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I don’t need a babysitter but I don’t mind you. (EEE X ThaloRP) NSFW IMAGES

He had just shook his head when she said she wanted to keep her boobs the same so he would keep looking at her. "Nothing could stop me from looking at you…you're all I want to see." He said with a smile. He was in love with her, not her body. Although he enjoy her tight petite body as well, her eyes are what had him thinking about her constantly. Those windows into her beautiful soul that made him weak.

Being Jill's roommate could be a blessing and a curse. A blessing in his favorite person in the world would be right down the hall and they could spend lots and lots of time together. Even without the opportunity of sex it would be great to have her so close. The curse would be his studies would undoubtedly take a hit with a beauty like her in his living space. With his libido she would probably need a scooter to get around school.

"Of course you can have both Bean…" he leaned into her ear. "As long as you model them for me later…" he loved messing with her in public. She would get so shy and blush unintentionally letting everyone that might be watching know it was something naughty he whispered in her ear which would make her even more shy. It would definitely be a fun time at the adult store. She would probably be perpetually red in the face.

Jack seemed at home in the store. It wasn't that he came to this store a lot but naughty things didn't bother him one bit. Even he knew there were plenty of things out there that he had yet to explore because the bevy of kinks people had was as deep as the ocean. "I'm going to get you a couple of toys my love. One of them will be for all of the time use and the other will be for when I'm not around and you need to get yourself off" he knew didn't want to be in there long so he quickly grabbed both of the items and they went to the front counter.

The bored girl behind the counter got up and was about to scan the items but looked at Jill and leaned over the counter at her, her grin like the Cheshire Cat. "Have you ever used one of these before?" She said holding up the plug. "You look a little timid." He squints her pretty hazel eyes at Jill. "Perhaps you would be interested in the semi-instructional video we have in the booths about back door pleasures. I'll hold these up here…" she said as she slid the products towards her. "The booths are clean…" she looked at Jill. "For now at least." The clerk gave her a wink. "Name is Serena if you need anything."

Jack took Jill's hand and let her towards the back where there were viewing booths. He looked over his shoulder at Serena and mouthed 'thank you' and she returned the gesture with a peace sign. They both settled into a booth that was more a bench with a screen in front of it. Jack pulled Jill into his lap and pressed the button, a LED screen lit up showing different videos. He found the one Serena was talking about and put it on.
Jack could see how she looked all over the place and she was so nervous being in the store she had never seen anything like it nor went into a store like this with her friends. She clung so tightly to her big brother as if she if she let him go he would vanish on her leaving her there. It was very sweet of her brother to complement her small breast size and it made her feel better.

Jill had no idea that becoming his roommate might mean some of her grades might suffer and she might have many late nights but with him she would manage and their parents would welcome her staying with him even though they relationship was more like a couple instead of Brother and Sister.

At the mention of toys poor Jill was now more red than a rose as she stiffened up. his little sister would lean in and whisper in his ear this time. “I use my fingers when I touch myself I’ve never used a toy….” She kept her voice very low but it was obvious to anyone looking at them they were talking about some thing naughty in the shop. The fact that Jack was so comfortable in the store made his sweet little sister nervous. By the time they got to the counter poor Jill could barely make eye contact with the cashier. When she leaned over and for coming to her poor Jill nearly jumped out of her skin. “N…no… I’ve never used a…Umm…. You know before…” Poor Jill could not even say the word as she looked up at the cashier but looked down really quickly but at the mention of the video Jack felt her fully get stiff. Her big Brother took her hand which she needed considering how nervous she was and at least she would follow him into the booth as he pulled her on his lap which would help her calm her fast beating heart. “So how often do you come here?” She was trying to make conversation even though she was so nervous but also curious about the video though her brother would warn her if it was something too crazy wouldn’t he?
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