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Tales of Night Owl City (Zellsantal and Ethereal)


Dec 9, 2012
Saint leaned back at his set with a bottle at hand. He sat in a booth alone in a bar called Nightingale, a place where mercenaries or mercs as most called like him hangs out and waiting for a new job. His fixer, another world for street agent. They are the ones that make jobs for street mercs like himself who's always looking to earn some credits. Saint's attention went to the tv and listening as it gives and small history about what happen two hundred years ago. The world was on a technical break through with both A.I. and robotics but something happen and World War three came about. Nuclear bombs were used left and right and before you know it half the world been nuked. Only a hand full of cities and land outside of it weren't caught in the blasts and slowly rebuilding. It been said there's lost tech or information of some tech that could help fix the damages done but none have been found yet or some governments are keeping it for themselves for the time being. In the meantime, the people did what they could to survive and make what they have livable.

However, it didn't turn out to be roses and sunshine. It was a fight for power. In order to keep order the Crops of the city banned together for a short time and took over Night Owl City or as most call it Owl City. The problem they faced was there were too many gangs and chaos in the streets. So, to prevent an all-out war within the city itself and bring back some order the Crops made deals with a few of the gangs. These set gangs were given areas of the city for themselves as long they keep order. In other words as long, they don't cause trouble to anyone's turf or too much it would affect the Corps they have free rein to do what they want. In doing this order was restored and everything was alright. For a time anyways until other gangs started to form and others in the shadows trying to bring down the Corps. So that's when guys like Saint were made. In order to keep a war from happening they hire Mercs to do odd jobs, some for getting information in any way they can to killing someone in a known area. Mercs are used as a middleman to do any dirty work. Even law enforcement hires them from time to time to do things that's out of their hands or to bust someone doing illegal activities. Being a merc though is not a walk in the park for you could be killed or even face another merc. Not to say can't work out something for each other but doesn't always work that way. The pay is good but life of a merc can also be short if not carful.

Saint's fixer is named Broker, the man doesn't want to show his face or give out his real name. Though Saint met him face to face a few times, so he knows what the looks like but didn't get into detail of his personal life. They both have a good understanding and trust for years. That being said they agreed not to screw with each other and have worked closely without problems. Broker told him someone would come to him today and so he waited at his normal spot when he comes here in Nightingale. If one looks at him, they would see a man in his late thirties or early forties. Jeck black hair with ember eyes with one scar across his left eye. Shirtless other than a leather vest which showed off a black tattoo that seem to be across his back and shoulders of his white tanned skin. He also looked to have a mid-muscular and well fit body. While Saint waited, he went ahead and called up for another beer. He wonders if his new job would show up or would he have to call Broker and say this person was a no show.
Mina Would be someone considered auto place anywhere but today she was dressed like she wanted to blend into the crowd with her black latex and bright pink jacket using a hat thinking it was a great cover hiding her longer hair. Now she looks like a typical club goer which is what she was striving for. Normally she would never get caught in a place like Nightengale. Her father would not have let her go anywhere near such a joint. That was precisely why she chose it no one would look for her here. But that was not why the only reason she was here she heard there was a man here who could help her. With all of her research every name came up as someone named Saint. She really had no idea what he looks like but they always said he was constantly here. That was all hearsay but she had to try.

This was not her world. Mina Was born into privilege and power this was not a safe place for her especially with her father’s men looking for her. What she had within her with something that was known as a game changer. Within her wealthy blood she had a high class level of nano bots that she could control on her own without someone from the outside. She was a major breakthrough especially for someone who wanted bio weapons. That was the reason why she ran she was tired of being an experiment and being project zero. She owed her life but there’s no way she could live under her father’s iron thumb.

She made her way to the bar and ordered a drink she at least had money that was not a concern she just didn’t want to flash I need big amounts around and now she said at the bar she would look around to see if anyone looked like they could help her and noticing A shirtless man she thought maybe she hit a jackpot and she took a deep breath and a shot of her drink before she would stand up again and start walking over. She managed to get a secure email out to a man who called himself Broker. She was not stupid enough to use her real name so she called herself Kiseki. It was kind of funny choice for name since meant miracle. But honestly that was what she was.

It took all of her nerve to walk over as she pulled the cap of her hat over her eyes. Taking a deep breath the clacks of her heels could slightly be hurt but not too loud. She was dressed like she belong to the red light District with all the latex cleaning to her very slim body. What she did was slide into the booth on the opposite side of this shirtless vision. At first she did not say her name but she sat in silence for a few seconds before she would say. “ Booker made this appointment are you him?” She didn’t say her name or handle yet she wanted to see his reaction before she would say anything further because anything she said could be held against her if she got into any details but for now she had to make sure he was who she was supposed to meet and if you knew the name Booker and her name handle Mina Would know she was in the right place.
It was a few minutes before the meeting and yet to see anyone coming to his booth. He was about to call Broker until a woman came over and sat across from him. He wasn't worried if someone came to try to kill him, for anyone trying to start a fight in Nightingale would be a stupid move. Not only he has his weapons, but she would have mercs all over the place on her ass. Though there have been times some customers would talk to the wrong merc, however what she said got his interest and believe this is who he's waiting for. he looked her up and down to get a good look of who is Infront of him. Saint had to say she didn't look bad at all. By what he could tell she is of a high-class woman of a sort. The way she walked and looked for that matter he could tell she wasn't some middle-class woman. But something else he notices, she looks much younger than himself.

Saint only hopes this wasn't some prank or some lover's spat. God he hated those but then again, he knew Broker wouldn't have send such jobs to him. But still some people can be crafty son of bitchs. He heard her question as he took a swig of his bottle "Well that depends. If you mean the Broker and your name is Kiseki then yes, I am your guy." he said and put the drink down. "I hear you need protection of a sorts. So why don't you fill me in what you want and go from there."
She gave him a good look over when she sat down and said to drink again. It was easy to notice she was on edge but she was doing a good job of trying to hide it. Mina was pretty well dressed for someone in this area. “Seems like I have the right person then. Broker highly recommended you.” She kept her voice very low. He knew her name handle so she knew that there was no mistake. The last thing she wanted to do was look conspicuous in a place like this. To be honest she was probably failing since she looked too well put together to belong here.

“Protection yea….” The way she looked around it was almost as if she was looking for someone to pop up out of the background. “I’m assuming since broker recommended here it’s safe to talk. Do you know Crysto corp?” She asked but she did not wait for an answer. What she did was slide over a photo of a man that kind of resembled her. “Do you know him?” That was kind of a loaded question in itself because so many people knew him and his great contribution to society. “This is my father and he can’t find me. Not now not ever do you need any more information or will they suffice?” With how low she was talking he could tell she was terrified. Kiseki wasn’t sure if you would take the case but what you slide over an envelope stuffed with credits. She was desperately hoping he would not make her explain and just maybe would take her case.
Saint listen and watch how this young woman was acting. Clearly new to this type of thing and very cautious for that matter. Not a first time someone like here came to him and needing a bodyguard for a time. Really, he didn't mind it much for the pay been always good. On top of that she seems like a cute girl too. "Yes, this place is safe, no one will try to kill you or take you until you about a hundred feet away from the front door of the place then you have to be careful. So just relax" he said but when she mentions Corp that got his attention. It didn't matter which Corp, you had to be careful how you do business with any members or even their boss's because they could very well fuck you over at the very last minute. Or if you're against one you could very well be on their kill list. Saint was about to answer but instead she already gets a picture out. Only to be surprised that this man was her father, and she doesn't want daddy to find her.

Fuck me, it's one of these! He Thought to himself. A kid of some head of the Corp or someone in those lines wanting to get away from their parents only to have the hired help to be their shield. A lot of times they don't give much information at first because they feel it would be embarrassing. But after a short time or something happens, they would spill the beans and most of the time they just want to get away from their parents, prove something to them, or just trying to run away. Either way it means he's pretty much playing baby sister. "For now, that's enough info, I don't get into other's business. However, if I end up being attacked by Crop's enforcers or agents and depending how many I will expect to know why they are after you. Because that alone will up my pay requirements. That being said I also expect half my payment now and the rest after the job is done. If a ongoing contract I do expect payment after amount of time starting today. Is that far enough because if it's not then you might have a better luck with someone else." he said and see how she reacts.

He knew the girl was scared shitless just by the look in her eyes and her actions alone. Then again Owl city is full of crazy mother fuckers that will kill you if you look at them funny. Part of him wanted to just leave it alone but then again, he never turns a job down and he wasn't going to change that now. If anything, the pride of a pro merc kept him from backing down the job. "So then, what do you plan to do or rather what is it you want other than protection? Are you trying to leave the city?" he asked.
Mina was on edge just bring in a place like this. Her father would’ve never let her get this far, but the moment she had a chance she ran. She ran far with more than what she should have in untraceable credits. She thought for a moment that she was in the clear until he mentioned needing to know why she was running. Her face went a shade of pale when he mentioned that if she didn’t offer more information she’d have to get someone else. “I can’t get anyone else…you’re the best at it….” Mina continued before taking a deep breath and laying her hand palm up on the table.

“I can’t tell you but I can show you. Got a knife?” Her voice was soft as if others were listening. “If you need proof I’ll show you. Once you see you’ll understand why I need to just disappear. Don’t worry. I won’t scream. I’ll bleed but get a knife and slice my palm. I swear I’m not some rich brat looking for an exciting life or risks. You’ll understand once you see for yourself. If you don’t want to help me after I get it….I just have no one else to turn to….”
Saint rose a brow; he wasn't sure what this woman was playing at, but it interests him. So, for now, he'll play along. "Alright." he said and pulls out a small knife for her and head it to her. She didn't answer his question about where they would go from there or what she plans to do anyways. Still, he wants to see what's she talking about. The merc leans back some and waits to see what she does. For all he knew she could be lying and try to pull some bullshit in front of him. Leaning back on his set and have a swig of his bear as he waits to see what she does.
His reaction was like many though when he handed her the knife she shrugged. “Don’t worry. I get it. Just watch.” Mina said taking the knife from him she’d look down at her hand and taking the pointy end from her thumb and sliced slowly from there to her pinky. She winced but didn’t scream as she sliced open a good bit as she began bleeding.

Most people when injured would just bleed out and for a few moments she did until what looked like mini dust mites sprung into action. Normally no one would see a thing but she caused a gaping injury and from the thumb those mini mites started to slowly close her open wound from start to finish leaving only the bit of blood on the table but it was like she had never been cut at all!

“I can’t be found. I need a new identity. New papers. A new life. I’ve never lived anywhere but here so I don’t know where to go. Can you help me or not?” Mina asked as she held out his knife if he wanted it back.
He watches the girl and almost right away he started to regrate giving her the knife. Not he cared if someone hurt themselves because it was their doing but still the way she did it was a bit over the top. He thought she was just going to cut the palm of her hand but instead it was a different type of cut. "What the fuck are you....." he was about the yell but then he sees it. He hands healing itself like there wasn't a wound there at all. It looked as if little bugs or something were at work but then nothing was there other than a blood stain. It wasn't just daddy issues, but he now realizes it's a new type of cyber wear. He frowns and take one hand rubbing his chin as the other takes the knife back.

"Helping is not the problem, though this will double price. You have an unknown cyber wear or tech that anyone could simply take it from your hands or however you did that. So, the main question would be what do you plan to do or rather where is it you want to go? If you're trying to run from your father, you have to have an idea where you want to go to be safe and well hidden. I have no problem doing the job and being your bodyguard, but it will be double then normal pay because the risk just got much higher. But it will give you a month and a half worth of protection form me. Unless you pay me again for the price that's how long I will be with you. Is that a fair deal and do you have any plans you can share to me?"
Hearing him say what the fuck made her huff slightly, but she didn’t get mad. It was a normal reaction for what she just did but she had no idea how else she could tell him usually people had to be shown something to believe it. Mina most definitely had daddy issues but it wasn’t the typical daddy issues he thought about.

“It’s not unknown. They’re nanobots And they’re mine. Cutting edge technology and I can control them. Normally it takes someone else to but I’ve had them for so long they are mine and mine alone.” That was all she would say she wouldn’t get into the details especially here but when he said he double the price she let out a deep sigh but shrugged and slid him over another envelope full of credits. For Mina right now that was not an issue she had credits. She just had no way out.

“ Ive never been outside of the city ever… I don’t know where to go I just need to get away from him before he…” she began to ramble but she stopped herself before she said too much. Anyone who knew her father knew he was persistent and now that he knew she had nano bots that she could control without someone behind-the-scenes things just got much worse. “I Need a new identity and I need some place to get away do you know somewhere anywhere I just can’t be within the same city. I’m tired of being an experiment.” It was then she realize she said too much then zipped her lips. “If you can find me someplace safe to go I’ll triple whenever you want.” This stranger came prepared but she also knew her father and she hoped he could actually help her because every time she tried to get away she was dragged back kicking and screaming but this is the first time she actually went through with something elaborate and maybe she would actually be successful this time.

For now Saint did not know the exact parameters of her gift but he would eventually find out just not here in a bar.
Nanobots, yeah he knew about them. But never got into such tech before because he heard they are still buggy and haven't fully developed yet. Now he hears her next comment which fully make him aware of what's going on. Shes an experiment, worst of all her father is the one doing it to her or have it done to her. He hated those type of people, to use your own kids as lab rats just make some new take and make money. It was sick and inhuman. It was enough that he didn't want to let the girl down. Hearing what she wants it is indeed different than what he is normally do. However, he wasn't planning to turn her down. Not yet anyways. "Set here for a few minutes. I need to have a little chat with Broker. I'll do the job but have to make new changes and... well if you're going to be someone else, we need to find a Doc who can change your looks and find someone who can give you a new identity and we can go from there." he told her before getting up and walk out of the booth and away enough that he could be alone. He calls up the Broker.

"Yes Saint, did she show up?" Broker asked. "Yeah, and it's a bit more than what you said it would be." he said and then tells him what he found out so far. "I'm still taking the job, but we have to do some changes. I need to know where I can find someone that could help with the identity part and what to do with her from there." he said. The Broker pauses for a moment meaning he was thinking "It will take me some time, but for now keep her safe in the meantime. Something like this is bound to have her father's men after you. Might even be around just waiting to strike. Be carful Saint, other then that I will get back to you shortly." he said and with that both hang up. The merc went back to the booth "Alright Broker is working on getting some one to make a new identity. Do you have any ideas of what type of new life you want? As for the city. I can take you in another section where I live and keep you there for the time being. It's close to the out skirts of the city so not many other me there but again you will be staying only till we can agree where to take you. Is that fair enough?"
Mina at least knew he would believe her now. That was just the tip of the iceberg of what she could do. There was no way she could show everything she could do in this place it would raise alarm bells if she did. Having no idea what his reaction would be when he said give him a minute he wasn’t sure what to do but she nodded and agreed. Where else is she going to go this was the only person that she thought could help her. There are many people that knew that she was her fathers daughter but she was kicked out of the spotlight and now Saint but understand why she was kind of a mystery to the world. He would probably have no doubt that her father will want something that’s valuable back. The only question left was how would he do it. Considering the sensitive nature of his daughters gift he couldn’t just snatcher without causing a scene but he didn’t know she was not safe staying around the city in plain view.

But he took a minute to talk to Broker she would sip on her drink. Broker told her he was the best person for the job and she hoped that he was. A part of her was worried he wouldn’t even return for when he did the look of relief on her face was easily seen. Letting out a sigh of thank goodness he came back her attention was on him and listen to his question. “I… I didn’t think that far ahead I just had to get away. I’ve never even left the city. I don’t think I did when I was younger I went to different labs but I don’t remember where they are. Please don’t take me back to him.” Her final line sounded like she tried to get away before and it didn’t work and finally she found someone to actually take the job and go through with it and she was terrified he would change his mind. “To Be honest I didn’t expect to get this far but I just want a peaceful life I don’t want to live like this… I don’t want to be a prototype anymore. Do you think there’s life outside of the city?” Min asked but she didn’t expect an answer.

When he told her there’s a place to go she nodded once again. “ I’m willing to go anywhere he’s not. That’s fair enough what do I have to do?” At least he knew she was all aboard for his plan then again he could tell her any plan and she’d follow she was that desperate to get away that much was at least obvious.
Saint seen the fear in her eyes when she begged not to be taken back. "I'm not planning on taking you back unless its what you want. I don't betray my jobs unless there is no other choice. I rather look to all my options." he said and hear the rest of what she said. So, she didn't think she would get this far, which was fair really. Most people doing something like this have a hard time escaping Corps and gang leaders depending how deep they are with them. For Kiseki's case he has no doubt its deep shit and being part of some sort of lab rat... in truth he would help her even if the pay was low. He always hated the Crops that do crap like this to people. But to do it to their own kids... it just pisses him off. "Not sure what's really beyond Owl city. Its been my home all my life so can't say I can really leave. I've heard there is a few other citys then this one that weren't effected by the nukes. Though getting to another one is tricky. We would be on the road for weeks depending on where we are going. Unless we get some sort of sky car then that might make things go a bit faster."

"Well like I said let's head to my place and wait for the Broker. Maybe find some way. Though be on your guard. Your father's men might be outside waiting. I have a feeling you been fallowed so it wouldn't surprise me at the very least. If they are trying to hide while I deal with them." he said as he finish his drink and gets up once more. Come on, the car is outside. " He told her and start leading her outside. Once they were out of the bar itself, he would lead her a bit further down to the parking area where his red Javelina was parked. Looking around carefully to make sure no one would get the jump on them and so far there were no one around that he could tell but readies himself just in case.
When he said he wouldn’t take her back there was a wave of relief on her face that he could easily see especially since she wasn’t good at hiding her emotions. She looked like she was about to start crying when he said something that kind to her. “I can’t go back. I can’t I can’t take anymore of what he does to me.” Mina elaborate but the emotion in her voice gave him evidence that it wasn’t a good life she had. Her family was powerful and she was well-off but that did not buy happiness even though for many it did but for her it was a nightmare!

All she knew was Owl City her family traveled but she really didn’t go far especially with her condition. “ I think we traveled somewhere when I was younger but I can’t remember honestly all I know is here. I don’t care where I go as long as he doesn’t follow me or find me. No it’s a big ask I’ll pay what you want I’ll do what you want I don’t listen to whatever you say I just can’t be sent back to him. Please promise me that.” Her voice was shaking when she was asking and begging.

When he mentioned going to his place she nodded and she would follow him anywhere as long as she could stay under the radar. Saint Told her to be on her guard and she nodded as she followed him once her drink was finished out to see his car and she looked around but they had some sort of luck on their side and she wasn’t followed here. She couldn’t help but stare at the car it was really cool and she never seen one in real life she had been locked up for quite some time and kept behind gated walls so being on the outside was like a new experience for her and when they took a look around and make sure no one was looking they hop in.

“ do you need to blindfold me or something so I don’t know where I’m going?” Ask curiously because she would do anything she didn’t wanna put him in danger but she knew if she saw things maybe it would and she was willing to do anything to keep the person trying to help her safe.
"Don't worry, I gave you my word I wouldn't. Besides... I hate people who use humans as lab rats. So that's another reason you should trust me." he told her. There was a story there, but that a tale another time if she sticks around. Once both were in the car, he heard her question which made him look at her for a moment with a risen brow before he started to laugh. "No... no. It's not like my place is a secret or anything just hardly anyone comes around. That and the weapon turrets that I have all over the place to keep assholes away. Well, those that are not invited in." he told her as he starts driving. "Sorry, its not too rare I do jobs where I have to blind fold people, but it is a first someone asked for coming to my place. It's why I thought it was funny." he told her. He didn't know she would react to it but he did at least try to lighten the mood for the girl. By the look of her she needs relax or she might have a heart attack.

It's not he doesn't try to be social but hard to do when you're a merc, don't know who your friends are, who is out to kill you or back stab you for that matter. Though for people like her he could only imagine what she been through and if being in a lab most of her life... does that mean she never lived? Which brings up another question in mind. "You said before that you were always take back and such, does that mean you hardly know everything in Owl City or what is it you can tell me you know about. On top of that how were you able to contact the broker? Have your father talked to him a few times? I ask because the Broker is not a easy man to just get a hold of."
It was nice to hear him that he gave his word. Mina was so stressed and is showed. Once buckled in she’d look around the car excited to see something new. “I appreciate that. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could trust you but now I do…” she sounded hopeful for once. When he told her that she did not need a blindfold she nodded. The car started and they started their drive and even though he said she did not need a blindfold she wouldn’t look out the window and kept her head down. It felt strange for her to look around especially being outside of her home. It was very kind of him to talk to her and it did help but he could tell that even with that she was still scared of just about everything.

It was nice of him to make conversation and she would tell him anything he wanted to know. “Yes, that’s true I didn’t get out much. I found the number to my father and I took the chance to call. I had no idea what would happen. I begged and pleaded and I think he took sympathy on me. I wouldn’t know the number if it wasn’t for my father calling him.” No the pieces were falling into place on how she got his number because otherwise she would not have found a Broker at all. “ I’m listening to my father’s conversations and he sounded promising so I took the chance. I thought a chance to escape and I took it… I’m sorry….” Mina whimpered and even started sniffling. “ I didn’t have anywhere else to turn to…. I can’t go back….. I’m tired of paying and experiments…. i’ll do anything you ask….I promise.” She finally looked up and turned to him while driving.
"I get it, trust is a hard to come by. That's everywhere you go in this city for most are out for themselves. When your born in the streets like me you learn you have to rely on yourself alone first then earn the trust of others. I mean being kind and all is not a bad thing but here in Owl city it's done because someone wants something ninety percent of the time." he said though it feels like he's talking to a newbie to the city. Which in a way she is new to it all. She once again went on about not wanting to go back to her father or the lab for that matter. Which only shows how desperate she is. "I told you before, don't worry about going back. I don't play that game and besides like I said before I feel sorry for lab rats like you and rather help you out then return you if I can. Besides, a lovely girl like you shouldn't be caged up like that." he said. He knew he was flirting with a much younger woman then himself but that's fine with him. As long she is of legal age, he could flirt with anyone he wants.

"Anyways, that was pretty smart of you to do. Getting a hold of the Broker would be the best guy to talk to really. He's a good guy once you get to know him. He might sound like an ass sometimes, but he means well. Others would sell you out as if you were a piece of fresh meat." he said and drove them around. It was about that time he look at the time and notice it was eleven A.M. and figure it wouldn't be bad to grab a quick bit. "You hungry? I know of a place you might like unless there is some sort of food you're not into or can't have." he said as made a few more turns until they come across a place called Gold Horn Dinner. The logo on top showing of a bulls head with gold horn.
“It’s strange to see the city like this. I never been out like this before. Are people truly that cold out here?” She asked said after listening to him. “Beyond the walls of my home I imagined everyone being free and living how they dreamed of.” It sounded like Mina romanticized Owl City since she never saw the underbelly of it. Saint mentioned being born on the streets and how trust was hard to come by it was hard to imagine. “Do you have family?” Her curiosity got the better of her. “I have two elder brothers. They aren’t like me at all. Not lab rats….I’ve never been called that before…” the term made her look sad since it made her realize how sheltered she was. The sadness turned into a rather embarrassed looking blush when Saint complimented her calling her lovely. It caused her to become flummoxed and she managed to squeak out a small “T..t…thank you. I’ve never been called that by anyone except my father.” Mina confessed. She was of age at 18, albeit young and inexperienced, but the attention he gave her was enough to fluster his new client. “You’re lovely too.” Was she flirting? Yes though she didn’t realize it with no real experience with it.

“It was luck that my father left the number out. I wasn’t expecting Broker to help me. He walked me through my escape.” Feeling more comfortable with Saint her information was more forthcoming. There was still so much she didn’t tell him, but with how many credits she had Broker must have advised her to clean out a large account. When food was mentioned Mina perked up. “I’m starving! I’ll eat anything. I’ve never eaten out here.” Turning to the window to see the Golden Horn Diner. “It looks amazing!” She was very much like a tourist and this place looked safe for now as she waited for Saint to lead them in.
Once they park in the parking lot, he looks at her with a risen brow. "You have two brothers? Haven't your father try experimenting on them?" he asked though stops himself from getting too personal with her past. In his line of work worrying to much can get you killed. "No, I don't have any family. I was an orphan when I was young. Went to school and once I was old enough, I was kicked out and on my own. It's when I was found by a merc by the name of Rion Fisk. A very well-respected street mercery. he said I had a fire in my eyes, and he alone showed me the ropes of being a merc, heh he didn't make it easy for me but hey nothing in life is far." he said with a chuckle. Though he laugh when she said he look lovely too. " I think the right wording for males is handsome but still thanks for the compliment." he told her before getting out of the car and make sure to have her fallow him. He rather not have her out of his site until they get back to his place.

Once inside they would see the place looked to be a nice diner and many people inside enjoying their meals. "Well look who the cat dragged in! It been a while Saint, though some one finally iced your ass!" A dark-skinned man called over the counter. A older man with two cyber wear metal arms and flipping a few burgers. Saint grins "Not yet, still alive and kicking Jax. Just been a bit busy and all, but hey I am here now, and I brought someone with me too. Oh and before you even ask, no she is not my date or anything like that. She's just my new job right now." he said before having a set on a stool in the counter area. He then motions Kiseki to have a set as he looks over the menu. He hands it over to the young girl "Have a look and tell me what you would like. Though go with how much you can eat ok. Just don't be ordering like three different meals or anything like that."
It was fine for him to ask and Mina anything and when he asked about her brothers she was honest. “I’m the youngest and I wasn’t the healthiest when I was born. My brothers on the other hand were fine. My mom was really sick when pregnant with me. I think that’s when my father dove into his work. At least that what my brothers tell me. Whatever he did kept my mom and me alive. Sadly my mom died when I was seven. Her body didn’t take well to the earlier Nanobots but my body did. That’s when I started staying in lab more. It was fun at first, until it wasn’t…” Mina explained though not in full since it was a long story after all. Her focus fell on Saint when he started telling him about his past.

“Orphan? I’m sorry. I have no right to complain really after hearing that. Her face still held that blush though when he told her lovely was nice but handsome would be more appropriate she actually laughed and looked less stressed for a moment. “Handsome. That does suit you much better than lovely.” correcting her mistake before getting out of the car and following closely. When they went it Saint was already known by the staff. Mina gave a nod but didn’t talk only offered a wave. She would not go by her name out here for good reason so she was happy Saint only knew her handle for now…

Once Saint handed her the menu she looked it over. “They have tea right? I don’t even know what to order. I’m not sure what’s good. I can eat anything. Do you have a ladies room nearby?” Aiming her question at Jax. What she didn’t notice was that someone came into the place not after they did. The one tall male that was dressed to blend with long sleeves took a seat the the corner watching and waiting for the right moment with Kiseki not even noticing.
So, it seems there is more to her story then he thought. The best guess is her father tried saving both his wife and daughter with good intentions. But after the wife died, he lost all sense of being a good man. Being the nanos worked on Kiseki, her father started using her as a lab rat for his tech. A sad tale though she wouldn't be the first in this city. He didn't say anything else and chuckles when she couldn't decide what to have. "The lady's room is over there." Jax pointed. One she's gone Saint turned to dinner owner "Just get us two cheeseburger combos. We'll be on our way once we are done. " He told him.

Jax nodded as he stood over the counter on his side and looking at him "Hmm and here I thought it was your kid." he said. Saint gave his friend a risen brow "Dude when do I have time to raise a family. With the type of lifestyle, I have they would have to get use to the dangers around me. No way I am fit to raise a kid. Besides she's not that young, she looks old enough to take care of herself. Though don't mean she can't have a hired gun to give her a helping hand. " he said though deep down he didn't think she would be ready. The way they were talking in the car she knew nothing about the streets and how things work around the city. "The fuck!? Hey, you get away from that door!" Jax called out which got Saint's attention and turned to look. At the door to the lady's restroom was a man in a suit and glass's one. Just as the door open up it was Kiseki on the other side and the man right away grab her by the arm and pull her out.

Saint quickly got up form his set and drew his gun, as did the suited man, leaving both men in a stale mate. "Don't you dare do a gun fight in here! Or I will Ice both of you. Saint you know my rule, no fighting in my Diner! And you mother fucker! If you don't put that gun down and let that girl go, or I will personally ice you myself!" Jax yelled as drew his heavy shot gun ready. "This girl have gone missing a few days ago, I worked for her father and been looking for her ever sense. I mean no harm and only to so happen to see her here. I'm not sure to start a fight but just taking her back to her father." the man said. Saint did put down his gun and looking at the man "She don't look like she want to go with you. Let her go and let's take this outside." The man looked at both Saint and Jax with a shot gun pointed at him. Not having a choice he let go of the girl and raising his hand up while putting away his gun as well. "Fine we will take this outside." the man said and walked outside.
Kiseki was upfront and honest about everything especially since she really needed his help even though she didn’t tell him everything she told him what he needed to know. She was terrified of her father. When Jax pointed her in the direction of the restroom she stood up and nodded before making her way over. She didn’t even notice he was being followed that was how oblivious she was which was not a good thing to be when you’re running away.

Caught off guard when the man grabbed her hand she screamed bloody murder which she probably shouldn’t have done. It drew attention to the ladies room. Being dragged out Kiseki was too scared to struggle especially when they had guns and so did Saint! Jax Was vocal about not fighting in there and when the man let her go she ran over to Saint and stood behind him. There was no way in hell she was gonna go back to her father but when she managed to get away she would whisper to Saint:”Give me knife… I don’t want you to use a gun but I can stop them if you give me a knife trust me.” Kiseki Didn’t want anyone to hear that she wondered if Saint would believe her. Maybe he would but either way she did not wanna gun fight even though she would be fine she didn’t want him getting hurt the question was would he trust her?
Just before walking out the door Saint's arm was caught by the Kiseki. He turned to her and listened what she said though he gives her a small smile. "I know you want to help but that won't be needed. I don't need a gun to win a fight if I can help it. In this case I think I will be fine. Besides you hired me for protection. Might as well see what I can do." he said and walked on through. It wasn't he didn't trust her it's more like he didn't want her to do something stupid she would regret. By what he could tell she have no idea how to make deals or how to show you're not one to be fucked with. Once outside the door close and metal sliders came down the windows. Nearby was also a black van with two other well suited people standing next to it and started walking over when they saw them come out. Great two more add to the mix. Once further way from the diner Saint turned to the dressed man and the other two came up and be right behind him.

"I don't know what she told you, but she is no longer your concern. She is Mina Goto and her father Kazuo Goto is the head of Crysto Corp. Now you know who you are deal with I am sure giving her to us would be of your best interest." the man said. So at least he knows the girls real name but that's up her if she wishes to be called Mina or Kiseki. Either way both men were about ten feet across from each other. "Well, she goes by a different name so not sure if she might look like the one you're looking for. However, you did touch my client and lucky your even alive right now. My name is Saint Blackburn and I'm not giving her up without a fight. I was hired to do a job and I plan to go through with it. Oh and don't try to bribe me either, I don't play that way. I honor all my contracts." he told him.

The man looked disappointed but kept his composure. "Are you sure, I'm offering you about fifty thousand to walk away." he said. Saint chuckles, sure it wasn't a bad amount. If he was a rookie. A corp's daughter is worth a lot more than that. "Oh I am sure. I'm also giving you this warning. Leave her alone unless you really want to know what the Black Wolf can really do." he said. Then in a flash Saint was gone "Hey over here." he said and behind the three men Saint was there holding some guns before dropping them on the floor. The three men saw they were without their weapons. Saints cyber wear ables him for a few seconds to move so fast that he can't be touched. "My my, you have no weapons and neither one of you look like you can handle me in a hand-to-hand fight either. So, unless you wish to know how your face feels on the floor, I suggest you don't bother me or her... ever." he said and within a blink suddenly Saint was gone and appear next to Mina "Let's go." he told her as he headed to his car but still keeping an eye on the three men.
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Kiseki Was fortunate that they let her go and she was really terrified if they took her home what would happen. When Saint said he could handle it she shook her head no. “I don’t need a gun either. I just want them to go away.” He told her since she hired him for a protection she should let him show her what he could do and that made sense because if she started fighting she had no idea if she would actually win she just knew she could stall them for a bit.

It was reassuring that he was going to stand by her to help but when her fathers lackeys decided to offer a price for her to come back she had a sinking feeling in her stomach that Saint might take the money. She had money but her father had much more of it and she only had access to a certain amount especially since she ran and if he took out any more money they could track her through that. Kiseki was sure they could offer more but this was the first step. She didn’t claim or deny her name but that was her and the reaction she gave was clear as day especially since she didn’t have a poker face.

Prepared to help but Saint I used a different name and his movements were faster than she was used to and faster than she had ever seen. She was not as fast as that and the fact that he could take them down so easily and she even lost track of him was astounding! No one was hurt but weapons were disarmed and she was left in complete shock! He didn’t need her help after all and now she realize she made the right choice calling one of her father is men.

He did not have to ask her twice as she followed very closely keeping an eye on the men making sure none of them got too close. For now she was quiet until they got to the car. She was more upset that she didn’t get to eat but she was happy that she was still alive. She knew they wouldn’t kill her but they would drag her back kicking and screaming to her father and she had a feeling he would never let her out of his sight again if he got his hands on her once more.

“I guess this means we can’t eat.” Even with the danger right in front of her she thought about food she couldn’t help it she was hungry. “Thank you. I chose the right person to help me. I won’t make you regret it thank you.” To be honest she had a feeling she had more explaining to do but right now she was just happy she wasn’t tossed in the back of the van and take him back to living under lock and key under the iron fist of her father.
Once inside the far he blinks as she made the comment about not eating. He gets his cell phone out and make a call "Yea Jax everything's fine and deal with it without any gun fire. Could you have someone bring the food to the car? Better yet make it a double order." he said though still keeping an eye on the men. They gather their weapons and dare them to try something, but it seems they learn their lesson as they went to the van and driving away. Shortly after that a young man came out with a small box of warm food was brought up. Saint moved the food in the back so it wouldn't get all over the place and tip the young man as well. "You'll just have to wait till we get back to my place." he told her with a small smile on his face.

From that point they drove and drove towards the edge of the city limits where very few even go because how far out it is. It looked as if they were coming to a dry curtsy dirt plans until they came what looked to be a finced off area on a hill. Once they came to the gate at bottle of the field they would see a keypad next to the large screen, and a mailbox. Also posted warning signs saying: "Warning gun and missile turrets ahead. The merc gets out of the car and check the mail before typing a few key buttons on the keypad and into the car once more. He starts driving up the hill. As he did, he notice the van once more as he tries rushing on through. "Fucking dumbass's, they don't bother to read the sign." he said. He spoke just before suddenly from either side the road area leading up the hill gun and missile turrets rose from the ground itself and aimed at the van. Before the guys in the van could acted it was shot down with a load explosion. "This is why no one bothers me, either they call me, or they get a rude awakening. Fucking fools but they made their choice. Again, this is why I said you would be safe here."

Once at the time the place itself looked a bit run down, a place what looked like some outlaw would hide out. The house it big that she could tell even though it looked like it could use a new coat of paint. However, once they walked inside Kiseki would see a very clean and well kept up place. "The dinning room is just through that door. " he said and hands her the box of food. "Go ahead and make your self at home and eat. I'll be with you in just a bit. I'm going to see if there is anything left of the van." he told her and started walking out the door once more.
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