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𝔗ʜᴇ 𝔇ᴀʀᴋ 𝔊ᴜᴀʀᴅɪᴀɴ ; 【 𝔎ɪᴛᴛᴇɴ + 𝔖ᴀɪɴᴛ 】


Feb 8, 2023



I need to know where your loyalties lie,
Tell me are you gonna bark or bite?  
Do you really want to twist the knife, 
In the belly of the


Deep within the heart of a bustling and peaceful city, golden rays peered through the windows of a lavish palace, their warm embrace illuminating a regal backdrop of fine furniture nestled between marble walls. Accentuated by the attentions of well-dressed butlers and handmaidens, two silhouettes settled across from one another at a lavish dining table. The man who had made himself comfortable at the table was a foreign Duke. A tall man several years the Queen's senior, he had been by far the best candidate for courtship thus far. In a sea of greying lords and boys barely able to read, the choice of suitors for the newly coronated Queen were astonishingly sparse. That didn't mean the Duke was perfect, however. He was rude and boisterous, with only the first round of wine enough to bring the man bragging about his family's wealth.

"—Though, I must congratulate you on your victory. To be quite honest, my family thought your rebellion was doomed from the start." The Duke cackled, raising his glass of wine into the air, "A woman, ruling the elves? We all thought it was preposterous!" He brought the glass to his lips, suckling and slurping on the fine taste of Ecclesian Red without even savoring the expensive and rare import.

"But I suppose it works out well for us, no? If we are wed, then your Kingdom could be rich... and of course, my children will be royalty." The man crudely smacked his lips before placing his glass down upon the table. It was clear that the young Duke had never wanted for anything, having had his entire life given to him on a silver platter. Indeed, even during the civil war that saw the Queen's family killed and her eventual reign; the Duke and his banners refused to choose a side, instead electing to stay out of a conflict that did not benefit them.

Before the Duke could boast any further, the attentions of the room would turn towards a commotion that was occurring outside of the dining hall. A sudden, inaudible, yet sustained shouting, which only grew louder with each passing second. It would grow louder still until, the doors to the dining hall would swing unceremoniously open, revealing none other than the head of the Queen's Royal Guard: Caswyn Lycidas.

"Ser Caswyn! You aren't supposed to be here! The Queen specifically ordered us to keep you out." A butler remarked, following behind the knight as he casually sauntered into the room, "I'm quite sorry, Your Highness! He just wouldn't listen to any of us. As soon as he heard, he just marched right in here..."

The Knight continued to roam deeper into the room, an unamused look drawn across his face as he strode his way across the room. "Ah, but you see, there are so many that would wish to see the Queen harmed." The Knight began, his voice deep and masculine. Clad in a white, well-fitted military uniform that he wore with pride, the clean look was dramatically foiled by dark, wild strands of hair that fell to his shoulders.

"Traitors. Assassins. Enemies. Who can I trust to keep the Queen safe?" Though, rather than making his way directly to the Queen herself, he instead hovered towards one of her handmaidens that stood at the corner of the room, "Are you going to protect her from danger?" The knight placed his finger coyly underneath the maiden's chin, directing her face upwards towards him. Caswyn peered into the embarrassed girl's very soul, before shaking his head. "No, that is my responsibility. Whether she desires it or not." Gazing up into an unerringly stubborn jawline that reached high into attractive features, it only took a moment for the poor girl to blush underneath his strong, otherworldly gaze.

"Hrmph, I was wondering when the Queen's circus animal would make himself known." The Duke remarked, "Is it true, what they say about him? That he's a monster. A literal wolf in sheep's clothing?" The Duke picked up the bottle of wine, before popping the cap. Unceremoniously, he began to fill his glass, until the red wine was practically overflowing from the top. "How crude. A beast should be kept on a tighter leash."

"Is that so?" Caswyn grinned, "and what does Her Majesty think?" Her primal guardian place his hand upon the Queen's shoulder, that strong, affirmative grip possessively sinking deeper against her dainty flesh, "Do you think such a look would suit me?" He remarked with a devilish smile.

The beast would make himself known.

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Crudely the Duke's lips smacked audibly as he quaffed his drink, an unpleasant trail of saliva briefly connecting with his parted mouth as he conversed with a mouthful of food. His utensils, indifferent to the Fine China carefully chosen for the grandeur occasion everyone had anticipated, scraped against it with careless abandon. Aurelia exerted all her restraint not to lash out at the man who callously disparaged her and confessed to betting on her downfall from the start. This was the same man who hadn't lifted a finger to assist when her kingdom was in mayhem, only now seeking to be involved in her life after she had prevailed and demonstrated herself as a capable ruler amid those trying circumstances.

His blunt words, fueled by liquid courage gracing his tongue, left her wondering what else he might reveal if given the chance. Even if he chose silence on his deeper thoughts, his initial admissions had already sketched a vivid picture of the kind of person he was. It was a portrait she refused to be a part of, even if it meant taking on the challenges of ruling the kingdom single-handedly and battling for resources and wealth. The effort would be worthwhile if it meant removing such an inadequate ruler from more power.

Despite their attempts to conceal it, she could sense her attendants wincing and making subtle, disgusted facial expressions within her peripheral vision, sparing her the need to turn her head to catch those cues of their own disapproval of the man. The mere idea of bearing his children, especially after his bold comment on forecasting their future, turned her stomach in revulsion, instantly robbing her of any appetite she may have had. Reluctantly pushing the plate away, feeling regretful about wasting a perfectly good meal, she took her lilac-colored napkin and delicately dabbed her lips before placing it neatly on the plate. "To be completely frank-" Aurelia began, but her words were abruptly impeded by a loud commotion seeping in from beyond the double doors. She immediately recognized the mention of 'Caswyn' from the butler's lips, knowing they were in for an interesting treat once he graced the room with his anarchic presence.


Remaining seated, she maintained her gaze on the Duke even as Caswyn stormed into the dining room. Despite the rapid beating of her heart, she masked her exhilaration behind a blasé expression, appearing unperturbed by his decision to make a dramatic entrance of his own. She closed her eyes momentarily as Caswyn interrogated the unfortunate handmaiden who had been innocently carrying out her duties and had become entangled in the unfolding scene. Finally, as the tension mounted, the Queen's lips parted, her voice cutting through the charged atmosphere. "Caswyn, spare the poor girl." Her tone carried a hint of playful teasing rather than outright demand, an attempt to diffuse the situation before the Duke, despite her belief that he deserved no special treatment. After all, he was still her guest.

"Hrmph, I was wondering when the Queen's circus animal would make himself known."

Aurelia's eyes snapped open instantly - triggered by his name-calling - her gaze turning piercing as she directed her attention at the Duke, who had dared to unleash toxic words from his sullied mouth. While Caswyn was certainly capable of defending himself, it carried more weight for her to speak on his behalf. She could feel the tension in his grip as his fingers dug into her porcelain skin, the exposed shoulders of her elegant dress making the pressure more pronounced. Rising gracefully from her seat, she pushed the chair away from her, the wooden legs scraping harshly against the floor in protest.

"You insulted me by admitting to foreseeing my war's failure, despite having the means to assist me from the outset." Her palms pressed firmly against the table, her eyes retaining a fierce glare directed at the Duke. "Your careless treatment of my Fine China and indulgence in rare imports as if they were inconsequential added to the offense. Furthermore, you speak as if I had consented to marriage already. And now? You degrade my loyal guard to the level of a mere circus animal." Her face flushed with scarlet, her anger displayed openly and without reservation at this point. "You are not welcomed here. Please see your way out." Registering Aurelia's displeased tone in her voice, the other guards within the room quickly gathered behind the Duke, prepared in case he decided to protest or put up a fight, ready to handle any potential outbursts or tantrums he might exhibit.

With a firm hand, she covered the one Caswyn was gripping against her shoulder, straightening her posture before extending her other hand in a sweeping gesture toward everyone in the room. "Any cruel words directed at myself, Caswyn, my maids, knights, guards, butlers, or anyone in my Kingdom are unwelcome and will promptly sever any ties you have to my life. Let that be known in the gossip you're bound to tell. If making me a villain in your story will help you out, then so be it. I'm doing just fine without you or your help."
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The man who had always lingered upon the Queen's flank was not surprised when Aurelia finally snapped upon the Duke. The proud monarch had always been quick-witted and silver-tongued, but her true weakness was her impatient and impetuous nature. What did surprise Caswyn, however, was how hastily she drew to his defense, her soft, supple lips sputtering venom mercilessly. Perhaps he was just the final insult that caused her to snap, or perhaps he was something more?

"How— how craven of you!" The Duke bellowed, practically jumping from his seat, "Do you know who I am? My lands are far wealthier than your pitiful coffers! How dare you insult me over that bloody mutt you mistakenly call a knight!" With that, the guards that surrounded the room stepped forward, ushering the enraged suitor away from the dining table and towards the door. "You will regret treating me in such a way!" The man pushed one of the guards out of his way as he stormed from the room, the maids and butlers left with their mouths agape at the chaos that had just brewed before their very eyes. The Queen was correct that such drama would be the subject of gossip for months to come, until the people would find some new scandal to occupy their thoughts. To reject perhaps the best suitor to take her hand in marriage, who else would be able to court her?

Once the greying Duke had been thoroughly humiliated, the man which stood at Aurelia's side turned towards those that remained.

"Leave us. All of you." Caswyn commanded, the order sending the servants and handmaidens to flight, each one scurrying from the room as whispers already began to pass from ear to ear. The guards took pause at the order, their gaze switching between their Queen and the man beside her. "That includes all of you." He reaffirmed, only for one of the guards to step forward.

"We do not take orders from you, beast." The guard retorted, "If the Queen wishes to see us dismissed, she may order it herself."

Caswyn would not seek the Queen's interjection, his position once again challenged by one of the knights in Aurelia's service. Instead, he would leave the Queen's side, slowly hovering closer towards the knights that still stood at their assigned posts. "Is that so? This mark seems to say otherwise." He remarked, his hand trailing over the medal which was pinned to his chest. The small crest of a golden flower, which signaled Caswyn's rank as the Captain of her guard. Such treatment that was not uncommon given his identity. Those with lycan blood were seen as lesser, a mark of shame worse than a commoner or bastard. It was only until recently that the ancient beasts were freed from the shackles of slavery.

A tense silence would linger between the two figures before the guard would suddenly bow, a glance of displeasure painted across his features. The guard would then make his exit, motioning for the other knights to follow. It would only be after such confrontation that they would finally depart, leaving the Queen alone with Caswyn once more.

"Well, well" The bestial guardian would finally remark, his voice taking hold of a softer tone now. Caswyn would finally turn his attention back to his obsession: the woman who possessed and claimed every thought which reverberated within his mind. "It seems like it's just the two of us again. Just like old times." The wolf would saunter closer to the Queen, his intense gaze fixated upon her as he drew nearer and nearer.

"I see that you're entertaining the company of men once again. Now— is that why you didn't invite me?" Slowly, a hand reached outwards, delving beneath her chin and crooking her gaze further upwards in a similar fashion to how he teased her servant just a few moments ago. Yet, rather than stopping there, that hand continued to draw further inwards. Suddenly, those strong, masculine digits were raveling around her dainty windpipe, capturing her slender neck underneath a firm, possessive grip. Yet, he didn't squeeze, instead cradling her vocal chords gently between calloused fingertips.

"How disappointing. Is it because you think that I might get jealous?" Indeed, he very much was. The very thought of another man holding Aurelia's interest was enough to draw out the monster that lie just underneath the surface. To even suggest that another man could touch her... hold her... love her...

—he hated it.

"You could be mine. All you have to do is say it." Those fingers which greedily captured her neck slowly began to tighten, pressing upon the walls of her neck as her supply of oxygen was slowly encroached upon. Voracious, crimson kaleidoscopes beamed down into her eyes, those otherworldly pools of red staring hungrily into her gaze, studying her eyes as if attempting to pluck out any semblance of affection that hid beneath those gorgeous sapphires. Soon, lips were drawing nearer and nearer, hovering dangerously close— until her features would feel the singed breaths of his warm exhalations.

Perhaps there was a more diplomatic approach than dismissing the servants and guards in that manner. Your actions will invite more hostility from those around you, although I don't see you as someone eager to make friends either, no?” After the room cleared and only they remained in the grand dining hall, she voiced her critique, her gaze locking onto his potent scarlet hues. Aurelia sensed a pronounced shift in the room's atmosphere - now a blend of vexation, passion, desire, and disappointment. These conflicting auras merged, creating a tangled mix that made it difficult to pinpoint which emotion held dominance.

"I see that you're entertaining the company of men once again. Now— is that why you didn't invite me?"

She flinched, not from a physical blow, but from his bladed tongue hurling daggers that sliced through the fragile veil of truth she desperately tried to protect. Her eyes trembled, but not from impending tears, instead it was the urgency needed to explain herself, and quickly. “You know why I have to do wha-” She realized it was already too late; no reasoning could ever convince Caswyn that her actions were just in an attempt to better her kingdom. His fingers, long and agile, reached out and swiftly clasped her petite throat, his overwhelming warmth nearly scalding against her cold, porcelain-like skin. Her features tensed, bracing for the inevitable tightening of his grip, but it remained stationary for now. She didn't misconstrue his momentary restraint as kindness; she knew all too well that his demeanor would inevitably turn harsh.

It was known from experience.

It’s out of respect, Caswyn.” She replied, yet vaguely. Her tone shifted drastically, a stark contrast from moments before. The once powerful and commanding Queen, who had displayed her might to everyone in the room, had vanished. In her place stood a submissive woman, crumbling at the mere touch of this man. Aurelia harbored no fear of Caswyn causing her life-threatening harm, but she understood the challenge of quelling his intense rage once it ignited. He had made significant sacrifices to safeguard her since their first encounter, and it wouldn't be fair to dismiss him without hearing his side. She acknowledged her mistake in not disclosing the impending arrangement to him, yet she knew that whether she had told him or not, the outcome would likely have been the same - this inevitable scenario. “You know exactly why I have to conduct these meetings. I can’t rule this kingdom alone much longer.

"You could be mine. All you have to do is say it."

You know I can’t do th-” He didn’t even grant her the luxury of finishing her sentence, instead he chose to tighten his grip around her vulnerable gullet. It seemed as though he didn’t want to hear the truth, even though he already knew it. She didn’t need to say anything. “Ah~” a small, high-pitched exhale escaped her parted lips, her eyes wincing as his hand easily closed around her windpipe. Her hands instinctively rose to grip around his forearm, but they made no attempt to pry his hand away from her throat. Instead, they remained there as a form of support, believing that she deserved this punishment for withholding the arranged meeting from him.

What he needed was reassurance.


She felt the scorching heat of his breath lingering on her skin, aware that he relished the vulnerability she had exposed in that moment. Despite his duty to protect her, she understood that he had found himself ensnared within the intricate web of love. She couldn't bring herself to tell him that she, too, was a victim that also found herself tangled up in this shared affection. Was that the true reason why she had never pursued a contractual marriage to benefit her kingdom? Even if rulers weren't in love, they still entered into marriage for the betterment of their realms. It was what was expected, yet she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Aurelia was well aware that Caswyn was playing a risky game, letting his lips hover tantalizingly close to hers. This wasn't their first dance with such charged tension. Instead of succumbing to his advances, she decided to take control of the situation and beat him to it. Though his grip was firm around her neck, it didn't hinder her movements completely. Leaning in, just an inch closer, their lips finally met, igniting the spark between them into a blazing flame. The intensity of the kiss stole her breath away more than the feral grip around her throat. Air was scarce, her lungs aching as they struggled to fill them with no oxygen to be found. While keeping her lips nestle against his own, her hand that still rested on his forearm, tapped his skin three times urgently, signaling that she had reached her limit, desperate for air.
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