Welcome To The Family (PreciousKitten and Naturan) (NSFW)

Castor appeared disinterested when the subject of Viorica missing came up, for the most part trying to not think about it and instead enjoy the rest of the vacation. But as usual, his father was keen with his eye and able to recognize that the feline was missing from the breakfast table and inquired as to why. He paused to finish eating the bite of sausage in his mouth, not wanting to talk with a mouthful being raised on the idea that it was unkempt to do. "Oh, she is going to be staying here today. I believe she had mentioned that her heat ended up starting and taking her anywhere, much less a crowded park would be out of the question." He stated all of this matter of factly, and the way his features did not display even an inkling of remorse for leaving Viorica to tend to said heat all lone.

He continued to eat what was put onto his plate, the table only being interrupted when one of the staff had come over and appeared apprehensive at first since it was a female. "My apologies, I had been informed by Miss Viorica that she was going to need her food inside of the room due to the circumstances. I simply came to fetch a plate for her." The petite deer seemed to feel like prey amongst a sea of predators and that could easily attribute to the nerves being displayed. She swiftly picked up some of the fruits and a pastry or two that were there but specifically seemed to be avoiding the meats. "Oh, she said that during this period meats can make her nauseous."

Nayu bowed respectfully before disappearing with the requested items, leaving the dragon family to their meal and heading toward the door to Viorica's suite. It was unusual for a prey animal to be sympathetic or actively want to be around an apex predator. Things were different now, though; since she sympathized with the poor feline being sequestered away and forced to endure the heat all on her own. The deer quietly knocked against the door before entering and shutting it promptly. "Here miss, you need to at least try to eat something." Okay, so the plate being ordered was a white lie of sorts - but when the deer came to check up on Viorica and found her curled into a ball on the bed and barely responsive she took action to feed and water her.

Viorica hissed quietly but ended up relenting and at least chugging down the water and juice that the female staff brought with her, the ache and mild chills from before disappearing a bit or at least feeling a tinge of relief. "Thank...you." Her lips and vocals barely seeing fit to work at that moment, casually sitting up on the bed and taking a few bites from an apple and some grapes that would at least put nutrients onto her empty stomach. The mild hangover from the night before only made the nausea bubbling inside of it that much more intense, even finishing off half of the plate put in front of her was a full-on effort. Nayu smiled gently, taking the plate away after she noticed she was done and whispered a promise to return and check on her within a few hours before shutting the door and returning back to her work.

Castor on the other hand, seemed to be receiving plenty of scathing looks in response for his words. "What? Why is everyone looking at me like that. Do we really want her to go along with us and end up getting assaulted?" It seemed that despite best efforts, the dragon could not see the true reason behind the dual stares of loathing directed his way even from across the table.
Cygnus was in disbelief from what he'd just heard from his son's mouth. So much so that aside from the look on his face, he almost had no immediate reaction. Of course, he knew that Viorica was in heat from the night before, and he knew that what had happened between the two of them was a stopgap at best. Her heat would not end after one night of raucous fucking. No, Castor should be there with her, helping her through this, his avoidance to children be damned.

"Castor..." Altair started to speak, sighing. He could feel the tension in the room, the anger pouring from his dad practically raised the temperature in the room a degree or two. But the really scary thing? It was Lyra. While her father was boiling hot, she was ice cold, and the look in her eyes was killer, a narrowed glare that could strike fear into anyone, a true predatory gaze. It was up to him to be the voice of reason, not that he wasn't angry at his brother himself. Maybe it was just the politician in him. "Do you not realize how terrible that is?"

He had plenty more to say, all of it angry but level-headed, but it was pushed down by the arrival of the staff. Altair had always been the level-headed and calm one, the one planner and the thinker. Castor was...Castor, and Lyra? Lyra was like their father: instinctual and driven. He took after his mother, he liked to think. But he had to admit...there was a rise in him when he laid eyes on the deer that had come to build a plate for Viorica. A physical reaction that led to his breathing hitching and his eyes focusing on her. At first, he was embarrassed. When was the last time he had a reaction like this to a female? How old was he? Yet his gaze followed her the entire time she was present, even as she left the room.

Unfortunately, his silence led to Lyra and Cygnus being able to speak up, Cygnus going first. "Do you have any idea how idiotic and dangerous that is?! She needs you right now, and you are not about to use us as an excuse to just...just...leave her up there to suffer!" Her heat had hit hard last night, he experienced it himself. He hated the idea of knowing she was up there suffering, and seeing Castor munching happily on his breakfast. It made him angrier.

"Castor, do you not know how dangerous that is for her? How sick she could get?" Lyra spoke now, her voice unnaturally calm. Her legs were crossed, one over the other, and her hands clasped in her lap. It was the same stance she used when she was becoming infuriated in business meetings. "You can't begin to imagine what she's going through. You need to be a man and take your ass upstairs now."

The two children gasped when they heard their mother swear, something she didn't do in front of them ever. Altair snapped out of his little trance upon hearing that, shaking his head a bit. He needed to find that doe woman, but more importantly, he would let his father and sister handle this. "You two, c'mon, let's get ready for this park, eh? We gotta make sure we get some good toys. My treat." He stood up, and the two jumped to their feet in excitement, being ushered out the room by him.
Viorica tried her best to obtain at least a little restful sleep after the food in her stomach was just enough to get some of the cramping to subside, the fresh fruit succeeded in doing its job which allowed the feline and finally sigh in a sort of temporary bliss. At that moment in particular, she looked much like a cat snuggled up inside of a blanket and rolled up like a form of burrito and it was honestly endearing as a sight. If not for the misery that the poor thing felt at that point in time, perhaps she might have even found it funny to make that came comparison.

Castor blanched at the way both his father and Lyra tore into him about going up there and taking care of her, to which he immediately shook his head vehemently at even the thought of going near her when she got into her breeding headspace. It was the whole reason why he avoided the female and tended to take trips with his friends or visit his brother and sister whenever it came upon their household, because the notion of little feet padding on the floor mere months later made him physically terrified. "No, no - I am not going to go anywhere near her when she is like this. I have told her repeatedly that there will be no children and in this state, she does not take no for an answer!" He tried to plead his case, aware that this was the first time he mentioned the notion of a child free lifestyle to any member of his family.

Nayu was busy tending to some of the paperwork at the front desk, practically oblivious to the set of eyes that had her in his sights and was only brought out of that line of thought when the sound of raucous laughter echoed through the hallway and headed straight toward her. Sandy blond hair pulled into a modest set of braids that were in turn wrapped along the top of her head, framing a set of soft tan antlers that if one did not know any better would make one assume she was a male. She gasped out loud when the two dragon children all but bustled toward her, clearly having eyes on the toys that were nearby at the inside shop.

"Whoa there, now I understand being eager about something like toys but - perhaps running is not the best solution?" She questioned while carefully kneeling down in front of the girl, who for the most part was curious and ended up reaching to touch a shifting fluffy ear that made the doe struggle not to actively squirm for a different reason entirely. "P-perhaps not the ears, they are rather sensi-" Her words faltered and died inside of her throat at the approach of Altair soon after, those same eyes from before all but homed in on her and had the prey animal effectively pinned to that very spot.

'Fuck fuck not now! Come on legs, move...' Nayu whimpered out loud as her entire body took to shaking and even the niece was concerned about it, reaching over to hug the taller female and cause both cheeks to break out into a fierce blush that almost turned her whole face a crimson hue. She sighed internally, by now quite aware that the child in front of her was related to the approaching dragon and that his interest in her was going to cause a need for eventual space to be put between them. The doe not keen on finding out what the interest in those eyes entailed.

"W-w-what is it you needed to f-find?"
Castor's vehement rejection of his responsibilities as Viorica's lover only irritated both his father and his sister further. How could someone be so selfish?! So self-centered?! He hadn't made a single comment on the dangers she faced, being left alone in her heat like this. All he cared about was himself and his desire to avoid having chilren, and it was driving Lyra in particular up the wall. She'd been through heat before, she knew what Viorica was facing.

"You're such an asshole, little brother." She scowled, letting loose now that her children were away. She was polite and well mannered when she needed to be, but right now Castor did not deserve that version of herself. "How can you be so selfish?! You need to think about her and what she wants! That's what a relationship is, it's a two way street!"

"It's pathetic, really." Cygnus chimed in now, arms crossed as he glared at his son. "If you can't be bothered to do the basics, how can you even be in a relationship? You didn't even think to bring her food..." The staff had to do it, and Cygnus was pretty sure that Castor hadn't asked them to. It was likely Viorica asked for it herself. That just frustrated him even more. He stood up. "I'm starting to think maybe Viorica isn't the one I should have been so harsh on." He muttered before walking away from the table.

Altair watched her with a gaze that was more intense than he wanted it to be, and even more intense than he realized it was. He was grateful that she hadn't scampered off, she sounded so...scared of him, not that he blamed her. "Well, I'm looking to spoil my nephew and niece and I wanted to know if you had any reccommendations, Miss..?" He trailed, fishing for her name. It was obvious, but he either didn't seem to think that it was or didn't care. He was curious about her, and her apparent apprehension of him was not deterring him in the slightest.

"Your ears are really soft!" The little girl commented, which in turn brought her brother over to see for himself. She was anxious around Altair, but the children? She seemed fine. He was making her nervous, and he wondered if it was because she feared him.

"Don't pull on her ears, kids. She's a person too, not a toy." He added as he warned them, getting an exasperated sigh from them as they pulled their hands from ears. They stuck close to her though, still clearly fascinated with her.
Nayu effectively paused at the mention of what Altair wanted, something to spoil them with? It was such an open-ended option that it left the doe actively puzzled as to a proper response to it at first. She swallowed audibly enough that it was clear all three of the dragons could both hear and see the fear and hesitation that she held inside of her body at the moment, but somehow the small female was able to push it to the side and stand upright after both children were informed to leave her ears alone. Thankful that at least the male nearby was conscious enough to know that those appendages could be inherently sensitive, and it only went that much farther for someone of her species. "T-thank you, and it's...Nayu."

She shifted a bit on the spot while trying to come up with something that would fit the bill, perhaps the outdoor play area would work out? Nayu smiled hesitantly while indicating for them to follow along with her, though the doe held a tray with some mild tea and fresh lemonade that was clearly made for someone who was dealing with a high fever to try and bring it down. Nayu sighed at the notion of having to divert the trip to take these things up to Viorica's room, it wasn't until that moment that she recognized Altair being in the room when she had gone there for some food earlier. Perhaps he knew of someone who could take the things up for her instead?

"I have to take this stuff up to one of the rooms, I think she might be with your party - a Miss Viorica?" She questioned with a hint of hesitation, noting the way Altair and both of the children next to him immediately stopped in their tracks at the notion of the neko being that under the weather. "Sorry, she was all but refusing to eat this morning - which is why I came down and got some things to take up to her, and from the looks of things she has developed a rather nasty fever in the few hours since I went to check on her." Nayu had heard this from one of the other staff, since the doe usually was left upfront to greet and welcome the influx of customers.

Castor looked equal parts down and defeated as he was all but forced by both his siblings and father to retrieve the tray from Nayu soon after, even getting a glare from Altair for making the doe worry which was a little odd, but he did not pay much mind to it otherwise. He cringed at the sound of things being tossed around inside of the room, along with the sound of yowling that took on pitiful notes as if the creature making those noises was entirely out of their mind due to their body and mind burning up from the inside. "Vi, dear - come on, you need to take some of this-" He barely managed to avoid the tray as it came crashing down and almost catching the male square in the face at that, only able to hear the screeching cry from Viorica that echoed out inside of the hallway.

"No, get out - you are not Daddy!!!"

To say he was confused would be a drastic downplay, but after turning around and noticing the way his father seemed to immediately tense up it just made this all the stranger in terms of a turn of events. Castor for once in his life looked just as pitiful and weak on the outside as he was at the heart of it all. Not wanting to breach those doors again and face the felines fever induced wrath and confusion even if it meant trying to get her to take some medicine and fluids that were vital in bringing her temperature down to normal levels again.
"Nayu..." Altair tried her tongue on his name, the way someone would try a piece of clothing on while shopping. "Nayu..." He repeated it before his lips curled into a gentle smile. "That's a pretty name." He decided, but that was all he would do. He could see she was scared, downright terrified of him, and the two children could see it too. They'd released her ears upon being told to, and both stood next to him, goofy but apologetic smiles on their face as they looked at her.

The three of them followed her outside to the play area, and the moment that they arrived, the two children ran off to play and explore, joining a group of other children almost immediately. Altair smiled as he watched them for a moment, the uncle in him pleased that they were able to socialize properly with other children. There was something that clicked in him upon watching them, even if he wasn't aware of it. He had no children after all, nor did he have a mate of his own.

"Ah yes, Viorica, sorry you had to hear any of that conversation. Family drama on a vacation is..." He made a face, grimacing before shaking his head. It was a conversation that had to be had but that didn't mean he liked it nonetheless. "Yes, she's with us." His eyes widened upon hearing that had come down with a fever. Lyra was right, this was a lot more dangerous for Viorica than Castor realized or seemed to care. "Thank you for looking after her, you're a good person, and you've done us all a big favor." He nearly placed a grateful hand on her shoulder, but he was afraid she would jump through the roof if she did.

The glare that Castor got wasn't nearly as threatening as Lyra's but it carried all the rage that his father's look held. He was pleased that Castor at least had the ability to be shamed into pretending to care about her. Castor and Altair had never been particularly close thanks to their age between them, but he was the oldest, and with that came a certain amount of respect, even from Castor.

Hearing her yell did indeed make Cygnus tense up. First, with apprehension, then with a sense of obligation and even pride. He knew who she was referring to, after all. He was daddy, and he liked knowing that all too much. What he didn't like, however, was that she hadn't consumed the things Nayu had made for her. If she was feverish, she needed help before it got worse. "Castor, just go. Clearly, she doesn't want to see you, and you don't want to be here. You've done enough." He ordered, even pointing for him to head off somewhere. "You need to reevaluate yourself and your relationship." He scoffed, doing his best to tone down the fire raging inside of him.

"I'll see if I can get the staff to check in on her. The rest of you enjoy yourselves. I'll catch up with you all after I get everything in order." He did feel obligated to help her, far more than he should and infinitely more than Castor did. Of course, he had no intention of leaving it to the staff. No, he was going to take care of his kitten. The fact he thought of her as such had hardly even registered in his mind. Instead, he simply shooed his family members away, waiting for them to leave so he could make his way to Viorica's room.
Viorica struggled to maintain a coherent thought process at the moment, regretting the fact that all she had managed to eat that morning was probably a handful of fruit at best and not nearly enough for it to be sustainable. During this time, it was not uncommon for a female to become downright insatiable both in terms of food consumption and the bedroom. Ears flattened tightly around her skull at the first sense of someone else trying to open that damned door again, but whatever rage that consumed her seemed to all but vanish completely at the sight of Cygnus walking inside. It looked like the feline was on the verge of actively crying, mostly out of personal frustration than anything else. "I... acted foolish. I am sorry, Daddy"

She had little time to react before her body crumpled onto the bed behind her again but was soon to be greeted by that of the older dragon and all but brought up to his chest. Viorica sniffled quietly, feeling as if her life had truly been flipped upside down but could not bring herself to truly care about how it had changed for the better. She cautiously poked her head up to look at Cygnus, noticing the discarded tray that Castor had been trying to deliver but now it was in his hands. Like an obedient little kitten, she sipped at the tea on there until the cup ran empty and even polished off a muffin at the same time.

Eyes were barely even half lidded as that same heat from before seemed to seep into her very bones, just being in his presence and taking in all the pheromones caused her body to react much like it had the evening prior. Viorica did not even question when her lips sought out his own, actively bringing him into a kiss that felt like an active flame tickled across her frame and licked every square inch of skin that it touched. Everything about their sordid encounters should feel wrong, but the only emotion that Cygnus and his affections brought was a kind of peace that the feline had not known in years.

"I turn him away - and yet I seek you out." She mumbled quietly, as if the notion of it was beyond comprehension. Viorica gasped quietly as she noted the harsh glance that came from him in turn, but it looked to be more based out of a kind of fear than actual anger. "But now, I can't get myself to stop thinking about last night." She whispered with a kind of reverence, taking on a proper submissive posture along the bed and refusing to budge from it while glancing straight back at Cygnus. "If you want to leave, do so now."
Cygnus sighed softly, a feeling of pity and even guilt welled up inside of his chest when he saw her. The tears that welled in her eyes, the frustrationa nd depseration that tugged at the corner of her lips. Her apology only made him feel worse, now that he knew that she ha dbeen spending all her time knowing Castor, knowing him, apologizing when she didn't need to.

As he held her in his arms, he decided she was done with that. "No, no, no more aplogizing." He spoke softly, a light soclding as his arms closed around her, pulling her close. He was feeling possessive over her already, far too protective. It had only been one night together, one glorious, passionate night, and yet he was attached far beyond what he should have been. "Its okay, Kitten. It's not your fault, you did nothing wrong." He assured her as he made sure she sipped her tea and ate something. She needed her strength more than anything. Her body was impossibly hot, her fever burning up.

Being this close was a risk. He knew it, she knew it, but it was a risk they were willing to take. no, that wasn't it, they just didn't care. He knew he didn't, he just wanted to be with her again, a far cry from how he felt about her before. It wasn't long before they engaged in a geated, passionate kiss. Just as she felt a flame lick across her body he felt a heat spark and grow in his belly, expanding throughout his body.

Her words were not lost on him, and their irony certainly rung true. "No, it's not you." He told her as she turned away before he watched her take her position on the bed. He swallowed. "He turned away from you first. I refuse to do the same." He assured her, and rather than leave, he embraced her. "I can't leave you, not like this." Not that it mattered, he couldn't turn away from her regardless of her heat.

He leaned down and his lips captured hers, his body pressing against her own, pulling her against him. He didn't let her go, nor woul he let her leave him. "Forget about Castor. He won't care for you, then I will." He promised, practically swore, even. He captured her chin with his fingers. "You're my Kitten." He was overstepping his bounds, claiming his son's girlfriend once again, this time verbally rather than just physicaly.
It felt altogether sinful to allow her boyfriend's father to embrace her in such an intimate manner, not to mention the way lips and tongues caressed each other like a dirty little secret and no real need to pull away except when air was required. Viorica gladly saw fit to fall into his embrace and not make any effort to get away, as if instinctively a part of the feline already knew that the older dragon had certain plans that involved keeping her within arm's length. Eyes were barely half open at the moment, essentially being kissed just shy of actively passing out due to the heat and fever that warred beneath golden brown skin.

Both ears twitched at the mention of those two words, and it almost felt like her heart thudded against her chest in turn. Viorica sniffled quietly but managed to keep the tears at bay for now, instead leaning forward to bring the pair back into a proper lip lock that left them breathless and the temperature in the room go up at least another degree or two. Ebony locks mixed with the golden as she instinctively brought herself into a seated position on his lap but chose to actively pull away to begin with and look at Cygnus with a proper smirk on her lips. "If you wish to stay with me, then at least allow me to make you more...comfortable."

She allowed herself to slip down onto the floor between both thighs, tongue sticking out as one clawed hand was used to pull the top of his pants free and reintroduce the massive cock that had all but ruined her for anyone else. The first touch of the slick muscle to the head was tentative at best, allowing saliva to pool there and drip down the rest before parting full lips and sliding down until about half of his girth was invading the moist cavern known as her throat. It was not too well known, but the way for a heat to be cooled down was not just actual sex but the seed of the fertile female's partner entering her body whether vaginally or even through oral.

Nostrils flared out as she began to gingerly bob her head up and down at first, allowing the muscles to relax and become a tad more accustomed to the intrusion before getting more adventurous and pushing down even further. Viorica was a bit put off by the notion that even as lips grew close to the base, at least two inches of him were still left dry and unaccounted for but both her throat and mouth protested even a centimeter more. Audible gulping sounds echoed throughout the hotel room, crystal blue eyes that normally held only disdain and aggravation for him almost formed hearts at being fed a 'proper' meal.

Viorica did not protest whenever Cygnus might buck upwards, merely trying to account for it by staying as still as possible. At one point, the older dragon succeeded in blocking off her airway and instead of allowing him to immediately pull back - the feline dug claws into his thighs and kept him there with a dazed look on her face. Only pulling back and off after almost a full two minutes to rest a bronze cheek along his girth and giggle headily. "How would you like to feed me today, Daddy? If you wish to use my throat, I welcome the challenge."
He supposed he should feel bad for being with his son's girlfriend, and in another world where Castor wasn't such an...ass, he might have. But whatever guilt he was supposed to feel, whatever hesitation or shame he should be ladled with wasn't there, not when he was with her. Holding her in his arms like this, feeling her warmth spread throughout his body, her heart beating against his and their lips locked together were the only things needed to stave those feelings off.

But he'd be damned if the smirk on her lips and the tone in her voice didn't help.

He watched as she slipped free of his lap, lowering herself onto the floor and between his legs, which instinctively parted. He felt young again, the way his heart was beating and his stomach welled up with excitement as she pulled his pants free of his legs. His massive cock sprung free, already growing hard and large in her presence. She had a power over him now, his body responded to her on its own accord, dancing to the beat of her drums. But even if she hadn't the command over him like this, he would have easily done so himself. His kitten stirred something in him, and he was a slave to that feeling.

He watched with bated breath as she let her tongue drip onto his cock, layering his thickened shaft with drizzles of her hot saliva. "Oh..." He breathed as he watched, eager to see her wrap her pretty little lips around his cock. He didn't have to wait long, soon she was taking his cock into her mouth, swallowing him in moist heat and the soft bed of her tongue. "Oh fuck," He exhaled sharply as he watched, fighting back a groan that would inevitably win and force its way out. "Oh fuck you're so good, kitten." He hissed as he watched her.

Up and down she went, each time his cock throbbing in her mouth, pulsing against her tongue. She couldn't take all of him, at least not without some help, but he didn't need her to just yet. He loved watching her, he loved the sight of her lips stretched out, his cock bulging against her throat as she slurped loudly and proudly on his cock. She was beyond sexy, beyond gorgeous, and it made him want her all the more. Castor didn't deserve to see this, this was for him and him alone, he felt. His hand reached around and cupped the side of her head, fingers spreading through her hair. "You look so perfect, sucking on daddy's cock like that."

He groaned as she pulled her throat free of his cock, the fresh air cool against the saliva that had drown his cock, the warmth of her mouth missing. His thumb graced her lips, rubbing along the length of her plush, lower lip as he looked down at her, a grin on his face. "Then challenged you will be." He told her before guiding her mouth back to his cock. He was firm but gentle, the way he forced her lips back around his cock, feeding her inch after inch.

He didn't stay sitting, instead standing slowly as he fed her his cock again, his hips pushing forward until her lips were back to the furthest point down his monster length she had reached yet. His hand moved further behind her head and pushed her forward, forcing her to take the last two inches of his cock, swallowing him whole. With a predatory groan, he pulled his hips back, dragging his length along her throat before slamming his hips against her lips again, his balls slapping against the bulge of his cock in her throat as he began fucking her throat.
Viorica received very little prompt before being force fed his cock all over again, but a part of her actually became excited at the show of brute force even if his actions were ultimately gentle just insistent. Whatever doubts she had before having been forced out of her mind, the only thing that remained was the feel of each pulse and twitch that took over the girth occupying her throat and assaulting taste buds with pheromones and a scent that was undeniably Cygnus. She gasped quietly though the sound of it barely came out as anything more than a wet vocalization, instinctively fighting off the urge to struggle when the last two inches were forced down her throat and caused the feline to gurgle against the thick invasion.

If there was ever a time to be a bit self-conscious, it was now since she could undoubtedly feel the way her inner thighs were practically soaked in her own arousal just by having her throat fucked. Her eyes were trained onto his own in a sort of trance, like looking away was not physically possible and the feline physically needed to see the fruit of all this effort on his face. The fact that he had stood to deliver each fatal blow to her throat only caused the beating it took to be much more powerful, and due to the wall that was nearby it left her little to no space to actively back away and forced her to deliver.

Viorica swallowed harshly as some of the saliva tried to escape past her lips, failing miserably and it caused a mixture of bubbles and thick drool to spurt past and cover both his length and her entire chin. Despite the messy delivery, it did not distract the female from her mission to ensure that her Daddy was properly satisfied even if it meant a small amount of discomfort on her end. Thighs quivered as three powerful thrusts in succession were enough to almost knock the kitten off balance, having to put both hands behind her to stabilize once more and it only gave her an even stronger sensation of giving up all control to the older dragon.

Tears lingered along bronze cheeks and whatever makeup remained was washed away or smudged by the saliva dripping across the skin, now the mess was not only delegated to her chin and voluptuous breasts, but her entire face due to the rough treatment. Triangular ears shifted into an upright position as one of the downward pulls on her head caused him to be buried down to the root once again, only now Cygnus was content to leave her there for longer than the past attempts and a newfound euphoria washed over all senses as swollen folds practically spurt out numerous shots of fluids and both eyes were rolled up indicating the premature orgasm on her own end.

Throat muscles were left to flex and coil along his cock, tightening to just shy of painful and within two seconds he could wrench about an inch or two free before the vice came back with gusto. Moans reverberated off of the mouthful that she had, the vibrations no doubt giving him a new kind of thrill along with the knowledge that his kitten had actually cum while having her throat violated.
Cygnus fought to keep his eyes from closing even a little, he wanted to see every moment of this, to burn the sight before him into his mind so that he would never forget it, even if he hoped that he'd have plenty more moments just like this. Seeing her on her knees before him, throat full of his cock, bulging with it? It spoke to the most primal and animal part of him, teasing out his desire to make her his in every sense of the word.

Every stroke of his cock along the canal of her throat made her mouth froth, a mixture of precum and saliva messily bubbling out from between her lips, dribbling down her chin and streaking along her neck or dripping onto her breasts. He loved to see it, he loved it all, but hidden behind the mess the two were making was an undeniable need she felt to please her daddy. He could see it in her eyes, the glint they held letting him know she was happy if he was happy, and he was more than happy. He was over the moon, pleased that his kitten was enjoying herself as much as she was, as much as he was. He wanted to give her more, it was his obligation to.

Again and again, his cock would slide down the tight vice of her throat, her garbled moans only making his own rumble with glee. His chest rose and fell quickly as he panted, his hips now completely soaked and saturated with her saliva, the sack of his heavy balls glistening with her drool. She squirted onto the floor, splashing against his feet, her eyes rolling back as she came, and he loved it. "Good kitten," He panted, his own impending orgasm coming, "Good Kitten."

"Fuck...!" He hissed between his teeth, and his grip on her head loosened for just a moment, only to come back, both of his hands holding her head in place. His hips crashed against her lips one more time, his cock sliding further down her throat than before, where it stayed nestled just as he came. Spurt after spurt of his thick seed fired from his cock, splashing into her belly below. He rolled his hips as he came, only to pull them back slightly, letting himself paint the walls of her throat with his seed, filling the cavern of her mouth with plenty as well.

Slowly he pulled himself free, his hand leaving her head to support the weight of his cock as he came a little on her lips, the amount of his seed slowly reducing. Another glob splashed against her chin, his hand stroking himself to coax whatever he could free of his cock, his breathing ragged as he gazed at her. "Show me what you have before you swallow." He spoke softly, but the command in his voice was present, a domination that Castor could never muster, even if he was yelling. "Show daddy that pretty little mouth of yours."
Coming back down from the euphoric high took a bit longer than anticipated, leaving the poor thing absolutely panting like she had just run a marathon. Only now, the kitten held a precious sort of treat inside of the confines of her stomach and a variable mouthful still left to wallow on the taste buds of her tongue. He tasted akin to heaven, a distinct tang and savory note that was easily associated with daddy. Instead of automatically baulking at the authoritative tone that he displayed, Viorica found herself opening up her lips and sticking out the tongue that was still coated in a thick glob of semen and the rest left to mellow inside of her mouth. It felt debauched and sinful, but at the same time the emotions were something that the feline would have no other way.

Viorica giggled quietly while rolling the opaque fluid inside of her mouth, humming at the way it overtook any other sense and only finally swallowing it down when Cygnus had given the proper acquiescence to do so. She looked a bit less fevered as the fluids were deposited into her stomach along with the rest, like the initial dose of his seed was enough to quell off the dangerously high fever that until then left her to hallucinate. "Fuck, Daddy's cream tastes incredible." Her words came out heavily slurred, almost like the woman was still in her own world and even there the older dragon intoxicated all senses.

Tongue began to eagerly lap at the slightly deflated cock in front of her, as if becoming a glutton and wanting all of it and only becoming satisfied when every last hint or trace was gone, and the girth took on a healthy spit shine in the soft light. "Not to mention insanely huge and able to pummel my insides in the perfect way, leave me aching for more and mildly sore after Daddy is done." She continued to praise him even as the heat from before was allowed to finally subside a little, a mild fever replacing one that had been dangerously high and almost to the point of lethal.

Her eyes were heavy as the female lifted herself up and off the floor, barely able to make it onto Cygnus' lap before the rest of the strength was sapped from her body. Even now, she could feel the way his huge girth prodded against her dew-soaked folds and would tickle her entrance if she wiggled her hips just right. At this point, the primal urge inside of the feline was coming to breaking point and desperately needed to be filled again. Viorica took on a more submissive posture, allowing both hands to cup against the top of both breasts and take on a begging look while whimpered words were husked out.

"Breed me again, Daddy. Make it so I am no doubt pregnant with your baby."
Cygnus groaned softly as he watched her lips part and reveal to him the cum that had settled on her tongue, pooling in her mouth. It was a gorgeous sight made better only by the sweet words that fell from her lips and graced his ears. That alone would have been enough to bring all life rushing back to his cock, but he'd hardly gotten the chance. Her tongue would reunite with his cock again, licking up every remaining bit of his potent seed with her tongue.

She looked better, she sounded better, her fever having reduced, if not fading altogether, but she had never been hotter before this moment. Every lick had brought life back to his cock, until it was raging hard once more, screaming for the sweet embrace that only her body could provide. She sat on his lap as she praised his cock, and his hands immediately found her waist, keeping her steady before they slipped down the curves of her bubbly cheeks and pulled her closer to him. His cock throbbed against her sex, her warmth pouring into its solid flesh, but it was her words that tickled him the most.

He watched as she cupped her breasts and offered herself to him on a platter, pleading for him to breed her until her belly held his child, and he knew then and there would be no world where he would walk away from this, where they would leave this room and she was not pregnant. His hand let go of her ass and cupped her chin, for a moment, his eyes staring into hers, his gaze intense. His mouth opened and he spoke in a low, grave tone, practically growling.

"You're not leaving this room until you're properly knocked up." He swore to her before his fingers fell from her chin and to the thick, pulsating rod sandwiched between them, pressing up against her moist and waiting folds. He would grunt softly, lifting her ass off his lap, his other hand angling his rod until his tip would catch at her entrance, and without further wait, he would push her onto him, slowly impaling her with his cock. He grit his teeth, not to hide his groans but his glee at being inside of her again, something that he worried he would not experience after last night.

He kept feeding her every inch, lowering her down the length of his cock until his thick head was reunited with her cervix, and her ass sat upon his lap once again, the two reunited in a way entirely unlike what she could ever get from Castor. His hand left the space between their hips, now that there was none left, only to find her ass once more. His chest flexed, muscles taught against his skin as he lifted her slightly, standing with her so that he was holding her, suspended in the air, and only then did his hips start to move, pulling back shortly just to immediately slam into her, starting what would be a long and passionate fuck.
Viorica felt the way her body began to immediately react to being penetrated, slowly at first as if ensuring that the nekomata could feel each and every inch as it was devoured by her starving pussy. To say that she felt the room heat up a couple of degrees was putting it mildly, especially when Cygnus took her chin and forced the two to look at each other as he made a promise to make sure the feline ended up pregnant. It stirred something inside of her, a feeling that had once been buried and left for dead months at this point. Ever since she got together with Castor, the neko made no secret about her love for children and wanting some of her own one day - that was where things initially began to plateau and then plunge from a steep cliff into despair.

To hear that one heated promise was music to her ears, causing the triangular folds to perk up and immediately flatted forward as both eyes rolled back after being lifted up and forced to sink down all of the way in one fell swoop. By this point, the sheer strength that the male held never ceased to amaze her - and to have such a lazy and ambitionless son made absolutely no sense when he was the only one of three children to not make a name for himself. Viorica outright shrieked as she felt the way his arms held her in the air like it was nothing, always being a pushover for power and Cygnus held that in spades.

Lips parted to allow a cooing sort of noise leak out, finding both hands were eager to loop around his neck and find purchase there to make sure that she could remain upright. His actions were slow yet held a power behind them designed to knock the very air from her lungs, forcing the neko to take in a ragged gasp each time he would pull back and within seconds it came out as a pitiable whine. It did not help that the dragon was fucking huge to start off with, a portion of her brain realized that realistically not even a single centimeter would be able to fit inside now that his cock outright owned the space up to her womb.

She struggled to keep from losing herself at the first five minutes of thrusting, but not even a second after that mark was when her internal muscles clamped down and a scream of his name was echoing inside of the room and followed by short yips and squeals as the aftershocks took hold. Even during all of that intense pleasure, some of it making the female fear that her heart might end up stopping due to the constant pressure against each sensitive nerve ending leading to the beginning of her cervix. Viorica cried at the notion of ever being able to leave any of this behind now, but managed to hold her head against his neck so that he could not see the tears as they fell.

"The fact that Daddy wants me so bad...makes this feel like a dream." She heard herself whisper out as another orgasm took over, not having the strength to scream it out this time as the fever sapped a good bit of that energy and all that the feline could do was twitch and squirm away as he continued thrusting like his life depended on it. "Never wake me up if it is, please, please - PLEASE!" Viorica became desperate at this point, all the came out from her throat was high pitched whimpers and drawn-out moans whenever he pushed her to a new state of euphoria that was somehow able to totally eclipse the last.

"Let me be yours!"
He could feel the joy in her, caused by his promise to knock her up. It was practically radiating off her in waves, drowning him, even. Knowing how overjoyed she was at the idea of carrying his child only steeled his resolve, making him double down in his determination to breed his kitten. His kitten. He couldn't even think of her as his son's girlfriend anymore, she couldn't belong to someone so callous, so ignorant, so selfish. Someone who clearly had no idea what to do with someone like Viorica.

But he knew what to do with her. He knew just how to treat her, how to take care of her. He could give her what she needed, something his son could never do.

There was no room for anything other than Cygnus when he was inside of her. He wanted her to struggle, no, to fail at thinking of anything else but her daddy and his fat cock. Each thrust dragged his studded cock against her, scraping and prodding every part of her, sensitive or not. His hips moved fast, but with the size of his cock, every stroke was long, forcing her to savor every inch of his length, of his girth as it bulged outward against her tummy. His hips slapped loudly against her own, a guttural moan rising from his throat each that increased in volume every time the tip of his cock pushed against her cervix.

"Viorica...!" He moaned her name, and as he did, he turned around, bringing her with him. She was clamping down around him, drowning him in her juices, soaking even his hips. It was too much for him, and with a roar, he released himself, giving her starving, burning womb, flooding her with his thick seed yet again. He ground his hips against hers, his cockhead happily grinding against her cervix as he pumped her full of his seed, dousing the flame inside of her.

"Viorica..!" He repeated her name again, letting it fall of his breath as he panted. He wasn't done with her, and to let her know, he tipped forward, letting her fall onto the bed, landing on her back, and he onto his knees and hands, each one placed on the side of her, his legs between hers. "You're my kitten," He swore, "You belong to me." His hips began moving against hers again, stirring his cock within her cum-soaked cunt, grinding slowly against her folds.

"Say it," He commanded her, his hips moving in a short but powerful thrust, enough to move her against the bed, to make her breasts jump and the bedding creak against the floor, "Say it." He cradled her face in his hands, his elbows supporting his weight now, hid lips hovering over hers, "You belong to daddy from now on." He let his tongue drag across her lips, coating them in a layer of his saliva. He needed her to know that he meant it, that he was going to take care of her from now on. He wasn't just fucking her in her heat, he was claiming her, regardless of what it would mean.

This was no dream, it was something far better.
Viorica could both sense and feel the heartfelt sentiments that permeated the very air that surrounded them, a more primal and animalistic instinct that only took place when one was claiming a potential mate. It caused the feline to pause for but a split second, unsure if this was actually happening or a remnant of the fever playing a last-ditch trick on her tired mind. But despite the rapid blinking of her eyes and even biting into her lower lip to feel the burst of pain that accompanied it, nothing broke the trance and the fevered dragon that was now laying absolute claim over her and demanding that she say it back in kind.

Fluffy tail took to reaching out and wrapping along the length of his forearm, desperate to maintain a form of contact and refusing to budge even an inch. Thighs were left splayed on either side and forced to accommodate Cygnus between them, by now the only sound she was capable of making was a mewl of satisfaction and overstimulation due to the seed churning inside of her womb at that very second. By now, the tears the neko tried so hard to hide were visible and caused precious blue gems to glitter in the oncoming peaks of sun that came in.

"I belong to daddy from now on." She said with utmost certainty and did not even stumble on the words, though that peace was short lived as a rough grind against the base of her cervix caused the feline to squeal and a fresh spurt of liquid to drench both her thighs and him in turn. All of this attention was causing the poor thing to grow a bit dizzy, but as long as she managed to hold eye contact with Cygnus is made the sensation somehow bearable. Like the entire world around them could collapse and cease to be, all that mattered were the hands cradling her face so gently and the extreme girth still splitting her in half.

"Yes, keep it inside of me daddy, just like that. Make sure none of your precious cum can spill out." Viorica sounded half crazed at this point, as if the churning motions were enough to send sparks of pleasure sizzling down her spine and pool in her loins. Her lips parted and allowed her own tongue to come out, able to taste the saliva he had left behind previously, and it caused both ears to visibly perk up. This was very much real, Cygnus had laid a proper claim on the feline and wished to become bonded mates.

"Your kitten, your woman, the mother of your children" She sounded pleased with this, as if the title soothed an instinct deep inside of her very soul that had been neglected all of this time and was finally getting satiated. "My strong and handsome mate"
There was no separating the two. Her tail was a welcome addition around his arm, its soft fluff a warmth that stood out against the heat he'd worked his body into, sweat dribbling down his forehead as his hips moved slowly but with purpose, grinding against her, stirring her up with every move, every second. He wasn't going to rest or let up, he was intent on driving her wild with pleasure until she submitted and spoke the truth, spoke what he wanted into fruition, and even then he wouldn't stop. He wanted to fuck her silly when he bred her, drive her crazy so that every time she felt her pregnant belly, she would remember this day.

His ears were all hers as she spoke, the frenzy that she'd been fucked into spurring him on further. It was almost as if she were drunk, her mind reeling from the machinations of his hips. Even he was losing his grip, fighting to keep himself from outright fucking her. Moving like this gave him more time to feel the way her body clung to him, cradling his thick, trunk of a cock in a tight grip like no other, swallowing him in her warmth and drowning him in her heat. The biggest culprit was the head of his cock, grinding back and forth against her cervix, prodding against the entrance of her womb as if simply kissing it wasn't enough.

It drove him crazy, and he wanted to hammer away at her hips again, to work himself to the point of orgasm and deliver yet another heavy load of cum directly to her womb, but that had to wait. He had to hear the words come from her lips before he did, not that it would matter. He would torture her slowly like this until he got them but thank god he didn't have to wait.

Every word she spoke drilled deep into his brain, blanketing his every thought until her voice was all he could hear. "My Kitten," He repeated, "My mate..." He loved the way it felt on his tongue, the way it rolled off and echoed in his ear. She was his mate, his. He should feel bad, not ecstatic, but Castor didn't want her, not really. He didn't cherish her enough, or he would have claimed her as his mate himself.

No, there was no guilt. Viorica was for him, she was his. She was always meant to be his, he could see that now, he felt it now. She belonged with him and it was only right the two become bonded, that they become one another's. "You're my mate." He repeated, dragging his hips back in one fluid motion, racking against her folds. "You're my mate, my beautiful, wonderful mate. I'll take care of you, Viorica." He promised her between breaths.

He slammed his hips against her suddenly, rattling the bed as wet skin slapped against wet skin, splattering her juices about as his cock resheathed inside of her quickly. He didn't stay for long, pulling his hips back again. "I'll give you everything you want." He promised her. "The children you desire." Again, with a loud schlick his hips slapped against hers, his cock reuniting with her womb in a desperate and loving embrace, "The love you deserve." He was working into a steady rhythm now, each stroke of his cock long and steady but firm and powerful.

His gaze was tied to hers, gazing upon the beauty of her face and the sparkle of her baby blues as the sun shined upon them. "You will never want again, because you're mine now. Not Castor's, mine. I will care for you like no one ever has." It was the last promise he made before he captured her lips in a hungry, predatory kiss, claiming her for himself. His hips did not change their pace, not even as his tongue captured hers, sliding against it languidly, tasting everything about her.
Euphoria best described the look that took over her when Cygnus saw fit to call her his mate in return, like the bond that was outstretched in offering got accepted without even needing a spare moment to think it over. Viorica did feel the way her teeth clenched so hard that the force from his next thrust inward made them chatter, still overly stimulated from the previous orgasm but able to feel a new ember sparking to light inside of her womb and it only became fiercer in its demand. It took quite a bit of willpower to remain still and allow him to simply push past the painful sensitivity, already able to sense the submissive nature that developed between those who became bonded.

She came close to crying on multiple occasions, but somehow stemmed the tide so as not to ruin the perceived sentimental moment being shared between them. To have someone offering the children that the female so desperately wanted and whispered fevered sweet promises of taking care of her - it felt beyond surreal after the relationship with Castor up until this point. There were days when it took everything for her to get up out of bed, thinking that the life she currently lived was by no means worth the amount of effort that became a requirement and not an option.

'He has tried to drain every part of me, to leave me an emotionless doll that he can mold into what he desires - with no regard for my wants or needs.' Viorica shook violently as the coil inside of her lower stomach snapped all over again, this time forcing her legs to wrap around his hips and keep the older dragon buried inside to the very root as the waves took over. In turn, all that the kitten could do was openly gape as the pleasure turned her very vision to white in rapid flashes before the colors of the world seeped back into both eyes again.

Lips were pressed to his own in a fevered dance, tongues meshing and even toying with each other in a dance that was made for two and two alone. Viorica had made an attempt to loosen herself from his grip but even as the pleasure morphed into a sharp and stabbing sensation - still Cygnus remained insistent and kept pummeling against her cervix and making what would usually be short and fleeting sensations to overlap and steal all breath from both lungs.

Clawed hands were desperate as they went from pressing against his chest in a silent bid to get him to stop to leaving scoring marks against the skin that were sure to leave reddening welts behind. Her facial features looked pitiful, unable to do anything else but take the plunging into molten depths that stroked nerves that were like livewire at this stage and forced muscles in her thighs and hips to shake uncontrollably as she found herself pushed over the brink again not even five minutes later.

"Ohh god, too deep, too sensitive" Viorica tried to convey with breathless urgency but lost the ability after that and a wail forced itself from her throat as internal muscles fluttered along his massive girth. Bronze kisses breasts rising and falling in rapid breaths as she tried to keep a modicum of control, but once again Cygnus wrestled that control away and left the nekomata entirely at his mercy.

The joy and euphoria that Viorica felt bubbled up inside Cygnus just as well, reaching a point that it was boiling over. The two were connected beyond just the physical now, their bond extending beyond what could be described with words. They felt the same thing, the same elation, the same connection, the same joy, lust, and happiness. It poured from into her, and from her into him, creating a bridge between the two that only made the mating even more pleasurable.

He'd been so alone for so long. His wife had been gone for years, and his kids had all moved out, leaving him alone. He didn't blame anyone, and he definitely never resented any of his kids for spreading their wings, metaphorically, but it did leave him with nothing to do but his business. The thought of trying again with someone had never graced his mind, even if he wished he'd had more kids. But now, being with Viorica like this? She was all he could think about, all he needed in this moment was her.

"Feel it," He groaned against her mouth as she moaned about how deep he was, how sensitive her womanhood had become, "Drown in it." He wanted to make her crazy for him so that she couldn't go on without him. No one would ever satisfy her as he could, this was the statement he working hard to make. Every stroke of his cock against her folds, every time his cockhead met her cervix, making her jump against the bed, was a declaration of this fact.

She was his now. No one would care for her like he would, could make her feel like he did. No one. Not even Castor.

Her final cry was of his name as she broke, reaching her limit, breaking it even as she came once more. Now it was his turn, and it was glorious. It took barely a few more thrusts, each one deeper and stronger than the last before that dam finally burst. "VIORICA!" He roared her name as his hips shoved against hers for the final time, his fat head pushed up tightly against her cervix. He erupted like a volcano, and his hands pulled her hips so that she was pulled tighter against him, letting him properly flood her womb for the second time.

He still moved his hips, the pleasure eeking out every bit of cum he had to give her in this moment. He panted, sweat dribbling down the side of his face, down his heaving chest, his tail slapping against the bed behind him. In his mind, he knew there was no way she couldn't be pregnant, but yet his body wanted more, demanded more. Rather than continue though, he simply kissed her again, just as deeply and hungry as before, dominating his new mate the only way he knew how.
Viorica somehow resisted the urge to try and pull away at the first violent pelting of his seed as it erupted on the inside, thoroughly filling her womb up for the second time and stirring out the older cum and ensuring that the newest load had a chance to seek out her fertile uterus. Even as the sensation finally became dulled and stopped altogether, all that the female could do was shiver and shake in the glowing aftermath. The fever from before all but disappearing in the moment, leaving her to pant heavily and note the sweat that soaked across golden skin and no doubt soaked the sheets below the two of them. 'Trying to sleep on these will be impossible, Castor would be able to smell his father a mile away with how potent the scent is.'

But instead of dwelling too long on that predicament, the feline was coaxed into a heated kiss that caused the rest of her thoughts to go blank and only recognize the heat and passion it conveyed. Viorica gave back as good as she got, even becoming so frenzied at one point that her fang managed to catch Cygnus on the lip and leave a small wound to tell the tale when the two finally parted again. She managed to curb the laughter that wanted to come out at how his tail seemed to have a mind of its own, similar to her own and that small gesture brought further humanity to a man she had once thought too cold and aloof.

"Good thing...they should be out for a few hours yet. You have plenty of time to guarantee your promise, even though I have a feeling the deed is already done." The nekomata purred out, having a sort of sense for the changes that would soon be taking root inside of her womb and the fetus that was but meager cells and a glimmer in their eyes already taking shape. But it did not mean that the newly mated pair had to stop by any means - practice definitely made perfect in the instance of obtaining pregnancy.

Neither knew that there was another privy to the conversation going on inside of the room, Castor being stuck in a frozen pose with his hand still raised as if he had wanted to knock before but the screaming name of his father and Viorica in turn told him that it was dangerous to intrude just yet. His father would not hesitate to defend a woman that he considered to be his, and from the way things sounded - the two were able to bond and become mates in the formal sense instead of what he had with her which was in title alone.

'How....could they?!' His thoughts were fervent as if this was a betrayal that he had not driven Viorica to in the first place by abandoning her in a time of great need. No, this would not be allowed to stand at all. Castor blankly stared at the closed door for a moment longer before turning and walking away in a swift stride, already planning a proper way to remind Viorica just who she truly belonged with even if it meant threatening his own flesh and blood father to drive the point across and tear the 'happy couple' apart.
It felt good, it felt beyond good. Not just the sex, good wouldn't even begin to cover the breeding that had taken place, that had really just begun. No, it felt good to declare her as his, for her to become his mate, and he hers. It felt good knowing that at this moment, her womb was drowning in his seed, that he was the reason she was going to be pregnant. It was wild to think that not too long ago she was the cause of his irritaiton and frustration, and now she was the source of some of the best emotions and feelings he'd felt in a long while. It made his entire body shake.

Her fang caught his lip, cutting it slightly and causing it to bleed a little, but it didn't bother him. If anything, it was just a love mark. As they broke their kiss and their lips parted, his tongue streaked across the small wound, licking up some of his blood. "I feel like it's done already, but I love to make sure." He couldn't help the grin that his lips spread into or the spark behind his eyes. "I have so much more to give, anyway." His hand gently caressed her face, a gentle care behind each stroke of his fingers and in the palm of his hand.

"You're my mate, and I fully intend to enjoy every part of you." He brought his lips down to her chin, trailing kisses down to her neck and along her shoulders. He had no idea that his son had heard almost every word. As far as he knew, Castor had left with the others, and this was just between him and Viorica for now. The conversation with the rest of the family could wait, as awkward and terrible as it would be. Even as his lips found their way to her breast, and wrapped around the front of her globes and his roguh tongue stroking her darkened nipple, he the thought of that conversation did cause a little dread to form in his belly.

But just a little. He wanted Viorica and they were bound together now. He had betrayed Castor, but Castor had betrayed her. Whatever recovery between the two that would need to be done would be, but what had happened had happened. He wasn't going to let it ruin what he had gained with his mate, nor what he had with his son.

He let go of her nipple, pulling his lips as they clung to her breast until it was released with a loud pop, her mound left glistening and wet with his saliva. "I know it goes without saying but...I'm sorry for how I've treated you before. That wasn't fair to you. I didn't even know you." He'd just assumed he did from her behavior, and ironcially enough, from her beauty. It was too easy for a protective, single father to assume the worst about his children's partners, even if Castor had framed her to be the bad guy. If she had known the amount of grilling she'd put Lyra's partner through...
Viorica felt the way her body instinctively went to curl up upon itself at the mention of there being so much more for him to give, and the notion that she held little doubt about the promise in both his tone and the reaction of his body to match it. She shuddered at the mention of the word mate leaving his lips, still able to feel the freshness of the title and it caused a giddiness to bubble up inside of her stomach. Her hips were left to buck up and come back down at the suckling motion to her left breast, ensuring that Cygnus remained buried inside of her to the very hilt but that one singular thrust had sparked up all of the nerves that for a few minutes had become somewhat dormant. Now they were screaming obscenities at being awoken again only to be denied any form of true satisfaction.

She noticed how her eyes became a little downcast at the apologetic tone that he adapted, apologies for treating her the way he had before coming out within seconds and the bronze female simply shushed the notion with a single finger being pressed to his lips. There was no way that the feline would punish Cygnus further when he did not know the entire truth of the situation and had been left in the dark to only make assumptions on limited knowledge. "You know who I am now, and that is what truly matters. Even after all of this time, Castor had not even managed to remember my favorite color much less anything else."

Instead of dwelling on the topic of his son and her 'former' boyfriend, Viorica mewled in a tone that spoke of the need boiling back to the surface. The heat had come back with a vengeance and now that there was a proper alpha male around to service the need, her body all but craved the scent of his pheromone and the taste and feel of being filled with his seed. "Pull your cock out, daddy - I want to see the mess you have made of me." It was a request that seemed to stoke the ego of the older dragon who obeyed without much need to question it, allowing the neko to watch as her swollen folds were pushing out a viable glob of thick, white cum as internal walls fluttered and contracted in kind.

"Mmm, there - now you can fill me all over again." It seemed like the action was a form of trick on Viorica's part, to make Cygnus become feral all over again at the sight of his seed leaking out of his horny and eager mate. She pulled herself up so that the pair were able to be face to face, a kiss starting off gentle and sweet but becoming passionate within seconds and leaving both parties breathless when they parted again. "You will spend the rest of the vacation tending to me like a proper host, and then we will break the news about us to your children."
That short buck of her hips made Cygnus groan, his cock coming back to life with a powerful throb, not that it had fully softened to begin with. The virility of a dragon was one thing, but Cygnus was an entirely different beast, and he was coming to realize that Viorica was as well. On instinct, he rolled his hips against her, ribbing the thick head of his cock against her walls, his girth grinding against the nerves that lined her sweet folds. His new mate was really going to drain him dry, and he had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time. God he hoped this wouldn't be the last time.

He was grateful for her forgiveness,or rather that she didn't blame him for how he treated her. It still bothered him, but he knew even as apolegetic as he was, he true iritation was directed towards his son. The fool who led him to believe she was so terrible, and the fact he did so purposefully? It would have infuriated him had he not his mate to care for at the moment. It was hard to be upset in the moment when she was clinging to him, the two basking in the beginnings of a new relationship, physical as much sa emotional. "Unlike Castor, I want to know everything about you." He told her. ""Your favorite color included."

He was pleased to grant her request, doing so with no hesitation. He withdrew his cock from her slowly, saying good bye, temporarily, to the sweet union they shared. His cock pulled free, his eyes falling to her sex. He watched with a curious interest as his seed was expelled from her sex, thick globs pushed out and dribbling down between her hips. He bit his lip, a part of him tickled pink by the site and the the part, the animal side of his brain, roaring for him to plunge into her and fill her once more.

Thankfully, she spoke those very words, and the feral, wild part of him was given credence. He kissed her back, matching her pace and then her passion, indulging in the swee ttste of her mouth on his tongue. He couldn't remember the last time anything tasted so decadent, leaving him wanting for more.

"Of course." He breathed, exhaling quickly as he spoke before he could inhale once more. "My children are grown, you are my priority." He assured her. "Now, I have a job to do." He spoke with an urgency, his instincts demanding he reapply what had been pushed out. With one smooth motion, he buried himself to the hilt inside of her, gleefuly pushing up against her core before raising his hips slowly, pulling back to bury himself in her again. Every stroke was long and purposeful, but firm and powerful. The entire time, his eyes held her gaze, watching her face as he rhythmically and tantrically fucked her.
Viorica felt the way her entire body twinged after his abrupt exit but was given little time to dwell on the loss as within minutes Cygnus had plunged right back inside and took away the vacant feeling and replaced it with a euphoric fullness that stretched out her womb in kind. She struggled to remain even somewhat still but failed miserably as the friction caused full hips to buck upward and force him all of the way into the absolute brim. Her eyes fluttered at the sensation it gave off, like a livewire that was threatening to electrocute her on the spot, but the jolting pleasure outweighed her desire to stop even if it ended up killing her.

It went on like that for what seemed like hours at a time, like the world around them lost all sense of meaning and outside of the dragon gazing down at her lovingly nothing else mattered to the feline. Even after all of this time, the sensation was much toon surreal to feel like it was tangible. After all of this time spent with Castor, it was not surprising that Viorica held a jaded streak a mile wide inside of her heart and remained somewhat skeptical. With time, that void left inside of her heart would fade and with her mates help the scars from before could only heal.

Nayu struggled to come up with an excuse to not go along with the group to the water park, simply because her duties were with the resort and assisting the guests there. Altair would hear none of it though, he had practically dragged the shy little doe along behind him and remained with a steady grip on her hand with his own the entire walk there. It made her cheeks flush at the notion of being so close to him, especially given the nature of things, both were from entirely different social backgrounds not to mention differing ends of the food chain on top of it. She failed to see his interest in her, surely there were plenty of females at the resort that would be more his standing and all proper ladies with prestigious pedigrees to match.

Her hands were keen to wring along each other due to overactive nerves, noting how Castor was the one who wandered off on his own first and looked quite pissed if the glare in both eyes was anything to go by. Nayu blinked rapidly, leaning to the side and looking at Lyra who seemed to sense her unease. "Don't worry about him so much, he is just upset that father and I decided to give him a verbal reaming a little bit ago." The dragon female had to cover her mouth shortly after the sentiments were aired, somehow remembering that her children were present and did not need to hear such vulgar language. "I am just happy that one of my swimsuits managed to fit you well enough, apparently we are similar in body type." Nayu continued to blush at remembering the skimpy bikini that hid underneath the t-shirt and jean shorts adorning her curvy figure.

"T-thank you for allowing me to borrow it. But I do not see myself getting wet anytime soon." The doe was going to do her best to avoid showing off the tan and green bits of fabric that barely hid any of her modesty. She noted the way that Altair seemed to be plotting something with the way he had eagerly ushered his niece and nephew over and fervently began whispering to them in a huddle. Her tail stood straight up along with both ears, nothing good could come from those grins and sure enough the water guns from earlier were taken out and aimed at the defenseless female soaking her from head to toe in water.

That was how the sight of the bikini top was outlined below the see-through shirt, proving that her bust size might rival that of Lyra with how the material was barely holding anything back and strained on either side to remain tight. Nayu shivered and used her arms in a failed attempt to cover her chest, not wishing for anyone else to get the chance to see her shame. "Pl-lease do not soak me anymore. I am self-conscious of how I look..."
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