, and he wanted her to know that. He wanted to see more of her beauty, he was hungry for it.
Nayu tried to calm down the rapid heartbeats that started with a vengeance, already trying to secure a proper towel in order to dry some of her body off and then use it as a makeshift cover. Uncomfortable was a mild way to put it, more like embarrassed with the way that Altair took to staring at her, and openly at that. The dragon certainly held little to no shame in his actions, but it actually gave her a sense of security as odd as it might be to say such a ludicrous statement out loud. Still, to be called beautiful even if not directly caused that fear from before to melt away even just for a split second in time. "T-thank you?" She felt like the addition of the questioning at the end might have been a bit much but could not bring herself to be so brazen about a wholehearted compliment. The doe always remained quite tasteful, in both the way she dressed and how her manners shined through.

Lips were parted to allow a shrill squeal to come out when two other random children took to running around her, and one of them had managed to outright pummel into Altair in such a way that it sent him colliding into the front of Nayu and only her quick thinking and buxom nature kept him from true harm. That was how it ended up happening, the doe all but cradling Altair in her arms and his face almost entirely covered in the plentiful nature of the breasts he was so keen to admire. At first it did not even register inside of her mind that he could both feel and see practically everything and up close. Nayu did not the way Lyra immediately started to bust up laughing, and that in itself caused her to tilt her head to the side.

"Nayu - sweetheart. You do realize my older brother is very much buried in your chest?" Lyra teased and pointed to the rather pleased Altair who was not keen on trying to remedy the 'situation' and appeared content to remain there. Once reminded of the predicament and what it meant, the female let out an 'eep!' and jumped back in such a way that she was sure Altair managed to catch himself from falling down into the pavement below. "O-ohh god, I am so s-s-sorry" Nayu trembled while the words left her mouth, leading to it sounding like the blond was chilled and not just frozen because of fear and an odd arousal that perplexed even her due to the close contact.

"Hardly think that calls for an apology, since it looks like Altair would do it again quite happily." The dragon female continued and winked before turning around to check on her own children, leaving them alone for a moment to try and recover from the collision and perhaps make Altair own up to his attraction and just stop beating around the bush with his intended prey.
Altair couldn't help but crack a smile at her thanks. A feeling of joy washed over him, but he wondered just how much of that was simply because she was talking to him. It was a warm feeling that blossomed inside of him, pleased to have seemed to improve her mood over her figure, the same figure he couldn't get enough of gazing at. He was rusty at this, he realized. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt a desire like this, especially not over a person. He wondered if he could, or rather how he should pursue her more directly. She was shy, timid, and as adorable as it was, it meant he couldn't ju-.

He felt the push of the kids crashing into him, and before he knew it he'd tumbled forward and over, right into the target of his affections. He felt the soft embrace of her body before he knew what had occurred, and when he did realize where exactly he was, he wasn't exactly fast to pull away. He enjoyed being smothered in the softness of her pillowy breasts and was only freed from them by her movement rather than his own. In his head and under his breath, he cursed his sister for robbing him of that moment, even though it probably helped more than hurt.

"No, no, it's okay, Nayu." He assured her, giving her a smile. His breathing was a little shaky as he tried to compose himself, and he shuffled a bit, realigning his trunks to better hide how excited he'd become. "It wasn't your fault, I'm the one that should be apologizing." His eyes cut to Lyra, giving her an annoyed glare only a brother could muster, following her as she left the two alone. Still, he didn't seem that bothered by it. Why should he be? He'd lucked out as far as he was concerned.

He took a short breath before he looked to Nayu again. It wasn't working, doing next to anything, so he decided to make his intentions direct, an approach a politician usually abhorred. "Nayu, I'm grateful you came out with us, but I need to honest," He started his words and then immediately regretted them, it sounded like he regretted having her come out with them, but he pushed through it anyway, "I invited you out here because I'm interested in you." He wondered how juvenile he sounded, speaking like this. The only way it could be worse was if he'd used the term 'crush', like he was a child again.

"You've been on my mind since I saw you at breakfast, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Me inviting you out with us was me pursuing you." To hell with it, as long as it got out there he didn't care too much how it sounded. He just needed to get it out there. "If you're willing to give me a chance, I'd love to take you out again, just the two of us."
At first, Nayu was afraid that Altair would attempt to go on a speech of how he had regretted inviting her out if the doe was quite this clumsy, but those fears were never realized and instead replaced by a clear admission of interest from the dragon. This was something she had not expected in a million years, and it honestly threw her for such a loop that the doe was surprised that her body remained standing. Despite the shouting and laughter of children nearby, all of that seemed to be drowned out and all the was left was Altair and that hopeful spark that remained in his eyes after delivering the invitation for perhaps dinner with just the two of them. How could she hope to turn him down when he gave her that kind of face? Not just that but the way he treated her the entire day led the doe to believe that his feelings were actually sincere, not some kind of hurtful game that some other males would play at her personal expense.

"A-alright, I am willing to give this a try..." Her words were gentle, and if not for the way that the dragon immediately perked up, she thought Altair might have missed them entirely. Nayu turned away from him shortly after, not quite able to deal with the feelings lodged inside of her breast and causing the poor things heart rate to skyrocket for a split second or two from sheer anticipation alone. Instead of saying anything else out loud, she found herself subconsciously reaching out with a delicate hand and grasping onto his own as if desiring some form of skin-to-skin contact as a way of getting her body to calm down even a little. "Just...try not to surprise me that much from now on. I understand the hesitation but, my body is not physically built for so much excitement at one time."

That was what led to the pair walking through the waterpark hand in hand, neither too concerned with breaking the form of contact and it solidified the newly formed bond that was developing between them. All it took was a heartfelt confession and somehow Altair had gotten the chance that he so desperately desired, and the curvaceous blond doe on his arm was not exactly a consolation prize either. In fact, the couples that were wandering around with their children were a little perplexed at the pairing. Some of the single mothers even a bit more envious than they might admit to.

Nayu practically squealed at the way Altair would take opportunities to soak her in some of the water, but somehow now hiding or attempting to cover her body from his gaze was the furthest thing from her mind. He had already admitted to liking it just the way it was, so perhaps that nugget of wisdom was enough to start cracking the protective shell she began putting up years ago to avoid being hurt or taken advantage of. "So, did you have an idea of what you'd like to do? I just assumed possibly dinner...but I would need to know so I can dress accordingly."
There were no words that describe the look that graced Altair's face. The way his eyes lit up, dancing with excitement as the feeling of dread was ripped away from him was a sight to see. When was the last time he'd ever felt so...scared? And when was the last time he'd ever been so excited? His tail wouldn't stop moving behind him, moving up and down in waves. "I can promise I'll do my best not to put you through that. I didn't mean to excite you like that. It's just a little...novel to me."

He made a note to better control himself around her, as difficult as that may be. He wasn't some juvenile experiencing affection for the first time, but it was hard not to feel like that. It was even more difficult when she slipped her hand into his, and curled her fingers into his palm, interlacing them. Her hand was so much smaller in his, but it was beyond warm, even in the summer heat they were experiencing. As they walked around, his lips were curled into a smile that he couldn't fight. He wondered if this were what his father had felt when he met their mother? Or if Lyra felt it when she met her mate? Maybe he was getting too far ahead of himself...

Her question had snapped him out of the playful, joyful stupor he'd been in. He'd been soaking in their newfound closeness and the attention that they'd been getting. It was strange to them, and that only made it more enjoyable for him. A predator and prey hand in hand...

"Well dinner was indeed on my mind," He admitted to her, his mind racing through the possibilities. What they would eat was the furthest thing from being on his mind. He would eat almost anything. No, he was more concerned with the wear because he wanted to see how she would dress. How ravishing she would look in a long, black dress, clinging to her curves...or maybe red? His imagination was getting the better of him.

"Perhaps some place a little more upscale?" He mused aloud, squeezing her hand. "I don't know if you'd like to try something a little fancy, but it's be my pleasure to treat you to the best meal we can find. I'd love to see you in a dress." He admitted it flatly, and he wondered if those words would be too exciting for her. He'd already admitted his appreciation for her figure, so at best? A reminder of that appreciation.

"Or...if you'd father showed us a beautiful little spring in the woods. We could eat there, just the two of us." He thanked his father mentally for leading them there the day before. Going back with Nayu would be a godsend.
Nayu could feel the way nerves began to fire off all over again at the mention of something upscale and grand; despite working at a resort that offered such amenities for their guests the doe had never been privy to personal experience. A part of her never really feeling comfortable with such lavish gifts and attention that came with it. But with Altair, that guilt was not able to win out and she found herself actively considering the proposal instead of issuing a refusal up front. "Perhaps we could eventually, but I am not sure I feel entirely comfortable being given such attention." She admitted to in a meek mannerism, somehow able to look up and allow both sets of eyes to lock onto each other.

The doe did silently preen at the mention of his want to see her figure in a proper dress, that little notion could definitely be filed away for a later date. Nayu gasped out at the mention of a natural spring, something about being close to nature had always been a calling to her; perhaps it had something to do with the woodland creature that resided on the inside and longed for lush forest and sprawling grass. "Well, we have plenty of food options to take along from the resort. It seems like a shame to pass up the chance to see this spring you mention."

She truly enjoyed the rest of the day spent together, being able to simply act in terms of leisure and even sample a bit of the food that the dragon was keen on hand feeding to her. Honestly, it was a shock to notice that the doe held quite a bit of a sweet tooth when it came to things like ice cream or even cotton candy. But something about how they tasted when being fed from his hand added some kind of sensation that Nayu did not quite understand.

Now as the pair were wandering up the side of the hill as evening began to approach with a basket in tow, it felt all too surreal. Like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop and wondering if someone like Altair was too good to be true for the likes of her. After all, predators seldom held any interest at all outside of their own kind - to hold feelings for prey was almost explicitly unheard of. Though the sight that she made as the shirt and shorts were promptly abandoned along the shore at the sight of the glittering waters was captivating, curves accentuated in all of the right places by a tulle sunshine yellow bikini that due to her bust size appeared a size too small.

"Your father is right...this place is truly captivating."
"Then a lavish dinner we shall have at a later date." Altair was doing his best to hide the smile that his lips were fighting so desperately to stretch into. He was happy because she said eventually, and eventually meant long-term. She felt as he did: that this could and would become something more than a few casual dates. His tail whipped about behind him in a giddy stupor. That smile eventually won out as they locked eyes, and his head dipped in a slight nod. "Then a nice picnic in a scenic spot it will be."

"I know you'll enjoy it. I lost my breath when I first laid eyes on it myself." He admitted with a slight chuckle. It seemed like the obvious answer once he saw her reaction and he though about it a little. She would love to be surrounded by all that wondrous nature, and it would look beautiful surrounding her. The food and all be damned, just seeing her enjoy herself in such a secluded, beautiful location would be worth the trip alone. It would be nice to get some space away from everyone else too, where they couldn't run into Lyra and the kids, his father, or brother and Viorica incidentally.

The rest of the day went by both agonizingly slowly and too fast. He enjoyed his time with her, feeding her favorite foods to her by hand, doting on her as he kept her nearby him. He basked in the warmth of her presence, and it pleased him to know she was enjoying his company just as much as he was. He looked forward to spending more time with her, more than he did with the rest of his family. It was through no fault of their own, it was just impossible for him to think about anyone else other than her right now. She had become his priority, and he was at peace with that. With all the drama between Castor and Viorica, he was sure they wouldn't even notice.

Finally, their date had come upon them, and they carried basket and blanket in hand as they walked to the spring location his father had brought them to before. He remembered the way perfectly, his mind as keen as his claws. It took a lot of will not to walk ahead blindly, his eyes constantly bouncing between the road ahead and Nayu herself. She looked stunning in the bikini she wore, yellow was her color. More than that, it didn't nothing to hide her curves and instead enhanced them.

He swallowed and was happy when they arrived, the sound of the rushing waterfall filling his ears. He smiled at her reaction to the sight of the spring. "It is, isn't it?" He agreed before slyly adding. "As are you, Nayu."

With that comment he took the blanket they'd brought for their picnic and spread it out for her to sit upon, setting the basket atop. Then he took her hand, leading her gently towards the waters. "We should swim for a little, before we eat." He advised. "The waters here are much better than those at the park." He assured her, and in a way they were. They were cool, but they retained much of their warmth from the day. It was a different feel, thanks to the falling water emptying into the spring.
Nayu had been too enraptured by the waterfall to notice that Altair approached her until his hand was loosely wrapped around her own and actively trying to lead the doe toward the water, while the siren's call of a proper soak made her almost actively melt there was the consideration of just how see through this bikini could get when it was fully submerged. Her cheeks blared in a heated flush, trying to stammer out any form of excuse but the persistent dragon was having none of it, soon enough her lower half had been led into the waters and Nayu could admit that the gentle warmth that it retained from the heat of the day felt amazing on aching muscles.

"O-ohh, you are right about that." She remarked with a captivating smile as the blond casually lowered down until the rest of her body was submerged and only came up when air was necessary, dainty hand carefully pushing locks free of wide eyes that in turn looked around before settling on Altair after seconds of searching. Nayu felt a tad helpless with water blurring her vision, but something about knowing he was nearby calmed those inner fears instead of making them worse. "Sorry, I couldn't see for a minute there." She mumbled gently while realizing that her one hand had refused to let go of Altair the entire time.

While she looked cute under normal circumstances, seeing her up close and positively soaked from head to toe was on another level. Nayu squeaked a bit as she could feel something brushing along the back of both legs, only to recognize that it was his tail and nothing to truly be afraid of. Though just when had he managed to get behind her all of a sudden? The doe found herself dwelling on just how many times that day he had used such words to describe her, like he viewed Nayu as some sort of real-life goddess and wanted little more than the chance to worship her.

Time passed by at a slow crawl, both content to wade in the water and sometimes broach a question or two to try and learn more about their date. Nayu was not the least bit surprised to hear that Altair held a respectable and high paying job, given the family lineage that he came from it was likely expected of him from a young age to attain such status and wealth. "Forgive me, but it is not hard to see you doing that kind of thing. You seem quite intelligent and straightforward to me." Nayu casually stated as if that were obvious fact, not something that anyone could dispute.

Though as the pair talked and became closer, there was a foreign sensation that crept into her brain from time to time. A form of heat that was not from fear or anger, but some other sensation entirely. She tried to keep her tail from flagging up, but it seemed to do so without any input from the blond doe, that was generally a signal of acceptance to a courting male. Since when had her body deemed Altair so highly as to treat him like a candidate for a mate? "I-ignore that, I am not sure why it's doing that." Nayu tried to play it off but knew that due to an excess of hormones that her tell was caught by the keen dragon.
"YOu have nothing to apologize for." Altair cooed softly, his hand gently squeezing his. Her brief panic only made her all the more endearing to him. It was almost like a poison, the way affection for her spread through his body. It tickled the bottom of his heart to see her like this. It was just the two of them, and despite her skittishness, she seemed to be more comfortable with him than ever, if not, dare he say it, than anything, at least as far as he knew.

Their time together in the water was, in his mind, better spent than previously with the rest of his family. That was enjoyable all to itself, but this was something special, something that the two of them would share alone. He enjoyed splashing about with her in the cool water, wading about with her, gazing upon her in her swimsuit. He was grateful for the cool water, it kept him in check, even if it couldn't kill his excitement entirely.

"I appreciate that. That means more to me than you know." He would smile at her compliment. "Intelligent and straightforward are some of my better traits. But are intelligent too, more than you let others know." He commented on his observation. She was reserved, and it was adorable, but he knew she could do whatever she just had to be what she wanted. Their talks into the night led to him getting closer to her, physically as well as emotionally. He felt it in his chest, and he knew that this girl, this Prey species, was to be his mate. He just wondered if she felt it too.

The answer came in the way her tail would react, standing at attention in a way that he knew more by instinct than intellect. "Hmm...I don't mind." He mused aloud as he shuffled closer to her. "I think I know why it's doing that...and I think you might too." His heart was pounding in his chest as he thought about it, and now his own tail was raised behind him. A fire was bubbling inside of him, and he chalked it up to excitement at their date. His hands grasped hers, gently squeezing them. With a gentle tug he would pull her into him, his arms holding her against him gently, but firm. "Forgive me if I'm being forward but like you said, I am straightforward." He looked down at her, his hand sliding up along the length of her arm. "I don't want to give you another heart attack, but Nayu...I can't deny how much I want you right now." He stated unflinchingly and without remorse or hesitation.
At first, the flagging made the doe more than a tad flustered and wondered if such a reaction would be perceived wrong by Altair, but the dragon took it all in perfect stride and even used it to his advantage. Nayu shuddered almost violently at the way he attempted to ease her worries through form of intimate and gentle caresses, even speaking out verbally about how much he wanted her in this moment. Oh, she so badly wished to give in and just allow him to have Nayu as he wanted and even encourage the otherwise forbidden attraction. Wait, what reason did the doe possess to tell him no? She thought about it and could come up with no viable reason to deny the way that they both felt in this moment, even biting onto her lower lip at the way his hand would go over her arm and leave goosebumps in its wake.

Nayu did blush at the gesture that he made, speaking about how he wished to inform her so that it did not cause any form of undue stress. It proved that Altair put her wellbeing and feelings into proper consideration, which only made it that much easier to end up giving into him. Fluffy white tail not once seeing fit to lower, instead something inside of the female snapped and allowed the arousal to take control and push any nerves or unease about the situation to the back of her mind. Those could be dealt with later, preferably once Nayu at least got to experience what it was the dragon behind her had to offer at least one time. "Truly? I would not have guessed you felt similar, Altair." She mused with a quiet tone, still retaining the demure demeanor that he knew her for even if the hormones were now in the driver's seat.

"I will admit that I originally assumed this attraction you had would remain fleeting, a fancy as it were. Not once have I ever heard of a predator and prey becoming bonded mates before." Nayu knew that some cases had to exist but were few and far between since it went against the core nature of both species to see the other as more than a killer to her and his next meal in the doe. Blond locks were allowed to become splayed across either shoulder, a curtain that seemed to be spun from gold as the last remaining rays of sunlight hit against it. She looked up at Altair for a moment before making the first move, a delicate hand reaching down to first untie the bikini top and allow it to pool along the top of the water to their side. Next was the way that same hand from before gently reached down to caress along the musculature of his lower stomach, clearly enjoying the hisses and other reactions that came up if the smile was anything to go by.

Those gentle or innocent gestures were dwarfed once her hand managed to push past the band of his shorts and maneuver to what resided underneath, unable to stop the way both eyes widened at the sheer girth that met her there. Nayu could admit to being bedded on a handful of occasions, most of them being with bucks or her own kind and none held a candle to the sincerity or massive size that Altair carried with obvious pride. A couple rough pumps up and down were given to acclimate herself with the ridges and sheer heat that radiated off of the dragon's cock in potent waves, her gaze at first curious and bleeding into outright desire to have it somewhere else entirely. "Do you wish to rut me into the ground like a proper beast? If so, I would not even try to struggle. In fact, I might actually beg for it in the end."
"I may have thought so before, but only for the first...five minutes after seeing you." He saw many faces and they often did not stay. Politics was a whirlwind of faces, papers, propositions and supposition, and you had to be a fool to hold on to any emotion for more than a moment. You didn't want to be consumed by the cause because then you would forget it. He was used to feeling some way about something, anything, and then letting those feelings go in order to save himself heartache and convenience.

But he couldn't do that with Nayu, and even more powerfully, he didn't want to. He liked the way she made him feel, the flutter in his chest and the bubbles in his belly. He wanted more of that, almost as much as he wanted her, and by God did he want her. More than anything.

He watched with baited breath as she moved her hands. A sharp exhale left his lips as her bikini top was untied and allowed to fall to the water, floating along its surface. His eyes had been so glued to her own, but the moment she did that they, with extreme difficulty, tore away from her gaze and to her breasts. He felt himself throb in his trunks, almost painfully as he observed her breasts. He wanted to drink in every detail he could, but the moment her hand moved into his trunks, the moment her fingers curled around what they could of his trunk-like cock, focus was out the window.

He found himself almost struggling to breathe as he pulsed in her grasp, his cock a fire in the cool water, her hand a furnace for him. His eyes lidded slightly, a sigh of pleasure leaving him before they opened fully and he looked his gaze upon hers once more. Her touch was enough to get a reaction out of him, but the way she spoke, her tone of voice, all of it served to tease out the predator he was.

"You will beg for it," His chest rumbled as he promised her that much. His hand caressed her arm gently, up and down before he lowered his head, forehead resting against hers and his hot breath washing over her lips as hisnoen hovered close. His other hand caressed the side of her generous breasts before moving along her side, under her arm and down and around until his fingers firmly gripped her buttocks, squeezing firmly, lifting her leg even slightly.

"I will show you just how amazing a proper beast can be." He finally captured her lips in a kiss, one that was just as hungry as it was domineering. His tongue dallied about only for a moment, gently prodding her lips apart before slipping between them, all while his hands grew more comfortable in exploring her body. One continued to play with her supple ass, while the other pulled and pried at her bottom, doing it's best to untie the fabric and pull it away. His hips rolled not just against her hand, but her own hips, rolling and grinding the length of his shsft that wasn't in her grasp against her sex.
Nayu felt the way a giggle threatened to bubble out from her lips but somehow remained buried, instead that mirth was replaced by lust as she found her lips being taken into a kiss designed to steal the very breath that remained inside of both lungs and then some. She did look remiss to giving up the grip she held on to him, but Altair had other ideas in mind and was not about to be denied by her. Apples of both cheeks taking on a deep crimson hue at the way he disposed of the bottoms that were covering her pussy up until mere moments ago, now nothing truly stood in the way from the steel hard shaft that ground up and down to properly lubricate what would be occupying the doe's womb shortly. In fact, just the thought of having that inside of her caused the female to whimper, ears drooping downward and the tail that had been flagged up until now lifted even higher in order to accommodate the dragon's presence.

A squeal came out when her leg was lifted up a bit as well, the angle of it making it so that one of her arms had to loop around Altair's neck to remain upright and not simply bent over along the side of the lake. Nayu had to wonder if she might end up there anyway given the almost primal way that he was acting, and even the scent of grass nearby only caused her nipples to perk and pussy to outright drool even more. What had started off as a spur of the moment action quickly morphed into something much more, since the emotions and arousal began to awaken a proper rut. Being out in nature only made it feel right, to be strewn across the grass and taken much like her ancestors would and outright forced to take it without a care to her personal comforts.

Her eyes lowered a bit, and nostrils flared outwardly, taking in the scents of both pheromones that were swirling around in the air like a cloud. Nayu blinked slowly and somehow managed to maintain eye contact with Altair the entire time, by now the sight she did have was clouded at best and only able to see him and nothing else that existed. Much like a proper prey animal in a vulnerable state, she had blacked out to anything else except for the rapid beating of the heart inside of her chest and the virile male giving her his undivided attention. " my beast." Blond locks fell over her gaze and obscured half of it from view, but the other showed just how serious the female was about that statement. "Treat me like nothing but a conquest, a prized trophy to be mounted and subdued."

Nayu tried to remain coherent but was failing fast, devolving into a primal thing of want and need that could not think of anything else but the throbbing cock between her legs and that it had yet to push inside at all. This made the doe devolve to whimpering, grinding downward at an angle to try and tease the dragon and at the same time entice him to take proper action to impale her onto it since there was very little she could do otherwise while wrapped up in both muscular arms. That was how the female presented herself to the male she wished for a mate, drooling with anticipation on both ends and unable to take measures to quench that undying thirst.
He would be lying if he said he hadn't hoped the night would turn out like this, but the truth was he always had in the back of his mind. His attraction to the Doe was real, real in a thousand different ways. It was primal, instinctual, like it was woven into his very being, and the more he got to know her the more powerful that attraction felt, the more he got to feel and smell her the more he wanted her. So for her to end up topless in his arms tonight, her fingers touching his needy cock? It felt like everything he ever wanted.

He could hardly have prepared for this, not that he needed to. His body had everything it needed, but nothing could have prepared him for her words, or the impact they had on him. His instincts were already in full drive, spurred on by the hormones flooding his body and the pheromones her body released into the air, but her desires, her demands? They pushed him over the edge.

He held her firmly against him, chest rumbling is a low growl erupted from his lips. "I will be your beast," He didn't move her, but rather his own hips, sliding his rigid cock back and forth against her sex, rubbing every ridge and bump against her hot slit, "And you are my  prey," It wasn't play, it was a fact. This had all been one hunt, in a way. She wasn't food, no, but she was prey for him nonetheless, the object of his carnal desires, and she had just given herself over to him, allowing him to clamp his jaws around her.

He angled his hips just right, so that the tapered tip of his cock woild catch at her entrance, and with no hesitation, he pushed his hips forward. He fed her hungry pussy his cock I'm a steady and controlled manner, letting her feel every ridge and fleshy stud grind against her folds. With every bit he gave her, his cock thickened more and more, spreading her folds further and further until he was fully sheathed within her, the fat base of his cock stretching her further than she ever had been before, while the tip of his draconian cock pressed firmly against the entrance to her womb, threatening to enter her most sacred chamber as it oozed thick and hot precum.

His hissed, groaning at her warmth. His arms moved under her legs, and his hands grabbed either of her plump cheeks, sinking into the soft flesh of her ass as he lifted her up in the water. The muscles of his chest, shoulders and arms flexed, taught against his skin as he supported her weight. He pulled her harder against him, jamming his hips further forward until finally, the head of his cock pushed it's way through and into her needy womb. There would be no part of her he would leave untouched by him, not even this.

He didn't wait to savor the moment either. He was a beast, he was her beast, and be would play the part of one. His hips pulled back, plucking his cock from the snare of her womb, his cock quickly dragging against the grip she held around him only to slam into her again, pushing into her womb right away, and further than before. His hips were already moving back working into what was becoming a furious rhythm.
Nayu could not help the way two of her own fingers went about finding solace inside of the silken warmth of her mouth, even biting down gingerly against the knuckles whenever Altair had started to actively push his way inside and internal muscles struggled to adjust and accommodate to the massive intrusion. Even whimpering as she could feel the way he throbbed against her pubic bone whenever the dragon was buried balls deep on the inside, not a spare centimeter was left untouched and forced to conform to its new master. She wanted to cry out, to tell Altair just how good all of this felt but each time she tried the words and sounds died before they could make it out into the crisp evening air.

"So deep inside...feel like my pussy will break!" Nayu's words were clipped as they came out, whimpering and trying to sway her full hips back and forth to ease a bit of the ache that started to collect inside the small of her back a blossom into a new kind of cosmic euphoria. Where there should be immense pressure and blinding pain, only discomfort registered on her nerve endings, and it shocked the doe immensely. In fact, despite knowing how genetically gifted the dragon was; all that the blond could feel was ecstasy that had her body shivering much like a newborn babe. Altair made the poor girl feel akin to a born-again virgin, not truly aware of what fucking could possibly feel like until the chemistry there was undeniable and potent.

It was only made worse when Altair took the chance to flex the muscles that he had honed from likely using a private gym in his spare time, the doe a complete sucker for chiseled bodies and the dragon had one that looked to be carved from only the finest of marble stone. As she listened to the jostling of the waves as their bodies breached the water's surface only to plunge back down into the depths, it became intoxicating. Nayu whined in a way that sounded similar to an actual bleat, an animalistic noise that came from her kind whenever they lost control and were amiss to the sensation. No longer caring to think, but to just feel and exist here in the moment.

Even now, barely ten minutes into the coupling found the doe all but soaked in a thick white cream that was not even able to be completely washed away by the waters of the lake, some clinging in thin strands to both inner thighs and Altair's lap in kind. Nayu blushed as if embarrassed by how eager her body seemed in the middle of actual rut, internal muscles actively trying to wring the dragon's cock dry and ensure that nothing that shot out of his heavy balls would go to waste when pumped inside of her virile womb. Oh yes, even now Nayu had plans to keep him inside and not give Altair a chance to pull out, to feel the sensation of that hot semen pelting her innermost sanctum and trying to breed the woman good and proper.

"Unnfh, yes - your balls as so full for me, Altair. Wring yourself dry inside of my womb, fill me up with your seed and let me know what it will be like when you try to eventually breed me properly."
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