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Your First Roleplaying Forum

I don't remember the name because it was more than half a life time ago at this point (back when you had to sacrifice a machine spirit to the Omnissiah to log into the internet), but my first forum was a 1920s Mafia-themed RP Forum. I was invited by someone who clearly had known me from some where, and I didn't remember who she was. Wanted me to play a love interest for her character, said sure why not. Ended up being on that forum for a few years before things died out.
I didn't start roleplaying until 2019, but I found Elliquiy first and had been intimidated with the workings of everything. Found other sites that were not so heavily ERP-based and a bit easier for me to navigate, and well... Kind of wound up here in the end.
Solvitur Charta for me. I originally was your average roleplayer but then I became a moderator for a brief time. Once I stepped down from my moderator role the website soon after shut down.

Edit: First roleplaying “forum” was Twitter where your profile is the character you’re roleplaying as.
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Kind of embarrassing to admit, but Shamchat/Rolechat when I was around 14. Slightly more sophisticated than Omegle, but still not great. I do miss Shamchat, RIP. There were definitely some interesting people on there, and it was sort of fun matching with random people online. Plus, it was funny to watch the user base evolve from usually RPing with a guy called 'Batman' and only in first person and *asterisks* for actions, to RPing with Alex (M, Dom, Green hair, Blue eyes, 6'4", Lit Fantasy SRP) and have people start to write out paragraphs in 3rd person with ~plot~ and ~details~.

...Only for them to ghost you thirty seconds later, with no explanation.
I guess the first main one with the proper site for me was RPOL
Then again I also was back on Furcadia for a while

The minimizer I’m not sure if it’s still around and more focused on certain kinks

Do fanfiction site count?
AOL chat rooms and IMs, not technically forums, but where a lot of people started.

ERP searching was like the Wild West on there. AOL was also weird about chat room names, so I had to get clever and put stuff like "Pvssy P0unding RP", lol o_O
I can't remember what it was called, but it was a Pokemon RP. And I remember the admins actively made new members very first threads absolute hell. I got like four posts into mine and quit. Looking back at it, I'm not sure how I managed to stay positive enough to look for different forums, but I did.
My first RP forum was the Adult Role-Playing Forum on Literotica. It's been a very long time, but I still look back at that time mostly fondly.
Bluemoon has actually been my first RP website. I never partook in any fanfics or RP chatrooms before. After stumbling across Literotica and some other RP sites I found an interest in other peoples' writing, and I ended up reading some of the public RPs here in bluemoon and thinking to myself "This seems really fun, I should give it a go myself."
Sooooo, the very first place I actually roleplayed over was email! I met some people at a writing camp in middle school, and they introduced me to the concept and we used to roleplay over an email thread, lol... I can't remember the name of the first actual forum site I used anymore, however.
I don't remember the exact name, but it definitely had "borderlands" in it, like "Borderlands of Whatchamacallit ". It all took place in a custom fantasy setting, which got continuously expanded by the creators. By the end of it all, it was a hodge-podge of different races, magic schools and some rudimentary RPG mechanics, though all of it was played freeform anyway. The clique of moderators was prone to causing drama over the pettiest of things, making it more like their own little sandbox than a public forum. I left right after the drama reached me. It was one big trash fire lol, but I've met some good online friends on there, a couple of which actually turned into longstanding RL friends.
My first ERP forum was House of Eros. Though the first I can remember rping was in school in a notebook back and forth ^^;
My first forum was GaiaOnline, though my first RP-centric forum was Coloholics Anonymous, and my first ERP permitting forum was LAW.
I started a million years ago by stumbling onto the old White Wolf (Vampire: The Masquerade) html chats. I just jumped right in with a character, THEN I realized there were like... books and rules and stuff. Hah. Anyways, the fast/active chat style is what I grew up on as a roleplayer, and it still affects my preferences, now (fast-paced shorter posts), but I've had to adapt to this 'new' forum style. Also, that environment was NOT about spewing inner monologue and character history prose. Beyond that all the other vampires would use it against you, it was impolite to hog everyone's screen with a novella, if your active partner in the room would even wait that long before moving on to another character that was responsive.

Just imagine clicking the Refresh button every 30 seconds to see if your partner has responded...
What was your first roleplaying forum?

I just remembered my first: FFVIII Kingdom Forums from 2004 where I first learned how to type and roleplay. The amount of posting and typing I did there helped me type faster and more accurately than school ever taught me. Now it's become a skill and an asset in my daily life as we continue into this world of advanced technology.
Lol, this one! And a small handful of others, but shhh they don't count right now. I already feel like my horizons have expanded :>
First one of note was a MSN Group. I believe it was called Norwood, for AD&D 2nd edition. I had a lot of fun there with many characters in a variety of games. I even had a character for the general board, the town of Norwood.
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