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robocups verseXRaina Lark

Callie was panicking, her fearful gaze and screams fell on silence from the screens as her father and other wedding guests stared in horror at her as if they couldn't hear her either. Her chest heaved as she struggled against the chair, desperately trying to escape her captor's hands as they grabbed hold of her exposed breasts, pushing them upwards and forcing them apart lewdly for everyone to see. The tears stained her cheeks, leaving streaks of mascara and eyeliner down the skin of her cheeks while her head leaned away from him, her disgust rampant at his words of claiming her was her ‘Daddy.’

When he abandoned her body, Callie was granted a brief reprieve from the torture and her head fell forward slightly in despair. However, the relief was short lived as the unmistakable sound of a zipper echoed in the large sunken living room. Callie looked up and came face to face with her captor's veiny member, just as it lay down on her shoulder, massaging her neck slightly with its throbbing bloodflow. Callie immediately turned away in disgust, clenching her lips together and closing her eyes to avoid having to look at it. However, she was brought violently back to reality as he shifted his hips, slapping the cock against her streaked cheek forcing her eyes open as her nostrils flared while she swallowd the sobs that threatened to destroy her.

Suddenly, her hair was yanked upwards. Callie barely manageed to keep her mouth shut as she screamed muffily behind her lips. Tears bit at the corners of her eyes as pain exploded over her scalp and he forced her head sideways so that the tip of his bulbous cock lay against her cheek, dangerously close to her mouth while she desperately tried to pull away from him.

Tears began to stream down her cheeks again as he yanked her hair sideways, forcing her nose and lips onto the tip of his cock as she struggled to breath through her panic. she quietly sobbed while her teeth clenched tightly together, her nostrils flaring with each laboured breath as she forced his cock against her face, stroking her skin with his disgusting cock as he laughed at her predicament.

When his cock finally released her face, Callie's shoulders dropped slightly, however the torture was far from over as her captor offered her a deal. Marry his cock and her husband could be her ‘chaperone’. Her bloodshot eyes went from his manhood to his face as his mocking smile made fun of her predicament. Callie couldn't open her mouth for fear of giving him the chance of invading her orifice as he began reciting a wedding ceremony while her family and friends watched in horror. Callie groaned and whimpered, her eyes staring straight at her father, begging him to rescue her as her captor continued his mocking of the sanctity of marriage.

The question that she dreaded came quickly, her choice to say I do to the horrific pole staring at her. Callie looked up at her captor and then to the screen showing the panicked faces of her family and friends at what should have been her wedding reception. A wave of courage washed over her as she turned back to him, barely opening her mouth.

“Go to hell,” she growled at him before quickly pressing her lips together again.
She was wild, bawling at every turn. As expected, the mascara stained face reacted dramatically to having his cock near it. He didn't know what kind of experience she had of these things before today, but she may be innocent enough not to know what a privilege it was that her first time would be with something of this size. On the contrary, she tried to avoid it best she could, all but straining her neck, hoping to create some distance between her head and the member that claimed her shoulder. As though some parent had taught her something, she meticulously kept her mouth shut. Her resolve was commendable, but he'd seen closer guarded virtues be broken open by the same cock. The thing was, when she shut her lips like that, her nose would have to take the brunt of it, which meant the limb was saturating her brain with its odor.

The humming complaints vibrated his cock while he kept her against it. He should like to have at her already, but he had a whole ritual to perform, all to the watching eyes of her guests and family. He thought that'd be it. But as he finished the words, and waited for her to say her part of the script, something red spiraled in her eyes. It gave him flashes of Amali. Ah, that's right. These little bitches didn't change. That's why Amali was meat in a can, and that's why Calliope was just a silly girl with blood mixed up in an old Yakuza clan. Very well.

He threw a quick eye at the orb currently recording them from the front, and smiled at the men that might see. Some of them gasped, knowing what would come next. Her head was still in the angle he wanted, because he held her hair. He got a tighter grip, pulling at her well made strands. His other hand simply reached out for her, and pinched her nose. The oldest trick in the book. He waited.

If there was something you learned as a torturer, it was that everyone needed to breathe.

She could have the resolve of a rhino and still need oxygen eventually. And when she parted her lips to let that breath whistle, it would have the aroma of his cock. It barreled forward and interrupted that breath, parting her stubborn lips and wrenching her jaws open when she was already turned in a bad away. Even seasoned whores had a trouble fitting him with their head turned to the side. He didn't make any allowances for Callie Uzano just because she was a princess of their world. He popped the lid of her throat and made sure to force her over the length of his cock, threading into her swallow. He even used the now free hand to clap on the back of her skull to hammer her further along his dick.

And when he was inserted as far as he could, he looked into the camera, while the daughter of Uzano got no air whatsoever. He looked, stone cold, into the recorder until he could feel whatever struggle she provided die down. And just as her muscles started to give, when her mind would be succumbing, he pulled her off him, after having tickled the beginning of her digestive system. He'd let her breathe, while still holding her hair. She may say the words or she may not. It wouldn't really matter whether she was married to the cock that was about to defile her.
Callie's resolve only lasted for a moment as her captor crabbed her hair tighter, yanking her head back roughly while his other hand grasped at her nose, pinching it tightly closed and cutting off her air. The woman put up a good fight, her eyes widening as her lungs began to burn from the lack of oxygen. She struggled to keep her mouth shut as the man's member sat menacingly in front of her lips, nearly touching her.

After a few moments, Callie's air ran out and she was forced to open her mouth. Just as she did, the man slammed his cock into her mouth, filling her orifice and pushing his cock down her throat, triggering her gag reflex. Callie's eyes widened in horror as tears bit at the inner corners. Her muscles trembled as her hands grasped at the air in a desperate attempt to get away from the assault in her mouth. However, she was stuck tight, her mouth brutally filled with her captor's cock as her family watched in abject horror.

After what felt like an eternity, her captor finally pulled his cock out of her mouth while a string of her saliva followed the tip before her body exploded into a coughing fit. Her breath came in short, laboured gasps as his fingers tangled in her hair once again, forcing her head back to peer at her family, her own terror matching theirs as she scrambled to catch her breath. It was horrific and the fear that washed over her features was indicative of his threat as she was forced to stare into his evil eyes.

“I…,” she gasped, her voice raspy from the abuse of her throat mere seconds before as she succumbed to his demand to marry the horrific member throbbing in front of her face, connected to her body by a string of clear spit leading into her mouth.
It was inevitable, of course, once he closed her nose for her. But he liked to see how long they'd hold out. She was too tense to make it any significant time. She had some gusto, but it wasn't impressive. Except for her proportions and innate beauty, Callie wasn't very impressive. The Uzano genes had made her lovely, but it was that blood that put her in this position too. Those who were joined with her by the same name, and those that would be, only stared to cheer her on. Such silence in people who were so upset. They gasped when she did, but they got to finish their intakes, whereas Calliope's tasted like cock. He groaned when her breath whistled by him, and he could insert his flesh between her wide open lips. Couldn't she at least have the forethought to breathe through a slit of her lips?

He muttered with delight as he got to devirginize her mouth, tongue, and esophagus. His cock would have nothing less. The cramping up to expel him, and the explosions of air trying to punch the thick head out were staples of this technique that he'd long since learned to love. The guests on the other side of the screen were in a new uproar, demanding him to stop, and then begging him, and then holding their breath again. Only then did Reikan pull out of her, as though he'd bring her digestive system with him in that yank.

He couldn't help but laugh when he finally let her breathe. This girl was no hero. No defiant criminal. How unbecoming her coughing was, when she'd been so eager to insult him just now. The bridge of thick spit that connected him to her gullet didn't even break from her hacking, and he could feel the vibrations of her voice when she had to look at her family, and the cock that had so easily beaten her, when she swore herself to it.

The people on the other side of screamed and shook the officiant that shook his head in shame for the family. It was the same as when they'd married daughters to mountains and told-of dragons in their history. It was binding. It would have to be written down in their scroll.

"You are now husband and wife." Reikan said and dotted either of her temples with a kiss from his cock slit, slathering the string across her forehead. "Whore and cock." he continued to paint the character for love in their language over her face, keeping her still with her hair. And then that dick hovered over her lips again. "You may now kiss."

And once she'd done that - he was rather sure she was more eager to please him now - the orb would fly back a bit to show all of her again, so he could start tearing at her skirts until little more than the torso of her dress remained. It was time for the main event.
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