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Madness (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
Two clans, both alike in dignity, their history shrouded in war and strife. The giant reptilian-like Zael'rin and the magical humans known as the Velian had been at odds since time immemorial. Mamy had been killes between the two, and now their numbers ran thin. The leaders called a momentary truce to find a means to end this senseless war. A binding between their strongest clansmen; Maleris - son of the Zael'rin hunter-chief - and Ifera - daughter of the Velian shaman. The leaders agreed to such a marriage in hopes that it would bring peace, wishing the two would grow to accept each other in a romantic setting. Needless to say, the marriage was rocky; Ifera and Maleris hated each other with every ounce of their being.
They were stuck together, and she knew it. He kept up with his former mate far more than she liked, and she felt like a prisoner in what was supposed to be her own home.
Maleris wasn't any fonder with her or the marriage as she was, and knew that she would see her own mate much like he did his.
With their marriage being so rocky, she could see that the already fragile peace was beginning to fray. She swallowed her pride. She had to do this. She cut things off with her mate.
“If you don’t want to leave your mate, I obviously cannot stop you, but your people will not think I am running out on you anymore..” she said.
“I saw the way they looked at me, Maleris..” she said. “I appreciate the cover but they didn’t trust it at all..” she sighed. “Regardless, it is done now..”
At least he tried. He wanted to preserve her reputation as much as possible, despite his feelings. But, she was right; this marriage needed to work, for both their people's sakes.
She looked over at him and made a soft noise. Maybe, things would be better now? So, she tried. They were close together in public, never going so far as to show affection, but hopefully to try and fool the onlookers.
No one seemed to be buying it, especially Maleris' former mate. Maleris was quickly becoming irritated with the lack of faith their people put into them.
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