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robocups verseXRaina Lark

Amali’s fear was evident across the expression on her face as Reikan held her up like some sort of sick doll. Her eyes were wide and her lips quivered slightly as he leaned her back. She swallowed hard as her head shifted from side to side while he moved her back towards the torture device that doubled as a urinal that he seemed intent on putting her in for who knew how long. Amali turned her head back and forth just as the tile halo came into view just at the corners of her eyes. She clenched her teeth together at the thought of being trapped in a urinal, with no way of moving or escaping whatever Reikan decided to do with her, contemplating and mocking her for where she would be placed like she was a piece of furniture.

When her captor shifted her forward, moving her back towards him gave Amali almost a glimmer of hope as he asked if she wanted to be fed often by him, his words cutting through her body as he took more and more of her humanity. However, the hope was quickly dashed as he exploded screaming in her face, droplets of his spittle splattering over her face before he shook her violently. Suddenly, an explosion of pain burned right across her head, sending a wave of agony across her features. The side of her scalp, around one of the ports began to swell and turn an angry shade of red. Amali’s vision blurred for a moment as a roaring headache permeated across her temples, sending her head clamoring to quell the pain and the dizziness.

Blinking a few times, Amali came to just as the tile halo emerged around her vision and her body was lowered into the bowl against the metal chair. Her hips rested on the upturned chair just as the scientist revealed that the spears weren’t activated. Amali’s eyes widened in terror as her captor revealed that he didn’t care and an excruciating pain exploded down her spine and her entire world went black.

Amali opened her eyes slightly, blinking away the blurred sleepiness as if she had been unconscious forever. Bright lights invaded the room she was in and the twinkling lights of the city invaded the room between the floor to ceiling windows. There was a large tub situated in the center of the windows which was obvious that she was in a bathroom. She tilted her head slightly upwards to see the tile halo surrounding her head, giving her precious little room to turn her head and restricting her view to just what was in front of her. Amali’s eyes widened as she realized that she was trapped within the urinal device, her body impaled by the spears down her spine, preventing any type of movement.

Her fear and panic was only intensified when a loud bang echoed behind her. Her head turned the couple inches she was allowed to try and see what was happening and she was met with the stumbling form of her torturer just as the room grew intensely bright from the fluorescent over head lights. Amali squinted, blinking to clear her vision just as Reikan’s face moved into her view. His slurred speech indicated that he was drunk and Amali pressed her head back into the tile prison, gritting her teeth as he mocked her. Her body trembled slightly as he pulled himself up by the bowel surrounding her exposed silicone slit, moving up to a standing position before pulling out his cock. Immediately upon seeing it, Amali’s body began to tremble with the intense need to suck his manhood, to relieve him of whatever fluids he would give her. Her jaw relaxed and her mouth opened slightly while her gaze glazed over. Her rational mind screamed, begging her not to give in to the addiction he had forced on her, but her primal need to feed easily overpowered her mind, forcing her mouth to open wider and accept the ‘feeding’ from his cock.
She gave a good show. She had all her fears and they blossomed to the forefront. He wondered if isolating her brain and heart from her other flesh had made her more emotional. After all, that's all that was left of her original set-up save for the parts he had sex with. She'd certainly become a more sexual creature because of their preservation. Either way, he enjoyed her expressions and little realizations as he carried her. She was frightened by the chair like some child, worried about being in trouble. Her primal aversion to it was unfounded he thought. It would take away autonomy, but none that her current state hadn't already lost her. And she fretted appropriately when he yelled at her. He still lowered her into it, despite the bump on her head, and then he got to watch her spasm a few times, robotically, before she shut off. It was her electric wiring protecting itself from short-circuiting from the invasive spears. To him, it was a bit like turning her into bed.

Matthew had an opinion on how bad it was for her, but that only made Reikan more attached to the tuck-in method. The boss tugged a bit at the filling material in one of her ports as he looked over her sleeping form in the chair. He was very excited about this.


She was quite pretty, she always was, when he saw her. There was that alcohol laden affection that pulls at the intoxicated heart's strings. Only, with men like Reikan, such positivity looked and felt different. She was insulted by the way he went on, and by any toilet's standard, she was very expressive. A little game for him. He even saw some of her old attitude flickering for him, with her face surrounded by tile. Honestly, she did look a bit like an idol depiction upon an altar. How unfitting. He still tested what this new fixture to his bathroom might be like. She looked a bit out of place, here, when he'd chosen mostly dark ceramics and glazes, whereas her form presented white and pristine, to remind of your typical wet-space details. It worked, though, given she was the piece of art in a bathroom that was expensive, but lent itself more to décor than standalone art. When he stood, she was perfectly positioned to take what he gave. The men who'd installed her had been adamant on that, and even prepared to dig out the floor a bit, but Reikan's lofty proportions and her own lacking height made it so that they didn't have to.

He sighed with some happiness, his own eyes half lidded for a moment, when he watched her face turn from disdain to welcoming. Yes, as soon as his cock was in play, on the menu, her implanted hunger and thirst took over. She was almost reverent. He put his hand on the sturdy edge of her halo so he could lean in closer and waft the hormones of his musk in her face, cockhead just barely missing her nose and leaving her with a thick smell of his escapades. This wouldn't be the first piss of his night, and he'd gone the whole way with a complementary hooker from a brothel that wanted his steady patronage, so there'd be some residual seed caked on there, too.

"You want some?" he asked, down at his new roommate and latrine. Pushing his hips forward and relying on the hand on the halo, this time his other hand holding the base of his cock really did slap the long meat over her face. He chuckled and corrected himself a bit and let go. The hot stream held traces of vodka and the steak he'd eaten, but it was mostly clear and his boiling body temperature when it first hit her clean between the eyes and splashed out, strong in stream, and then simply washed her over, forehead to collarbones. "Fuuuuuuck..." he groaned with pleasure and squeezed his eyes shut before they relaxed and he dropped his head. "Nuuuggg..." he continued to give the contents of his bladder to her.
Amali’s gaze met Reikan’s as he swung his cock in front of her momentarily. His unsteady stance was a stark contrast to her trapped form, speared and impaled back into the tile throne, her multicoloured silicone body with a flesh face only made the scene more absurd. Her head followed the movement of his cock as her mouth remained open slightly, her tongue moving along the edge of the inside of her lip to moisten it, preparing to suck him off as the smell of his musk invaded her nostrils.

The teal coloured bangs sat against her forehead while a soft layer of short fuzz had begun to grow over her scalp as he stumbled slightly, asking if she wanted some, pushing his hips forward slightly for his cock to hang mere inches from her face before his hand grabbed hold of his length, thrusting his hips foreward before dragging his cock directly across her face, pulling her cheek to the side while her tongue snaked out in a desperate attempt to taste him.

However, she was quickly met with a fiery hot stream directly between her eyes. Amali groaned in discomfort as her eyes immediately closed, the scent of his musk quickly overpowered with the ammoniac stench of his piss as the nearly clear liquid coated every inch of her face and dripped down onto her shoulders and collarbones. Unable to turn away, Amali was forced to take the entire long stream of the contents of his bladder while some of the piss streamed directly into her subconsciously opened mouth.

The first drop made Amali nearly choke, her lips closing slightly as she desperately tried to spit the disgusting liquid out of her mouth, however several drops made it into her mouth and down her throat, the taste vile however it also ignited the brutal addiction he had implanted into her brain. Those first drops quickly turned from disgusting to delicious as she swallowed, her tongue running along her lips to lap up more of the gift her Master gave her.
He thought it was pretty, how she looked up at him. She was mostly other materials, but she still felt something. Something real. She needed him. This human stuck in a toilet looked at him as though he'd brought something valuable and holy to her. She wanted this. She didn't care that he'd stripped her of her flesh and fucked her like she was an object. It didn't matter to her in that moment. Her needs had been made simple. His little depository. He'd convinced her of this. He had made the scientists manufacture belief in the lab he'd provided. It was more than he could get with a robot. Amali had been born, and now she was this. She had always been meant to be this.

But she didn't look at him for long. She was a greedy whore, stuck in his bathroom. She only had eyes for what she wanted, and that thing swung, and her tongue followed. He had seen deeply pious people, even addicted ones, who weren't so enthusiastic about something, as Amali was for his dick. It had been the source of all this. Without it she would have been dead or a physical slave for something else. But because he had a libido, from which his sadism sprung, she had become project Courtesan. Boys with their toys.

She pulled back as much as she could when he stabbed her with the ray at first. Her skin indented from the initial pressure and he was finally pissing at her. Long time in the making, he watched his fluid drench her. She had an aversion to it, of course, and that made it more fun for him. But she had affinity toward it, too. He directed his generosity toward, filling her up beyond her teeth, marinating her tongue with the hot urine he had built up for her. He sighed, long, as the piss continued to come.

He stared down at her, affected by his usual satisfaction of relief, and then the intrigue of her expressions. Oh, he delighted in torturing her. It wouldn't have been fun if she just took to it directly. He needed her to be aware that she was just a glorified urinal cake now, and that took its toll. He got to see the change in her and groaned when she finally understood. Her eventual eager for it made him mutter something congratulatory to the team that had made it happen, and he leaned back but kept the stream coming. "There you go." he encouraged and flexed inside his stomach to piss harder into her mouth to make sure it overflowed. She'd be able to swallow freely if she chose to, and it'd still not be fast enough to get all of it.

He went on for a while, and tried to get some on her nose and eyes if he could. But even something as inhuman as Reikan eventually ran out. He flicked the last drops at her as the soaking of his leavings would affect and reward her addiction simply by seeping into her facia skin, let alone what she'd drank. Nobody had ever had such a good shower as her. The button over her, that she'd only know through the position of his arm when he touched it, as the button itself was beyond her field of vision, would flush everything clean. But then, of course, she'd be cleansed of all that lovely rapture, that his piss brought, before she'd even be able to lick it all up around her face.

The worst of it would be how the liquid pooled around her pussy, pushed out by the pose they'd put her in. The drain was intentionally slow, and her cunt bathed in the colored fluid she was trying to gulp up. With this potent treasure, softly caressing and permeating her pussy, there'd be a very palpable pleasure in her, even when the small waves licked at her asshole. If it stayed and soaked her long enough, she'd get a rather powerful orgasm. He had his thumb on the flushing button though. "Maybe it's time I flush." he said to see her reaction. He'd let her protest all she wanted. And then he'd indeed push. Clean water would come from within her tile halo, drowning her quick and mercilessly, and the drain would open up under her to take it all. By the end, whether she wanted it or not, Amali would be entirely clean, though wet.
Amali’s open mouth lapped up as much of the offered golden stream as she could into her mouth, the taste on her tongue starting as a horrific salty stream that made her gag involuntarily against it. However the gagging noises were transformed into gurgles as the stream filled her throat, forcing her to swallow if she didn’t want to drown. When Amali swallowed, the disgusting taste quickly turned to the warm euphoric feeling that she had when he fucked her.

However, her eagerness did little to swallow enough of his ‘gift’ before it spilled out of her mouth, streaming down over her chin and flooding her silicone body before pooling beneath her forward angled slit, flooding into her womanhood and ass at the same time her throat contracted to swallow and drink the piss within it. The euphoria grew even more intense as the high of being covered in his piss was exacerbated as it soaked into her silicone, absorbing into her new artificial skin and permeating into her mind and leftover organs that Reikan had allowed her to have.

Suddenly, the euphoria was combined with an intense pleasure as the drain situated beneath her slit kept the warm liquid beneath her for longer than necessary. Her mouth opened in a gasp as her head trembled slightly. Her breath shortened as the batteries on her lungs and heart forced a pleasurable quickening throughout her body, the influx of whatever fluid flowed through her silicone making her lightheaded which only intensified the high. It was a vicious cycle and Amali’s eyes began to glaze over from the overwhelming feelings coursing through her body. Her pleasure intensified, her gasps turning to moans as the pleasure built up from the pool between her legs.

When Reikan offered her a ‘flush’ Amali’s eyes looked up at him, her focus all but gone as he moved his hand above the tile halo surrounding her head, out of her view. She had no idea what was happening to her in that moment as she was being steered towards the cliff of climax when suddenly a strong stream of water plunged her entire body into a freezing cold waterfall. Immediately, Amali screeched in pain as the cold water pelted what was left of her body, washing away all of the pleasure just as she reached the apex of orgasm, denying her the release her body needed. Her eyes closed tightly as she was brought horrifically back to reality, her body stuck within the horrific urinal, unable to move and unable to do anything for herself as he washed away all of the piss he had coated her with, leaving her body trembling with cold and her turquoise bangs glued to her forehead making her look like a ruined doll.
Like any male, Reikan appreciated the noises she made. Gagging was sexual music, and she was doing it from the shallow touch of his liquid on her tongue, only. He saw the slick, pink muscle retreat and her mouth open wide because of that reflex, which gave him the opportunity to fill her up more, bathing her tastebuds and drowning her lower teeth. She still had her human teeth. But he saw the immediate change when even a few drops managed down her throat. It felt good that she was addicted to this part of him. He remembered her bad attitude when she'd first come into his possession. That girl would not believe she'd be happily integrated into a toilet, grateful for the urine he donated for her to gulp down. He hummed softly with satisfaction, his inebriation making him a bit merry. There was nothing wrong between master and toilet sharing a drink, was there? He'd drank it first, and now it was her turn. He chuckled to himself.

Her useless attempt to get it all eventually had him write all over her. Sigsag patterns on her face and body. The kind of fun all males like to have with their ray. And when he saw the effect his mere, bodytemperature water had on her, like she thought it was the loveliest elixir ever, it made him feel proud. It made him feel generous for giving her his piss. She didn't look like someone who'd had her human body ripped away, only for her vital, sensitive parts to be kept, when all other things were replaced by silicone and a framework of choice metals. No, she looked like she'd gone somewhere beautiful, and she was experiencing the benefits of it now. He'd never felt so godly, just from soaking someone like this.

And eventually she was littered with independent streams. Her cunt and ass bathing it, presented in the little cove of lightly yellowed water, marinating her in her own pleasure. She sounded like she was being fucked. He wondered if she'd ever had this kind of peace since she'd been with him. Truly she acted as though this was her bliss. She was scantly aware when he announced what he'd do, but then he got to laugh loudly when the flushing stole her from her little paradise. What a joke she'd become, wanting to be debris in his toilet, as long as he didn't clean the liquid filth off.

He bent over and looked her in the eyes. She wasn't catatonic yet from all that she'd endured. He'd designed her so she would give him her emotions and responses, but they'd also stipulated she'd break at any point. Her innate talent for being exactly this shone through, when she persisted in her suffering. A lot of people would have checked-out by now. But not Amali. She was destined for this. "That's all you get for now." he said and winked, chuckling once.

That was her life for a week. He was a busy man, but he visited her mornings and nights. Reikan did take care to sleep at home, these days, exactly because of that, despite being busy elsewhere, mostly. Sometimes it was just the pure need to relief for him, so he said nothing, just emptied his bladder and went. Each and every time he saw to that she didn't get to cum.

But one night it was different. He was naked, meaning to go shower, but stopped by her first. She'd see his tattoos that marked him as one of the city's criminals. And the first ray hit her mouth rather exactly, he'd been practicing a lot, after all. But he soon lowered his aim to piss exclusively on her exposed pussy and asshole, making a point out of giving her stimulation from the pressure of the ray and not just the properties of the liquid itself. He looked down at her, curious what it'd do. He had become familiar with her, speaking to her occasionally while he treated her to his vile waste product. A kind of confidant, though she was probably just partaking so he'd give her his piss.
The euphoric feeling was addicting, forcing Amali to crave more and more of it with each passing second as she eagerly gulped up the yellow liquid being sprayed onto her silicone and flesh. The halo of tile surrounding her head ensured that she would only be able to see her Master when he deemed her worthy to receive his piss before being left isolated with no awareness of the outside world save for the blinking lights of the city beyond the large windows of the bathroom.

But Reikan was cruel and it was evident when he pressed the button to wash off the live giving elixir of his bodily function from her desperate mouth, depriving Amali of the full euphoria she so desperately craved, forcing her to want it more as she was left to her own thoughts. Amli tilted her head back as Reikan leaned into the toilet, her gaze unfocussed at best as she blinked up at him when he denied her the release she desperately craved, abandoning her to her isolated frustration.

Amali counted the sunrised and sunsets to indicate how long she had been trapped in the bathroom, trapped within her tile prison and forced to wait until Reikan deemed her 'worthy' enough to be used as his urinal. He would enter at various times of the day or night, bathing her in his piss before washing it away just before she could release the climax she so desperately craved. The crevices in her mind began to erode with each passing day, her frustration and addiction growing more and more overwhelming. After seven days of her imprisonment, Amali instinctively opened her mouth when Reikan entered the bathroom again, her tongue moving out to silently beg him to use her as his urinal, to allow her the release she desperately needed. she listened to his drunken rages and his life stories, tales from his day and frustrations around his business ventures. Amali hated him and needed him all at the same time and the paradox of her life only served to erode the crevices of her human mind more.

It was the first time she had seen him naked and his body was covered in tattoos that denoted his status amongst the dark underbelly of the city's criminal syndicates. When he released into her mouth, Amali drank the offered golden elixir, the liquid flowing out of her mouth and down her chin onto her silicone body before he redirected his stream downwards, slamming the ammonia scented liquid against her trembling pussy. Amali groaned in pleasure as her body reacted with a desperate trembling, her eyes rolling back into her head as she was forced right to the edge of release within seconds. The battery around her heart and her lungs began to force her to breathe heavily and her head to lean back against the tile halo.
He was used to delights. He provided them and partook in most of them. It was one of the perks of being a king in the night, selling libations. But even he hadn't really had any real fun when he was executing his daily needs, at least not these ones. So having Amali there was a treat, a luxury, that he hadn't tried. She was something new, and he liked that. Not that this was the first time he'd used someone to receive his piss - it was a time honored humiliation, after all - but their reactions ranged from catatonic to wailing suffering for their pride, indeed as though it was eroding them where the stream hit. There were perverted girls and boys who took it like they adored it, but it was either because he was paying them enough credits for that response, or because they were addled by other intoxicants. Havin Amali was a bit like having a traditional pet. Like a dog that welcomed you home. Even Reikan couldn't be entirely immune to such loyalty. She lit up everytime he came in, and was brand new in her misery when he left, without letting her have her climax. It was quaint. It was perhaps the most he'd ever liked her.

He relied on her automatic mouth, and used it like that three times before he realized he'd not put servo motors in her jaws. That was learned behavior. Imagine a toilet that became better fitted to your needs the more you used it. She received his thoughts too. He had a lot of darkness in him, that smudged against the inside of his skull when he did bad things under the moon. How many lives were gone because of Reikan? And how many lilted on in altered states because he had a use for them? Amali was the most extreme, but he'd asked her and himself out loud a few times if she suffered the most. He had changed her the most, yes, and she had the most transgression done upon her person and self, but the net value of suffering to pleasure in her case was arguably better than say a girl who spent all her adult life in one of the lantern house's back rooms.

Amali offered her wisdom in drowning gargles and enraptured coughing and loud swallows. It was simple, but he liked that about her. So much like a pet. There was some affection in the way he now stood over her, in his painted nudity, and masturbated her with the spear of his ray. He had scantly ever focused only on this part of her. She expressed pleasure like no one else could. She was built, no rebuild for it. He held his cock with two hands, though not all fingers. Shifting his hips, he slapped her pussy, its now yellowed folds, with the pillar of Reikan-broth.

He grinned down at her. What an utter disgrace, and yet, he liked it. With his constant pissing, he had washed away a lot of the scorn she'd build in him when she refused to kill for him. After all, Darang was long gone. And this revenge was nothing if not thorough. And he meant to see it through tonight. So he squeezed his bladder which meant his piss came down harder on her pussy, moving her folds in the pressure. She'd have no chance. He was going for longer than he usually did and she was usually on her edge toward the end. Since he went beyond it now, and aiming only at her womanhood, she would disgrace herself soon.
Amali's limbless form could do little to stop the stream of yellow liquid that pummelled her angled slit, forcing it open as each second felt like an eternity. The batteries against her lungs forced her breathing to quicken more and more as her gasps and groans of pleasure quickly degenerated to desperate squeals and screams of ecstasy. Her head pressed back agaisnt the tile hale, the remnant of her turquoise coloured hair glued to her forehead and partially over her eyes. Her sight glazed over a Reikan continued the assault of his bodily function on her trembling slit, her body leaning precariously over the edge of climax for but a moment before it forced her off the cliff with a swift shove.

Amali's eyes closed shut while the battery powered heart, embedded in her chest, pressed against the silicone folds of her new body. Her screams turned almost animalistic as she exploded from the assault of his piss on her artificially addicted slit. She came hard, the silicone muscles contracting against the stream that split her open between her hips while her nostrils flared.

She came, her juices exploding out into the bowl of the urinal throne she had been placed into, mixing with his piss within the shallow trough as he pummelled her. Her eyes closed tightly while her mouth hung open in a drunken stupor while the rods impaling her spine kept her firmly in place, forcing her to take every last drop from Reikan. Her body trembled uncontrollably as she humiliated herself, climaxing violently from the stream of his piss while Reikan watched on with a mocking smile.

After what felt like an eternity, the batteries around her heart and lungs finally subsided, bringing the limbless cyborg back from the overwhelming explosion. Her head swung forward, her mouth hanging open in a stupor as she blinked, struggling to focus her sight as she reveled in the intense high and the exhaustion of the most explosive orgasm she had ever experienced. Her mind swam from the humiliation, desperately trying to wade through the fog of her drug addled, artificial body as she groaned in exhaustion.
The stress was building on her restraint. He felt as though he could control her pleasure entirely with the tension in his bladder. The more he shrunk it to push out his piss, the more she degenerated into something crazy and lustful. Not like she had much honor left, but she usually reverted back to something less than rabid. This was not that. She was increasingly departing from whatever poise she had, his stream on her pussy, waving her folds with the strength of the ray, made her stark raving mad. He thought it was a pretty picture, filthy and unhinged, all of it contained by tile, as it should be. Somehow it was more acceptable that she be a complete wreck for some measly urine, if she was set in a toiled.

He got to see it, the thing he himself had kept away. He had also denied himself her orgasm. And now that he conjured it in this sow of a former human female, it was spectacular. He saw right into her cunt, albeit through a slightly yellowed membrane, and how the insides all but lifted out to meet the ray. How noisy! He was particularly pleased with how utterly indignant she was being, still chasing her own climax while being embedded in this urinal. What a dirty glutton.

Admittedly, it was difficult to keep the stream going, since his cock wanted to fill up with blood, seeing the almost unholy creature, pussy produced at a critical angle to receive the stabbing pillar of pee, and her face expressing almost an image of violent death while her long lost orgasm found her with such breaking force. While this would mark the zenith of her current formation, it would not mark the end if he didn't deem it so. Leave it to Reikan to get to play god while he was relieving himself. It was not the first time his cock had decided over her well being.

He watched her own fluid rise like a bidet arch and dilute his own offerings. There was so much fun happening in this tall bowl. He could certainly see a lot of his friends paying a big sum of money for this. There was getting tired of even the best girls, but you always had to take a leak, so, this would be a good investment, that would be quaint when it stopped being novel.

As she was all but detached from her secure place, in the aftermath of her harrowing performance, he found himself jerking his cock, when he had shaken the last drops at her face and the blueish hair stuck there. She sure looked delicious, all served up and dumb from having her still human brain fried by the pleasure. To think she'd have the best pleasure as a toilet fixture.

"Aren't you happy like this?" he asked, cock rock hard. He did not flush. Her lower hip was still bathed in his piss and in some smaller part, her own squirt. He hummer but it was more like a growl as he started working himself up for his own release. "Would you rather stay here in my bathroom, and drink my piss forever, or would you like to have limbs?" he asked the addled creature plastered and stabbed onto the contraption. As she answered, there'd be a shower of thick ropes further wallpapering her hair to her features. He groaned and grunted darkly as he flicked the stiff member at her to get more shrapnel of seed to rain on her before he tucked himself in. He had to say, he missed interacting with her physically.
Amali's mind was clouded with her own climax for only a few seconds while her captor's piss pooled around her hips, the ripples mixing with her own sticky juices as they exploded from her intact feminine folds, further flooding the basin of the urinal that had become her home for days, submerging her lower folds in the ammonia stench.

Just as her head moved forward, her captor brutally exploded over her soaking wet face. Thick ribbons of his seed splashed over her unfocussed visage, framed with the caulk filled holes of the ports surrounding her head as tiny turquoise hairs were pushing up past the remnants of her scalp that he had allowed her to keep. Her bangs, still glued to her forehead in stringy tendrils were coated in the sticky cum before he struck her face, swinging his cock over her features, creating a strange work of art that combined his piss and his cum over her face.

When he spoke, asking if she wanted to stay trapped within the confines of the urinal throne or if she wanted limbs, Amali was brought brutally back to reality. Her broken mind came together, the crevices obvious but not shattered…yet. Her expression changed from one of euphoric exhaustion to one of abject horror, confusion and disgust as the stench nearly made her gag.

The poor thief could do nothing, her chest heaving slightly as the batteries allowed her panic to rise slightly. shaking her head, she looked up at him, her body, both the human and robotic parts shifting backwards as the pistons forced their way deeper into her spine, holding her limbless form in place, helpless and at the cruelty of whatever the man standing above her wanted.

“Limbs,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, “I want limbs.” suddenly, more sticky tendrils coated her face and scalp, the mixture of the musky stench of his cum and ammoniac smell of his piss enough to make anyone gag as he coated her in his bodily fluids.
She was a glorious mess, piss soaked and cum painted. And she was thriving in it. She was perfect really, entombed in tile and greedy to be used as tile is used. Amali was taking to all the roles she had been given. Maybe it was being part material, that she could emulate other material and objects so well. Maybe this was the true spirit of a toilet, if it could have expressed and talked? At least the ones that are happy with their lot in life. He wondered what other inanimate things Amali could be the representative for. Though, she may like her current role too much to ever abandon it. He liked to hope so, that she'd settle in as his bathroom.

But she became distinctly human, which was what he loved about her, when he prodded her with the question. Underneath the salt and ammonia and protein that was slimed over her features, she was a woman again, looking at him like many women may, with fear. It was how he'd come to know her gender, and he ascribed them no value beyond that, something Amali had learned, painfully, first hand.

He laughed quietly when she jolted back into a dignity that would never service her as well as it did him, in his undoing of it. His jaw dropped as the accumulated humiliation struck her. Oh, it had been worth all the effort to see not a part-robot or a broken mind relish in its newest form, but someone who felt and thought like him, finding herself in the lowest imaginable position.

His mouth opened and closed to mimic hers when she found her words again, a childish sadism that had never had to leave the cruel man. As she allowed herself to wish and beg, she became more aware of herself, as an actual urinal. "Oh, are you sure?" he asked, fully tucked in and clothed. "Because I could have sworn you just came like a freight train from my piss alone."

He squatted down to look her in the eye, at her eyelevel. "Maybe I should add a tilting function to this and have you take care of my shit as well?" he mused and pretended to think about it. How would she react to one day be privy to having cum her brains out from him shitting on her? It was inevitable, but he had other plans right now. It was good to have her back, if only for an instant. He stood up again and reached for the panel over her head. "Or I guess I could just leave you like this until you age out and die with piss crusted in your wrinkles."

The button he pushed was not the flushing one. The spears in her spine delivered a chock to put her to sleep.

And when she woke up she'd do so in a cage. A rather flimsy one, compared to the fortified prisons she'd been kept in. But her teeth would be different, and the limbs she'd gotten were... shorter. Her spine had been elongated into a tail with light diodes adoring its length. Her hair had been fed protein and been told to grow, a cosmetic treatment comon for those with the money. Though the fluffy hairdo now was curled into a mop that would add to the overall appearance he'd prepared for her.

A bitch need to look the part.
Amali was humiliated, her limbless body limp as she begged for her arms and legs back, but they weren't hers. Hers were long gone. The limbs she was begging for were nothing more than a metal skeleton with silicone musculature that were completely at the whim of the brutal man standing above her. Even her vital functions were controlled by his whims and that realization washed over her features as the yellow liquid dripped from her chin and down over what was left of her rainbow silicone body. The desperation was hopelessly combined with a despair that washed over her as he mused about forcing her to remain like that for the rest of her life, even moving to threaten her with forcing her to accept his shit as well.

She was humiliated and defeated, her mind deeply crevassing with each brutality he inflicted on her but her defiance and resistance was still sparking, albeit dimly. She still possessed the human nature to survive at all costs and while her mind was breaking, it wasn't broken…yet.

Her lip quivered as her captor mused about her torture before he leaned over her, his malicious visage the last thing she saw before a brutal shock penetrated the rods impaling her spine. Amali opened her mouth in a silent scream before her body went limp, her consciousness forcing her into the darkness of a dreamless sleep.

Amali's eyes fluttered open some time later lying down in a wire cage. She was lying on her side and a wicked headache burned behind her eyes. Moving her arm up, Amali's eyes opened wide as she realized that she was missing the lower part of her arms, the limbs ending where her elbows should have been. Panicking, she tried to push herself up on the stumps at the end of her ‘arms’ while her legs, or what was left of them kicked out. She looked down, horrified at the sight of her legs, cut off at the knees and removing any chance of her standing upright. Amalis gaze then moved as she caught a strange light flicking behind her only to come face to face with a twitching tail that was growing out of her artificial spine, bright lights blinking along its length.

Turning back towards the cage, she realized that she was in a wire kennel made for a dog. That was when she felt something moving on top her head. Looking upwards, she leaned her head down so one of her stumped arms could run over what was esentially a tightly curled, permed round afro that stood tall on her head.

Amali's mind swam as she realized what was happening. She was styled up like some sick poodle. Nothing but a dog.
She was lovely in her despair. He thought the sexual gratification, even at the cost of her pain and pride, revigorated her, charged her so that she had the energy to be broken again and again. And she threw herself so perfectly into these desperate crushings. It was addictive to undo her, over and over. It was a bad fate, no? A toilet that had honor to tarnish. What a business idea. An endless vat for sadistic outlet, even when you didn't have to do anything. Her looking at him like that, with yellow beads like a beard around her face, the blue almost green in her hair because of the breaking of color in her prisms. He was tempted to try and squeeze out a little more for her, but he'd given her plenty, already. He wasn't so engage that he'd go through the trouble.

He'd rather see her consciousness detained. There were other plans for the girl currently smelling like ammonia, and looking like a tragedy. He thought she fainted well. Very feminine, still. He looked at her for a while, mourning that what happened next, would cost him his favorite thing in this room. She had made an impression on him. Her ability to entertain was stellar.


He was excited for her, and had pestered Matthew for it every step of the way. Now, he got to see when she woke up, finally. He did feel the rush of ownership when she stirred. He chuckled to himself. It was a momentous scene but the way she struggled with her shorter limbs really cut him up. He breathed through fingers clasping his mouth as he meant to contain his cackling elation. Oh, she really did look like a dog findings its bearings. At least the piss was washed off her. They needed her clean for all the augmentations. Matthew had voted against such well-working limbs, but Reikan had wanted a certain look to his pet. Not like she could escape, anyway. Not from the kennel. He was almost beside himself when she moved, and felt a sense of creator's pride when she saw her tail. Hah. She still cared so much about her hair.

He squatted down by the door, which was held in place with a simple slide-bar-lock, childsplay if she'd had fingers, but she didn't, anymore. He threaded his own digits into the squares of the cage and shook it. "Good morning!" he shouted. In other instances, when he interacted with real dogs, he was much more concerned about his volume. She hadn't graduated to deserve a real dog's respect, yet.

"How do you like it? We made sure you only have the best parts." he tilted his head and leaned closer, admiring the work of his team. She was a wonder of engineering. Matthew came up behind him to look at her. He was making notes on a pad he brought. Reikan looked over his shoulder at the scientist and smiled brightly before he turned back to her. "You look so pretty." he awarded and stood up, and with that motion, pulled the bar to open the door for her. "Now, come out so we can look at you."
Amali was obviously panicking at being so mutilated when a clap echoed behind her. Turning her head slowly, she once again came face to face with her sadistic tormentor. Her eyes widened in humiliation at being so controlled but the glint in her eyes was slowly fading as she began to lose the will to fight, the crevices in her mind growing more and more eroded, her resistance becoming weaker and weaker as he stared at her with a malicious smile.

She struggled to push herself up onto the stumps of her arms and legs only to fall back onto her side as Reikan sat outside the kennel that would have been simple to escape...if she had fingers, which only made the humiliation worse. She was helpless, completely reliant on him as he sat mocking her. When he shouted, her entire body tensed with fear as she stared up at him, terrified of what he was going to do to her. She couldn't imaging anything worse than being his toilet but the man seemed to be relentless in his torture.

She remained lying on her side in the kennel as he spoke like she was some beautiful model that had just had plastic surgery to make her look even more beautiful as the scientist appeared behind him. Pushing herself back in the kennel, Amali pressed her new tail against the back bars of the cage. She didn't want anything to do with Reikan and it was obvious she was terrified of him. In that moment, Amali wanted to be left alone to her despair but Reikan seemed to have other plans.

His fingers then moved the bar holding the kennel door closed and ordered her out of the cage. Amali remained pressed against the back of kennel, her eyes wide with fear as the stumps of her arms pushed against the wire bottom of the kennel as she shook her head, causing her new, tightly curled and big hair to sway on top of her head. "Please," she tried to speak but her words came out like some strange robotic barking sound which immediately made her eyes wider. "Please, don't" she tried again and all that came out was a whimpering robotic bark, her voice nothing more than a dog's whimper. Amali's expression change to one of abject horror of not even being able to beg for mercy. Tears bit at her eyes as she realized that she was nothing more than a stupid animal. Unable to run and unable to talk intelligently.
She was showing good signs. Maybe it took being in a canine form to finally act like the pet she'd become, long ago. The process of breaking her had certainly been costly, but it was important that it moved forward. If she was too dumb to learn her place after so long, then he'd have to put her down and donate her parts to better deserving animals. It would have been a waste. She was adorable in her current configuration. And the budding attitude of a bitch, the good, obedient kind, was reassuring to him. This time it was coming from the weight of all that they'd done to her, rather than chemicals addicting her to his cum. Though he never thought he'd let that fade out of her system. It was as natural as craving any nutrition for any life form, now. He thought she should be happy to be the focus of so much attention, both his and the people who kept rebuilding her.

The way she laid there was a lot like any dog at the vet, and she cowered like a dog too. Helpless but a bit resigned. She wasn't showing any aggression and, wasn't that what you looked for when you visited the pound? He opened the door nonetheless, and they were all delighted with the sounds she made. The computers always around them would give the real message, but he could easily read her lips for that sentiment, now. She only had a few things she liked to say to him, every time he showed her the newest potential in the human condition.

"Oh, don't be like that." he said and waited a bit, to create the image of a patient new owner, maybe someone with experience of this kind of thing. He clapped his thigh a couple of times. Her mop of blue hair was precious. And then he rattled the cage, grabbing it from the side. The noises would be loud, inside. She wasn't feeling formidable right now. For what she knew, she wouldn't be better than any dog, and she certainly wasn't better than any other woman, especially since she hadn't gotten used to her body yet.

He made his way around, to the part of the cage she was pressed up against. She might bolt out thinking that she could outrun him, or to simply put distance between them, but he doubted she'd suddenly become a paragon of her new limbs just because the opportunity presented itself. Instead he grabbed the cage and lifted it, shaking to have her fall out the front where the door remained open. He would produce her on the floor, one way or another. Almost annoyed, he'd throw the cage away and squat by her, weary but excited as he scratched her behind her ear, to test the sensory nodes they'd put there.
Amali's eyes were terrified and horrified at the newest mutilation of her body. She had lost all track of the days she had spent as some sort of sick plaything to be changed and mutilated at the whims of the man who stood at the entrance to the cage. She had no hands or feet and the tail extending out of her spine was curling beneath her ass as she pressed it against the back of the cage. The fact that he had even taken her ability to speak made Amali's mind all the more destroyed. She was losing the will to defy him, to fight for her own life again. Everything had been taken from her and she was terrified of Reikan.

His movements initially did little. Amali remained cowering in the back of the kennel as he stood staring in at her with a fake smile plastered on his face. A smile that did little to hide the sadistic malice simmering beneath the surface. She trembled in the back of the cage before his hands grabbed either side, lacing into the bars before he violently shook the cage. Amali whimpered in fear as her stumps of arms and legs tried to keep her balance while the diodes on her ‘tail’ flashed with her fear.

She stared at him through the bars of the cage as he straightened up and moved behind the age, where her silicone ass and tail was pressed up against. She turned from him, her ‘arms’ desperately trying to find her balance to get out before whatever it was he had planned. However, without practice, she couldn't pull herself forward and suddenly the cage was lifted off the ground and shaken violently. Amali screeched in fear as her body tumbled out of the cage and onto the floor in a heap, her human voice reduced to a canine yelp. Her large curly mop of hair stuck out as she struggled to find her footing, to straighten her legs and balance herself on the stumps from her shortened limbs.

However, she was barely able to roll over before Reikan appeared above her again. She whimpered, shying way from him as his hand moved to the side of her head until his fingers began scratching behind her ears. With the touch, a warm feeling immediately began to course through her. It was a comforting sensation that made the batteries around her heart force it to slow down while her eyes closed in a euphoric sensation of comfort from the touch.
It was perfect, really. Not just because it was clear exactly what likeness he wanted from her, though the tail could register as feline rather than canine, but because it was teaching her what he wanted her to know, all along. That she was just his pet. She was just here for him. She had held on to her pride and this unneeded notion of her own humanity. That's what he wanted. He wanted to eat her hope. And while she had clawed on to it, and it had sometimes been such an intricate part of her that she didn't even know she could let it go, it was offered up to him now, in its parts. He was happy to see it, from her understanding and seeing herself. The animal he'd created with a mop of blue on her head and no discernable human limbs, was perfect. Finally Amali was a good pedigree.

And when she looked at him like that, he did feel like a proud owner. The way the diodes fired up and gave off a hollow blue light to indicate her emotions, a gradient designed by Matthew but made to be intuitive for whoever saw her. In the closed-in environment of the cage, the light got shredded in square pieces through the bars, and was ghostly on her face, recast. He wanted to provoke her, to make her feel bitch-things. He was going to enjoy the shit out of this new formation of a familiar toy. This also proved to him the possibilities with this body he'd given her. His little doggy. She reacted exactly like one. He would see if he meant to tame her, and teach her, or if he'd keep her feral and wild.

The cage was fun to shake, because he had to put a bit of his back into it, and it was satisfying to feel her weight plop out of it. Not to mention the sound of her hitting the floor. He excused the cage and looked down at her. She was trying to understand the new body. It was all up to her. They'd made sure her nerves were connected to it the same as her other versions. Though, even Reikan understood changing species could be disorienting. He was all too happy to see her her try, though. If she'd been a real dog she'd scurried away already.

And then, when she responded sweetly to his scratches because that's what they'd designed her to do, he chuckled to himself. "Oh, you like that, don't you?" he asked and let the friction of the touch go down her neck. It'd help her get on her back, which would be a logical shift of pose. It was dependent on her not realizing it would make her look more like a dog. And once she exposed herself like that to him, he'd scratch down her throat and sternum gently and pet her stomach. "You've been bad, but I can't stay mad at you." he cooed as his hand continued down her abdomen to start rub her cunt in circular motions. Not only was she now wired to appreciate this, but her misery as a human would also welcome the good sensations. He rubbed her labia a little rougher. "Is that what you want, girl?" he asked while the others laughed, but they were also transfixed at the perverted, unfolding scene.
Amali's still human mind swam as Reikan's touch sent waves of pleasure through her. Her body reacted with an affection that her mind screamed to stop. But the artificial skin of her body was too much for her mind and reacted in exactly the way that her captor wanted. His touch moved past her ear, stroking over her neck before pressing gently against her silicone flesh. She tried to beg him to stop, to not humiliate her but all that came out was a desperate whimper as her body collapsed onto her side before her new ‘limbs’ moved up into the air, revealing her front and the slit between her legs.

His touch moved over her breasts which made Amali shudder in arousal as the diodes on her ‘tail’ began to glow a deep red, pulsating before his fingers moved over her stomach as her mind struggled to grapple with the new position. With her new limbs up in the air, she looked like a dog begging for a belly rub which Reikan seemed all too happy to provide. His palm pressed against her stomach as he cooed at her like she was a disobedient puppy that needed to be trained. Her own gaze met his in a mixture of pleasure and despair as his hand moved down over her hips and between her legs, spreading her outer lips apart to stroke the moist opening.

Amali's thoughts clouded over as his touch sent wave after wave of arousal through her. She spread the stumps that were her new legs wider, giving her the look of a lewd dog begging for a belly rub as Reikan's fingers penetrated her body. She moaned in pleasure as her tail began to wag, the diodes pulsating faster as her body responded to him. Every thought in her mind was replaced with the desperate need for him to fuck her body. Amali whimpered in desperation as laughter erupted around her at such a scene. Her humanity was quickly fading as the programming began to take over. Her hope and resistance was fading away and it was evident as her body reacted to Reikan's touch, her hips moving side to side in an attempt to get his fingers to brush over her pleasure button while her animalistic whimpers and groans echoed, mixing with the degrading laughter.
There was a different satisfaction for him in all this, other than the usual triumph over someone's sentience and independence. Because when she succumbed to the new instincts they'd put into her, and the nerves that they controlled, she was expressing the success of their build, and the viability of his own designs, which was, of course, after his desires. This had always been about some kind of creation to them, and since Reikan was at the forefront of it, dictating every step, it was only natural that his ego drew god parallels. There was trepidation in the girl, the bitch, but she didn't fight them as hard now. Maybe because they weren't the clawing, painful kind, but rather, the same level as an itch. Unassuming and not made to mobilize the very core defenses of her personality. Or, maybe Amali had just taken so much violence to her self-image that she'd simply gone ragged on the inside. Either way it was by his design, and his pleasure.

He watched her depravity unfold, and admired the engrained motions. It was part due to how he chose to move his hand, he knew, but it could also be in her mind, the way she'd seen dogs do it before. The way they'd made her now, physically, being on her back in this exact manner also made more sense for the set of her limbs, and ergonomy. She understood what was happening to her, with her still very expressive and human eyes, but she couldn't do anything about it, more than any of them could fight their own nature. She was certainly offering up her own humiliation for the pleasure it would give her. The newest glands inside her rewarded her in small ways, the more she debased herself. It was time Amali got attached to her own shame.

He let his hand move down her offered sternum and belly, and the lightshow from the tail, if not for the colors, would tell of her feelings just by the way they moved and their increased rhythm. Eventually his palm came to attend to her pussy, mashing it down with his side-to-side rubs. Her sounds and the spreading of her legs painted her as a horrible harlot, especially in her new, canine configuration, but Amali was starting not to care about that kind of thing, anymore. And she was right to think like that. She'd been a lot happier a lot sooner if she hadn't bothered with so much resistance. At least now she was coming along better.

The bubbling amusement out of their throats lulled a bit, but not for lack of merry. Reikan eventually clapped her cunt as though to praise it but then let it be. He stood and sat down on a chair that Matthew provided. The lord of this entire game, of her world, looked down at her and waited. His own knees were parted invitingly, as though he meant for her to come between them. He wondered what instinct she'd show him now. She would have to utilize her new paws if she wanted to reach him, and then also, admit that she was motivated enough to do so.
Amali's resistance was shattered and her resistance frayed as her torturer's hand caressed and pressed against her exposed slit, her womanhood responding with eager desire for release. She whined in pleasure, the diodes on her ‘tail’ glowing brighter as she desperately tried to get herself off. Her limbs wave in the air as she humiliated herself in the room filled with her captors even as they laughed at her. However, her eyes betrayed her shame as her mind tried to mesh her humiliation with her body's responses to her captor's touch.

Her whimpers turned to barks of pleasure and need as Amali's hips moved with Reikan's hands, desperation evident in her body language as her tail wagged happily. Her ‘legs’ were spread further apart as she invited him selfishly into her most intimate core. However, her release was not to come as his hand abandoned her slit before coming down hard on her clit, sending a wave of pain up through her body, culminating in a pained yelp as he abandoned her desperately needy body.

Amali's gaze followed Reikan as he stood up and abandoned her, walking a few feet away to sit down on a chair, just out of reach. Amali lay still for a moment, almost expecting him to come back. To give her the release she so desperately craved. But he didn't move, aside from shifting one of his legs apart to create an opening. Amali's mind screamed in desperation, trying to fight her body and to resist her most carnal instincts.

But Amali's new artificial body was unable to resist as she rolled onto her side. Her gaze went glassy as her mind despaired her life. She wasn't human anymore, she had no choice. She was beholden to Reikan's wishes lest she be left to die in a gutter. The reality of her situation was sinking in and the erosion of her mind was evident as she pressed her ‘paws’ into the concrete floor, trying to push herself up onto all fours.

It was a struggle. She looked like a calf trying desperately to stand up as her limbs seemingly shifted, sliding along the floor as she tried to gain her balance. She grunted in struggle but her body began to overheat quite quickly and wouldn't cool down. Opening her mouth, a whoosh of air ran over her tongue as the air in the room began to cool her body. Amali's tongue extended from her mouth as she breathed, desperate to cool her body as no sweat emerged from her artificial skin. It was only through the humiliating panting that she could quell the overwhelming heat.

After a few more moments of struggle, Amali finally managed to stand up on her paws, her mouth hanging open while her tongue swung outside her lips. Her body trembled as she began to crawl between Reikan's legs, her physical needs overpowering her mental resistance.
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