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Mx Female Collection of Current Craving (Open)


Not all those who wander are lost.
Jun 8, 2020
Seeking new Partners!
All ideas open unless otherwise stated.
Names serve as place holders and can be freely changed. All ideas can be tweaked to better fit personal desires and tastes. Nothing is set in stone.

Intrigued? Curious? Have questions? Slightly interested? Send me a PM!

Consider everything up for discussion!​

  • Looking for partners to write female roles mentioned in my ideas. I only play males roles.
  • All posts typically fall in the 2 - 4+ paragraph range
  • Happy to play as and against multiple characters
  • If interested in any of the following ideas, message me and share your thoughts!

General Themes:

Adultery, Taboo, Age Gaps, First Times, Affairs, Improper Relationships, And More!


Idea #1: He will never know!

A married couple is trying to get pregnant, to start a family. For various reasons (namely, the husband is infertile) it is not possible. It causes great shame for the husband to admit to this and their sex life has dried up because of this. He is devoting more and more time to work, avoiding home life and his great shame. At the same time, they can't afford the various treatments to attempt to even have a chance of conceiving the natural way. Their only real option is for it to happen the natural way on its own - but with his overbearing shame, he can barely stay hard enough to finish the deed with her. They've talked about their only other option - having some one else impregnate her.

The very thought of his wife having sex with another man drives him over the edge but what else can they do? He doesn't even want to talk about it, or know who it is, or when it happens, or anything. It drives him out of the house even more.

Her desire for a child outweighs everything else and she finally asks MC1 to be her surrogate donor. MC1 is a close friend of hers - the proverbial 'he is just a friend' sort of guy. Its the opportunity he has always waited for. A wet dream come true for him. He cannot wait for the night they have scheduled for it. He will take her out to dinner, then out dancing, then back to his place.

Before her 'date', though, she comes to her in-laws for some support, finding only MC2 at home - her father-in-law. In seeking his counsel and comfort, she admits she had considered asking him to do the deed if not for the fact that it would surely break her husband. Genetically, he'd be the best match. But what her husband doesn't know would not hurt him - the simplest of touches from her father-in-law is all it takes, the sort of touch she hasn't felt from her husband in so long.

From having no one loving her to now having two different lovers, is it better to not know which man is the father of her child?


Idea #2: Swinging in the Breeze

Version 1: We play 2 - 3 couples who agree to explore swinging together in a safe environment. I want to develop dynamic, varied characters with unique relationships. I want to explore their reasons for swinging and how they grow and change through sex with other partners. I envision the couples all being part of the same friend group prior to this, so am interested in exploring how this changes the friend dynamic. Open to variations of this as well.

Version 2: Same as above, but with potential for age gaps and relationships torn apart as elements as cheating and rule breaking are added.


Escapades of a Nymphomaniac

I recently read an AMA on Reddit by a Nymphomaniac. Very articulate and eye opening.
I want to put a twist on it and sort of play out the life of a Nympho (YC).
Episodic play, so a little pre-planning. Not 100% a smut-fest but for obvious reasons it will be smut-heavy. But I do want to see some character development and drama.
Part of being a Nymphomaniac meant destroying lives because of the constant thoughts/needs of sex/masturbation, fucking anyone virtually anywhere, regardless of relationship status. So I would love to explore that for the character. Trying to date and have a healthy relationship while dealing with her urges.

Much to be discussed so please message me!


Idea #4: Lets Make a Porno!

It was a simple ad that appeared in the classifieds. A small, upfront payment and then 20% of all profits for one video. It was a large upfront payment and an increase to 25% of all profits if the initial contract signed was for a series of 3 Videos. An email - at gmail - was listed as the contact for applications and the blurb was pretty straight forward. The poster was looking to make amateur porn videos. Nothing crazy, nothing extreme. Just looking for an attractive female counter part to star opposite him as he tries to ad some more experience under his name and get exposure both as a star and as director. Being in a large college town with a growing business sector and rising house prices, how hard could it be to find some one willing to dip their toes in?

Leaving this very open ended in regards to who the partner is! Could literally be anyone! A college student, a college professor, a housewife, a HS student, a business woman, some one scrapping by, passing through, etc. Very willing to build a long term story around this as well and build the characters up based on what we come up with. My character will be a 21 year old film student doing this 'on the side'.


Idea #5: Risky Business

Times were tough. The prices on everything seemed to be going up and not coming down despite the promises. Her husband was working longer and longer hours just to try and make ends meet so that she could stay at home and live that perfect life. He didn't want her to have to get a job. It had been that promise he had made all those years ago when they had gotten married. He wanted to be the family man, the provider. But that just wasn't realistic anymore - through no fault of his. She didn't blame him at all. Times had changed.

She started exploring the classifieds, started applying to jobs, but she just wasn't qualified for anything, got rejected. Then she read an article about a High Class Escort. She couldn't...then she read another and fell down a rabbit hole online. She took precautions so her husband couldn't find out but posted some racy pictures online, testing the waters. Did men even find her attractive even more? Apparently yes, they did.

Knowing she would probably regret stepping out on her husband but knowing they needed additional cash flow, she created a profile with racy pictures and blurred out her face. It wasn't long before here fake gmail account was flooded with emails and dick-pics. It took a while to weed out the trash but eventually she figure out a system - the benefit of being a stay at home wife.

And then she had it scheduled - during the day, of course, while her husband was at work - her first 'appointment' with a client. He'd pay for the hotel. She had butterflies and felt nervous. She put on something sexy, something like she would for her husband - something she hadn't worn in what felt like years, with the lack of actual sex they'd been having - and went to see what the day would bring.

Lots to be discussed with this plot. The housewife falling deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. Some strangers, some not strangers. A bit of a sexual reawakening at the same time too. And, inevitably, her husband discovering her dirty secret and the consequences of such a discovery.

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