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I don’t need a babysitter but I don’t mind you. (EEE X ThaloRP) NSFW IMAGES

Jack gulped visibly when she told him the issue. Her friend had been doing something naughty to her and she had called out his name instead. "Oh bean…." He held her tighter. "You don't have to worry about that. I don't think you're disgusting at all. He wanted to put a little bit of humor in a deeply emotional situation so he said "who wouldn't call me name? I'm a hottie." He said jokingly as he gave his little sister a kiss on the head. "Haven't I told you before …your my favorite person in this whole world and nothing you can do or say will change that."

"Plus if you makes you feel any better I haven't been able to get you off my mind since that closet." He couldn't believe he had actually said those words out loud. "I mean your smart, funny and absolutely gorgeous so yeah, it's bad for me to have a crush on you because you're my sister, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm attracted to you." He was digging himself into a hole he wouldn't be able to get out of if he kept it up. But it was all true. Even now looking at her with her legs drawn up, her silky smooth legs made his cock jump in his pants.

Jack was just about to come up with something, anything else to talk about to get them off of this topic when he heard Caleb in the other room. "Hey why don't we all play some kind of a game, a fun game. Caleb was wanting to do more stuff with his sister but didn't want go too far in someone else's house…at least not without some kind of justification like a naughty game played between friends.
Poor Jill could not help but cry she was so mortified and embarrassed! He had to hate her now right? Sniffles could be heard while Caleb and Krystal were too busy in their own world to even notice Jill and her brother. If they kept at it Krystal would end up bent over and pumped by her older brother who had no self-control with his little sister.

When Jack made a joke it caused her to laugh a little bit through her crying. “Ever Since the closet I couldn’t stop thinking about you and yes you’re pretty hot. I thought there was something wrong with me because I thought you were so sexy and you’re my brother and I shouldn’t think that….” All of her emotions were starting to come out and her feeling even though she couldn’t look him in the eye she was actually finally telling him.

It might be a good idea to play a game considering the other two in the kitchen it might actually stall what they were doing. When Jack mentioned a game she finally looked up with her beautiful brown eyes to meet his. “Game? I like games….I like you too…” She tossed in that last part to make him feel better or to make herself feel better but he wasn’t running for the hills are screaming how he hated her she thought she was sweet and funny but maybe he was right on game would very much help them right now and she has no idea how far her best friend was going in the kitchen with her own brother which would make her feel so much better even though they joked about doing things with their brothers she had no idea she tossed in that last part to make him feel better or to make herself feel better but he wasn’t running for the hills or screaming how he hated her he thought she was sweet and funny but maybe he was right and game would very much help them right now and she has no idea how far her best friend was going in the kitchen with her own brother which would make her feel so much better even though they joked about doing things with their brothers she had no idea that Krystal had done so much with him!
He placed his finger under her chin and lifted her face to look at him, wiping her tears away with the other hand. "Look, we can't help the way we feel. It's just the way it is. I bet we would make an awesome couple if we weren't related." He smiled, leaning forward and kissing her on her wet, teary eye, then the other one. He so badly wanted to raise her head up a little more and kiss her passionately right there in the living room. He stared into her eyes for a good moment as they just enjoyed looking at each other before Caleb called out again.

"C'mon. Let's go play a game to take out minds off of it?" He stood and offered her his hand, taking her soft dainty hand in his and guiding her into the kitchen where the two other siblings were straightening their clothes. They didn't seem ashamed about it or anything, maybe they were step siblings? Or maybe they just accepted what he had wanted since that closet and was unable to put into words for himself. A bit of denial.

They sat down at the table and Caleb said let's play a little truth or dare…." Jack couldn't help but think the siblings had planned something ahead of time with his game and wondered if he would have to put his foot down on something. "Mind if I grab us some drinks first…" Jack got up and got a whole bottle of gray goose he had been saving in the back of the fridge and four glasses. He set them on the table and poured all four of them a shot. Was it a good idea? Probably not.
Jack was so sweet the way he lifted her chin and kiss the tears from her eyes it was true they couldn’t help their feelings and before she could talk or say anything more Caleb had called out mentioning something about a game which broke the moment which was a good thing!

“You have no idea how happy I am that you don’t hate me I love you so much and I wouldn’t know what to do if you hated me Jack.” She took his hand and followed him when she noticed the brother and sister in the kitchen straightening out their clothes she blushed so deeply and looked down as if she didn’t look at them.

“Don’t be shy Jilly. This is like we talked about maybe we can finally switch brothers I’ve been wanting to try yours out for such a long time.” Krystal was not even shy at all or ashamed about talking about her own brother that way.
Jill would follow and sit down at the table. Maybe Jack would be just as surprised that this pair was not hiding it anymore.

Krystal would not say no to the drinks but she shook her head no before saying some thing quite damning. “I’m not drunk and maybe she should be there at least for the first time I was stone cold sober when I finally fucked my brother. It was eye-opening don’t worry it’s not a big deal just relax. Let’s enjoy the game.” Poor Jill had turned bright red and looked down she was mortified but part of her finally could breathe a sigh of relief that her best friend wasn’t afraid of her or found her gross for even thinking about her brother. Krystal Would take some more drinks that her eyes were more on Jack now since she thought she was gonna get more lucky tonight
Jack was over the top happy about her telling her she loves him and knowing that she doesn't think he hates her. I had nothing but love for his baby sister and even with the crazy things that had been happening that wouldn't change. Now he sat at the table and distributed drinks, taking his before he even put down the bottle. He didn't know what these two had in store but he felt like he would need alcohol for it.

His eyebrows knitted together at the mention of them switching brothers. The thoughts of what they were saying to each other on the phone that night he first arrived rushing into his mind. He glanced over at Caleb who had a shit eating grin on his face. Maybe she was talking about for the game? He kept his thoughts on alert for anything else she might say that gave it away.

He scoffed when she said she wanted Jill to be sober the first time she fucked her brother. He saw how red and embarrassed Jill was and spoke up "Umm okay this is over…" he picked up the bottle and recapped it. He stood up and put it back in the fridge. "I don't know what my kind of weird game your playing at here but I'm thinking he…" he motions to Caleb "…is just looking for an excuse to fuck my sister." He shook his head "I thought you were cool." He was coming to leave but stopped. "Actually you know. It's time for both to leave. I'm not trying to be rude but the party is over. He waited at the door for them to collect their shit and walk towards the door.

Watching Caleb extra careful. Hoping he wasn't dumb and wouldn't try to talk shit or do something. Jack was ready to pounce. Once they were gone he began to pick up the trash around the house and throw it away. "I'm sorry bean but I didn't like the way they were plotting. If I'm wrong then I'll apologize tomorrow." He said as he threw a few solo cups into a black bag.
Jill’s face was burning up and she felt like hiding but when het brother spoke up she finally looked up as Krystal started to speak up. “I thought you were cool with the whole…”she waved her hands around trying to figure it out. “Call you later Jill?” Krystal felt bad looking at her best friend but she wasn’t going to push it. “I thought you both got pretty far at my place. Let’s call it a night Caleb. Don’t worry…” she said that to her brother before looking at Jack. “I can wait for you. Trust me.” Krystal blew him a kiss and motioned for Caleb to follow her. “We can finish what we started over spring break. You know where you can finish off…” she implied something dirty and pulled her brother to follow her out. She knew Jill was painfully shy but she thought tonight was the night she’d loosen up for sure! Krystal had no hard feelings and luckily they could t really talk about this swap or idea normally so they’re secrets would be kept very secret!

Jill was far more reserved when they were alone as she’d silently help clean up. “Jackson…” she rarely used his full name but then she said: “I’m so sorry….I didn’t know she’d try tonight…thank you….Caleb is cute but…I…ummm…I'm not fully ready for all of that…I….can we just relax for spring break? Krystal didn’t mean to upset you…she’s always liked you ya know…and me….I can’t compete with her looks…I wish I looked more like her….you like girls like that don’t you?” Poor Jill was feeling really sad and her self esteem wasn’t that great especially seeing how Krystal was flirting. She really didn’t have a chance did she?

Jill was keeping to her side of the room and picking up legit over red cups and putting them into a bag. If he wasn’t there to put his food down she might have given into peer pressure with Krystal and Caleb. “Thanks for always sticking up for me. I really am lucky you’re my brother. I really need to be a better sister.” She admitted feeling bad that she couldn’t fully stand up for herself and hid behind Jack most of the time.
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Jack hated always being the party pooper. He had always been the responsible one of his friend group too. Always looking out for everyone else. If he had been less of a worry wart and didn't care about his sister so much he would probably be buried to hilt in Krystal's pussy by now. She seemed the type that you could fuck and she would gladly spin around and suck her own juices off of you. A wild girl that would probably let him use the back door. But his sister always came first. She seemed uncomfortable so he put a stop to it.

Jack caught that she didn't say that she was surprised about the possible swap but that she didn't know she would try tonight. Did that mean she wanted to do it eventually? Caleb at least had not talked shit on the way out. Jack was ready to kick him out for good but he seemed chill and more than happy to follow his sister out of the door. Krystal still wanted him after he told them no. And she just said she thought Caleb was cute so there was always the possibility of it happening sometime.

"No. Actually I like goth girls if I'm being honest. Never really been into the cheerleader type but that's usually who is into me." He said as he used a wet washcloth to wipe down a table a bunch of kids had sat their cups and sodas. "Plus none of the girls I've seen at your school…" he pauses as he picks popcorn off the carpet "…or anywhere for that matter comes close to being as beautiful as my Bean." He smiled at her letting her know he wasn't mad and that she was pretty.

Looking sideways at her as she spoke. "I love you Bean. As long as I'm here I'll protect you but you're going to have to be more careful and learn to say no. Otherwise your going to have another Elliot situation in you hands. Learn to say no…" he repeated. "Don't be afraid of what they'll think of you. Instead think about what your brother would do. If you think I would hate you doing it, then don't. I never want harm to come to you."
Jill was so happy he put a stop to it all, but she still has yet to learn put her own foot down. That would eventually come in with time and practice but right now she was still navigating finding herself and learning to be more assertive. She would pick up more cups and actually make sure the tables are spotless she was doing a decent job and making sure nothing was on the floor.

“You Really could’ve enjoyed her tonight I’m sorry I ruined your chance but I think you’ll get another chance with her you know.” Perhaps it was the fact that she was a bit emo she was a bit down on herself but when her brother started saying how the type she thought that was his type was not it made her stop cleaning for a second. When he said that goth girls were his type she stopped completely and looked stunned. Did that mean that she was his name his type?

“Goth girls? Really? i always thought you liked girls like Krystal. I thought that if she was in the mix you’d actually look at me.” That was probably a massive bomb dropped on Jack at that moment she thought maybe with her best friend she had a chance with Jack. It was like everything was suddenly coming together for her and with him telling her that she was cute and pretty in his type the lightbulb was starting to finally flash in her head!

when he was lecturing her telling her she had to say no and stand up for herself no matter what other people thought she finally got the courage to say something she didn’t think she could. “I like you Jack. I like like you. Krystal knows and Caleb I think knows. But I like you. I like you more than I should everyone thinks I should like goth or emo guys but I like your type. That’s the only reason I said yes Elliot i thought he was the closest I’d ever get to you. He’s nothing like you. Well what would you think if I told you I liked you? I love you as my brother and I like you as more than…umm… In the closet I wanted more that happen. When you came to my room I wanted you to continue…. I don’t want to ruin us but I really like you I like you and I love you. You were my first crush and I had no idea how to handle it and pick someone that looked similar to you….Caleb is cute but not like you…. I guess this is what you call shooting your shop right?” She said with a shy embarrassed giggle not sure how he would take it.
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A little concerned that she said 'you could've enjoyed her tonight' like it was a done deal already if she had not been here "I didn't want Krystal, Bean. Like I said. I like goth girls…like you." He said as he took the trash out of the room and he tied the bag and set it next to the kitchen trash intending to come back later and take both of them outside. But the cleaning wasn't over so he had better wait, he thought.

He didn't mean to lecture her. He wasn't her dad. Still he didn't want to see her get hurt or taken advantage of because she couldn't speak up for herself. She was pretty and guys would definitely catch on to that weakness, like Elliot had. "Girls like Krystal typically go for guys like me so that's why I dated them. It wasn't me that pursued them, it was the other way around.

He came back into the lounge and gave if a once over. It looked better than it did before the party and it had not taken that long at all. Having Jill's friends over wasn't so bad. That was a tad bit cleaner than the crazy people that used to come to the party's he threw. He tiles his head to one side to crack his neck, the tension had been building even since the party started. Between Krystal, a mad raven, a horny April and a crying sister he was a bit stressed.

Then she hit him with an atom bomb. Telling him that she liked him more than a brother and that Elliot had been the closest she was getting to a jock type like himself. When she spoke of the closet he put his hand on the back of his neck and blushed a bit. He swallowed hard when she referred to him coming into her room. So that wasn't a fever dream? It actually happened. He turns red in his cheeks as soon as she said it. She gave a quick embarrassed giggle and then there was a moment of silence where neither of them said anything.

Jack glanced up at her beautiful face and took a few steps forward. His arm slid around her waist, his other hand moved to the side of her head, cupping her ear between his thumb and the rest of his hand. Leaning down he pressed his lips to hers. A moment later they had their mouths open and their tongues pushing into each other as they kissed passionately in the muffle of the lounge.
Jill had for certain thought he was going to shun her or worse tell her that Krystsl was the one he wanted. Even if that was the case she could at least choose Caleb as a back up. She saw the relationship her best friend had with her brother and she was secretly jealous of it she had no idea her brother would react to her let alone accept her.

When he went to the kitchen to put the trash away she had a moment to her thoughts as she took a deep breath and she wasn’t sure what to expect even though she was expecting the worst. “Guys like you always go for a girl like her I’m just an afterthought I am a surprise and Elliot even looked my way. I’m not as beautiful as she is. I’m not blind or blue-eyed or even curvy. I watch the same movies as you do and I’ve never been one that they choose. I am third at best.” She couldn’t help me down on herself because it was at least gonna have her prepared for what her brother was going to tell her.

Watching Jack crack his neck she would wait quietly to hear what he had to say it after she dropped such a massive atom bomb on him. Jill Let everything out from why she dated Elliot, how Raven liked her but it just wasn’t the same and Krystal with her brother swapping idea. It was a crazy idea but it was the only way she thought she could get close to Jack. Watching him blush and gave away that maybe he felt something more. When she finally stopped talking silence was deafening and she was just waiting for him to drop a bigger bomb on her.

Like a deer in the headlights she throws watch him come closer expecting him to back to her again but then he placed his hand on her ear and cupped her cheek so gently. The moment his lips met hers she didn’t push away or stop anything. Her body finally relaxed as she let her tongue push into his mouth past his lips releasing all of that tension and she wrapped her arms around him closing her eyes and just enjoying the moment. This is why Raven was so upset. She couldn’t get this much passion out of her. Jack Would be treated very cute gentle moans as she kissed him and he could feel how tightly she was holding onto him as if he would vanish if she let go of him. Right now everything felt perfectly right in the world as she kissed her own brother.
Jack was tired of towing the line with the idea of being more than a sibling with Jill. The closet had been amazing and although he had thought it a dream, so was her bedroom. He wanted her and was tired of pretending he didn't. Their kiss was deep and passionate, feeling her relax into his arms. He believed she wanted him just as bad as he wanted her.

His large hands slid down the sides of her waist and the tops of her legs before cutting inward. Big hands grasped her ass and lifted her upwards and leaning back a bit, pulling her legs around his waist. Turning around and walking back towards the couch. Before he got there his lifted her skirt up and bunched it up around her waist. "I love you Bean…" he whispered to her in a hushed voice. Jack's hand had slid in between her legs and was very softly rubbing her pussy through her panties.

Jack needs to taste her. And not like last time when they were both mostly still drunk. This time there would be no denial it happened. Placing her on the couch very gently as he kneels down in front of the couch. Calloused hands slide up her outer thighs and find the hem of her panties. Two fingers hold the sides and slide the dainty panties down her legs and off of her feet.

Lifting one of her legs high he begins kiss the sides of her feet, sucking and kissing his way down her calf, his other hand caressing the inner thighs of her other leg. His eyes move to the treasure between them. Jill's pussy glistened with arsoual and looked so good that he made his trail of kisses more hasty. Two fingers begin rubbing her clot whole his lips make the long trip across her inner thigh.

He dips his head and flattens his tongue, bringing up the entire length of her slit. His hands go to her thighs and pulls her closer to the edge, closer to his hungry mouth. His tongue begins sliding between her folds, deftly tonguing her while his thumbs make delicate circles on the flesh of her inner thigh.
The kiss was something they both needed as her tongue pushed past his lips. Tangoing with his. That was the one thing she was god at; kissing. It felt like a dream that they were kissing again and this time they weren’t drunk enough to blame the alcohol. He could hear every little sound she made against his lips and when he reached down cupping her cute rear end lifting her easily she gasped. Jill Didn’t fight it she even wrapped her arms around him and clung to him tightly.

“I love you too. So much Jack…” she was able to answer him as he moved them to the couch and easily got her comfortable. When he had her in a position to remove those tiny black panties she would shift to help him get them off and let them go. She was so happy he could not hear how fast her heart was beating and it felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. Jill was already wet but he had no idea it was because of him even though she was making out with Raven it was him that was on her mind.

When he began licking her the sound that came out of her were extraordinary. “OHHHH!” She couldn’t help but be a bit loud especially since he was making her feel so good. The way his tongue flicked and how his fingers felt caressing between her thighs she thought she was gonna lose it really quickly. With his head between her legs her legs she reach down Running her fingers through his hair as he could feel that her hips were wiggling and swaying back-and-forth enjoying his licking.

“Please don’t let this be dream…” if he was listening he would hear her muttering about how she hoped this was real and she wasn’t imagining it. She was just as wet as she was in the closet and in her room it was him that was making her get turned on so much. “You’re The only one I want…oh Jack…. every time Elliot tried to touch me I would have to pretend it was you….. you are the only one I wanted to touch me…. i’ve tried so many times I can only think of you….” She had no idea how he would take the information but she was finally being honest with herself and him.
The taste of her pussy brought him back to that night, it was magnificent. He didn't know if it was because that was her natural scent or that it was the girl of his dreams but it was intoxicating. Forcing himself not to lick wildly, making an effort on concentrating on her sensitive clit. His lips wrapped around her nub and sucked. Her hands running through her hair made his eyes look up to hers. Staring into her eyes as he ate her pussy expertly. He didn't want to use his fingers this time, scared to hurt her again. This was something he could do with his tongue only.

His hand slid up to her taut belly and pressed on it, his other hand moving up to her breasts, squeezing it. It wasn't long before her legs were shaking and she was flooding his mouth with her nectar. He excitedly licked as much of it as he could. His lips were numbing but still he kept licking, wanting to get her to climax at least one more time.

His licks became more focused. The hand on her tummy pulled slightly up, lifting the hood further around her clit to suck deeper. He heard her mumbling about Elliot and how she was thinking about him. He paused only for a moment to look up at her, his face wet with her juices. "I love you bean. I've wanted this for so long…you taste amazing…" he said before getting back to it, the sounds of slurping and the occasional suck filling the room.

It wasn't long before she was bucking her hips upward into his mouth and he had his tongue completely buried inside of as she rolled into another climax. He couldn't tell because of his proximity but felt like her pussy was literally squirting into his mouth. It was so fucking sexy as he tried to suck down as much of juice as as he could.

He licked her one last time to clean her up, strings of saliva attack to his mouth. Jack rubbed her thighs but lifted his head and smacked his lips. He stands up in front of her and unzips his pants. The thick cock that she saw the day in the closet swung into view. He looks down to his beautiful sister, his hand reaching down and touching her cheek.
The way he licked her caused her body to loose control making het shake as she pulled his hair harder without thinking. Right now he wasn’t her brother but the boy she had been crushing on since she figured out the type that she liked. It felt like she would never be dry again and honestly she had no idea she could even squirt like that! Even touching herself she never came this hard before in her life. The noises she was making filled the living room making it sound like an erotic video. Jill even shocked herself as her body kept shaking and trembling from how hard Jack kept making her explode.

His poor ears could hear how loud she was even though she was a very soft spoken girl. “Jack…Jack… OH MY GOODNESS JACKSON!!!!” Jill cried out bucking her hips wildly trying to ride his tongue and feel every bit of him. “I…I love you so much…oh god…” it was hard trying to talk and she felt him slow down and lick her more before stopping and letting her get a bit of rest only for him to stand up and unzip himself making her blush. Letting go of his hair she watched his every move as she gasped finally seeing how big he was.

“That’s you?” The shock in het voice and wide doe brown eyes couldn’t lie as she gulped looking at his size. “I…I…I want to touch it….” She sounded so innocent asking for something so lewd. He wouldn’t be the first guy she used her mouth on but he would be the first one she actually wanted to taste and feel. As he touched het cheek she looked up licking eyes with him.

“I want to try to…ummm…you know…I can give you a blow job….I really want to…” that was her trying to offer but not because she felt like she had to Jill wanted to and dreamed of trying him out. He licked her so good she wanted to show him that she could even if she was scared of his size but here he was hard and before her and she was resisting looking down.

“I want to kiss it Jack….taste you. Please say yes…” het begging was sweet and the way she looked it was both sexy and innocent at the same time. All she wanted to do was please him and she hoped he’d say yes!
She was beautiful and seemed so innocent. She was pretty innocent other than all of the blowjobs she gave Elliot and of course the porn but who could blame her. Elliot was an asshole that could only be nullified by giving him a blow job and porn was..well porn is awesome. Plus he was happy with the type of porn she was watching, especially now as he looked down at her.

The way she looked at his cock made it twitch and drip a bit of precum from the end falling directly on her knee. "A blow job…that sounds good baby sister." His hand reaches out and grabs the base of his cock, stroking it a few times although there was no need to get it any harder than it already was. Should he feel ashamed about what he was about to do? Probably but he had already eaten her sweet flower.

Looking directly into her eyes he smiled. "Please suck my cock Bean…I want you to so bad. I want to you to taste your brother's big cock.." he might be laying it on thick but the words were so fucking sexy to him. A reminder to him that she was his sister and she was about to do something very taboo. Something everyone knows happens but doesn't talk about.

His hand found the back of her head. Stroking the soft hair. "I want you to lick my balls too…" he said softly. Maybe he was requesting too much but it all sounded right. His grip tightens on her hair but not too tight as he positions his cock and slides it between her lips. He begins to slide his cock into her mouth a few times before pulling it out.


He was going to let her do what she wanted to with it. Putting his hands behind his back and giving her complete control.
Jill still retained quite a bit of her innocence even though she did do some fun things but she rarely got around. The only thing she was guilty I was making out with her share of girls mostly Krystal. Raven they kissed with truth or dare but she never had anything more than that with her until today when Raven pushed her luck. She watched her fair share of porn and her brother knew what kind of porn she watched. At least with him liking her the same way she liked him she didn’t have to hide it anymore.

Even though she touched her brother before in the closet it didn’t register how big he actually was! When he twitched he could see how big her eyes got as she tried to look up at him and focus on his face even though it was hard to miss something so big. The way she blushed when he mentioned how a blow job sounded very good and called her his baby sister only made her turn more crimson.

Most normal girls would find this disgusting but here she was excited that she would finally get a chance to lick and taste her brother as she took a moment to change her positioning a bit to make herself more comfortable. “Well you have no idea how many times I fantasized about this big brother.” No it was her turn to make a comment and perhaps make him blush!

When his hand found the back of her head she leaned in and instead of taking the cock in her mouth at first she started licking his balls very gently as she looked up at him beautiful brown eyes focusing on him as she circled on one ball and then the other. She let her small dainty hand wrap around his shaft as she kissed and licked moving her way up but focusing only looking up at him. She at least knew how to do this much. Jill May have only had one guy to practice on but he made her practice a lot and now her big brother was ripping the fruits of what Elliot had trained her in.

Letting him lead once he moved up to his cock and he pushed it past her plump pink lips she began sucking and licking on him like he was the last cock on earth. She could taste the pre-cum on her tongue and he could feel how she felt clenching her mouth closed and swallowing what little bits he gave her. For a little bit she let him have control but when he let her take over he was able to see just how good she was and the reason why Elliot was so pissed off that she went to the closet with him.

All the things he did to his little sister were coming out and she started sucking him like it was the only thing she knew how to do. Eyes upwards as she slipped and sucked. She loved how his hands were in her hair but as she sucked him she reached up with her hand and started cupping his balls massaging him as if she was trying to get him to leak more pre-cum into her mouth while she began to deep throat him in a way that would’ve shocked him and he would’ve never thought his sister could do. Jillian Could suck a cock but she was gagging on her brother having a hard time as she was drooling out of the sides of her mouth trying to keep up with how big he was and failing she hope she was pleasing him even though she could barely fit all of them in her mouth but he was able to get a nice feeling of how tight her lips were while she sucked him like a lollipop and every so often looking up to make sure she could see how his face would contort and react to her and hopefully praise her for a good job.
The comment did make her brother blush, but he was too far gone to be upset about it. Not only where they finally going to do something about this unspoken thing, they had going on but by God he was going to make his words very lewd in the process. He wanted her to know that he was acknowledging that she was his sister and that he did not care about it. He wanted her no matter what their relation. This would be the night they break into taboo territory and while they might not go all the way and this might not be their first foray into sexual feelings for each other but it would certainly be the first the alcohol wasn't involved.

Jack had seen what kind of porn she was into so he knew the words he spoke would not offend and would only make her more lustful. His tongue slid across his lips as he watched her prop herself up a bit on the coach before dipping his massive cock and sliding her wet tongue across his balls. "Mmmm.." he uncontrollably released the sound from his mouth. This was not some co-ed trying to make a name for herself, this was his flesh and blood. And she was dragging her tongue expertly across his balls and with the cutest little expression on her face.

Part of him was grateful to Eliot for teaching his sister the ins and outs (get it) of a good blowjob but he also wanted to strangle him because she was so good at it at such a youthful age. As soon as his hand left the back of her head, he knew that the pig of an ex-boyfriend had made her do that way too much. She expertly took over, his hand stroking the bottom half of his shaft while her mouth tried its hardest to get around his girth. Jill's head began to bob back and forth, her head twisting slightly with each withdrawal. "Fuck…That is really good baby…" he said to her as her mouth worked his cock like a pro but still wanting to praise the job she was doing.

Jack was not sure if it was the person giving it or the skill she was putting forth, perhaps a combination of both, but he could feel his orgasm building. He took a heavy intake of breath. Her lips were tight around his cock, the warmth of her mouth somehow getting most of his dick down her throat. His hips began to move slightly as he was nearing orgasm. "I'm going to cum soon…" he warned her giving her the option of swallowing his load or taking it on her body. He wasn't sure which would be sexier, but he knew it was going to be a really big load. He leaned his back slightly as the first ropes of his cum rushing down the thick cock.
Watching Jack blush made her giddy inside. He had no idea how cute and handsome he was did he? It was good to finally know that her brother felt the same way. She had been scared for you to even bring up the subject I’m here she was sucking him off. Eyes up watching him she had no idea how sexy she looked doing just that move. It was something Elliot stressed and made her do but now she actually wanted to look up and watch.

Jack had no idea how much he taught her but at least now he was reaping the benefits of her training. That probably only gave him more questions than answers about how much he did to his sister and what he taught her at least so far it only seemed blow jobs and maybe some subpar kissing. Her kissing could be attributed to her friends who taught her how to do it mainly Krystal. She wanted to speak but her mouth was full of him so he could hear her mutter with a mouthful of cock “you taste good big brother” but after that she focused on sucking and slurping swallowing any pre-cum he gave her.

With one hand cupping his balls she would squeeze him in when he mentioned he was going to come she started becoming relentless. Sucking hard and swallowing every little bit he gave her and by her actions he could tell she was going to try and swallow as much as she could. This was probably a lesson Elliot taught her especially since she didn’t want to get her hair messed up but this time she actually wanted to swallow what her brother was going to give her.

Jill craved him and wanted to taste him using her other hand she wrapped it around his cock as her other hand massage his balls she was expertly giving him a blow job that probably girls his own age would not be able to handle or compete with. This was her older brother and she wanted to make sure he knew that she loved him and wanted to make him feel like the best big brother in the world as well as show him the extent of her love.

With her eyes focused upwards they were silently begging him to cum. She wasn’t about to pull back or back out this was her going all out for him and this was something Elliot never got. Her full devotion and desire to make him feel like a sexual god.
She told him that he tasted good which would make any many weak in the knees but the fact that she added brother on the end made him climax. The thick cock twitched in her mouth and began to shoot thick ropes of cum down her throat as Jack arched his back. He couldn't know how much spunk he was spilling into her mouth but he knew it was more than the typical amount. His hands shook slightly as the orgasm electrified his body. He leaned forward slightly as his half-lidded eyes looked down at his sweet sister.

He had to catch himself from fall backwards as his knees had gotten weak from the orgasm. He swallowed hard, as she had done moments ago, before finally pull his hips back, a bit of cum that she had no swallow yet dripped down the side of her mouth. His eyes couldn't believe how hot it was. He would remember the view of his sister with his cum hanging out of the side of her mouth. "that was amazing…" he told her as he leaned over, his hands on his knees as he looked over at her.

He offers her his hand and helps her off of her knees, holding her tightly in his arms as he looks down into her beautiful brown eyes. "I love you bean…" he whispers to her, wondering what happens now. They had both proclaimed their love for one another, more than the brother/sisterly love that that they should have. They had just given each other oral sex to orgasm. How far would they go? He wanted her; proof of that was rising up between her legs after just cumming buckets, his cock going back to the way it was just minutes ago. He wanted to connect with her, become one if only for a few moments.

Jack opened his mouth to speak but the sound of Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D Minor started to play loudly. It took him a few moments to realize it was his phone ringing in her blue jeans, the pants in a ball on the floor. "It's mom!" he didn't know why he was so nervous. Maybe it was because he was supposed to be watching jill not filling her stomach with his seed. He reaches down into the pants and removes his phone, taking a deep breath before answering. "Hey mom whats up?" He listens for a moment. "No she is right here with me. You want me to put you on speaker you said?" he looks to Jill and shrugs his shoulders. "Sure mom." He hit the button, and their mothers voice filled the room. "Bean are you there?"
The moment he burst in her mouth he would be surprised that she managed to swallow a good amount of it even though it was dripping out of the sides of her beautiful pink lips. Tasting him finally was heaven. For her he was sweet and she wasn’t gonna let any of them go to waste. Her eyes were completely on him and when he nearly toppled over she wanted to make sure he was alright though she would make sure to keep up licking him and making sure he was fully clean. She literally even if she looked very naughty with what she was doing she still retain her sweet and innocent demeanor.

Jill Had let him go and make sure he was alright though the look of her face with cum dripping down the sides of her lips as she brought her hand to her lips and she didn’t realize it but she sniffed her fingers to smell what is succulent balls smelt like. She wanted to take him every bit of him scent and taste. When I was about to talk his phone ring and she jumped she wasn’t expecting him to get a phone call apart affair was worried it might’ve been a possible girlfriend but then when he answered and she heard Mom she turned an even deeper crimson.

When he mentioned that she was there she straightened her self out even though she couldn’t see her she spoke and made sure to sound chipper. “Hey mom! Everything is great here Mom. Don’t worry I’m not causing any trouble I’m just working on school projects and no I’m not mad at you for making me skip spring break I’m not doing anything stupid mom.” It was amazing how she could sound pretty normal after what she just did and she still wiped the side of her lips playing with some if his cum between her fingers.

“It’s Really great that you called I actually wanted to know if I can invite some of my school friends over because I have a project due after spring break and some of them are still in town do you remember Liam and Elizabeth they’re my drama group and I really wanna get a good mark. i’ll make sure Jackson stays with me if there will be nothing crazy going on I just wanna study mom. I’m already applying early admission to colleges.” Jackson smart but she was actually really smart and now she was telling her mom about things she wanted to do over spring break not even letting her know that they just did something extremely naughty in the living room and she wasn’t gonna let anything slip up because she honestly still wanted to keep doing it!
Jackson did not know if he should be impressed or worried that Jill was able to balance out her speech and start lying almost immediately. A smile spread across his face at the thought of his sweet little sister doing anything bad like lying to their mother. He reached out and took her hand in his while she spoke of getting good grades and school projects. Jack was not a slouch in the intelligence department but not nearly at the level his sister was at. She was at near genius level. That was before she started hanging out with a 'different' crowd their mom called it. He assumed now his mom meant Raven, Krystal and that douche bag Elliot. Even with the distraction she was running circles around her classmates academically.

A mischievous smirk appears across Jackson's face. He places his hand on Jill's hand, the fingers quickly moving to her bare hip under the skirt. His other hand disappears underneath her skirt, his fingers pressing against her clit as she speaks, rubbing in small slow circles as he leans over to her, kissing her shoulder softly. Her brother's tongue slips from between his lips and begins to move up to her shoulder to her neck leaving a thin layer of saliva as he went trying his best to distract her.

Seeing it work but wanting to get her really worked up her place he got behind her and put his hands on her hips, 'walking' her to the cough where he place his hand on the lower end of her back and pushed her forward slightly while he kneeled down behind her. Jack leaned forward and began to slide his tongue along her pussy lips, giving her sweet wet kisses as she attempted to talk to THEIR mother on the phone. Her pussy was as sweet as ever as he tried his best to distract her.


What neither of the siblings knew was that at the exact same time their mother's brother was doing the exact same thing to her! Apparently it ran in the family. Their uncle was sliding his tongue up and down their mother's slit while less than ten feet away their father was getting a blow job from their mother's other sibling, their aunt tonguing their father's balls.
The moment from when she heard mom was how Jill managed to fix herself up. Her voice at least. It wasn’t the first time her mom interrupted something. It was usually with Eliot and she didn’t want to get in trouble. At least all Jill was saying was true. She did have projects to get done though they were not in dire need of being completed. It was at least something she could tell her mom to distract her and not slip up about what she and her brother were doing. Their mother probably expected Jill to try to get up to something and she had no idea that the something was a someone and it was Jackson!

Looking up at Jack his dark haired little sister winked at him leering him know she had this and wasn’t going to let either of them get in any trouble. With his hand on hers he felt her relax. When his other hand went up her skirt she had to bite her lip to keep herself from moaning. He was being so mean as her answers to their mom turned into Mmm’s and uh huhs. She wanted to poke Jack but she didn’t want him to stop.

“Mmm….hmmm…y…yea mom….I’m busy all break…I…I really should go…..we are…f…fine. I’m studying right now…I got a test after break and it’s hard to concentrate…” now Jack was licking and teasing making it hard for her to talk. Jill had no idea what and who their mom was doing but at the same time they were both being distracted by their brothers and poor Jill was trying not to moan into het mom’s ear!

“Can we call you back later? I’m sure Jack will tell you I’m being good but he’s helping me right now…talk soon okay?” With that she didn’t mean to but hung up on their mother as she was able to let out a much needed moan. “You are so mean! MMMM!!! Keep that up and I might beg for just the tip….I’ve seen it done in porn before…that’s not sex right?” She asked not sure how it worked but she was now dripping and overly horny.
"Mmmfff" Mom answered as Jill was talking about her project. She wasn't able to put too many words into it because he brother had his cock slowly sliding in and out of the mouth. She took her mouth off it and said "That's lovely dear. A few study friends wont hurt I suppose…" She was trying to talk while Uncle Peter was sliding his wet dick along her face, trying to get her to open while his fingers rubbed her aching pussy. Peter slid down her body as she spoke.

"We should be back in like three…" she looked down and saw Uncle Peter shaking his head no just before starting to lick her pussy again. "…Maybe five more days." She smiled to herself. Suddenly their father was speaking to them. "Have fun kids…" his massive cock creating a shadow on their mom's face. "Gotta go kids, something big just came up." And with that she hung up and started to suck her husband's cock while her brother went down on her.

Meanwhile Jack lifted his mouth off her just long enough to say "I'm not mean….IM actually being really nice right now if you ask me.." he said with a chuckle as he began to run his tongue up and down her soaking wet slit. He gave her pussy a sweet kiss, still holding her buns in both of his hands, spreading open his treasure as he spoke. "Technically it is still sex just not full-on sex. I'd be glad to do that with you if you want…" he said with an evil grin.

He stands up, his big cock swaying and already at full mast even after all of the cum he dumped down her throat due to the pussy licking. He loved eating girls out. Especially his sweet little sister. "We can play but I have to warn you, It usually ends with a different outcome then what you want…" Or the exact outcome you want depending on where your mind was. "In fact I can almost promise you that if we play just the tip more than the tip will be inside of you…So its really up to you." He smiles softly at her. "We could do whatever you want. I just want to be you."
Jill managed to hear three, no five more days and that really threw her off. Either way she had more time with her brother and their mom sounded really busy too! They did deserve a nice vacation but she had no idea that both her brother and herself were keeping it in the family just like their own parents.

“Nice? You almost made me….get us in trouble…” Jill managed to squeak out as Jack teased her keeping her wet. Shifting her body she had to sit up and gulped loudly as she watched her brother.

“Umm…WOW!! That’s huge!” Het thoughts got jumbled a moment before she would compose herself and finally speak her mind. “You know you’re the only one I want to you know…do it with….c…can we do it in your room or my room?” She finally asked. Now that sweet little sister was finally slipping out. “Should I change? Should I be more sexy? I want you, but you already know that….I…I want you to be my first….just not on the sofa. Is that a silly thing to ask?” Those beautiful deep brown met his.

“I want you. S..should we go upstairs? I mean we don’t have to…I…I know I’ve never you know…I’m probably not even good at it…would you want to…umm…you know…do it…with me? I must sound so desperate…I mean if I’m not good enough…I…I just want it to be you…” poor Jill was rambling but how could she not when she was propositioning her older brother for more and she was terrified he’d turn her down!
Jack listened to her try to get her words out and all he could think about was how adorable she was. Then his eyes would travel down her body and the adorable was out the window. She was smoking hot. Still tasting her pussy on his lips was enough to make want her so badly that the thoughts of keeping his sister pure for some slub she met in college and who took her virginity in the back of a honda were gone. He wanted her. And he wanted her now. Grasping her soft bottom and lifting her over his cock and wrapping her skinny legs around his waist; Be began to kiss her softly as he walked across the living room and started up the stairs

Effortlessly carrying her up the steps even with his mouth occupied. Jill's room was closer so he pushed open the door with his foot and walked her inside. "I don't want you in anything at all…" He whisper to her. Undoing her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. He removes her top, only breaking their passionate kiss to pull it over her head and deposit on the on the floor. Bending at the knees and taking her nipple into his mouth, he sucked it feverishly, his hand sliding down her bare ass and between her legs, flicking her clit with his fingers

He laid her down and stood back, looking at his beautiful body in all its naked glory. He had never wanted anyone so much in his life, the light from the ceiling fan above highlighting the glistening pussy, swollen and ready for sex. He wasn't sure if he was ready to take that leap yet but He needed to do something. He would never forgive himself if he let this opportunity pass. He grasps her legs and spreads them out wide in front of her, her little pussy barely gaping even with the big stretch. He bends slightly at the knees and begins to rub the head of his cock up and down her juicy lips. He didn't know how much longer he could take teasing her, or himself.


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