"One of the girls in my okiya is a rokurokubi." The madam said. Akihime made a noise over her tea before sipping it.
"Rokurokubi aren't inherently evil."
"Lamp oil is expensive." The madam stated pointedly, "and the demon is scaring away my business."
"Spirit." Akihime corrected, "It's a spirit, not a demon."
“Please watch how you speak.” Amaya reminded cooly, eyes pinning her to the spot.
Yukimura stood guard just outside the door, in the form of a reddish-brown dog with sharp features.
Sasuke suddenly appeared in the shadow of the corner, eyes sharp and cold. The madam became nervous before humbling.
"Please, just get rid of it." She muttered.
Akihime gave a small sigh as she set her tea aside.
"Alright, I will help with this rokurokubi. Gods know how integral the entertainment district is." She replied. The madam bowed deeply.
"Thank you so much.." She said.
“Lady Akihime, I can easily rid of this rokurokubi for you, there’s no need for you to travel to such a district personally.” She said, bowing her head a bit.
“On your own, my lady, I must object!” Amaya protested, brows furrowed.
Yukimura entered after the madam was gone, in human form now. “I must agree with Amaya-dono, going on your own is dangerous, Akihime-sama.”
"I couldn't ask you to go in my stead, Amaya." SHe said, "I would rather go and spare you the shame."
"Dana, you shouldn't go period. A rokurokubi isn't anything to waste energy over." Sasuke said. She gave an annoyed sigh and stood.
"The pay is good and circumstances notwithstanding, it is someone in need. I plan to help. I'm not going alone, I plan on taking Yukimura."
“Yukimura?” Anaya protested, but the idea of Akihime with Yukimura in the red light district was too much to think about. “If you think he’ll be an adequate traveling companion.. I suppose I can’t object.”
“Akihime-sama, I’d be honored to travel by your side!” Yukimura bowed his head to her.
Malice radiated heavily from Sasuke and Akihime waved him down.
"It isn't a biased decision. The sad truth is that his nose is better at tracking, Sasuke. He would find the rokurokubi before you." She told him. Sasuke huffed Nd glanced away, the malice thinning a bit.
"Still, did it have to be him?"
"A noble wouldn't be caught in a whore house. And we both know you wouldn't be caught dead being perceived as less." Akihime said before turning to Yukimura, "Thank you for being so willing to help." She said.
She bowed her head, content with the praise, but still reluctant about Akihime’s choice of job this time around. “You can count on us, my lady.” She held her tongue on the matter, following her orders of protecting the estate in Akihime’s absence.
“Shall I prepare for the journey?” Yukimura asked, curious as to what Akihime had planned out for them.