Mx Female What do you do when you dirty old teacher promises it all? (NSFW)


Sep 25, 2020
Kinks: not everything required, of course
long-term, literate and multi-para

You've just turned 18, entered adulthood, finished your finals, started making plans for prom night... I've had my eyes on you for a long time now, desperately waiting for the day you'd become legal. Maybe you already have an idea where to go next after high school, or maybe you just don't have any aims at all - regardless of that I'll approach you out of nowhere, promising you safety and an early retirement, as long as you hand me your life and your body in return. I'm not the richest guy out there or anything, but I'm willing to put in the extra effort just to make this work. I can't lose you, I need you to be mine, so are you going to submit?

Henry still couldn't believe his luck. In what must have been a one in a million chance he was drawn as the winner of the Pokimane, Valkyrae and GibiASMR collaboration raffle. The prize? A one week stay at the 100 Thieves content house with the girls to make content together! To be honest, he was hesitant to participate in the first place. Even if he won, he wasn't the most extroverted kind of person, so the thought alone of having to interact with the 3 e-celebrities for one week straight was making him sweat. The last time he was along with a girl must have been back in high school, so he certainly didn't have any of the required social skills to carry him through conversations either. Embarrassing himself in front of a hundred thousand people felt more like an inevitabitliy than just a risk, but in the end, he couldn't deny himself the chance to meet the women he was crushing on for so long in person. And now here he was, sitting in a taxi taking him straight to their temporary residence!

He'd even showered for the occasion, something he usually neglected since he didn't leave the house himself, his mom still doing most things for him, but that didn't mean that he was stupid. While he wasn't the most clean person in the world, he knew that this was something he had to take care of before meeting his idols if he wanted any chance at not making a fool of himself in front of them. There were enough videos of hot streamers meeting their awkward mods IRL to give him somewhat of a blueprint for things to avoid and smelling bad, or even just looking like you'd smell unpleasant was up there.

He arrived early in the evening, the taxi pulling into the driveway through an automated gate which kept the compound somewhat safe from intruders. Not surprising, since there were a bunch of very famous women waiting inside, just perfect for any potential stalkers or psychotic incel haters. A quick sniff check before getting out of the car informed Henry that his showering and application of deodorant didn't quite survive the hours of travel in the summer sun, but thankfully, the girls were nowhere to be seen yet. He could feel himself getting hotter, the anticipation and anxiety only having accelerated the cumulation of water beneath his armpits. He darted straight towards the trunk of the car to heave out his stuff, quickly rummaging through his belongings to find his bottle of AXE Dark Temptation, applying a thick cloud of cheap deodorant to himself to cover up the sour stench of sweat.

With that out of the way and still not even one of the girls in sight he decided to roll up to the door with his suitcase and ring the bell, his heart starting to pump faster than ever before.

Something broke inside Brad's brain ever since Bella had changed her hairstyle and colored her hair like that. Something about the blonde in combination with her natural brunette hair did things to him he couldn't quite put into words... and then the fact that she was wearing her hair long, but with a ponytail or bun to top it off. Something about that made him crave her more than he wanted any other girl before her! Seeing how she was his sister though, the chances of that happening were close to nil, and probably for the better. He was lusting for his sibling related by blood, for crying out loud!

The two of them were quite a few years apart and didn't have much to do with each other besides living in the same house and sharing the same parents, so perhaps that played into him being able to develop sexual feelings for her, yet it certainly didn't change the fact that his fantasies about her were more than immoral. Not only did he jerk off to the idea of having sex with her, but also imagined what it would be like to impregnate his older sister, having her give birth to their horrifically disabled incest baby after 9 months of pregnancy. Humiliating her like that was another part of his twisted fantasies. Likely born out of the fact that he was much more of a loser than she was, something about the notion of making her have sex with a much less attractive guy was turning him on like crazy. A pretty socialite turned indecent.

Yet there was still the problem of ensuring that she would want the same. Something that would have never happened under normal circumstances.

To nudge her into that direction, he came up with a few ideas to prime her into considering the possibility. Just asking her if she was down to fuck was out of the question, much less whether or not she was down to breed, so instead he had a bunch of different schemes in mind to approach the subject, his first one going into action this very morning. Brad had spent the previous night working on creating a fake questionnaire, asking the respondent about how amicable they were towards the idea of incestuous relationships and their complications. Sealed into an envelope addressed to Bella, he slipped the made-up questionnaire into their mail box and waited for to find it the following morning.

Bella was the complete opposite of her brother, a straight-A student. Throughout her life, she secured a place in one of the most prestigious universities in the country to study medicine; all Bella truly wanted was to help people. It was part of the reason she had started her social media accounts; giving fashion advice had led her to giving life advice, and from there, she blew up, becoming a socialite, the perfect daughter that any parents would be lucky to have, in a way that made up for their loser son.

He heard Bella's footsteps as she made her way downstairs. His heart pounded in his chest. This was it. The moment he'd been waiting for. He imagined her finding the letter, reading it, and—maybe, just maybe—thinking about him in a different way. He knew it was unlikely, but that only seemed to fuel his desire more. Like an object he wanted but couldn't have, not indifferent from all the girls he had a crush on before Bella, but this time around so much worse. The forbidden apple of all women on earth!

She started her day, already having changed into a sweater and some jeans as she went down to the entrance, collecting the post from the front door before then heading back to the kitchen. Turning the coffee machine on, she sat at the counter and opened a letter addressed to her.

Partner Questionaire

"What is this?" she asked finally aloud as she read through some of the questionnaire, her voice tinged with confusion.

His stomach churned with anxiety. Would she take the bait? He needed her to think about it—just consider the possibility. That's all it would take to start breaking down her defenses. Brad felt a rush of nervous anticipation and excitement mixed together in his gut.

Brad held his breath, waiting for her next move. Would she crumple it up and throw it away? Would she laugh it off as some stupid joke? Or would she actually consider the questions, even if just for a moment? To make sure she wouldn't do the former, he ultimately decided to chime in. "What is what?" he asked across the open kitchen, his head protruding from behind the couch were he was located, waiting for this very moment to show his simulated curiosity.

Bella noticed Brad as she looked up from the paper. "Some weird letter I got in the post," she replied, her face looking puzzled. She looked away from her brother and back at the paper. Would you have a baby? "Would I have a baby? Yes... but not right now, maybe in ten years", Bella answered aloud.

Would you have a relationship with a close family member, i.e., an uncle, a father, or a brother? "Gross, no, it's asking all sorts of gross crap in here." But curiosity kept her reading. What did she think others might say about a relationship like that? Gross, sick in the head, she thought to herself. The more she read on, the more the expression on her face turned into a grimace until finally she scrumpled up the paper and put it in the bin.

"Just overall creepy stuff, Brad. Must have been some sort of practical joke. It said that they have sent this to random addresses. I don't know. The world is messed up." Bella concluded, going ahead and pouring herself some coffee from the machine.

I'm a bit at a loss when it comes to ideas I'm craving myself as of late, so I figured I might just put out this blank thread instead! I'm always curious to hear what other people are interested in, and it also helps sparking my creative juices as well. If all my own fantasies don't seem to come together in a coherent manner, perhaps some new perspectives and suggestions might help overcome that blockade! So, if you're looking for something particular, or lack that certain it-factor yourself and feel like pitching someone your ideas to put their spin on it might also be able help you out in return, my PMs are open! Only limit you shouldn't ask me for is stuff involving sexual gore.

He's always been your thing:
A wish fulfillment romance plot of mine, but perhaps there's someone out there who'll bite! I'm basically looking to play the unpopular kind of guy who always had a crush on the pretty girl in school, but who never hung out with her friend circle. Fast forward to the current day setting and the two come across each other again. Turns out she always had a crush on the outsider as well, and nothing has changed about that!

Your live as a stress relief:
The title pretty much says it all! Whether it's due to a court order, state mandate, lost bet, or whatever else you can think of and want to suggest, your character has turned into free use property! Any male can use her now however he'd want to, so you better don't be squeamish when it comes to your choice of partners and fetishes they might try to rope you into. If you're interested, hit me up!

The title says it all for this one! I'm pretty much down for any kink, besides gore. Even dirtier fetishes are cool with me, and I do like some more unusual stuff myself, but nothing that's straight up required, besides the age gap between my character and the sexy half-elf ;p
In terms of ages, I'm thinking like minimum 50 years for him, with no upper limit to it. So, definitely a dirty old man who's eager to satisfy a tempered little slut like the ebony haired beauty. Whether she's into daddy/grand daddy types or he has to win her over first <3

Some Disclaimers

  • Currently looking for OC x OC
  • Kinks I Want to Play: Corruption, old x young, meek x strong, perhaps ugly bastard, beauty x lowlife, filth, stench/odor, bad hygiene, facials, creampies, milking, zoophilia, extreme humiliation, exhibitionism, shame, bestiality, degradation, risk of pregnancy/STD, watersports, light scat & vomit, smegma and so much more
  • Kinks I Won't Play: Gore
  • Settings: modern, fantqsy
Long term, multi para
Looking for someone willing to play one more detailed woman or a harem of bitches in all manner of scenarios, some more willing than others, cock teases, meek and unable to stand up for themselves, dominant and willing, etc.!

(Disclaimer: RP now available with other OC faceclaims and scenarios, as well as multi-character stories.) The idea would so you playing as Billie Eilish, turning into the most rancid piggy bitch superstar in the world! During one of your concert, your nose is suddenly assaulted by a rancid smell, coming to you from the crowd. You couldn't believe your luck, nor your nose, but it was undeniable; this was the worst stench you had ever known! Restraining your excitement, you told your security to find the guy you had eyed in the crowd as soon as the show was over and lead him to your private suit in the hotel which you were staying at! You were ready to throw your popularity away for this awful specimen of a man - ready to do whatever it was that he wanted to do with your body. Bathe in his piss, gulp down his filth, clean his toilet brush with your body, lap up his sweat and rotten smelling semen, suck the rim of his putrid ass. Heck, you were ready to turn into a heap of shit yourself, consume every fiber of his being until you yourself would soon start sweating his familiar stink, drool his old gunk from every hole of your body. This was it, your last day as Billie Eilish and the first step towards Billie Fetish! To the public you'd present yourself as having comtracted an unusual illness, but behind closed doors it was clear; this deterioration of your perfect beauty was nothing but a deliberate regression into a total skank and toilet whore for your dearest husband, the provider of your so beloved deviant odor!

Looking for: Skyward Sword Zelda

Kinks: condoms, anal, facials, rimming, watersports, facesitting, armpits, dry humping, risk of pregnancy, cheating, feet, creampies, public/risky sex, musk, full nelson, mating press, rough sex, cock/ball worship, cock smothering, hair pulling and much, much more

Blacklist: death, gore

Details: So, I'm basically looking to play against the Skyward Sword version of the Princess, who (to my knowledge) happens to be a total nymphomaniac sexwhore! Cock on her mind 24/7, addicted to sex and getting off with a partner, behind Link's back and with him. Whatever she craves, she has no issues advocating for it, and of course most guys would take the chance to fuck this cute slut with bangs!

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