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NBx Any Savage Fluffery (Modern/Crime/Drama/Light to Dark)


~Fluffery and Violence~
May 19, 2024
Softness and Savagery

Spots Open: 4/4 | Style: 3rd Person Past Tense | Length: ~500+ Words | Relaxed Posting Schedule | LGBT+ Friendly
| Craving Modern/Crime/Darker Themes |

Hello, potential writing fren!

General Information
I'm a sub-leaning switch. The characters I write tend to be female (including transfemale) subs or switches, with the occasional (trans)male thrown in for good measure (Just don't expect hyper-masculine Alpha-Doms in the letter case) with a variety of personalities, aged 16-40. I don't mind playing multiple main/side-characters, but I'm not a fan of harems.
I do not particularly care for my partner's IRL-gender and am open to play against characters of any gender, though I'm currently leaning more towards males
My posts tend to range somewhere between
~500 - 1000+ words, depending on the overall flow of the story. I won't count your posts, but a roughly similar length would be nice.
My post-frequency can be a bit erratic. Life is busy and creativity a fickle thing. I aim for
One post per week minimum. Could be more, could be less.
If you need a post every other day, to stay interested, we're not a good match.
I tend to use Faceclaims and other visual inspirations within the roleplay and general prefer photographs, though I could be convinced to go with drawn ones. Not a fan of Anime or AI images though.
I don't like to assign a fixed Plot:Smut-Ratio. I do like gratuitous amounts of hot, steamy sex-scenes, but I do need a solid plot to go with it. If you decide to message me, please send me a bit more than just "Hey, wanna rp?" or a basic pairing. Throw me your ideas, Character-concepts, plot-snippets... Something I can work with. Also tell me your favourite dessert!

I have very few hard expectations:
  • Effort and Enthusiasm: I think those two are the most important. I want us to get excited about our story and put in equal effort in driving the plot.
  • Patience: As stated above, live can be busy. While a gentle poke is always appreciated, I don't want to be pestered for replies. This is a hobby, after all and shouldn't feel like a chore
  • Fun: This is a hobby, something I like to do for fun, so I'd like to avoid any and all OOC-drama or negativity.
Favourite Settings
  • Modern/Slice of Life
  • Drama
  • Crime
  • Thriller
  • Historical (Victorian, Wild West 1900-1990s)
  • Dystopian/Cyberpunk/Post-Apocalyptic​
  • Some selective Fandoms (Game of Thrones, Dune, Star Trek, Kenshi), though more interested in the general setting and not at all looking for canon-characters
If something is not on this list, feel free to ask. This is a kink-shame-free zone.

  • Yes, Please!
    • Anal(Giving/Recieving)
    • Rimming(Giving/Recieving)
    • Oral(Giving/Recieving)
    • Breeding/Impregnation
    • Adultery
    • Interracial
    • Polyamory/Orgies/Group Scenes
    • Bondage (Light to Heavy)
    • Spanking, Whipping, Caning
    • D/S-dynamics
    • Sadism/Masochism
    • Orgasm Control (Recieving)
    • Roughness
    • Degradation/Humiliation
    • Corruption
    • Dirty Talk
    • Dub-Con
    • Blackmail/Coercion
    • Age Differences
    • Incest (Siblings, Father/Daughter)
  • Some Darker, optional Kinks (It should go without saying, but I don't condone any of this IRL and am not interested in whitewashing these topics):
    • Underage Characters (16+)
    • Abuse (Mental/Physical)
    • Drug/Alcohol Abuse
    • Non-Con/Rape
    • Bigotry (Homo/Transphobia, Sexism, Racism, etc.
    • Beastiality(Mostly Dogs)
  • Mayhaps?
    • Pregnancy
    • Feet
  • No, Thanks
    • Scat
    • Vore
    • Fisting
    • Hyper-Proportions
    • Furry

Plots and Pairings
Here some general ideas and concepts I'm interested in:

Modern (Sub)Urban Settings
Illegal Streetracing
Drug/Arms/Human Trafficking
Delinquent Youths/Gangs (16+)
Police Procedural
Workplace/Family Drama
Modern (Fictional) Monarchies

Married Man x Babysitter (Basic, I know, so please spice it up a little!)
Cop/Criminal x (Court-ordered) Psychatrist
(Corrupt) Politician/Mobster/CEO x Sex Worker
Feel free to add your own ideas, if they hit the themes above.

Fleshed Out Plots

YC (M, late 20s-late 30s) had a rather troubled youth, growing up in the bad part of town. He got tangled up with the criminal underworld and, after working his way up quite a bit, used his ill-gotten gains to get himself the idyllic home he always wanted: Nice suburb, white-pickett fence, a pool, a dog...and only mildly suspicious neighbours.
MC (MtF, 17-18) had a less troubled upbringing, despite being the child of a single mother, working long hours as a nurse at the local hospital. A bit of a lovable dork, MC is stumbling her way through her last year of Highschool and into a still undecided future...
Living in the same neighbourhood, their paths cross and the two develop an unlikely friendship, blossoming into something more...dragging MC into YC's world of sex, drugs and violence.

(Looking for a bit of a messy, unhealthy romance here. I'd also love to throw in some additional characters for added drama!)

MC's parents were an odd match. She was the church-going good girl, he was a charming scoundrel. For a few years, their marriage seemed to work, they had a child, but finally MC's mother grew disillusioned. Running off with a charming bad boy is all fun, settling down with one much less so. The two divorced and her mother quickly remarried a good, honest and very conservative man.
While growing up, MC only had very irregular contact with her father. The occasional call or card for christmas and birthdays, but little more than that. When she came out as trans, that didn't go over too well with her conservative step-father and the conservative small town they had moved to...So, after a particularly bad argument, she decided to catch a bus and run off to her father.
What got her father up to in the meantime? Did he pull his act together? Is he still a petty criminal? Or a not-so-petty criminal? And how does he react, when his estranged child turns up on his doorstep?

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