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๐•‹๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•ซ๐•’๐•š'๐•ค ๐•‹๐• ๐•ž๐•– ๐• ๐•— ๐•‹๐•™๐• ๐•ฆ๐•˜๐•™๐•ฅ๐•ค โœจ

๐•‹๐•’๐•๐•–๐•ค ๐• ๐•— ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•‹๐•š๐••๐•–๐•ค ๐ŸŒŠ 07/06/2024 (Tenzai's Old RT, 07/06/2024) New


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To whoever comes across this thread! Hello and welcome to my little corner of BMR!
My name is Tenzai, the writer with too much free time.


ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข: แด›แด‡สŸแดแดแด‡ส€แด‡๊œฑ | ๊œฑสŸแด‡แด‡แด˜ แด›แดแด‹แด‡ษด
0:00ใ…‡โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 5:07
โ†ป โ— II โ–ท โ†บ

About Me ๐ŸŒŠ

โ‹— I'm a married, story-driven writer in his late twenties with a penchant for seeing my flawed characters fight for their happy endings through shitty circumstances.

โ‹— I typically write multi-paragraph responses that could expand into novella territory depending on my inspiration at the moment!

โ‹— Though my usual average is between 500-1000 words, I aim to match the effort given by my writing partner! So if you're feeling particularly inspired one day and you express your creativity or you have an interesting subplot in mind that sounds fun to mess with- Expect to see more from me as well!

โ‹— My response rate may vary depending on the amount of free time I have. On average, I can post multiple times a week. Once a week at minimum. If something happens where I struggle to post, I'll be sure to let you know!

โ‹— That being said, I don't want you to feel pressured to post any more than you can! We're both here to have a good time. I'm also ghost friendly too! While it might be nice to get a dm should anything occur, life happens whether we like it or not and at the end of the day, this is our hobby. Least we could do is aim to have a great time building a memorable story together!

โ‹— I usually write multiple main characters in my stories. While I don't require nor expect you to do the same; But if you do- I'm totally welcome to it! Expect to see my main characters interacting with side characters, NPCs, and even each other throughout our story! Why deny us the opportunity to have a living world, right?

โ‹— I love writing stories involving romance! From slow-burn to instantaneous passion, whether it be between enemies, rivals, strangers, friends, or lovers; I'd dare say that I love it so much that I need it in some capacity for any story I write. If lust is a fire, the chemistry that builds from meaningful love and longing is the fuel that makes it burn!

โ‹— I might not have a specific plot/smut ratio but I do have a preference for plot over smut. To me, the plot is the meat of the story and the sex is its spice~

โ‹— I'm pretty flexible on plot ideas. Say you'd like to add an additional layer on top of a story; whether that be another character, plotline, or location; Be my guest! I love it when my partners get creative!

โ‹— I'm very open to OOC. In fact, I even welcome it! If you have any preferences you'd like to include after the story starts or if you don't feel comfortable with something, please let me know. I'd like to build a place where you could feel comfortable with sharing your thoughts and ideas openly! Maybe even dork out over our characters and their little wins too! We don't need to be best friends, but an open line of communication would be nice! Though if we're in it for the long term, I'd like to be your friend as well if I could help it!

๏ฝก๏ฝฅ: โ™ฉ โ™ช โ™ฉ โ™ฌ โ™ฌ โ™ฉโ™ชโ™ฉ โ™ฉ โ™ช โ™ฉ โ™ฌ โ™ฌ โ™ฉ :๏ฝฅ๏ฝก

แดกแด‡ ษขแด ส™แด‡สแดษดแด… แด›สœแด‡ ๊œฐแด€ส€แด›สœแด‡๊œฑแด› ส€แด‡แด€แด„สœแด‡๊œฑ
แดกสœแด‡ส€แด‡ แด›สœแด‡ สŸษชษขสœแด› ส™แด‡ษดแด…๊œฑ แด€ษดแด… แดกส€แด€แด˜๊œฑ ส™แด‡ษดแด‡แด€แด›สœ แดœ๊œฑ

๏ฝก๏ฝฅ: โ™ฉ โ™ช โ™ฉ โ™ฌ โ™ฌ โ™ฉโ™ชโ™ฉ โ™ฉ โ™ช โ™ฉ โ™ฌ โ™ฌ โ™ฉ :๏ฝฅ๏ฝก

RP Location: PMs
Style: 3rd Person
Time Zone: PST
Status: Closed
Word Count: 500-3000+

๏ฝก๏ฝฅ: โ™ฉ โ™ช โ™ฉ โ™ฌ โ™ฌ โ™ฉโ™ชโ™ฉ โ™ฉ โ™ช โ™ฉ โ™ฌ โ™ฌ โ™ฉ :๏ฝฅ๏ฝก

แด€ษดแด… ษช แด‹ษดแดแดก แด€๊œฑ สแดแดœ แด„แดสŸสŸแด€แด˜๊œฑแด‡ ษชษดแด›แด แดแด‡
แด›สœษช๊œฑ ษช๊œฑ แด›สœแด‡ ๊œฑแด›แด€ส€แด› แด๊œฐ ๊œฑแดแดแด‡แด›สœษชษดษข

๏ฝก๏ฝฅ: โ™ฉ โ™ช โ™ฉ โ™ฌ โ™ฌ โ™ฉโ™ชโ™ฉ โ™ฉ โ™ช โ™ฉ โ™ฌ โ™ฌ โ™ฉ :๏ฝฅ๏ฝก

Preferences & Limits ๐Ÿ“‹
  • Here's a list of what I found that make me really excited to write. More will be added when things come to mind!
    • OOC! After spending months on this site, I've learned that a great OOC can turn a good story into an amazing one!
    • Unordinary characters dealing with mundane conflicts. Why can't an angel bitch about paying taxes? Can't a demon complain about their commute? I find this story element both entertaining and potentially meaningful! It bridges the gap between vastly different characters if they both deal with the same ordinary day-to-day issues.
    • Use of images to set scenes. Some say a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm among one of them! It definitely helps boost creativity and it stimulates the imagination!
    • Inclusion of music. Some of my favorite roleplay moments were the result of a perfect soundtrack to establish the mood. After getting a taste of what it's like, I can't imagine not taking advantage of the added medium for creativity!
    • Humor. Sometimes, my characters might verbalize a joke to lighten up a dark situation or soften a mood. Other times, they might say something unintentionally funny while angry or drunk. Expect to see some of this from me!
    • Snark. On the other end of the spectrum, my characters might not always have a particularly fond opinion of yours or each other. They might bitch about each other often or just complain about their general situation. I love writing characters that can be rude on the surface.
    • Intimacy: I think what I find most interesting to write isn't the action scenes, the spicy sex, nor the angst that surround failures and bad decisions. It's about what happens during their downtime. I love indulging in the aftercare and the calm in between scenes.
    • Anime and Drawing FCs. While a good description is fine enough, pictures in combination with descriptions are perfect! Also, I like being able to see how you envision your characters looking. I'll do the same as well!
  • While my kinks usually are plot and character specific (hence why I don't include them here), my limitations are universal and non-negotiable. If there's anything that's not on this list that you have concerns about, please ask, I won't bite. Worst I will do is say no thank you.
    • Gore, snuff, physical abuse, death, and mutilation
    • Zoophilia
    • Vore
    • Scat
    • Inflation
    • Blood-related incest
    • Underage characters
    There are also a couple of non-kink related limits I have as well.
    • Use of IRL face claims.
    • Rushing posts.

Plots ๐Ÿ•ฎ
  • 4ec4704d590b44ea2957be3bc06115d7.gif
    โ„๐•–๐•“๐• ๐•ฃ๐•Ÿ ๐•’๐•ค ๐•’ ๐•ƒ๐•–๐•ง๐•–๐• ๐Ÿ™ ๐”พ๐• ๐••๐••๐•–๐•ค๐•ค
    "Ever wonder what its like being a goddess? It fucking sucks when no one knows your name."

    ๐•€๐•ค๐•–๐•œ๐•’๐•š'๐•• ๐”พ๐• ๐••๐••๐•–๐•ค๐•ค ๐•ฉ ๐”พ๐•ฆ๐•š๐•๐•• ๐• ๐•— ๐•„๐•š๐•ค๐•—๐•š๐•ฅ๐•ค
    Medieval/Modern Fantasy | Isekai | Slice of Life

    YC is a woman who reincarnated into her favorite MMO, not as a player but as a goddess.
    However, her new life was not what she expected. She is an unknown goddess, lacking a following to derive power from, as well as wealth, status, and fame that usually accompany other deities like her. So instead, she chooses to embrace this new life, starting a guild of her own. Eventually it attracts MMO misfit players, starting with a level 1 paladin who can't deal damage in a game where damage is everything, and eventually: a ranger with a vision impairment, a mage that allocated his stats poorly (into strength/constitution instead of intelligence), and a healer with a phobia of blood. Leads to unordinary, ordinary adventures where every little victory is celebrated.
  • giphy.gif
    ๐•Ž๐•– ๐•Ž๐•™๐•  ๐”ผ๐•ฉ๐•š๐•ค๐•ฅ ๐”น๐•–๐•ช๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•• ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•€๐•Ÿ๐•—๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•š๐•ฅ๐•– ๐”ธ๐•“๐•ช๐•ค๐•ค
    "So what now? Who are we? Who should we be?"

    โ„๐•š๐•ง๐•’๐• ๐•ฉ โ„๐•š๐•ง๐•’๐• & ๐”พ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•ฆ๐•ก ๐• ๐•— ๐•Š๐•ฆ๐•ฃ๐•ง๐•š๐•ง๐• ๐•ฃ๐•ค
    Sci-Fi/Modern Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy | Rivals | Romance

    YC was once known as a hero following a war in heaven.
    Over a century ago, a war erupted between heaven and hell. It was a stalemate that plunged the world in eternal darkness and perpetual snow; An apocalypse known as the Infinite Abyss. Monsters that resulted from dark spells and hideous experiments roam the dark lands and water, terrorizing whichever survivors still remained. Storms from past climate changing rituals and weapons ravage the ground, making it difficult for life to thrive. YC was one of the faces of that war, wandering the world by her lonesome until she finds a group of survivors including angels, demons, and humans led by her biggest rival. Leads to a story where both sides learn and understand each other, bonding over shared goals and conflicts in the world beyond the war.
  • 3d68a3011e01bd40bd509c997ecb8f62.gif
    โ„๐•–๐•ฃ ๐”พ๐•ฆ๐•’๐•ฃ๐••๐•š๐•’๐•Ÿ ๐”ป๐•–๐•ž๐• ๐•Ÿ
    "To think, those idiots would leave me with someone like you."

    ๐”ฝ๐•’๐•๐•ค๐•–๐•๐•ช ๐”ธ๐•”๐•”๐•ฆ๐•ค๐•–๐•• ๐•ฉ ๐”ผ๐•ฉ-๐”พ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•˜ ๐•ƒ๐•–๐•’๐••๐•–๐•ฃ & ๐”พ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•˜ ๐• ๐•— โ„‚๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•ง๐•š๐•”๐•ฅ๐•ค ๐•Š๐•–๐•–๐•œ๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•˜ ๐•’ ๐”น๐•–๐•ฅ๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ ๐•ƒ๐•š๐•—๐•–
    Sci-Fi/Modern Fantasy | Slice of Life | Romance

    YC was accused of a crime she did not commit, leading into her enrollment into the Guardian Angel Program.
    The Guardian Angel program was meant as a form of rehabilitation for criminals to reduce their sentence through acts of service to the community and to the government. While these things could vary from bounty hunting, partaking in battle, and stopping violent crimes, it also could include safer/kinder activities like tutoring children in a library or serving in a soup kitchen. Naturally these people are untrusted by most, leading to a stigma held by others. However, by working together, these convicts and YC end up becoming an odd family. While they may be scary in appearance and at times volatile, in time YC learns how big their hearts could be and end up making them change for the better in the process. Perhaps she learns to take comfort in them, growing confident alongside them as well.
  • Don't forget to be kind to yourself.

    Every little star has a reason to shine. ๐ŸŒ 


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๐Ÿ”ฅ๐”ฝ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•– & ๐•ƒ๐•š๐•˜๐•™๐•ฅ, ๐•„๐•ช ๐•ƒ๐• ๐•ง๐•– (Tenzai's Old RT, 11/12/2024) New


To whoever comes across this thread! Hello and welcome to my little corner of BMR!
My name is Tenzai, the writer who indulges in forging passion and love through fire.

About Me

โ‹— I'm a married, story-driven writer in his late twenties with a penchant for seeing my flawed characters fight for their happy endings through shitty circumstances.

โ‹— I typically write multi-paragraph responses that could expand into novella territory depending on my inspiration at the moment!

โ‹— Though my usual average is between 900-1.5k words, I aim to match the effort given by my writing partner! So if you're feeling particularly inspired one day and you express your creativity or you have an interesting subplot in mind that sounds fun to mess with- Expect to see more from me as well!

โ‹— My response rate may vary depending on the amount of free time I have. On average, I can post multiple times a week. Once a week at minimum. If something happens where I struggle to post, I'll be sure to let you know!

โ‹— That being said, I don't want you to feel pressured to post any more than you can! We're both here to have a good time. I'm also ghost friendly too! While it might be nice to get a dm should anything occur, life happens whether we like it or not and at the end of the day, this is our hobby. Least we could do is aim to have a great time building a memorable story together!

โ‹— I usually write multiple main characters in my stories. While I don't require nor expect you to do the same; But if you do- I'm totally welcome to it! Expect to see my main characters interacting with side characters, NPCs, and even each other throughout our story! Why deny us the opportunity to have a living world, right?

โ‹— I love writing stories involving romance! From slow-burn to instantaneous passion, whether it be between enemies, rivals, strangers, friends, or lovers; I'd dare say that I love it so much that I need it in some capacity for any story I write. If lust is a fire, the chemistry that builds from meaningful love and longing is the fuel that makes it burn!

โ‹— I might not have a specific plot/smut ratio but I do have a preference for plot over smut. To me, the plot is the meat of the story and the sex is its spice~

โ‹— I'm pretty flexible on plot ideas. Say you'd like to add an additional layer on top of a story; whether that be another character, plotline, or location; Be my guest! I love it when my partners get creative!

โ‹— I'm very open to OOC. In fact, I even welcome it! If you have any preferences you'd like to include after the story starts or if you don't feel comfortable with something, please let me know. I'd like to build a place where you could feel comfortable with sharing your thoughts and ideas openly! Maybe even dork out over our characters and their little wins too! We don't need to be best friends, but an open line of communication would be nice! Though if we're in it for the long term, I'd like to be your friend as well if I could help it!

ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข: ๊œฑแด›. แด„สœส€แดแดแด€ | แด›สสŸแด‡ส€, แด›สœแด‡ แด„ส€แด‡แด€แด›แดส€
0:00ใ…‡โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 3:17
โ†ป โ— II โ–ท โ†บ
แด„แด€ษด สแดแดœ ๊œฐแด‡แด‡สŸ แด›สœแด‡ สŸษชษขสœแด› ษชษด๊œฑษชแด…แด‡?
แด„แด€ษด สแดแดœ ๊œฐแด‡แด‡สŸ แด›สœแด€แด› ๊œฐษชส€แด‡?

RP Location: PMs & Threads
Style: 3rd Person
Time Zone: PST
Status: Closed
Word Count: 500-3000+


แด…แด ษช แด‹แด‡แด‡แด˜ แด›สœแด‡ สŸษชษขสœแด› แดษด แดส€
แด…แด ษช ษขส€แด€แด„แด‡๊œฐแดœสŸสŸส ส™แดแดก แดแดœแด›?

Preferences & Limits ๐Ÿ“‹
  • Here's a list of what I found that make me really excited to write. More will be added when things come to mind!
    • OOC! After spending months on this site, I've learned that a great OOC can turn a good story into an amazing one!
    • Unordinary characters dealing with mundane conflicts. Why can't an angel bitch about paying taxes? Can't a demon complain about their commute? I find this story element both entertaining and potentially meaningful! It bridges the gap between vastly different characters if they both deal with the same ordinary day-to-day issues.
    • Use of images/gifs to set scenes. Some say a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm among one of them! It definitely helps boost creativity and it stimulates the imagination!
    • Inclusion of music. Some of my favorite roleplay moments were the result of a perfect soundtrack to establish the mood. After getting a taste of what it's like, I can't imagine not taking advantage of the added medium for creativity!
    • Humor. Sometimes, my characters might verbalize a joke to lighten up a dark situation or soften a mood. Other times, they might say something unintentionally funny while angry or drunk. Expect to see some of this from me!
    • Snark. On the other end of the spectrum, my characters might not always have a particularly fond opinion of yours or each other. They might bitch about each other often or just complain about their general situation. I love writing characters that can be rude on the surface.
    • Intimacy/Affection: I think what I find most interesting to write isn't the action scenes, the spicy sex, nor the angst that surround failures and bad decisions. It's about what happens during their downtime. I love indulging in the aftercare and the calm in between scenes.
    • Anime and Drawing FCs. While a good description is fine enough, pictures in combination with descriptions are perfect! Also, I like being able to see how you envision your characters looking. I'll do the same as well!
    • Exotic Species: Something I can't help myself but enjoy is writing up a character that isn't so ordinary dealing with others that aren't so either. Whether they may be a main character or a side, just the idea that there's a chance a human could be roommates with their resident part-time sleep paralysis demon always brings a grin to my face.
  • While my kinks usually are plot and character specific (hence why I don't include them here), my limitations are universal and non-negotiable. If there's anything that's not on this list that you have concerns about, please ask, I won't bite. Worst I will do is say no thank you.
    • Gore, snuff, physical abuse, death, and mutilation
    • Zoophilia
    • Vore
    • Scat
    • Inflation
    • Blood-related incest
    • Underage characters
    • Self-Inserts
    There are also a couple of non-kink related limits I have as well.
    • Use of IRL face claims.
    • Rushing posts.

Plots ๐Ÿ•ฎ
  • giphy.gif

    "You took our family away. I won't stand for any less than your ruin."

    Isekai'd Mother x Isekai'd Father
    | Isekai | Fantasy

    แด›สœษช๊œฑ ษช๊œฑ แดกสœแด€แด› สแดแดœ แด€๊œฑแด‹แด‡แด… ๊œฐแดส€, สœแด‡แด€แด ส ษช๊œฑ แด›สœแด‡ แด„ส€แดแดกษด
    ๊œฐษชส€แด‡ ษชษด แด›สœแด‡ ๊œฑแดœษดส€ษช๊œฑแด‡, แด€๊œฑสœแด‡๊œฑ ส€แด€ษชษดษชษด' แด…แดแดกษด


    สœแด‡แด€แด ส ษช๊œฑ แด›สœแด‡ แด„ส€แดแดกษด | แดษชแด‹แด‡ ๊œฑสœษชษดแดแด…แด€ & แด‡แดษชสŸส แด€ส€แด๊œฑแด›ส€แดษดษข
    โ†ป โ— II โ–ท โ†บ

    YC is the adoptive mother of an NPC child who lost their original parents in the middle of a PVP war. They get captured and their village is brought to ruin.
    Isekai'd into a fantasy world on the brink of an apocalyptic war against a hellish foe, the players that were reincarnated and forced to adapt to their new life had worked together to bring peace to their world's resident inhabitants. In the peace that followed, the guilds they formed built up massive kingdoms and empires, leading to many becoming characters of mythos and legend. However, after a while, many of them became bored, leading to a new rise of ambition to shift the idle state of world affairs. They concocted schemes against each other, leading to all out wars between player factions.

    Our characters on the other hand had sought a simple life in the peace that was won over years before, retiring to a quiet village and adopting a child orphaned as a result of one of these wars. However, despite of their retirement, the ambitions of others leads to their child getting captured as a prisoner of war during a raid on their village. As a result, they're forced to take up their weapons and spells, donning old equipment to find their child and return back to the life they once lived through any means necessary; Even if they must bring down the player kingdoms themselves.
  • 12409f30c1eb0da65b342255fdd7dbf9.gif

    "I never thought I'd say this, but I was wrong about you."

    Protagonist x Antagonist
    | Rivals | Fantasy

    แด…แด สแดแดœ ส€แด‡แดแด‡แดส™แด‡ส€ แดแด‡ แดกสœแด‡ษด แด›สœแด‡ ส€แด€ษชษด ษขแด€แด›สœแด‡ส€๊œฑ?
    แด€ษดแด… แด…แด สแดแดœ ๊œฑแด›ษชสŸสŸ ส™แด‡สŸษชแด‡แด แด‡ แด›สœแด€แด› ษดแดแด›สœษชษดษข แด‡สŸ๊œฑแด‡ แดแด€แด›แด›แด‡ส€๊œฑ?


    แด‡แดœแด„สŸษชแด… | ๊œฑสŸแด‡แด‡แด˜ แด›แดแด‹แด‡ษด
    โ†ป โ— II โ–ท โ†บ

    In their final battle, a hero and a villain find an enemy that supersedes what each could handle alone. Instead of fighting to the end, they choose to work together.
    At the climax of a war, our characters meet each other for their final battle. Once childhood friends, they were dictated as mortal enemies by their people. Wounded in the midst of chaos, they fight evenly matched bringing each other down to their knees before a new foe comes to take advantage of their weakness. Realizing who they true foe is, instead of aiding their enemy in bringing down their biggest rival, they choose to make a deal: To work together and reunite to bring down their new foe despite their differences.

    Eventually managing to escape, the two find out that they are not as unalike as they once so believed, building chemistry and trust again over where they thought they would disagree. With time, instead of seeing each other as monsters, they treat each other as the friends. Brought together again by a shared hate for another, they become something more.
  • 0e22c3342acf083ec156dc3a537ca947.gif

    "Wow, your fucking parents are terrible. Want lunch?"

    Kindhearted Kidnapper Turned Hero/Guardian x Princess Seeking Affection
    Medieval/Modern/Sci-Fi | Romance | Fantasy

    แด˜สŸแด‡แด€๊œฑแด‡ แด˜ส€แดแด›แด‡แด„แด› แดแด‡. ษช'สŸสŸ สŸแดแด แด‡ สแดแดœ ษช๊œฐ สแดแดœ สŸแด‡แด› แดแด‡
    ษช แด‹ษดแดแดก แด›สœแด‡ส€แด‡'๊œฑ ๊œฑแดแดแด‡แด›สœษชษดษข แด›สœแด‡ส€แด‡ แด›แด ๊œฑแด€แด แด‡
    ๊œฑแด ๊œฑษชษขษด แดส สŸษช๊œฐแด‡ แด€แดกแด€ส, แดแดแดแด‡ษดแด›๊œฑ แดษด แดส สŸษชแด˜๊œฑ สŸษชแด‹แด‡ แด„แด€ส™แด‡ส€ษดแด‡แด›
    ษช'แด แดแด‹แด€ส แดกสœแด‡ษด ษช'แด สแดแดœส€ ๊œฑสŸแด€แด แด‡


    ษช'แด สแดแดœส€ ๊œฑสŸแด€แด แด‡ | แด‹แด‡ษด แด€๊œฑสœแด„แดส€แด˜
    โ†ป โ— II โ–ท โ†บ

    A kind prince kidnaps a princess from her castle to use as a hostage only to find out that her parents never loved her. Instead of letting her go, he gives her a home.
    To stop a war that endangers his family, a kind prince kidnaps a princess from her home to use for negotiations for peace. However, he finds that her family never cared about her in the first place. Foregoing his expectations, she sees her kidnapping as her rescue, thanking him profusely for the compassion she received, even if just for the moment. Seeing her reactions to having food and a regular place to sleep, instead of freeing her and returning her back to the family that couldn't treat her right, the prince chooses to give her a life she deserves by making his home a place where she could belong to the dismay of both his and her noble family. Though, while they might form opinions of his relationship with her lacking the class of a noble, the prince cares little. Even if her family offers peace after being publicly embarrassed for their poor treatment of their daughter, he refuses to give her up.

    Because ever since she became a part of his home, she had become irreplaceable.
  • "Taxes?! Who in the nine hells could fathom such torment?! "

    "Dear, can you help your husband out before I incinerate/smite the postman in front of our dog?"

    Reverse-Isekai'd/Reincarnated Demon Lord/Lady x Reverse-Isekai'd/Reincarnated God/Goddess
    Modern/Sci-Fi | Romance | Fantasy

    ส™แดœแด› แด›สœแด‡ส€แด‡'๊œฑ ษดแดแด›สœษชษดษข
    สŸษชแด‹แด‡ แด…แดษชษดษข ษดแดแด›สœษชษดษข แดกษชแด›สœ สแดแดœ


    ษดแดแด›สœษชษดษข | ส™ส€แดœษดแด แดแด€แดŠแดส€
    โ†ป โ— II โ–ท โ†บ

    A demon casts a spell to send himself/herself into a new world. Their rival follows.
    Both are ill prepared and eventually act as a low-mid income couple to deter suspicion only to become a real one later on.
    In their final battle, right as the god/dess was ready to strike the fatal blow, the demon/demoness opens a portal into a new world to escape their fate. Throwing themselves in, the two are met with a sight unlike any other. Tall buildings decorate the sky where dragons and stars once roamed. People in odd suits see the two as mediocre cosplayers of some niche anime. While they still hold their powers and their bodies, the world is so strange that it takes them away from their battle, eventually leading to the both of them seeking safety and comfort in their familiarity of one another as they try to adapt to this new world.

    While learning the language and the behaviors of the new world, they slowly become accustomed to each other's presence, acting like a couple to avoid arousing suspicion to who they once were. Their differences become meaningless when everyone else acts and behaves so differently. Their similarities becomes all the more apparent by being in such proximity. Eventually, their fake love becomes real love and they grow attached to each other, finding that this new life beats their past. However, others from their past start coming through other portals attempting to bring them back to their war. Believing that their lord/lady has been brainwashed, they seek to sabotage the little home and family they built up together.

  • food-tea.gif

    "Sorry to bother your sleep and all, but what's your steam password?"

    Lonely Roommate x Her Friendly Sleep Paralysis Demon
    Modern/Sci-Fi | Romance | Fantasy

    ษชแด›'๊œฑ ส™แด‡แด‡ษด ๊œฐแด€ส€ แด›แดแด สŸแดษดษข แด›สœแด€แด› สแดแดœ แด€ษดแด… ษช สœแด€แด แด‡ ส™แด‡แด‡ษด แด€สŸแดษดแด‡
    สแดแดœ แด„แดแดœสŸแด… ส€แด‡แด„แด›ษช๊œฐส แด›สœแด€แด› ษช๊œฐ สแดแดœ สœแด€แดœษดแด› แดแด‡ แด›สœส€แดแดœษขสœ แดส แด˜สœแดษดแด‡
    ษดแด, ษช แด…แดษด'แด› แดกแด€ษดแด› แด›แด แด…แด‡แด€สŸ แดกษชแด›สœ แด แดแดแด…แดแด แด…แดสŸสŸ๊œฑ แด€ษดแด… ๊œฐษชษขแดœส€ษชษดแด‡๊œฑ
    ษช แด„แดแดœสŸแด… แด…แด แดกษชแด›สœแดแดœแด› แด›สœแด‡แด ษช๊œฐ สแดแดœ'แด… สœแด€แดœษดแด› แดแด‡ แด›สœส€แดแดœษขสœ แดส ๊œฑแด„ส€แด‡แด‡ษด


    สœแด€แดœษดแด› แดแด‡ | ๊œฑแด€แด๊œฑแด€

    โ†ป โ— II โ–ท โ†บ

    A lonely girl moves into a house rumored to be haunted because its cheap. She finds out that the rumors are true, but the ghost is different than expected.
    Moving out of a house as a result of a recent breakup, YC is left to fend for herself. Without much to work with, she chooses to look into a house listed as cheap as a result of a recent death. Rumored to be haunted, most people have avoided purchasing the house for themselves despite the tough housing market. Left with no other option, YC moves in, only to find that the rumors were true, but not as how other people expected. The ghost indoors isn't hostile, but in fact shares a lot in common with YC. Dying from a home robbery gone wrong, the regrets MC had before dying was strong enough to keep him bound to the premises. However, while he might have been depressed before, finding company so similar to him causes him to start looking forward to tomorrow. Undead hi-jinks ensue when he starts possessing different objects to remain by her side throughout the day.
  • Don't forget to be kind to yourself.

    Every little star has a reason to shine. ๐ŸŒ 


Writing Samples โœ’๏ธ

If you're curious as to how I write, here's a few active threads where you could find my work!


๐ŸŒ  แด€ แดแดส€ษดษชษดษข แด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ แดษชแด…ษดษชษขสœแด› ส€ษชแด…แด‡ส€ ๐ŸŒ 
(Sci-Fi Fantasy)


๐”ฝ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•ž ๐•Š๐•ฅ๐•’๐•ฃ๐•ฅ ๐•‹๐•  ๐”ฝ๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•š๐•ค๐•™ ๐ŸŒ™
(Modern Fantasy)


โ” โ—ฆ โœค ๐•ฑ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ค๐”ฐ & ๐•พ๐”ข๐” ๐”ฏ๐”ข๐”ฑ๐”ฐ โœค โ—ฆ โ”
(Modern Fantasy)


๐Ÿ’ซ ๐”ผ๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ๐•Ÿ๐•’๐• ๐•ƒ๐• ๐•ง๐•–๐•ฃ๐•ค: ๐”ธ ๐•Š๐•–๐•”๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•• โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•”๐•– ๐Ÿ’ซ
(Isekai Fantasy)​
๐•‹๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•ซ๐•’๐•š'๐•ค โ„‚๐•ฆ๐•ค๐•ฅ๐• ๐•ž ๐”น๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•Ÿ๐•–๐•ฃ ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• ๐”พ๐•š๐•— ๐•Š๐•™๐• ๐•จ๐•”๐•’๐•ค๐•– New
๐•‹๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•ซ๐•’๐•š'๐•ค โ„๐•–๐•ข๐•ฆ๐•–๐•ค๐•ฅ ๐•‹๐•™๐•ฃ๐•–๐•’๐••




โœจ๐”ธ๐•Ÿ ๐”ผ๐•ง๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•˜ ๐•’๐•ฅ ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•„๐•š๐••๐•Ÿ๐•š๐•˜๐•™๐•ฅ โ„‚๐•’๐•—๐•–โœจ
Jan 4, 2024
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€

โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€

โ” โ—ฆ โœค ๐•ฑ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ค๐”ฐ & ๐•พ๐”ข๐” ๐”ฏ๐”ข๐”ฑ๐”ฐ โœค โ—ฆ โ”

Aug 31, 2024





๐ŸŒ™๐”ฝ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•ž ๐•Š๐•ฅ๐•’๐•ฃ๐•ฅ ๐•‹๐•  ๐”ฝ๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•š๐•ค๐•™๐ŸŒ™

Jun 3, 2024
โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โ‹†โ˜…โ‹† โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•

โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โ‹†โ˜…โ‹† โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•
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แด›สœแด‡ สœแดแดœส€๊œฑ ษชษด แด€ แด…แด€ส แด€ส€แด‡ ส™แดœแด› ๊œฑแด˜แด‡แด„แด‹สŸแด‡๊œฑ ษชษด แด€ษด สœแดแดœส€ษขสŸแด€๊œฑ๊œฑ (Tenzai's Logs of a Curious Mind, Journal Entry #1, 12/22/24) New
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
The hours in a day are but speckles on an hourglass.

Tenzai's Logs of a Curious Mind, Journal Entry #1
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข: แด…แด‡ ษชษด๊œฑแดแดษดษชษช๊œฑ / แดษด แด…ส€แด‡แด€แด๊œฑ | แดกแดœแด›สœแด‡ส€ษชษดษข แดกแด€แด แด‡๊œฑ แด๊œฑแด›
โ†ป โ— || โ–ท โ†บ
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€

One of the hardest parts of making amazing friends is knowing that there are only so many hours to give in a day.

2024 has been an amazing year for me! In fact, it's been one of the most impactful ones of my life! I got to meet some wonderful people through a hobby that became a passion, even one who managed to get me into therapy after being able to envision a whole universe of characters and stories with them! To think, all it took was me seeing their request thread pop up three times before my brain took it as a sign to reach out. Now? I can't imagine engaging in roleplaying as a whole the same way without all I've learned writing with them, incorporating songs, creating comfy ooc, using gifs and images, adding depth and writing multiple characters, and a whole slew of other things! What started as another method of passing time through writing had turned into making memories breathing life into a world that only we know. Not only that, but I was also able to share that same energy with other writing partners and even people in real life as well! Its crazy how meeting the right person could shift your life's trajectory. Feels like something that only occurs in fiction- But... Its real!

Though with therapy and finding new people that could bring out the best in me, it did bring up some changes in me that others noted well. The more I grew, the more I wanted to explore myself more; To build more memories with the people I care about in whatever I thought was interesting. It led me to getting back into programming and video editing for fun again; Both things I left behind because I thought no one would appreciate them. Also led to me becoming a dungeon master who impressed multiple many friends and strangers alike! Hell, I've even started a storytelling thread to continue a story while my writing partner was in grad school! But, with me indulging in all that truly interested me, I found myself lacking time and energy, painfully realizing that there's only so much time in a day that I could use to spend with the people that make me smile. Only so much time I could engage with the skills I want to "get good" with. I think, it was this realization that made me realize that time is a valuable resource. Its something too precious to waste. It also made me realize just how much I cared about people if I spent that limited time with them, whether that be writing or chatting.
With that being said,

The friends and memories that come with every great story, both written and irl, are priceless.
If one of those friends are reading this, you know who you are, this means you're appreciated and valued. Don't forget that, okay?

โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€

So what now?

โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€

Who knows? I do plan on releasing videos again, giving it my best shot after finding success twice, yet failing to push through as a result of IRL circumstances. Whether it goes well or not? I don't think I really care if it fails. Just being able to see what comes out of it is reason enough! Maybe I might make some new friends along the way or make some current friends smile with it too!

But in roleplaying? I think I've found contentment. Does it suck a little that things are beginning to slow with some of my favorites? Admittedly a little, but none of it seems to have affected the comfiness I have in OOC with people who transcended writing partners and became true friends. It also means I have more time to pursue new creative pursuits while I wait for them to get back to a place where they're more free to write again so it isn't like I'm wasting time waiting around either! ^^ Gotta give them something to look forward to that doesn't just involve roleplaying, no?

Maybe I might toss up another MxF or FxF thread now that I'm comfortable with writing women or maybe I'll reach out to the one writer on this site who I've been waiting to open their RT up after SO LONG. GAHHH. Grumble, grumble. Dont mind me kicking my past self in the ass for not reaching out for the short time they were looking. Some writers here are absolutely amazing. Swear.

Anywho, I think that's enough for now. Maybe I might make more of these journal updates or maybe not. Whatever future Tenzai feels, its up to him. Oh yeah, and before I forget; To whoever reads this, whether that be someone I know, a new face, or a future me:

Don't forget to be kind to yourself and to be patient with your heart.

โœจ Every little star has a reason to shine. โœจ
แด„แดษขษชแด›แด แด‡ส€ษขแด ๊œฑแดœแด. ษช แด›สœษชษดแด‹, แด›สœแด‡ส€แด‡๊œฐแดส€แด‡ ษช แด€แด. (Tenzai's Logs of a Curious Mind, Journal Entry #2, 01/21/25) New
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
Cogito Ergo Sum.

Tenzai's Logs of a Curious Mind, Journal Entry #2

โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข: แดษช๊œฑ๊œฑษชษดษข สŸษชแดส™๊œฑ (ส™แดœแด› ษชแด›'๊œฑ ษชษด แด€ แด„สœแดœส€แด„สœ แดŠแดœ๊œฑแด› ๊œฐแดส€ สแดแดœ) | ๊œฑสŸแด‡แด‡แด˜ แด›แดแด‹แด‡ษด
โ†ป โ— || โ–ท โ†บ
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€

Do you ever get the feeling that things are changing incredibly fast? That's how I feel looking back on all that occurred over the last three-four weeks. The older I get, the more time feels like it flies by me, but I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with that. Whatever issues I'm going through at the moment fly by pretty damn fast and whatever goals I set my mind to feel a lot more in reach. A week doesn't sound like too long anymore. Hells, not even a month or a year. In all honesty, every time I blink, its another Wednesday or well... Tuesday in this case. Though, there is a feeling I can't shake off: The feeling that with every day that passes, I leave another piece of a past me behind.

Memories feel just that little more distant and the people that I once felt super close to are changing as the days go on too. Not that its a bad thing specifically, life comes with changes and I love seeing the people I once spent so much time with chase their dreams. Its just, sometimes I don't feel real in my own body the more I chase my own dreams. A part of me feels like I have become the person I aspired to be for others and that's fucking awesome, but another part of me fears that that the person in my reflection is someone I recognize less and less, and that scares me. Sometimes, I ask myself whether I'm the same Tenzai that came into 2024, or whether the me I see in the mirror is someone different entirely. Regardless of whatever the answer is, I just hope that whatever Tenzai comes ahead of me is someone I could be proud about. I want to be the source of happy memories, somebody that people could come to for safety. If there's any resolution I want to keep, I want it to be that one.

I know my life's going to change a lot more this year too and there's no knowing how far I'll go. I'll be returning to looking for work somewhere this year and I have some places lined up already that I need to think about. Hope that goes well! Also, my therapy is going to end sometime in Summer, and while it sucks to know that there's an end to such a good thing, I'm... Not scared of saying goodbye for the first time. I feel like my therapist has done a wonderful job in helping bring the side of me my lucky writing partners and my friends love out.

I guess, after thinking about it all now and putting my thoughts into words, the main thing that I wondered this month is whether this me, the one writing and making all these beautiful stories happen, the one typing this all out right now and going through all of these changes, is the real me or a beautiful mask. Then again, the fact that I'm able to be like this for this long is starting to make me believe that the person I am now is truly who I want to be.

I think, therefore I am; I want to believe that I could be made hope incarnate, for myself and for others.
For now, I think I'm content. I've found amazing people here and in real life. People I won't trade for anything else.

โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€

So what now?
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€

I do my best with what's to come. In the end, I feel like that's the main thing that matters. I've made one video so far and I plan on making more, just for myself if it doesn't go anywhere. I do plan on getting back on track with my weightlifting too. Since my parents are getting old and my wife isn't the strongest, I want to be able to help them all out when they need me most. Nothing beats the feeling of making your loved ones smile, even when its hard to smile yourself sometimes.

Roleplaying wise? I think I might focus on writing beautiful stories, going above and beyond to create something memorable with the partners that built me a home on this site. While I've been exploring different settings and different dynamics between characters, I think, overall, my favorite type of story to write is a story of healing and transformation, creating homes out of ruins and beauty out of scars. Giving characters second chances from what they believe was rock bottom has been a consistent theme that I can't seem to get enough of, and a part of that feels like its my own little version of therapy. Believing in these fictional dorks has made me believe a lot more in myself, especially when my writing partners are just as invested in these stories like I am! That feeling is priceless, I swear!

Anyways, I think that's more than enough for this entry. January has had its ups and downs, but its been a warm month for me in terms of passion and enjoyment. As always, to whoever reads this, whether that be someone I know, a new face, or a future me:

โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
Don't forget to be kind to yourself and to be patient with your heart.

โœจ Every little star has a reason to shine. โœจ

โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
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