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Take Me Back to Eden (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
"S...Stay with me...!! Stay with me, please...!! Don't leave me!! Don't die, please!!"
The smell of blood was overwhelming, causing her head to spin and her vision blurr. She could barely see his face through her tears, through the unbearable urge to consume. His gasping and choking was louder than the ringing in her ears, like it was the only sound in the world; a cursed chorus worming into her mind.
"I won't stop...until I find you again...I swear...I-I swear we'll be together again...I refuse to lose you a second time..."


Sybil hated coming into the city, but the Coven had a meeting she was required to attend. She was one of the coven's diplomats, using the learning she had gained as aristocracy in Victorian era London as well as accumulated over the centuries made her quite the voice of reason when matters needed attending.
These meetings were often dull and tested her patience more often than not. Another reason was that Simon would be there, as well, and she hated him with every ounce of her being. He was the reason she was doomed to attend such things; he was the one who made her, cursing her with her unlife as a vampire.
When things were finished and she managed to dodge Simon like the plague, she sat in her car to look for a bar to sit at and fester in on her phone. Once she found one with reasonable reviews, she made her way down.
Fenris, or Fen, as he liked to be called, sat behind the bar, talking with the patrons as he poured them drinks.
Sybil parked her car in the back and sighed, leaning over and quickly opening her parasol before the sun could touch any part of her as she made her way out of the car. She clicked the alarm and headed to the door, glancing at the welcome sign and taking it as an invitation before heading in. Once she passed the threshold, she closed her umbrella and glanced around.
The bar crowd was lively, and Fen waved to her and called out a welcome. “C’mon in, grab a seat!”
She froze, staring at him with slightly wide eyes. No way. It couldn't be...
She tucked her parasol under her arm and moved to the bar, sitting down and straightening her skirt. Keep calm, Sybil, maybe it's someone who just looks like him?
As soon as he came close, a familiar scent filled her nose and she almost broke into tears. It was him. It was finally him.
"Absinthe, if you have it. If not, I'll have a gimlet, if you please." She tried hard to hide her accent, but he could hear it.
He smiled a bit and nodded, moving over to make her a gin gimlet. “Coming in from out of town?”
Her heart jumped into her throat and she fought a wave of tears. It was him.
"What a unique name, I like it." She smiled.
“Name’s Fenris, for some damn reason, but everyone just calls me Fen.” He said, grinning as he took a sip of water. “You want to close out or leave the tab open?”
"Open, please." She replied, "I like Fenris..." She said before sipping her gimlet.
"Fenris? Oh, how charming." Sybil smiled brightly, dancing in circles with the young man, "My very own-"
"Little wolf..." She muttered, tone a little sad.
She looked him over with sad eyes. He hadn't changed. It was him, from the cut of his hair to his build.
"Do you live around here?" She asked before grimacing, "Forgive me, that was an inappropriate question."
He laughed a bit. “I do, and no, I’m not seeing anyone either.” He said, winking. “I get asked that a lot.”
She glanced around when there was two or three people left and made a noise, "Perhaps it's almost time to call it quits...?"
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