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Cuddle the person above you...

*Weasles her way into the cuddling and glomps you from behind*

*With a blush she notes the pleasant music* "Oo, this is nice! I'm new!" *Blushes pinker* "...I love a good cuddle party."
*With a look of slight surprise watches the erotic scene with interest*

"Well, I don't mind however..." *Trails off and puts on a set of bunny ears and a makeshift bunny tail*

*Pouts while enjoying the view* "I'm a fluffy bunny..." *grins happily* "But there's no hate here... Just cuddly-ness I swear~"

*Twirls her short blonde hair around her finger with a coy smile* "Vanilla is my favorite flavor however..." *Winks at the lusting temptress wanting to be punished* "Nom!"

*Chews her bottom lip with a nervous giggle* "The holiday's can sure get pretty hot pretty quick despite the snow huh?"
There is no snow where I live yet, but it's still kinda cold. That could change in a few days or weeks when it's January...

Hello there, you cute bunny... *wraps arms around Wolfie and kisses her back*

Vanilla is a good flavor, sweetie. I just love it to be spanked for being so...naughty *grins like Freaky Fred*

*cuddles with Forbidden and hugs her*
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