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Pantsless Pirates [OOC]

Zahn, gimme a fishing check.
Dexterity or Wisdom, with proficiency if you have proficiency in something like fishing.
With regards to Sahuagin, can we say that due to his former home Zahn knows that they are a people of Shark-folk who worship their bloodthirsty, evil shark-based deity? Or should I roll for it? If so, what should I roll?
You can know that, no roll needed.

As a general note, I prefer player characters to be competent. Generally, I'll be erring on the side of "You know that/can do that/are good at that."
I'd prefer to get to the action, but if everyone wants shenanigans then I'll happily go for that
I have no preference at the moment.

For fun, I decided to roll a CON save to see if Joy getting so close to Zahn to tease him would arouse him despite his self-imposed rest-day with a DC of 10. I rolled a 2!
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Alright, I'll give Penny till tonight to reply with a vote for either going forward or shenanigans.
If there's not vote from 'em by then, I'll move us to the Damnation.
I've got half a post ready but I'm waiting to see what Penny and Zazutobi wanna say or do since I don't want to leave them behind.
Got my rolls but was giving others an opportunity. My luck remains impressively bad.
Let me put it like this. Im using my passive for perception. Because otherwise id just have to cry.
Ah. I should say this:

When I call for an Active or Passive check, it's one or the other.
For this roll, I'll let you use Passive even if you already rolled an active check, since I didn't make that clear, but in the future, if you roll, you forfeit your chance to use Passive.
Got it, I at least passed one check then. I rolled a 3, and then a second 3 for both checks.
I got a 17 total insight and 15 total perception, so things are pretty funky. But I'm waiting for the other PCs before moving forward.

Either way, Zahn does not have ways to sneakily investigate stuff: he is much more the Hulk, than Natasha Romanoff. I think that is pretty clear though.

Since he is anything but sneaky and charismatic, my resident brick house wants to approach this 'investigation' differently: he'll plant himself where he won't hinder the efforts of the people who are actually sneaky and charismatic and be a big diversion. And only passively absorb information as he 'performs'. The performance being armswrestling, wrestling, regular old-fashioned fisticuffs or an orgy, depending on how lewd the pirates are.
Sorry for my absence! I had an eensy weensy personal emergeensy that precluded posting on BMR, but I'm back now!

I'll also be unavailable over the Easter weekend, but that's because I'll be visiting family.
Sorry for my absence! I had an eensy weensy personal emergeensy that precluded posting on BMR, but I'm back now!

I'll also be unavailable over the Easter weekend, but that's because I'll be visiting family.
That's okay. If possible, let us know when that happens (so thank you for mentioning the Easter unavailability) but I get that emergencies happen.

Hope it's all resolved now! :)
It's good now, no worries! 😌 It just didn't leave any time for posting. I still should have made the time to let everyone know, though. Sorry!
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