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Pantsless Pirates [IC]


Jun 21, 2015
The seas are calm today. You are currently on route to a meeting with Damnation, one of the largest vessels in the Barington seas. The Damnation is run primarily by tieflings, orcs, and goblins-species that weren't the best regarded even before the Anslan Hegemony took over. They've formed a strong community amongst themselves, though are rumoured to be consorting with sea-devils, sahuagin, and other manner of bad omens.

The Captain has asked you to meet her soon, before the Highwind meets with the Damnation. She's currently in her quarters, handling something personal, and will be ready within the hour to speak to you.

For now, you've a bit of time to yourself. Aaron, dressed in his favorite loincloth, is for once not hard at work. Rashaa has convinced him to take it easy for a bit, and the two are sunning themselves on the upper deck. Tabby is up in the riggings, checking them over and enjoying the climbing time. Nasaar is belowdecks, enjoying his pastime of counting coins; and Alshshay is in the same general area, cleaning her tools.
Helena had climbed up into the crow's nest and was currently sat up there. She had a spyglass tucked in her belt and was supposedly watching for the Damnation. In reality her eyes were half lidded and she was enjoying the day. The warm sun, sea breeze, and the blue abyss all around her. It was... poetic. Once in a while she glanced down, seeing the crew scurrying like ants beneath her, but for the most part she was happy to just watch the ocean.
Nanbako meanwhile was below deck, carefully taking what looked like an ordinary glass bottle and dusting it off. An array of equipment laid out before her as she worked to clean the specimen before her. It may be a bottle from the personal caches of one of the pirate lords of old. Or it may be just a regular bottle she bought for too much. The results of of her cleaning would determine if she was going to break that seller's legs back at port and toss him into the water. Or buy some more stuff off him. The Tabaxi hummed to herself ignoring the sound of scurrying on the deck quite content to focus on her own interests for the time being.
Zahn Cragscale

With the sun coming down like that, Zahn decided that it was a good day for fishing. So, of course, he took out the buoy, the rope, the reinforced fishing line for shark fishing, the butchered bait bits, the chum for the waters and his regular pole fishing equipment to another side. The fishing line attached to the buoy, which in turn got attached to the reinforced fishing rope, which finally was anchored to one of the many holds for the extra rigging holds for the sails of the boat or for external rigging or nets.

The bait was readied on the wicked, steel barbed hook and the buoy cast out, Zahn checked that everything held nicely, before he prepared his regular fishing equipment to cast out and fish on the side, as he kept an eye on the buoy. Leaning against the wooden railing that stopped crewmembers from simply walking off the deck of the ship and fall into the waters, was Zahn's moon-touched longsword as well as his trident.

Lazily, he flicked the thick bamboo pole that he was fishing with, hoping to entice a sea critter to take a nibble and swallow the hook. As he fished, he hummed a song to himself.

"The King and his men ~ stole the Queen from her bed ♪ and bound her in her bones ~ the seas be ours and by the powers ♫ where we will we'll roam ~"
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Onboard the Highwind, one could say Joy Pleasance serves a lot of crew duties on an ad hoc basis. It would more accurate, however, to say she serves a lot of its crew on an ad hoc basis. Considering it her goddess-given duty to bring pleasure to the world, she has made her "free use" status clear to her crewmates: at any time, they may use her to relieve their sexual desires. Thus is not only Joy's responsibility, but also her privilege, as the kind goddess that so blessed her birth also gifted her with eternal readiness for such duty. Pleasure is best shared, after all, and such is Her wisdom that no one enjoys - or needs - Joy's service more than the aasimar herself.

That is not her only duty, of course. She also serves in battle or disaster, soothing pain and inflaming courage. Pleasure is life, as Joy learned in the church. It is for pleasure that we live, and by pleasure that we love our lives and each other. We remain in this world to receive pleasure and gift it to others. May she be praised.

But those are all ad hoc duties. Incredible as it sounds, there are times when no one on the crew wants to enjoy Joy's body and no crisis requires her magic. Those times call instead for more mundane chores to keep the ship afloat. These times are most challenging for Joy, as she's spent most of her life as a priestess and only recently pledged service to Captain LaFleur, so her skills as a sailor as rather lacking. Still, she makes herself useful where she can.

And that's why she's currently trying to swab dried gull scat off the ship's deck.

The task is deceptively difficult, as the dry scat clings too stubbornly to the deck for the aged mop and seawater to dislodge it. After several seconds of ineffectual swabbing, Joy instead transfers the mop to her left hand and extends her right palm towards the mark.

"In Her name," she says firmly, "may this filth be cleansed and the Highwind's beauty renewed!"

In seconds, her magic finally scrubs the scat off the wood, with the remainder easily caught by the mop. Joy wipes down the deck, then dunks the mop into her bucket and continues on to the next section of the deck.
Zahn feels a nibble, or so he thinks, and yanks his rod! As he pulls it up, he manages to catch only air, though he can see some fish near where the hook was... Mocking him.

You all continue your current tasks, but before long, Captain Sasha comes out of her quarters. She's dressed in her tricorn hat, tunic and britches, and black shoes-nothing unusual there. "I'm ready," she announces loudly, and you make your way to meet her.

She gestures you into a huddle, where she can speak and not be overheard by the rest of the crew. "The Damnation is trading some of their antiquities for the cargo we relieved from the shipment recently. Nasaar and Aaron will be handling that," she tells you. Nasaar and Aaron handling cargo is a common occurrence, with Aaron's muscles and Nasaar's mathematical brain ensuring things go well. "I'll be with them, making sure it goes well. But your job is to find out how accurate the rumours are-I'd normally have just disregarded them as bigotry against their kinds, but I've heard the same rumours from people I trust, not just strangers; and even a member of the Damnation. This member, Sin Tent, has arranged for you four to be given access to the wider ship-nominally to see if any of the Highwind's improvements could apply to their ship."

"I expect, of course," she continues, "for this to be done with care and secrecy. If we're lucky, you'll be able to confirm there's no truth to it, and we'll be on our merry way. If not... We'll have to consider actions."
Zahn Cragscale
Zahn continued to hum the song to himself, as he fished to pass the time.

"♫Yo ho, haul together ♪ Hoist the colors high ~ Heave ho, thieves and beggars ♫ Never shall we die♪"

His hand twitched a moment too quick and the hook missed the chance: a small fish that would have made for a good snack nevertheless slipped away, leaving the hook of his fishing pole without bait. With a self-deprecating chuff, the lizardfolk pulled his line out of the water and got to preparing another cast. His humming and hobby was interrupted when the captain called out and the crew assembled.

As he brought his two bundles of fishing gear slung under each arm, he noticed Joy's cleaned deck area and praised with his usual, paced intonation. "Good work, my friend."

His head inclined a bit, eyes closing in what humans could approximate for a simple, close-mouthed 'smile' due to the natural shape of the lizardfolk's skull and muscle. It was pure happenstance that his maw looked to be, at all times, smiling faintly: an appearance that was emphasised by the maw inclined downwards at a certain angle.

So, he smiled at Joy and found his eyes drifting downwards briefly, before he pried his head to tilt slightly upward again. And so, he would have accompanied Joy to where the captain meant to meet, unless she objected.

He naturally greeted Helena, Nanbako and any of the other crewmates that were gathered for the quick heads-up. As he listened to Sasha explaining their task, Zahn hooked his right hand with the thumb on the inside of a huge rope belt that kept his cotton harem pants nicely around his waist and legs.

"Are Sahuagin abducting people for their god and more seafiends?"

He asked, as he remembered recently hearing tales of sea elves and merfolk raided by the shark-kin, abducted to become slaves, playthings or broodmothers.
"I don't know-or, at least, I don't know if they're doing it with support from anyone on the Damnation," Sasha says. "That's what your mission is about, after all."
Helena had been last into the huddle, having had to climb down from the crow's nest. That, and she hadn't heard the first call being rather out of it. She let out a loud yawn, and grinned to the others as she joined them. She wore a soft, white shirt that opened rather low, a brown vest that only accentuated that particular situation, soft trousers the same colour as her vest, and thigh high black leather boots.
"Scout out the ship, talk the knickers off them, see if they be takin' people aye?" she asked, recapping the mission to make sure she knew what they had to do. "And dinnae let them cotton on ta that while we're at it." she added.
Nanbako reluctantly set down the bottle when she heard the call out for her. The Tabaxi woman made her way to the shipdeck closing her eyes and grumbling as the sunlight hit her harder than she wanted. Getting into the huddle with the captain, the Tabaxi's eyes lit up at the mention of antiquities. "Ooh ooh! Did they mention what era they came from? Or civilization? I wanna study them." Nanbako declared a bit too loudly in her excitement before the mission was explained. The Tabaxi's ear's flattened on her head in annoyance saying "I hate stuff like this. Just simpler to punch people and sort through things later. Long as Tymora is on our side, it will all work out in the end." she added.

"But ill play along. Find out whats going on and dont let them know what we think is going on until we know whats going on." Nanbako said sagely though it made little sense.
"Not just what, but who," your captain tells you. "I highly doubt that, even if some of them are malicious, that all of them are. But, since the mission is clear, feel free to return to whatever you'd like before we arrive."

The meeting with the Damnation is still about six hours away. You've got time-what will you do to fill it with?

If you'd like to enjoy the hours with RP, that's good.
If you'd like to just move on to the Damnation, that's also good.
Just lemme know. :)
Joy looks up at Zahn as he compliments her work. Swabbing the decks is no impressive feat, but she is nonetheless flattered by his compliments - those given by his tongue and his eyes both.

"Thank you, Zahn!" She smiles back at him warmly and places her hands on her chest. After a moment, they fall away, sliding over her breasts before they lose contact. "I'm still getting used to sea life, but it's easier with your kindness. May She smile upon you."

By no means does Joy object to Zahn's escort; indeed, as they huddle close, she presses her body against his. One arm lays across his muscular back, keeping the huddle tight, and her fingers absently trace his scars as she takes in Captain Sasha's instructions.

"Don't worry, Captain!" she says eagerly. "You can rely on me! I promise I'll find some way to get a view of their most private bits."

I'd love to engage in some character building before we get to the Damnation, but if everyone else wants to get right to the action, I don't want to hold anyone up.
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Zahn Cragscale / Warning: non-human anatomy
As they walked, Zahn put his arm around Joy, letting his rough palm lean against her side and hip. Strangely, even with this day being a 'rest day' for Zahn, his arousal got the better of him: his bulky pants got tighter as his cloaca parted to let his tapered member out.

He did not have further questions for the captain or the rest of the crew: his thoughts were his own and kept drifting into a certain, lust-fogged direction despite his attempts at reigning in his desires.

Thankfully, he calmed down a little bit during the captain's pow-wow and the strain of his trousers was not very pronounced when the crew broke up again. Even better, no one had approached Joy at that moment, so he ambled over. "Your excitement affects me more than usual. Can I… rely on you?"

His clawed paw quested onward, trying to get a good squeeze of the redhead's dérriere, which could have easily been avoided. But it made his intention to rut her into a puddle extraordinarily clear.
Nanbako.jpg Nanbako placed her hands on her hips as the group dispersed. Though her felines eyes drifted over to Zahn for a few moments before she walked over to the railing of the ship and looked out onto the sea. "Mmm antiquities. I wonder if there might be something from one of the ancient Civilizations nearby. So many ruins under the sea. Maybe some gold jewelry belonging to a queen. Or platinum piercings of a royal concubine." Nanbako said reaching up to shamelessly give herself a grope.

The Tabaxi had little regard for what others thought. More focused on her own swaying interests to care much. It was both a blessing and curse for the punchy feline.

Still, now she was excited to see what it was they brought aboard. The missing people rumor would need to be verified or dispersed. The sooner they did, the sooner she got to look at what they got.
The hours are whiled away, and as the sun lowers near the horizon line, the Highwind comes next to the Damnation. The two vessels are temporarily secured to one another, the Highwind feeling rather small in comparison to the vast size of the Damnation.

Captain LeFleur gestures Aaron and Nasaar forward with the cargo, and calls to the other ship. "We're gonna need a steadier platform to get these across!"

One of the people on the other side, a tall and well-muscled orcish woman, responds. "Give us a little time-we usually see cargo unloaded on starboard, not port."

"No, don't worry," Sasha tells them. "I'll send my few that Mr. Tent and I talked about onboard, then we'll take the Highwind to starboard."

You make your way to the other ship, which quickly is unmoored from your own. The Highwind starts to make her way around the Damnation, and you're left away from your own crew. The woman introduces herself. "Orns Greff," she says. "Sin was belowdecks, last I saw of him."

"Not anymore!" a tiefling says, his skin a deep reddish purple. He stands about five and a half feet tall, with small horns and black hair. "Sin Tent, at your service. Orns, you'll probably want to go starboard to greet them again?"

The orc nods. "Right," she says, and walks off.

Sin looks to you all, seeming a little out of breath. "Sorry-I was caught with some research, but I didn't want to miss you."

"Your excitement affects me more than usual. Can I… rely on you?"
"Zahn!" Joy turned towards the lizardfolk sharply. "How can you ask me that?"

She pressed herself against him, her chest against his - or as close as she could, regarding their different heights. "You may always rely on me, Zahn. It is my reason for being; my purpose in life. Your question is a kindness, but unnecessary."

Her head leaned forward, her eyes closing, until her lips touched his skin. "You are very beautiful to me, and your pleasure is precious. I am always thankful to share it with you."

"Good evening, Ms. Greff!" Joy bows mildly at the waist before the orc, hands folded in front of her, her biceps pressing her breasts together and accentuating her cleavage. She pauses at the nadir of her bow, positioned to give the orc a view down her shirt, before straightening up. "I am Joy Pleasance. Thank you for welcoming us onto the Damnation. In Her name, I promise to be as gracious a guest as I can. Please do not hesitate to tell me how I can lighten the burden of you or anyone else on your crew."

She straightens up and smiles, then waits patiently as they are passed from Orns to Sin. After Orns leaves, Joy mirrors the bow towards him. "Don't be sorry, Sin Tent! It's my pleasure. Will you be guiding our tour?"
Nanbako made her way across the plank to The Damnation with a hop in her step. Looking to the orc she grinned saying "I just gotta know about where you found the stuff. Unless its supposed to be a secret. I can work with just a general area though." she said excitedly. Wanting to get at the relics before her attention was taken to the tiefling that joined them on deck. The Tabaxi woman frowned and sighed.

"Right, this whole thing." she muttered to herself. Denied her desire for ancient artifacts, she looked to Joy. "You really are all aboard for this tour huh?" she commented.
"For the first part at least, yes," Sin replies. "I won't be leading you the whole way through. To start, I'd like to show you something at the bottom of the ship-a little temperamental invention of ours."

You follow the tiefling towards one of the entrances to belowdecks, and as you start going down some stairs, he talks in a hushed tone. "After I show you the invention, you'll be handed off to someone else. I don't know which one of them, but they're the group that I'm more than a little weary of. Keep your eyes and ears sharp."

You pass through a mess hall, where Sin points out a few amenities, waves to a few friends, and finally, leads you down a ladder to the lowermost deck. There, you can see a whole mess of cogs and gears and wires and flywheels and all sorts of other contraption materials. "This," Sin says with a bit of pride, "is what lets the Damnation last so long away from ports. If we relied on hardtack and preserved rations, we'd've starved a long time ago. It works to collect fish, sea plants, aetheric substrate, and a few other things besides. It stores there," he gestures to part of the machine, "and we're able to collect it and sort it as appropriate."
Zahn Cragscale
After six hours, spent fucking, eating and just working on the things that needed to be done to approach another vessel without crashing into it, Zahn finally went to meet with the Captain, who had been waiting to speak with the representative doing the same on the Damnation.

Without hesitating, Zahn went over the gangway that connected the two ships, with a polite nod to greet Orns Greff. Immediately after, she was politely interrupted by the tiefling who was, by all appearances, going to show them around. He seemed to be open and honest enough, for a pirate and introduced himself as Sin Tent.

Zahn reassured the man: "Do not worry, you are punctual still." And, immediately after, he introduced himself politely, with a nod of acknowledgement: "Call me Zahn Cragscale. It is good to meet you, Sin Tent."

Zahn remained behind Joy, Nanbako and Helena, given that he was tall and broad-shouldered: he did not want to block them from seeing, after all. And if it gave him a better view of his fellow sailors, who would gainsay him? Watching them go was never going to get old, he figured.

"Are we only touring the ship? Is that why another person takes over, later? Or are we guests, coming and going places that guests can see?"

Zahn asked, as curiosity for the machinery below deck was clearly lacking: he had no head for such things, as he was no artificer. Instead, he asked about the current state of being: after all, there was quite the difference between being tourists, guided hither and yon under the vigilant eyes of the guide and being simple guests, with restricted access to the places guests of their status had access to.
"Damn, was hopin' the pretty'n would stay. Dinnae suppose she's seein' anyone?" Was the first thing Helena said as Orns left to go about her business. She'd been rather busy enjoying the view until that moment."'Tis good ta meet you Sin." She added with a charming smile. "Indeed, ye would nae want ta leave us on such a nice ship unguarded." She said, shooting sin a playful wink.

Helena was quiet as she followed Sin down. Her eyes wandered around, appreciating the craftsmanship of the Damnation. She nicked a quick bite to eat when they got to the mess hall. When they got to the contraption, she whistled quietly.
"Bloody 'ell... that is a thing o' pure beauty. How does it work then? And who the bleedin' hell came up with it?" She asked. She walked up and ran a finger over the machine, feeling the metal as it whirred and worked. Obviously she kept her hands away from the bits that looked like they could remove them.
"I was the main designer, but plenty of very intelligent folk live here on the Damnation. Everyone did what they could," Sin replies. "We've got some documentation on how it operates-I'd be happy to show you! Though, uh, it's not in this area. We keep the parchment away from the water as best we can."

As he talks, his back to the entrance, it opens again. In comes a human man, heavily scarred and tattooed. "Bragging again, Sin?" he asks.

Sin objects, saying "It's well-earned pride, not bragging! But, ah, he'll be guiding your next part of the tour of the vessel. This is-"

"Henry Tort. I introduce myself, thank you very much," Henry says. "Enough looking at the machines, there's more to see."

"I'll make sure you get a chance to see the parchments later. Er, good luck with the rest," Sin says.

Henry waves you over and climbs back to the second from lowest level of the ship. "Bloody egotist, that one. Always going on about whatever he thinks he's discovered."
Nanbako kept with the group listening as Sin explained about the ship. Though she had little interest over all. Still, a few things here and there caught her attention. And once they arrived at the machine, it certainly caught the curious Feline's attention. "It collects all that? How does it work? Does it pick out those things specifically or just take in a bunch of stuff and only collect what you want?" she asked. It was something new, and that alone earned Nanbako's attention as she bent over examining a few of the cogwheel mechanisms.

Looking over her shoulder at Zahn, the Tabaxi grinned and gave herself a little wiggle. "Very interesting machinery yes?" she teased. Having a bit of fun before a large heavily scarred man entered. Looking to the man introduced as Henry Tort. "Its really interesting though. " The Tabaxi replied as she reluctantly moved to follow him. Looking over to Helen she said "I wonder if we could replicate something of a smaller scale on our ship."
Zahn Cragscale
Helena's words had Zahn nod in agreement: he had a small preference for the orc woman over the tiefling that led them, but he wouldn't verbalise it outright. Then, Nanbako asked him cheekily about his thoughts on 'the machine' and Zahn 'smiled' back. "I can not help but become excited." He responded, honestly, though he had just finished up with Joy a few hours back: it would take a lot more to get his engine going again.

Especially with how disciplined he was, usually, in abstaining from intercourse for about two days after his latest dalliance.

Soon after he had shown them the resource-churning machine, Sin left the group in the hands of Henry Tort. The human led the group away and Zahn followed along.

Zahn did not say anything, but listened with an ear to the words of their guide: his biggest concern was the safety of his comrades, so he kept a cautious eye on their surroundings, though not to the point to indicate that he expected the other crew to jump them. He did not want to anger them needlessly.
Henry takes you through the ship's inners, heading for the back of the Damnation.

So, quick note on how I do ability checks. Spoiler below is Insight DC 8. There will be higher DCs nested within that spoiler, so even if your Passive is good enough to get that 8 (as it probably should be) there's still reason to roll.

Henry feels a lil' skeevy.

You notice that a lot of the folk who you pass by seem to not be a big fan of Henry.

The way he talks, it's clear he views people as tools to be used, rather than people to be respected.

Henry moves you quickly past a few doors.

The doors he hurried you past have immaculately clean flooring near them.
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