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Fx Male ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ


ᴅᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ
Oct 2, 2019

For some time I have lacked the motivation to wholeheartedly grab the reins and create a search as I've truly desired and hungered to do. After all, searches say a lot about us, don't they? So, here's the skinny; I'm looking for a true writing partnership, I am not concerned with gender, or age above twenty. I care only that my partner cares about the quality of our story, and the progression to blossom into a wonderful, electrifying and incredibly addictive world. I strive to ensure my partner has as much excitement and joy as I do, after all, this is a hobby and I look for the same dedication in whoever writes with me. If you like anything in my search and wish to offer alterations or your ideas, please feel free. More will be added in the contact section below. Also, please note that I am looking for a story mixed with passionate and heated sensual scenes; I'm not looking for a story focused on sex, it should be an addition - something to enrich the story.

My posting schedule is a bit wild, it can shift due to how busy I am with various commitments. It can range from several times a day to once a week, the majority of the time I'll do my best to respond once a day, and I'll let you know if my posting schedule with you changes.

Dedicated and detailed. I need to improve my writing, it's a constant mission of mine. You can trust that I will give what I get and I constantly strive to impress my partner, so you can be sure that I will leave you material to respond to, twists and turns along with the progression of my characters - they are not 2D characters, interaction and the world will shape them and change them. I can write anywhere from 500-2000 words depending on what I'm given and the pace of the interaction - if you care about numbers, that is.

Strong-willed and motivated characters. So, this is one thing I will never waver on. I will never play a character that is terribly dull and willfully naive. Forget the 'forgive me Father for I have sinned' type of bullshit. My characters are incredibly durable. They are feisty and strong-willed, and vicious if need be. They are not to be taken lightly. Even if I do agree with a more relaxed plot, there will still be fight in my characters and/or motivation to keep them swinging. So if you're looking for a female character that will just lie down and take it, that's not me. If you want a female character to challenge and thrive with, then I'm your girl. I can play a mix of more dominant/submissive in the bedroom, not exactly in BDSM terms but in their nature.

World building is probably the most important part of some stories - I'm fully invested in creating a world our characters thrive in. This means setting, side characters, and history; there are so many things we can add to our vast array of ideas and beautiful creations to make it something completely mind-blowing. I enjoy a great deal of supernatural/different environments so consider me down to create whatever we need to get going and make this story a memory.

I completely understand and respect that real life comes first, not to mention motivation. So, the truth is, I don't mind when you can get a post to me. Feel free to let me know if you can't get me a post, or not, shit happens. I won't hold it against you. I'm here for a writing partnership and a bond, I'm not here for you to owe me anything. Ideally a post every few days would be great, daily even better. But again, for an amazing partnership, I'll be willing to wait as long as is needed.

Detail, passion, and depth. I'm looking for a partner who gets enthralled with writing in-depth and detailed posts. I seek out a partnership that will thrive; that we write something we are both craving to have more of, that we fall into a world of euphoria and bliss of our own making. I seek someone who provides detail and who moves the plot along with me, so we truly have a side-by-side partnership, both of us adding to character progression, plot progression, and all of those wonderful little details.

Characters that are rough, gruff and violent get my blood pumping and my inspiration flowing. However, I'm all for my partner to have the freedom to create who they want to play; however, I draw the line at spineless/meek males. I'm looking for characters who will be a great challenge for my ladies, characters who can hold their own and give as good as they get. I want that spark of ferocity, of clashing and heat.

World building is essential, especially if we play in a different setting from modern. Ideally, my partner would be up for creating a living, breathing world. That means our characters have actual connections, friendships, jobs, and all that jazz. After all, what makes a story more believable than having a genuine life as opposed to just a couple alone in the world? Twists and turns are incredibly welcomed. As far as god-modding and such goes, I usually permit my partners to do as they wish with my character but be prepared for the reaction.

ᴘʟᴏᴛs & ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢs
Serial Killer x Investigator
Witch x Werewolf
Witch x Vampire
Hunter x Supernatural being
Professor x Student
Human x Fallen angel / Lucifer
Vampire Leader x Newborn Vampire
Nurse x Military Man
Queen x Gladiator
Slave x Warrior
Female werewolf x Sire
Spartan Queen x Warrior
Witch x Summoned Demon
Siren x Pirate Captain
Siren / Mermaid x Military personnel
Cop x Vigilante
Supernatural cop x supernatural/human (modern)
Witch x Summoned Demon

So these plots are basic, they are intended for two to discuss and evolve into what we both want.
Tʜᴇ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ

It all seemed so innocent. MC signed up to a few classes at university, one of them being one of YC's lessons. He happens to be doing classes on a variety of cultures, focusing on the animal within. A relationship begins, developing far faster than either of them expected. Soon enough, both know they want to be with each other for the rest of their lives. It just makes sense, the connection, the amazing mind-blowing sex, how they rely on one another. When MC is invited over to meet the family, they couldn't have expected what happened. The Alpha was shifting, along with other members of the pack, and it wasn't certain if MC had seen them. YC, knowing there's only death to protect the pack, he bites MC. Despite females having a low rate of change; he chooses it instead of death. Soon enough, she's taken in by the Alpha and cared for throughout the change. YC can either be watching over her too or in the sidelines. When she eventually has some control over her shifting, she's released from a somewhat prison like atmosphere, and that's where we begin. Little does the pack know another pack intends to kill them until they smell a female among their ranks. Then it becomes a game to capture the female to breed pure werewolves.

So in this plot I'm imagining gigantic wolves, no silver issues but any weapon really, just think of an enormous wolf that's incredibly strong. They can partially shift if they have good self control. They have immense appetites, as well as strength, agility and night vision.
Tʜᴇ ʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟ ~ Taken

For young witches the prospect of summoning a deity of some kind seems just like a challenge, not something to be feared. How wrong they were. A small coven of young women live in a fairly rural town filled with forests and nature. It's a perfect place for rituals to honour nature as they gain power. One night, some of the girls discover a tomb in the woods, and of course, they have to inspect every book they find. One of the dusty leatherbound books has markings of Pagan Gods, a very interesting find. One of the group takes their discovery to a new level, she begins to recite the words scratched in the back of the book, carved into the leather. Once the words flow from her lips there is a moment of complete silence, as if the world simply fell asleep. It felt as though the silence lasted for a lifetime before the groan of trees began to fill the air as if they were being uprooted above the tomb. The witches scurried back home, discarding the book on their route.

The foolish girl who'd summoned forth the creature had unknowingly linked herself to him, she was his offering. Powerful demons, Pagan Gods, and beings of immense power did not take kindly to being locked away... Usually, the one who freed them would pay the price. Fortunately for her, she has a big sister who has dealt with demons in the past, due to the coven needing protection and forcing her into a corner to make a deal with one. The deal had been over for some time, but the skill of dealing with beasts of darkness was one she'd trained. However, the dark deity that begins to track down her sister, killing all who step in his path, is a far more challenging enemy than she could've imagined. There is no way she'll back down, not with her sister's life on the line.

Their home becomes a battlefield, shadows become the enemy. A deadly game of cat and mouse begins.

Unfortunately for all of them, the void the foolish girl had opened was still open. Minor demons and other beastly creatures were escaping and causing havoc in their town. Mostly, they wouldn't be a threat to a deity, not of the kind the girls summoned, but they begin to step on his land and aim to take the witches he wishes to sacrifice. The enemy of my enemy... is my friend?

( So for this I was thinking I'd play the older sister. We could have a wild, dangerous game of cat and mouse while the rift sends more demons out. So here is the interesting point, who is going to ally with whom? I was also thinking for smut wise, we could have sexual tension grow if the older deity and older sister pair up together to take out his competition. By then, they begin to rub off on one another; maybe she casts a spell to bind him to her to prevent him from being able to just outright murder her sister, as she will have a small pull with him. Then slowly he could begin to save the girls when they're in danger, despite him telling himself it's because he deems demons disgusting life forms, a mockery of gods. In the same way, she may very well end up killing another witch or fighting those that try to banish him, telling herself it's for protection and for the bigger threat they face - but it's because she has a bond with him, he sees into the darkness within her.)
Uɴʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ Oʙsᴇssɪᴏɴ

Forensic profiling was not an easy job. It demanded a piece of flesh on every new case; it was getting into the mind of a killer and attempting to figure out their profile, who were they, how could the police find them? MC has been working in the field for ten years, at thirty-five she's more than capable of handling difficult cases. A new case falls on her desk, the killer has already struck several times in a pattern the police don't seem to understand, and they have no leads on the killer. For weeks she stares at the piling bodies, the crime scenes, and any leads she can find, which aren't many. What she does discover is that this killer must have a reason, even if she can't find it yet. (All I ask is that the killing is for a reason, something twisted that she could find in her to understand at least, it's important for her to understand it!). The killings are the most horrific she's ever seen, and suddenly she begins to get an idea of why he's killing. Unfortunately for her, he knows who she is. She's been all over the TV, the high profile case is spreading. They begin a cat and mouse game, he begins to leave messages for her in the crime scenes. It almost seems as if he wants someone to understand his twisted actions. For the first time in her career, she's challenging a multi murderer. A battle of wits ensues, and she loses. Another first for her, but falling into his trap of incorrect information or was it? She's in a constant state of confusion while looking into the case until it clicks. There's a copycat killer. Of course, the real killer is well aware of the person attempting to piggyback on his growing fame, but why? Who would be able to help him figure it out? Soon enough he begins to visit the profiler, and their relationship begins. ( I was also thinking he could protect her from the other killer, mainly out of the fact that he hates the other killer and won't give him the satisfaction of killing her, denying his feelings for her, but it's not my character so whatever works for my partner!).

Forensic profiling was not an easy job. It demanded a piece of flesh on every new case; it was getting into the mind of a killer and attempting to figure out their profile, who were they, how could the police find them? MC has been working in the field for ten years, at thirty-five she's more than capable of handling difficult cases. A new case falls on her desk, the killer has already struck several times in a pattern the police don't seem to understand, and they have no leads on the killer. For weeks she stares at the piling bodies, the crime scenes, and any leads she can find, which aren't many. What she does discover is that this killer must have a reason, even if she can't find it yet. (All I ask is that the killing is for a reason, something twisted that she could find in her to understand at least, it's important for her to understand it!). The killings are the most horrific she's ever seen, and suddenly she begins to get an idea of why he's killing. Unfortunately for her, he knows who she is. She's been all over the TV, the high profile case is spreading. They begin a cat and mouse game, he begins to leave messages for her in the crime scenes. It almost seems as if he wants someone to understand his twisted actions. For the first time in her career, she's challenging a multi murderer. A battle of wits ensues, and she loses. Another first for her, but falling into his trap of incorrect information or was it? She's in a constant state of confusion while looking into the case until it clicks. There's a copycat killer. Of course, the real killer is well aware of the person attempting to piggyback on his growing fame, but why? Who would be able to help him figure it out? Soon enough he begins to visit the profiler, and their relationship begins. ( I was also thinking he could protect her from the other killer, mainly out of the fact that he hates the other killer and won't give him the satisfaction of killing her, denying his feelings for her, but it's not my character so whatever works for my partner!).
Mɪssɪᴏɴ LV667-B

There had been many teams of explorers venturing out into space. The number of planets that were now known were abundantly more than anyone could have expected. Several well-paying corporations and businesses were looking to expand their knowledge. Over the years, more and more teams were being sent out. One particular team had been paid a handsome amount of money to simply verify if planet LV667 could host life. They were to gather samples and bring back whatever they'd learned. By day three on the planet, the team stopped responding to any call outs sent by their employer. That had been months ago. Determined to know what happened, the employer sets up a rescue team. They are to discover what happened and recover the data. MC will be the highest-ranking officer on that ship. What they come to find is that there are some of the other team members are still alive. They set off on a journey to recover the lost individuals still available on coms, not being told about what had caused the deaths of the majority in the team. Their mission wouldn't be easy, not at all. From the deaths of the team, new monsters rose from their corpses. The tunnel system they had been exploring was full of rival creatures to the newly mutated; a war was starting, and humans in the crossfire never ended well.

YC can either be an alien form or possibly another military unit that survived, he could be infected or a host to an alien form. If there is a full-on alien war, if you'd like to play an alien it could always be bonding a little with MC, maybe she looks after it when she finds it wounded as it doesn't seem to be hostile (if we go that route she could always be a researcher) and much to her surprise it grows into a strong, powerful beast. Previously it could have been skinny / smaller.

We can pretty much have anything goes with this plot, there are quite a few routes we can take it. I just have a basic idea as you can see, I'm hoping to flesh this out more with what my partner wants.
Tʜᴇ Gʟᴀᴅɪᴀᴛᴏʀ


A range of well-crafted stone buildings covered the horizon. The sweeping sands didn't stand a chance. An unrelenting army decided to capture and force their captives to become warriors, and gladiators. The women who were taken were broken and given to households with coin to serve as their slaves. The most beautiful women among the slaves were sent to the Emperor's chambers. It was well known the Emporer was stubborn and enjoyed the company of beautiful women, and he had yet to take a wife. Until that is, MC ends up in his grasp. YC will be brought in sometime after; a skilled gladiator that MC immediately has an attachment for. He's strong, loyal, unyielding. A true warrior among men. The more he fights, the more she attempts to free him, will they be discovered, will they escape?
Hɪɢʜᴇʀ Eᴅᴜᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

For years MC has been working herself ragged to afford enough to go to college without having to work alongside studying. It doesn't go so well, even though she's had a job since she was 16, she's still too low on her resources. So knowing she's struggling, she reluctantly applies for a loan and goes to college, she's twenty-six, older than most and far more dedicated. Not to mention she is far more experienced than them in life. So she goes to college during the day and picks up the dollars working at a strip club at night. It becomes abundantly clear that she's dancing for criminals, but then she gets roped into a far more diabolical plan. She's to help a crime lord traffic girls with no family, strippers are easy pickings. One of her professors seems to know whenever she's anxious, and he notices her work failing. What is he? (Supernatural being of your choosing). Do they join forces? Can she even speak to him?
These are samples from some time ago but they still stand for how I write. I will be adding newer samples as I go.
"Always the lesser! Kiera, you know you're never going to lead the coven this way." A group of girls dressed in black cloaks sat in darkness in a circle, the only light they had was the golden glow from their lanterns, they were barely enough to illuminate the coven's faces. The blonde girl shook her head, her coven sisters always enjoyed rubbing in her sister's success. "You've got her blood, you can do what she did." Another whispered into her ear. For months Kiera had been considering the actions she was about to take. The coven sisters she'd grown up with encouraged her, taunted her even. She was just as powerful as Aeryn was! The sister's Ó Hodha, they would both be known, she would have fame and power as her sister had. Regardless of the price.

"You will see exactly what I can do." The young witch rose to her feet, snatching the lantern that had been sat between her and another member. One by one the girls rose, carrying their lanterns as they began their trip toward the sacred land that their kin had blessed; the dead were to sleep in peace, but the one they sought wasn't sleeping. For many nights, Kiera had researched where she could find such a grave. Specific places of power were known to have origins of that power within the area, it fed the ground, the air. They'd pinpointed just the power source they'd need.

As the girls reached the cemetery, some seemed to grow shaken with every step they took. The soft whispers of taunting continued in Kiera's mind, yet no girl spoke a word. The demons that haunted her continued pushing her until she broke the chain that barred their access to the depths of the largest tomb she'd ever seen. Two girls left their lanterns on the grass as the rest filed down into the main room. Kiera searched the room, managing to find what seemed to be a leatherbound book that had been in the tomb for an unknown amount of time; it was covered in dust and cobwebs. "Begin the circle." She announced boldly as she began to flick through the book, several rituals were noted down, and of course, she saw the one that she desired; the symbol she sought was in the middle of the page, a glimmer of light in her dark world.

Once the circle was drawn, Kiera took the chalk and began to sketch the symbol into the middle before taking her spot in the very centre. A fearful glance met her coven's before she focused back on the book, there was no going back now. Thick chanting filled the air as she began and her sisters began to mirror her words. They began to feel weak as the earth began to shake ever so slightly, the veil was lowering. "Continue!" Kiera yelled, "It's working!" Joy filled her words as she focused on the power she would soon be receiving. "Tar chugam, ceangail liom, is mise atá uait. Is mise do shlánaitheoir." (Come to me, bind with me, I am what you seek. I am your saviour). As smoke and darkness began to consume the tomb, several girls bolted from their knelt positions, leaving Kiera on her own. The blonde glanced around quickly, she could feel her heart racing in her chest as she desperately looked for support. There was none to be found.

A symphony of pain-filled images forged their way into a once peaceful dream; the feeling of unreset swiftly took over the once harmonious sleep. Gentle stirs and movements turned into thrashes and gasps for breath. Long golden curls splayed over the lavish pillow beneath as blankets were tossed aside in the discomfort. Long dark lashes fluttered upward to reveal large glimmering emerald orbs that were filled with fear; the very earth screamed out to her, the chanting of her coven was flowing into her consciousness as if the world itself was pressing her to act before further harm could be done to it. Foolish girls. Aeryn flew from her bed, almost tripping on the blanket that wrapped itself around her ankle. The petite witch didn't bother to dress, she remained in the fairly thin white lace nightdress she always wore. Her feet flurried from the bedroom as the air began to crackle with magic around her, it was calling to her to harness it. Their home was a manor built from their own hands, wooden and rather old, which was proven by the stubborn double door at the very front of their property. A load groan echoed through the home as the witch finally hurled the doors open, and ran into the cold night's air.

Desperate footfalls crunched on the damp leaves below her, there was no time to stop. Several slick clumps of leaves almost had the witch falling as she bolted with all the speed her body could manage. As she drew closer to the power she felt radiating from her coven Aeryn knew exactly what they were doing, the connection she had with the earth cried out for her to stop it, to set the order straight. Sorrow began to fill her heart the moment she could hear which of her girls were speaking the ritual. Kiera. It was no secret her little sister had envied Aeryn for as long as she'd lived; it seemed from the little sister's perspective, her older sister always had the opportunities and support to do as she pleased, yet Kiera was denied the same chances time and time again. The girl had always struggled to be second best, hearing many sing praises to her older sister, it had seemed that the young witch decided it was time she explored all her sister had; it was time for power.

Grandiose trees towered over the cemetery, they had been there since the dawn of time it seemed; the energy ebbing from them was abundant and rich, which Aeryn made a mental note of. Despite her swift trip, the final word of the spell was spoken, sending a ripple of power throughout the land much like an earthquake. The vicious roar from the earth sent Aeryn hurling to her knees. Fingers sank into the ground as her lace nightdress was ground into the dirt by her knees. A slow deep breath left her lips as she began to close her eyes, embracing the power the earth was providing. Words of power left her lips in a tone filled with conviction, it was powerful enough to send a ripple of energy down to the tomb her coven resided in. "Tar chugam, a chumhacht an domhain. Socróidh mé an chothromaíocht ina cheart." (Come to me, power of the earth. I will set the balance right). The ground shook beneath the witch, dirt and stones began to vibrate before soaring into the air as her hands rose. It felt as if the earth was blessing her, her skin felt warm as she absorbed the power so willingly given.

Several girls in black robes fled from the tomb, it was one of many tombs in the graveyard that was indicated by the large stone wall that had begun to be accepted into nature, leaves and bushes had begun to grow over them in acceptance. It was hard to see the girls as anything but blurs in the darkness, but Aeryn could sense her kin. "Home, now." As she spoke the very earth reacted, a slight vibration rippled under the young witch's feet and sent them on a rush back to safety. Bright emerald eyes snapped toward the largest tomb, several lanterns glistened in the darkness offering a golden glow. Aeryn didn't hesitate to storm toward the tomb, the wind behind her raged and caressed her light golden curls spurring her forward; it was with her.

Keira gazed toward the circle she'd made with her sisters. The power was draining her just to maintain the connection. "Tabhair dom cad ocras orm le haghaidh." (Give me what I hunger for) Her voice was a defeated cry, the young blonde seemed so lost and incapable of holding the summoning much longer. Power ebbed from her in waves, but it was minimal. Yet, the little witch stood before the darkness gathering with the ferocity of a lioness, she would risk everything for the power she felt she deserved. The air in the tomb began to shift, which caused the young blonde to glance toward the stone staircase. "No, I'm not finished!" She roared, and due to her adolescence, she began reciting the rest of the bond, her tongue fluid and swift.

Thunder crackled and snapped above the tomb as Aeryn descended the stairs. All her sister would see was the gust of smoke and her eyes shined through. "FOOLISH GIRL!" As she roared the very tomb itself began to shake. Aeryn raised her right hand, delicate fingers that controlled the power of the earth. As if forsaking her sister, the female turned her gaze from the young witch before using the grasp of power to hurl the girl toward the darkened end of the tomb, forcing her from the circle. "You've bound yourself to something you can't even dream of controlling," Aeryn's voice was stern, more so than it had ever been. The power within her brought an iron will to her tone as she stepped into the main room of the tomb, her dirtied feet didn't seem to mind the bits of stone and broken jars that she walked over until she found herself in the circle, her gaze snapping to focus on the figure before them. "You do not want her as your bond, trust me. She is inexperienced, weak." Never in her existence did she think her sister would be so incredibly foolish to summon such a being. Not only had she risked her life, but the life of the coven. Aeryn now had to fix her error, once again.

"You want me. Not her." The female turned on her heel, facing the creature. A slight bow of her head offered a hint of submission, yet the fire in her hues was unrelenting. "I can offer you power. I've held a god before, and I can do so again." The very air radiated with her power, the weather above was proof of what she could do, and it was just the tip of the iceberg. "Take me instead." Even though she was requesting, her tone was cold enough that it seemed like a command. The female raised her arms outward as if to show she was no threat; in fact, she appeared perfectly pure considering her white lace gown that trickled down around her ankles and revealed her toned hourglass form in the dim golden light that portrayed how see-through the lace truly was. A pure white witch, in all senses of the word.
The mermaid wasn't sure why she was being torn out from the tank and bound, but she knew it wasn't a good reason. Their comments washed over her, she was barely able to keep her head up let alone concern herself with what they said about her. The scent of the salty sea was a cruel jab, it made her long to throw herself off the deck and return to her home. If she didn't feed soon her wounds would only get worse. As she was dragged, the female noticed the crowd and wondered what exactly they had planned. The roughness of the wood reddened her skin, drying it out further.

A hiss of pain escaped her as she felt a sharp pain trail down to her scalp as her hair was gripped and pulled back. Her legs almost gave out, the lack of strength in her body fought against her standing, and the current injured state of her body made it almost impossible. The second man joined to help her, they raised her up and dragged her into position. The ropes were enough to hold her in place, thankfully, as her knees struggled to keep strong. The radiating rays of the sun served to warm her, but also dry her out. It was so warm for her. Even though her ankle restraints were waved, the female couldn't use her feet to support herself, she hung there, limp and weak.


The mermaid's arms tensed as she heard the word. The first crack sent pain hurling through her back, the following lashes caused her body to jolt in pain. Every hit drew her closer to crying out, but she bit down on her lower lip to avoid giving them what they so desired. Another lash, and another. Tears stung in her eyes before they trailed down her cheeks, over and over they poured as the pain grew incredibly unbearable.

Warm blood coated her back, by the time he was halfway through she could feel the blood trickling down her body, her rear, the back of her thighs. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks as her hands gripped along the ropes holding her wrists, she clung onto them, squeezing them to try and distract herself. Once he called out the final whip it was as if she could take a breath, her head hanging forward with her long red strands covering her chest and face. All anyone would hear as she was cut free was a collapse of her body onto the wood and soft, tender pants of breath. The female didn't move, she simply curled her knees to her chest as she held herself, tears continuing to stream down her face as she desperately tried to ignore the pain.

None moved to help her, which she didn't much care about. Soon enough, most of the crowd disappeared to get on with their tasks. A few remained behind, watching from afar.

After time had passed and the sun had moved in the sky, the female felt a kick to her back, causing a shriek of pain to leave her lips. A hiss soon drifted from her as she turned to look at the man who'd struck her. He simply dropped an old rag and a bucket full of water beside her. "Get your blood off the wood, filthy bitch." He snapped before making his way to a barrel of storage and perched up to watch her work.

Yrsa pulled herself up to her knees began to wobble as she dunked the rug into the bucket and then began to scrub the spot she'd been laying in slowly. "Ey Mick, ain't those beasts supposed to heal fast?" One of the men came up beside the man perched on the barrel. He gave a shrug, "I don't fucking care, Capt should give her another twenty fucking lashes, her bloody song got our boys killed, she's lucky she's even alive." Yrsa snapped her head to the men, her eyes red and puffy as she glared toward them.

"You took me from my home, you had no right to steal me, capture me, what did you think would happen?"

Then men looked enraged. Mick rose from the barrel and made his way over to her. With one firm shove, he tossed Yrsa onto her back which caused another squeal of pain. "Fucking bitch!" He spat before leaning down to deliver a pulled back fist to slam right into her left cheek, a sickening crack of bone on bone filled the air as she tried to shield her face from him. It was pathetic, really, a mermaid with so much power had been reduced to nothing. Not even at the same strength as a human.

Mick spat on her chest before he stormed off to the lower deck, leaving the man beside her who seemed a little shocked. Yrsa painfully pulled herself up onto her rear before she rested her left side against some debris on the ship. Soft, drained pants escaped her lips. Everything ached. The scars along her stomach were beginning to open, blood was trickling down her abdomen and her legs.

Yrsa barely looked at the man, her energy was continuing to drain in the sun. She needed to feed, soon. There was no hope of her being able to hunt, she was going to die on the boat. The last of the other crew settled off down below, leaving her alone with the oddly quiet crewmate. He knelt beside her, his hand reaching out to touch along her thigh which caused her to try and pull away. "Shh, just let me touch, and I'll make sure we get you back in the tank... Mmm, you're so soft..." His voice lowered as his hand dipped between her legs, they were leaning against the debris with her side. "Open them," He demanded as he began to unbuckle his pants, he knew she was weak, and they were alone. Monster.

The male began to brush his fingers toward the apex of her legs, which earned him a weak kick in the chest from her right leg. "Oh you ain't gonna get away from this sweetheart, you're too weak to even heal... Poor little mermaid... Well, I'm gonna make ya feel so much better." Grabbing her hands, he threw her to the wooden deck and pinned her wrists above her head. The female kicked with all the energy she had.

"GET OFF ME," She roared, her voice breaking as she tried to fight his advances. He'd already stripped his pants and undergarments and was nestling himself between her legs. "NO!" She cried out, desperate trying to summon the energy to fight back.
The display of his muscly physique had Raelyn captured for a moment, completely in awe of his new shape. It didn't take long for her heart to flutter and beat faster as she admired him. It felt so strange, it felt like she knew him so well, on the other hand, it felt as if he was almost a stranger. A tall dark and handsome stranger. A wicked grin crossed her lips as his comment drew her attention away from his body; "Well she won't be doing that now, not up for the challenge big guy? Never known you to be scared." The little taunt had a rather playful wink the moment she finished. As he asked about her aunt, the female sighed softly. "Carole is fine, she's with us. Even though she handed the coven over to me she's still trying to take the reins. Maybe one day she will trust the role she gave me." Raelyn offered a smile toward him. There were so many things to talk about, but she wanted to wait until they were settled.

Rae noticed the change in the way he looked toward her as she mentioned why they'd travelled, it certainly seemed to get his attention. "Oh, you're not going to just carry me?" the female mocked him playfully, shaking her head. "Hey, that was one time, once!" The poor rabbit never stood a chance, it was an accidental fireball throw when she'd gotten angry, It had taught her a valuable lesson about controlling her emotions, but had she really learned that lesson for good?

The witch made her way to the stables and gave a soft whistle to her mare, summoning her out of the darkness. The poor mare had been ridden so much in the past few days, yet the glisten in her eyes told Raelyn she was ready for another ride. "Good girl," she whispered, her hand reaching out to catch the gentle nudge of her nose as she leaned into Raelyn. In seconds she grabbed the reins only from the post in the stable. It didn't take long to slip on, and for her to mount the mare bareback. The saddles were generally more comfortable, but her mare enjoyed bareback, and she felt far more in tune with her horse when the saddle wasn't in the way. The brunette glanced to her side, watching as Kell began to change. The female's eyes widened as she watched his form turn into something immense; she almost fell off of her horse. "Hey, shhh girl, shhhhh," Raelyn whispered to the mare as she started, throwing her head back and trotting slightly backward until Raelyn comforted her. "Good girl, mama has you," Soft, tender strokes along her mane calmed her.

The ride was a fairly long one, but she'd been captivated by Kell's form almost the whole way. Her mind was reeling, he was so... different. Powerful. Strong. Incredibly handsome. The thoughts kept turning over and over in her mind. It had been a beautiful trip, the moon was high, the air smelled of such energy and life; it was hard to explain how at home she felt being back in those woods. Everything called out to her, sang to her. Her gray mare was glistening under the moonlight, her dark mane and tail seemed like beautiful shadows gracing her form as she trotted effortlessly to keep up with Kell. It was only when they neared a cave that she realised they were there. Slowly, the female held back the reins and allowed her mare to stop before she hopped off of her. "Good girl," She gave the horse a warming stroke on her head before leading her a little more toward the small cave entrance.

As Raelyn entered the rather quaint hole in the wall she noticed how much effort he'd put into making it his own. The table, the chairs, the pelts. The scent of the wood was beautiful, it reminded her of the nights she'd spend out in the woods, smelling the trees, the leaves, even the soft kiss of rain. The moment the stool was offered to her the female gave a smile, easing down to settle on the stool and crossed one leg over the other, causing her long blouse to slip up slightly, revealing her upper thighs. "It's cosy in here Kell, I like it a lot," The female beamed, her words were genuine. It felt like she could finally shed a bit of weight from her shoulders, she began to relax. No girls to look after at that moment, and she was there with a good friend.

Her brow cocked as she saw the bottle, an amused smirk crossed her lips as he commented on her being scared. "Don't mind if I do." The witch gripped the bottle with her delicate fingers before pouring herself at least two fingers worth before pouring another for him. The scent of the bottle was potent, more so than anything else she'd ever smelled. A small frown rippled over her features as she raised the glass to her lips. "This is very strong," She shook her head slightly before she closed her eyes and took a long sip. A soft cough soon followed before she put the glass down. "That has a kick, phew," The witch began to rub her temples slightly, taking a slow breath. "I just need a night away from responsibility. I led the whole coven here, dead set to speak to the Alpha and arrange aid. I have to tell them all tomorrow that it was a waste of time. Days." The female rubbed her forehead slightly, shaking her head. "More importantly, how have you been... I noticed the tone with the comment about my aunt earlier, where is your father? What happened while we were gone?" Raelyn gazed toward him a sympathetic warmth behind her eyes.

At that moment, she stood up and made her way around to where he'd settled, putting herself on the floor beside him before taking her drink and taking another sip before placing the glass back down, closer to her new position.
ꜱᴍᴜᴛ ~ ᴅᴅ/ʟɢ
Elizabeth didn't believe she'd last much longer, especially if he continued lavishing attention on her in the way that he was. He made her feel all kinds of new waves of pleasure; she had yet to make sense of it. The female closed her eyes slightly as he nuzzled his nose to hers, one of the sweetest things she had ever felt. Liz was grateful to feel the warm, rough touch of his hand against her soft rear before feeling a slight sting that she was growing quite accustomed to. "Mm, does daddy like it that much?" She deliberately pumped her finger in and out of her little hole faster, the flesh clearly grasping tightly onto the digit without intentions of letting it go.

A playful smirk crossed her lips as she heard his words, she wanted to please him and it seemed like she was doing very well. Another sting brought forth a little squeal, which began to shift into a purr like sound as she felt his gentle touch rub along the sore flesh he'd just caused. Once he prepared the vibrator the female whimpered softly, she could feel the spit was helping her finger delve deeper, she was almost at the second knuckle. The soft kiss against her hand almost caused her to stop, she was surprised. "Aw daddy," She breathed, glancing back toward him with a warm and adoring gaze.

A loud whimper echoed from within her as she felt the thick tip press against her tender slick folds. It wasn't long before she panted gently, already feeling the vibrations of the wand cause pleasure to explode from her tight little nub, it was so swollen already. Whimpers and cries of pleasure left her as she nuzzled her head into the sheets, she could already feel her orgasm building, much faster than before. It could be since she had both holes in use as well as a wand that constantly sent waves of pleasure through her at an increasing rate.

There was no mistaking the pain in her cry as the next spank hit home, causing her body to shudder after. The swell of heat to the area was strangely arousing. "Yes daddy," she gasped softly at his orders before she felt pain along her scalp for a moment, her movements severely restricted. Powerful thrusts slammed into her, it felt as if he was slamming right into the soft little wall; the pleasure alone had her crying out, no doubt the neighbours would hear them if they were home. "I belong to you daddy-- please, I need all of your cum deep inside me," She could barely get out her words as she felt her body begin to convulse again, "DADDY! It's --- it's happ-- uuhhh FUCK," No doubt he'd see the way she squirted all over his wand, the sheets, and a little on him as well as herself. Every slick inch of her soft core around him gripped him, milked him for every ounce of cum as her finger slammed into her ass as deep as she could muster, riding out the waves of her orgasm in earth-shattering pleasure.

Soft and tired gasps left her, soon before little whimpers trickled from her lips as the blonde tried to shift her hips. "Oh god, please can we move the wand daddy it's so sensitive, it hurts," Her plea almost caused her voice to break, the way it was vibrating over her sensitive nub was making her body convulse and ache from sensitivity.
ꜱᴍᴜᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
Raelyn felt amusement rise up as Kell seemed intrigued by her comment, it seemed he thought her experience was why she'd mentioned it. A slow smirk crossed her lips as she gazed toward him. "Well I was mainly making that comment because I was teasing you like a dog, but if you'd like a collar I'm sure we could sort one out..." When she considered the idea of collaring him she found herself rather aroused by the idea. Having a powerful wolf like him at her side, being in control, was appealing. It seemed he liked the idea of new adventures, Raelyn wondered what she could bring to the table to offer him excitement. "You should know I love to experiment." Her gaze simmered with excitement and promise. If he wanted something new, she could surely think of something she'd experienced that he hadn't.

To hear his praise excited a part of her she hadn't truly explored. It felt even better to know that he grew so much harder, she could feel the veins pulsing under her grip. In all her fantasies of him, she had never thought he would be so thick and so large. It was going to be a struggle to fit him inside of her, but the notion of forcing it only excited her further. Playful giggles trickled from her pursed lips as she felt him lift her, placing her down on his shirt as if she weighed nothing. It was certainly something she would have to get used to, his strength and power was something that was almost frightening as much as it was exhilarating.

Legs swept underneath her form as she rose to her knees, she admired the large swell of flesh that was set free from the bindings that restrained it. The witch sat in awe of him for a moment, completely fixated on his body. Thick dark lashes swept up as her gaze scanned upward until she stared up into his eyes. Raelyn had almost missed his words in her trance, but when she did notice them a slow, playful grin rippled over her full red lips. "Oh, that's how we're going to play it?" She murmured as she placed her hands down on the ground of the cave and slowly rolled her shoulders as she crawled forward, and the unmistakable sway of her hips would be easily seen from his height. "You've shown me what I've been missing out on for being away all these years, it's about time I did the same," The witch retorted in reference to his earlier comment.

A light pink tongue snaked out to lick along her lips as she settled on her knees at his feet. "How about we make this interesting," Her hot breath circled around his tip as she leaned her head closer to his upward-facing tip, she was all too keen to taunt his hard flesh. "How about..." Soft, warm lips pressed tenderly against his tip in a quick kiss as words continued to flow between her tender taunts, "First one of us to finish, mmm..." The warmth and wetness of her tongue snaked around his tip before lashing over the very top, "Gets dunked in the cold lake a little trip from here," Without warning her lips opened wider to take the tip of his cock into her mouth. Soft, tender suckling was just there to taunt him further as her hands trailed up along his inner thighs, her nails raked along his skin until she felt able enough to sink his cock to the very bridge of her throat. Considering he was so thick, she had difficulty pressing him into her throat, the soft gurgling sound ebbed from her as she was relentless in her mission to pleasure him.

As her throat began to open to his cock, her hands kept finding their way further up. Warm, soft fingers curled around his balls, they began to caress the swell of flesh with a delicate pressure that increased the further she managed to squeeze him into the slick confines of her warm throat. With some time she began to take him further, slowly but surely. Saliva began to trickle down her lips as it coated him. Raelyn drew back slowly, almost allowing his cock to slip from her throat before she plunged him back in. The soft sounds of defiance rumbling from her throat grew less as she grew used to his size. Her throat swelled with his flesh, visible as she tilted her head up slightly to give him a better view of what she was doing.

Reluctantly, she withdrew and allowed his flesh to pop from her mouth, leaving a little trail of saliva over him and her lower lip as she gazed up toward him, her eyes large and twinkling with a challenge. "Want me on my knees or on top?" A Cheshire smirk rose as she waited to hear his decision.
ꜱᴍᴜᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ
Yrsa was acting purely on instinct, she simply did what she felt she wanted to. With how he reacted, it was very clear she was doing a good job. The sounds of pleasure trickling out from him alerted her to as much and made her far more excited to continue. The way his hand nestled on her head was all the encouragement she needed; her head dipped further as she thrust him deeper into her mouth, her throat. but before she could truly get a handle on how much she was pleasuring him, the female noticed his grip change and he began to raise her head, causing his cock to slip from her lips with a slight frown rippling over her features.

When he got up, she watched curiously as he began to move her how he desired her. Tender touches of his lips sent chills down her spine, causing a soft, pleading moan to ripple from her lips as he began to explore her soft, creamy flesh. A soft, surprised moan spilled from her lips as his hand collided with the rump of her rear, causing her to jump ever so slightly.

The female's form visibly shook as she felt his cock nestled between her cheeks; it was so close, she'd never been so close to a man before, let alone be ready for mating. It was exciting, she'd never felt so alive before. Once again he shifted her body, when he eased her down onto the mattress she gazed up toward him with large blue eyes. She was in awe of his body, he looked incredible, far more fearsome than her kin. The indication of him wanting to get between her legs taken, she eased her legs apart for him to welcome him closer to her. A soft intake of breath was audible between them as she felt his cock brush up against her slick folds. Yrsa began to pant softly as he nestled himself in the perfect spot and began to ease his cock forward.

Whimpers and moans of pleasure tore from her lips as she nuzzled into the pillow, embracing the way he pressed through the restrictive grasp of her slick folds. Slowly, her legs curled up around him and clung around his waist as she whimpered. Yrsa only grew louder as he continued to stretch her, forcing her tight folds to open to him. She felt she had a moment to recover before he began to pull back out, her tight folds clinging to him despite being so slick. Yrsa had no way to plan for his erotic assault, her body simply took the hard, wild thrusting and pleasure soared throughout her body. When he grabbed her legs and pulled her closer, the female's lips held open as she felt his cock slam into her at a depth that almost caused her head to roll back. It was perfect, her mind was swimming in pleasure.

Loud and unhindered moans trailed from her lips, growing increasingly close together the more he slammed into her, no doubt he'd feel how slick she was as with every thrust it began to trickle down along her. Hands reached up and pressed into his chest as her nails sought to dig into his flesh. She'd never felt so good, and her body was growing warmer, pleasure was slamming into her and forcing her body into something she could only assume was what mating was for, aside from offspring. "It feels.... oh god.... keep going... please," Before she knew it, her body was shuddering and violently twitching as pleasure exploded within her. He'd feel her walls clamp viciously down on his cock as she came, caressing him and attempting to milk every ounce of cum from him. Moans wailed from her lips before she began to pant, her mind reeling at how much pleasure she'd just felt, no wonder her kind often mated.

It was only then that her hands slipped down from his chest, gently caressing the area she'd dug into and began to trace her fingertips along his arms. She was clearly in a haze of pleasure, still riding the euphoria he'd given her.
ғɪɴᴀʟ ᴡᴏʀᴅs

If you like what you've read then feel free to send me a message. Hell, give me a vicious poke. I write via PMs and threads. All I ask is for some samples of your writing as I have compiled or a link to some. Also, please let me know what you're interested in. I feel like we all try to explain basic details in these sections, show me you're interested, give me some umph. Either way, I always set myself to reply. I promise I don't bite.
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"You take my self, you take my self-control."
"I've forgotten what I started fighting for."

~ Alien plot is now taken.
"Oooh ooh heaven is a place on Earth."

~ Just one or two more plots. No more post-apoc.
"Forget the hearse 'cause I never die."

~ Just one or two more plots. No more post-apoc or slice-of-life.
"I fill you up, drink from my cup within me lies what you really want."

~ Just one or two more plots. No more slice-of-life.
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