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Heart of the duelists(Kiki)


May 20, 2010
A big duel monsters tournament was about to be held in Domino city. All the great important duellists were present. The prize was a rare tablet from Eygept and a million yen. It was taking place in the Kaiba Land's duel arena. Contestants were told to wait in a waiting room until the tournament began.


The white haired man waited in the corner. Playing with the large ring he wore on his neck, and had a devilish smile on his face. He licked his lips as they carried the prizes outside for display. He didn't care for the was the tablet that he wanted. He didn't know exactly what was on it, but he assumed that he could use it to defeat Atem. “Foolish mortals.” He muttered under his breath as Bakura had entered the tournament unnoticed by anyone who know who he really was.


Ritoru Katawa was a newer duellist on the block, after losing a leg in a accident he had to keep himself occupied some how. And in doing so he discovered duel monsters. He had heard of it now and again, but didn't care much for it otherwise. Until he learned how amazing it was and started winning tournaments left and right. Eventually Kaiba corp designed a new leg for him. That looks and feels just like his old one, but he still duelled. He fell in love with it, and made it his livelihood.

Kiki made her way into the arena asking them not announce her presence yet. She hardly wanted to be mauled by fans today. Walking over to a nearby corner she leaned against the wall. Looking around she took in her surroundings. There was nothing new. This arena looked no different from the ones she had been in before. But upon scanning the corners of the room she spied among all the other people a white haired man who looked vaguely familiar. "Where have I seen him before?" She asked herself.


Tea Had been standing in the arena for a while now waiting for the announcements to begin. It had been nearly five minutes since the supposed starting time and she was getting slightly annoyed. What in the heck was taking so long. If they took any longer she would begin to doubt herself. Oh who was she kidding. She was already doubting herself. "Why am I here?" She asked herself as she fiddling with her hair. She had signed up out of impulse to prove herself but now she wasn't so sure.
Bakura was still scheming in his head, when his vision was caught by girl. Who seemed oddly familiar to him. But he couldn't place where he knew her, and decided that he should do some investigating, not wanting any hiccups in his plan. He tucked his ring inside of his shirt and then donned his nice bakura appearance and voice. And walked over to the girl. “Well hello there, names Bakura. I've seen you around, you must be a famous duellist.” He actually didn't know if she was or not it was just a trick. “Name's Bakura. Pleasure to meet you.” He said with a smile...a smile that always killed him to fake.

Ritoru looked around as people walked about. Eyeing a rather attractive girl, “Wow.” Was all he could say as he gave her a look over. He always found another girl that duelled to be rather attractive, so it was nice to see some females out there. But she looked Especially breath taking. He decided to take a walk over there and smiled. “Are you as excited as I am for this?” He said...not very good with the small talk. Especially around the ladies.
Kiki noticed the white haired man coming towards her and she shied away slightly. As he stopped and introduced himself she softly smiled back. "Nice to meet as well and yes I am a famous duelist. My name is Kiki." She replied meekly eying him slightly. Gods he looked so familiar and she had heard the name before. Bakura, Bakura...Oh why couldn't she remember. It was so puzzling and yet she knew it shouldn't be. Maybe it was one of those faded "past self" memories she had locked away in her mind.

Tea nearly jumped when she heard a voice behind her. Whirling around she caught sight of who was speaking to her. Oh great a cute guy and here she was feeling all self conscious. "Uummm Yeah I am excited. But a little worried too." She replied. "Uh My name's Tea. What's yours?"
Bakura really didn't get any good information out of her, which was very troubling since he knew her from some where. Probably someone not very important and not worth his time. But he couldn't risk it...3000 years of planning would not go down the drain because of some stupid girl. The name sorta rang a bell but not really. “Well, I hope to see you give it your best out there. So where are you from?” Hoping that the last question would help him out some.

Ritoru noticed, she was rather attractive. “Worried, why worry about being worried?” That sentence made sense in his mind, not to sure about when it left his mouth. “I mean, just have fun...what's the worst that can happen huh?” He said giving a reassuring smile to her, and then realized he hasn't introduced himself. “The names Ritoru.” He said placing his arm out for a handshake.
Kiki smiled at his comment and nodded. "I shall." She replied befored hearing his second question. What an odd thing to ask. But she decided to oblige him with an answer. "Um well I was born in Egypt but I was raised for a good portion of my life in the city." She answered.

She laughed at his comment and then gave a friendly smile back. "Well the worst that can happen is I can fail utterly." She giggled. Hearing his name she took his hand and shook it .
Bakura heard Egypt and became a little worried. If she was born there...that must mean something. “Egypt huh...very...interesting.” He smiled...a fake smile but she probably wouldn't be able to tell.

Ritoru laughed a bit. “Oh, that won't happen. If you were invited in this tournament then you must be pretty good right?” He smiled a much more warm and sincere smile then Bakura. He was about to talk again but was cut off.


Bakura waved. “Good luck to you then.” As he moved out to the Stadium.

Ritoru bowed out, “I'm sure you'll do fine, see you soon.” He said walking away.
As Bakura smiled Kiki felt unnerved somehow. There was something unsettling about it. Like it was almost...Fake...Just then the name hit her. Bakura....Her eyes widened in shock. The tomb robber. Just as she was about to say something else she heard the announcement. Turning back to him she heard his comment. She didn't say anything as he walked away. She then started towards the stadium trying to reassure herself that Bakura wasn't who she though he was. 'It couldn't be..." She thought trying to calm her nerves.

Tea was about to tell him that she wasn't all that great when she heard the announcement. Looking back over to him she hear his comment and nodded. "Good luck. I hope you do well." She said cheerfully to him as he walked away. She then began trying to regain a bit of confidence as she moved towards the stadium.
A announcer stood in the middle of the duel arena, the participants were instructed to line up behind him. He shouted as he spoke to the large spectators . “Everybody listen up, time to get this duel tournament underway. The best duellist will win fabulous prizes! So let's let's give a cheer for them shall we fokes.

The crowd cheered loudly, very excited for tonight's event.

Bakura was indifferent about this of course. Not caring at all about things like fame and publicty. He was slowly remembering something about that girl...something he didn't like,

Ritoru was eating the fame up, loving every cheer and applause he could hear. Not wanting to miss a beat of this entire tournament.

( you want to play out the duels, or no?)
Kiki waved and smiled sweetly at the crowd. As much as she loved her fans she hated all the flashing lights all the time. After a while she got annoyed and fidgeting. But she would never ever break and snap at them. She was to shy for that. But the thoughts about Bakura were still bugging her.

Tea was enjoying herself with all the flashing lights and the cheering fans. Of course none of them knew her name but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy her 5 minutes of fame.

(No 'cause I'm not that great at it. x.x)
The large screen lit up, showing who was duelling who. Bakura, Kiki,Ritoru, and Tea were all duelling no name opponents. Meaning that they weren't very famous...or obviously good. After the matches were over they all were given their own hotel rooms. So they could do what ever until the next day.

Ritoru saw this as a chance to talk to Tea again, so he met up with her after the duelling and waved at her. “Hey Tea...great duelling out there!” He yelled to her, trying to make small talk..but not very good at it.

Bakura walked to his room, he obviously won, he had been playing the game for a lot longer then the mortal fools.

(Alright...then I just skipped the duels then.)
Tea was walking back to her hotel room when she heard Ritoru behind her again. Turning around with a smile she walked over to him. "Hey. You tto. You were amazing out there. Where did you learn to duel like that?" She asked still smiling happily. She actually really hadn't expected to do that well. But she was glad that she had.

Kiki was on her way back to her hotel room as well. Thoughts of Bakura still swam through her mind. She knew who she had been in a past life and she could swear that the Bakura from her past memories and this Bakura were one in the same. But she had no way to prove it.
“I was just a natural I guess. I used to play it a lot...during well after an incident I had. But enough of that, you were still amazing. I told you didn't have anything to worry about.” He smiled at her, “ about we have celebrate?”

Bakura needed to do some more investigating on Kiki.. He looked around and finally found her. “Well hello there, nice to see you again. Great duelling.” He said with another phony smile painted on his face.
Tea blushed at his compliment and smiled when mentioned going out to dinner. "Sure. I'd love too." She said nodding. It had been a long time since she had had a date with anyone. Well this wasn't a date it was a celebration dinner. but still she couldn't help but be giddy at the fact that she could even get a guy to notice her. "So where did you wanna go?" She asked.

Kiki whirled around hearing Bakura's voice. Speak of the devil. She smiled slightly at his words. "Thank you so much. You were great as well." She replied softly. She wanted to tell him to drop the act and show her his true colors. But alas she was a kind girl and believed that she was just being paranoid. But there was still something lingering behind his smile that she didn't like.
Ritoru was very happy that she said yes. Sure..she probably didn't think of it as a date the way he put it. But he figured she would have said no if he asked otherwise. “Well..let's go change into something more formal, and I'll meet you back here. So I can give you a ride.” Not really waiting for an answer the guy left and went into his hotel room. Putting on a full tuxedo and even a top hat...he really loved top hats. Looking quite dapper in his outfit. And then went back waiting for Tea.

Bakura decided to act a little stronger in her presence. No more mister nice thief. He didn't know why...but she reminded him of someone. “Would you like to come to my hotel remind me of someone...maybe you're related to him.” He said with another fake smile.
Tea nodded still smiling as he left. After that she went back to her hotel room and slipped on a pale pink evening gown and some heels. After getting ready she walked back down to the spot where they had been before. Spotting him she blushed. He looked so cute in his tux. Even the top hat was a nice touch. Walking over to him she smiled. "Shall we go?" She asked.

Kiki shied back at the mention of going anywhere with him. He was kind of scaring her and her suspicions about him were starting to ring true. She was almost about to bid him goodnight and quickly take her leave but his last few words stopped her. "Related to who?" She asked.
Ritoru looked at Tea in her pink evening gown and heels. He found her quite beautiful...well more beautiful then before. “Yes, let's go.” He said walking to the door to let Tea go first, and then lead her threw the parking lot to his motorcycle. “You'll have to sit behind me. But don't worry I have an extra helmet.” He said pulling it out of his Motorcycle as well as his.

Bakura began to laugh a little, his nice facade slowly disappearing. “Oh let's just say....and old friend of mine.” He said licking his lips in a extremely creepy way. “So...shall we discuss on this matter further?”
'Such a gentlemen.' Tea thought as he opened the door for her. She then followed him and stopped dead when she saw the bike. Oh my god he was cute and owned a motorcycle. This was awesome. Tea took the helmet and smiled. "That's ok I don't mind." She replied. After all it gave her an excuse to hold onto him.

Kiki watched as his nice guy act disappeared. "I knew it...You are him...The thief king..." She said softly backing away from him. She had a fine mind to run. But she didn't know how far that would get her if she did. She wasn't prepared for this and she was starting to panic.
Ritoru smiled, glad that she might be impressed with the his motorcycle. He got on it and put on his helmet. “It be awesome if you could duel...while riding a motorcycle.” He said laughing, it sounded ridiculous but it would be cool none the less. He waited for Tea to get on before he left. “You ready?”

Bakura started to laugh a little bit. “Oh you know my real name huh? Thank you for confirming who you are, makes things a lot easier.” He looked at the fear in her eyes. “Oh I won't be killing you...not yet anyway. That wouldn't be fun.” He said laughing more.
She laughed at his comment. That did sound interesting. With that she put on the helmet and got on behind him. Her arms circled about his waist and she pulled herself tightly against him. "Ready when you are." She replied.

As she confirmed his identity she backed away from him even more. "How could you be so sure about who I am?" She asked finally backing into a wall. "You could be mistaken..." At this point she was really trying to dodge trouble. But it looked like trouble had already found her and it was going to get worse.
Ritoru blushed a little bit as Tea's arms wrapped around his waist. He smiled and revved up the motorcycle, and wheeled on over to the fanciest restaurant in domino city. “Hope this is alright, I'll pay of course.”

Bakura noticed something that he made him laugh...loudly. “Oh and guess what, any witnesses are gone. It's just us two in this whole you can run if you want.” He said pulling out the millennium ring from under his shirt. “I could be mistaken....but if so, then it won't make much difference if I kill you anyway.”
As they arrived at the restaurant Tea. gasped. This place was so fancy. She almost didn't want to think about how much a salad in this place would even cost. "This is more than alright." She said smiling. "But are you sure about paying? We could go half and half if you wanted." She offered looking at him.

Kiki looked at him fearfully shaking against the wall. She was in deep right now and as he pulled out the Millennium ring a vision from the past came back to her. She had been there the night that he had entered her father's throne room and basically challenged him. They had made brief eye contact but nothing past that. But she did remember having a tiny naughty thought about him before slapping herself mentally having to tell herself that it was wrong to think like that. Especially about a man threatening her father. Coming back to reality she looked him over. "I'm not going to run. You'll just find me. After all a theif always get's what he wants.." She replied meekly.
This would set Ritoru back quite a bit, but he didn't mind. He was trying to impress Tea after all. So he had to spend money to get a little honey...not that he expected getting any anytime soon. He opened the door to the restaurant and smiled. “Don't worry, I can cover it. Just worry about enjoying yourself.” He said.

Bakura smiled....and thought of something devilish. “Yes, I do get anything I want. I want the world you see, and with some help I'm going to get it.” He said walking slowly to her. “And you know what...your going to help me get it.” He mashed there lips together...he figured violating her would piss daddy dearest off. Attacking the heart was always a good first step for revenge.
Tea smiled at him when he said he'd cover it. He even opened the door for her again. As she stepped inside she was jumping for joy in her head. Hot damn she had found herself a hot guy and he was courteous to boot. "Ok if your sure." She replied waiting for him to step inside.

Kiki tried to move away as he closed in on her. But she moved too late and their lips met in a forceful kiss. Putting her hands on his chest she tried to push him away but her efforts were in vain. She had a bad feeling that she wouldn't be leaving this hallway tonight without loosing something precious.
Ritoru smiled, he wondered if he was impressing her...he hoped so for his sake. But if not...well a night out would be fine as well. He entered and went to the waiter. “Sir...your best table.” He said slipping the waiter the bill, the waiter lead the pair to a nice table. In front of a window looking over the city. “I hope this is alright.” Hopefully he wasn't over doing it or anything.

Bakura broke the kiss just as forcefully as he presented it. “I wonder what I should do to you....I could let you're under contract so you wouldn't be going anywhere. I could kill you...but what would be the fun in that. No...I think I have a better idea.” He said pinning her to a nearby wall. “Scream really loud for me kay?” He said in an almost sarcastic tone, as he licked her neck.
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