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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

"Hey don't blame me its the spinner." Chloe repeated her earlier excuse verbatim. If it worked, why mess with it? Chloe raised her eyebrow as Babs twisted her waist in a way Chloe knew she could never imitate, then smirked as Babs landed her hand...with her chest dangerously close to the ground. Chloe dropped her butt to the ground...clearly not used to wearing dresses, she didn't realize the view she was giving as she sat on the ground with her legs crossed, watching the game carefully to unsure nothing but authorized body parts was touching the mat. Satisfied, she spun the dial again.

"Left leg, blue." That was not the leg Babs was trying to snare, so Sam had little difficulty moving her other leg onto the mat. "Left leg, air." A little more difficult, but Dave's right leg was still free, so he moved it over next to his left leg, then placed his left leg on top of it, accomplishing the move without too much strain, or having to worry about dislodging Babs. Next, the dial came up on purple...spinner's choice. Chloe looked at the people on the mat for a few moments, then grinned. "Left hand, butt." She declared, and after a few moments Babs felt a hand settle on her butt. John's, presumably. Chloe spun the dial again. "Right hand, green."
Barbara smirked at Chloe's excuse but since she wasn't actually upset she didn't push it. Besides, after what had happened earlier she was a little gun-shy about risking saying something wrong again. She glanced at Chloe when she sat down with her legs crossed and raised an eyebrow, pretty sure Chloe had no idea what kind of view she was giving. She couldn't figure out a way of subtly letting her know without risking embarrassing her so she simply kept her mouth shut.

She sighed as Sam got an easy on and Dave's position became slightly more precarious. " that spinner weighted to favor Larussos or something?" She grumbled and then blinked when she felt a hand land on her butt. She blushed and blinked rapidly. She'd thought he'd just stick his hand on his own butt but he'd chosen hers. Part of her was a little proud he chose hers over Sam's and she couldn't help slightly wiggling her butt partially in victory, partially to tease him. When the next spin happened she frowned thoughtfully. Then with a shrug she shifted her weight so she was doing a one-handed pushup essentially and quickly moved her right hand onto the green. If it wasn't for John she'd actually be in a comfortable position right now but him straddling her had made things more awkward.
Chloe indeed had no idea the view she was giving everyone, especially Dave as his face was only feet away from her, and he couldn't move until she spun the dial again. If John noticed, he gave no sign of it, and while Sam saw, she didn't know Chloe well enough to say anything, leaving it up to Babs who knew her better. So when Babs remained silent, the others did as well, and Chloe remained oblivious.

" is their spinner, Maybe she rigged it?" Chloe giggled as she pretended to examine the scanner, then shrugged. "I can't find any electronics." She admitted, then giggled as she saw Babs get a hand on her butt and turn a bit red in response. Now Chloe felt they were least until she saw Babs wriggle her butt. Babs had claimed John was just a friend she brought in for the match...but was their more to their relationship than that? Chloe wasn't so sure anymore, especially as she could have sworn she saw John's grip tighten a bit on Bab's butt in response.

John's hand remained firmly in place on her ass even as she twisted around him, though Sam raised her eyebrows in surprise. She hadn't thought a body could bend like that, Babs had clearly had some sort of gymnastics training, and Sam began to rack her brain as she tried to figure out how to use that in Babs training.

"Left hand, red." Chloe called out, and Sam laughed as she didn't have to move at all. That certainly wouldn't help Babs thinking the game was rigged. "Right hand, yellow." Not as easy as Sam's, but Dave just crossed his arms and placed his other hand on the yellow circle. He didn't even have to move his back and risk dislodging Babs. "Right hand, Blue." Not the easiest move, but John just reached down and planted his hand in the center of the mat, choosing the square that was almost under Babs, increasing the cage he and Sam were trying to build around her. "Left leg red." Chloe called out...Babs would finally get to plant one of her feet...the problem was it was on the opposite end of the board from her hands, and she had to reach it without letting her other foot touch, and John and Sam already had two of the circles occupied with their hand and foot respectively, eliminating Babs easy options.
Barbara rolled her eyes at Chloe's joking suggestion that maybe Sam had rigged the spinner. She knew her friend was just joking around though so she didn't say anything. She glanced at Chloe once again when John put his hand on her butt and saw a curious look on her face. She could guess what Chloe was thinking and the truth was, she wasn't sure herself. She was pretty sure John was just trying to mess with her but then she felt his grip tighten like he was enjoying the feel of her hip and she became less sure of that.

She snorted when Sam didn't have to move at all and muttered. "I'm coming around to this rigged spinner theory. Or maybe the judge has been bribed." She was quite happy when Dave's move didn't result in her losing her balance or Dave either. She shot him an encouraging smile then glanced back towards Chloe when she spun again. She grunted when John caged her in even more and considered 'accidentally' headbutting John in the belly or something but quickly dismissed it as just her annoyance getting out of control.

She almost sagged in relief at Chloe's call for her. Finally, one of her feet would be on solid ground. Her eyes studied the row her foot would need to go into. Luckily, there were four circles left in spite of John and Sam. Still, this would be awkward. She looked at where John's hand rested on the blue circle, right next to two of the empty red circles. She took a breath and slowly lifted her left leg from Dave's back, putting more of her weight onto her hands to make sure she wasn't pressing too hard on his back with her right leg.

She pulled her leg in close to herself and then twisted slightly so she could straighten her knee. The move left her in a sort of awkward horizontal splits position, with her left knee pressed to her chest and her shin and foot sticking up past her torso. Her leg now clear of John she brought it back down and placed her foot onto the red circle by his arm, essentially trapping his arm between her thighs for the moment.
"Hey, even if I could rig the spinner I wouldn't. I...we...are going to beat you fair and square." Sam retorted. "And I'm pretty sure the judge is beyond bribes since I'm out of cookies right now." Chloe snorted in response.

"Hey, I don't come that cheap. I'll need at least a banana split to even consider it." She retorted. Dave didn't respond to the interplay...he didn't want to lose his concentration and let Babs down, though he did grin broadly when he saw her smile at him, though it quickly turned to a worried look as she began to move her leg in a way he knew he wouldn't be able to duplicate.

John raised an eyebrow as Babs completed her move, and he was certain if Captain Gordon was there he would not have approved of a guy having his hand between his daughters legs. especially not when his other hand was on her butt. But none of that had been his idea, and no one else, including Babs, seemed to have a problem with it.

Chloe spun the spinner again, and giggled a bit when it came up on purple...spinners choice. "Right hand...head." Chloe giggled, and Sam laughed as she settled a hand in Babs mane of hair, certain the makers of the game had never pictured this configuration. "Left leg, yellow." Not the hardest move for Dave as he lifted his left foot off his right and moved it over a row. "Right hand, blue." Chloe called out, and Sam looked a bit worried as that was the hand Babs had trapped...but she underestimated the length of John's arm, and the fact winning meant more to him than Bab's dignity. So he moved his hand over to the blue row, bringing his arm up into Babs crotch hard enough she'd have to shift her weight a bit to relieve the pressure. Chloe, for her part, didn't seem to notice as she spun once again.

"Left hand, butt." Chloe called out with a giggle.
Barbara smirked at Sam's retort but didn't have a good comeback as she was too focused on maintaining her balance at the moment. She still laughed at the joking between Sam and Chloe. She snorted when Sam put her hand into her hair though she was relieved when Dave didn't get a hard move. Still, with one of her feet on the mat now she didn't need him as badly as she had before and so she was pretty sure things would work out alright. She was distracted from those thoughts by Chloe's call for John, and his response.

His arm moving where it did sent a dark flush to her neck and cheeks and she looked quickly at Chloe, hoping the next spin would let her move somehow. She was disappointed by Chloe's next call and she looked around, debating whose butt to put her hand on. She could put it on her own butt but she figured that was the boring chance. She considered Dave but didn't want to restrict his moves so that left Sam or John. For John she'd have to lean over a little and with the position of her legs she'd practically be clinging to him from that point forward. Her gaze darted to Sam who unfortunately for her, was in the perfect position as it was.

So, Barbara just shrugged and clapped her hand on Sam's rear hand, gripping it much like John gripped hers. She had most of her weight on her right hand and left leg so the balance wasn't too bad for her at the moment. She was tempted to flex her fingers on Sam's butt and try to throw her off by groping her but she decided against it.
John didn't see Bab's response to his move, though he might have predicted it. Chloe had a perfect view of not only the move, but Bab's reaction, but she just gave a little shrug in response to Bab's pleading look. It wasn't up to her...not entirely at least, and Chloe grinned as she saw Babs put her hand on Sam's butt. This was an interesting game of twister. Sam, however, wasn't quite as nonchalant and Babs could feel her jerk slightly in response. "Hey!" Sam protested as she looked over at Babs with her eyes wide, but then a smile appeared on Sam's face once the shock wore off. "I'm honored." Sam claimed as Chloe spun again.

"Left leg, red." Chloe said, and Sam grinned as she moved her right leg while at the same time she tried to twist her torso and move her butt out from under Bab's hand. "Left hand, yellow." Thanks to John and Dave trying to pin down Babs, Dave had the other side of the board almost to himself and had no problem putting his hand down. "Right foot, red." John didn't say anything as he shifted his foot, but his thigh not only brushed against Babs breasts, but stayed there as instead of going over her, he put his leg under her, effectively getting her torso in a scissor lock. His hand tightened on Sam's buttocks and he pulled her shorts...and panties...up a bit into her ass crack as he tried to maintain his balance. He was in a bit of an awkward position, but he hoped it would pay off by restricting Babs movements. "Right hand, yellow." Chloe called out, raising her eyebrows a bit at the move. the spinner chose. Between Sam trying to get away from Babs, and John trying to pin her down, Babs was running low on options, especially as she had to go clear across the board, and Dave had unfortunate just taken up the yellow circle closest to Babs.
Barbara smirked at Sam. "You and John started the handsy stuff. And your butt was right there when I needed it." She turns her attention back to Chloe as she makes some calls. She kept her hand firmly on Sam's butt in spite of her move and was pleased when Dave's move wasn't too hard. She very nearly held her breath when Chloe spun for John. She sighed as his new position continued his attempts to pin her in place. She was starting to look at this as some kind of impromptu training session with him. Except she wasn't naked this time.

Barbara frowned at the new call and pursed her lips as she looked over her options. If she didn't get a lucky call soon, she probably would be the cause of another loss for her and Dave. She wanted to win though more so Dave could get a win under his belt than any true competitive feeling about the game. She was still in a borderline zen mode about the game, more focused on her moves than on winning. She slowly twisted her body, shifting her weight and turned her torso enough to get her right arm to a place where she could reach the yellow dots. If she wasn't as tall and limber as she was, she'd have no chance. As it was, she wobbled briefly as she shifted her weight around and then stretched out and slapped her right palm onto the yellow circle next to the one Dave was using. "Whew..."
"Me? I'm just doing what the spinner says." Sam complained innocently to Bab's accusation, while John gave no indication he'd even heard her. As she twisted her body more beneath him, while his face remained impassive, he could feel her breast now pressing up against his thigh, and rather then shift and try to give her some more latitude, He arched his foot a boot, driving his knee into said breast, pinning her in place even more.

"Right leg, red." Sam laughed at that call, and she lifted her foot up from the blue circle and had it join her other limbs, with the exception of the hand that was still on Babs head, on the red square, twisting her body so that she was almost sideways on the mat now, her breasts all but in John's face, though if pressed she'd claim she was trying to get her butt away from Babs. Chloe giggled when the spinner landed on purple again. "Left hand, butt." She declared, and Dave froze for a moment. Sam's butt was clearly out of reach. John's butt was closer, but Dave didn't want to go there. So he reached out his hand and tentatively placed it on Bab's rear end. "This was Chloe's idea." Dave tried to explain, as if Babs wouldn't have heard the call. "Right foot, blue." John didn't react as he moved to shift his foot, though his hand did shift over Babs butt until it was almost at her hip instead. No one else seemed to notice, ,but he pulled in on her hips at the same time he pushed his hips forward, pinning her in place even more. It wasn't exactly a complicated wrestling move and she could probably easily get out of it...if she wanted to move one of her limbs from the designated spot.

"Left leg, green." Chloe declared for Babs.
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