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Mx Female My Idea Megathread (NSFW Images)


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011
So this is going to be kind of a mega-thread of ideas I'd like to play, but this is the central one.​

Looking for a partner willing to play against my own big white-cocked stud. Ideally, my partner's character would any girl (or perhaps a couple of them) from a variety of media/franchise.

PM me if this sounds interesting and we can discuss all the little tidbits to make sure we both enjoy it!

Ideas and potential girls below! All up for discussion!

1) MC is a new teacher for some subject (history, English, math, etc), and quickly he and one of his students (insert YC here, preferably one from a listed Fandom or some other we can discuss) hit it off after some time. Naturally this relationship is kept on the down low so as not to arouse suspicion, but they end up both bonding and connecting as both mentor/student and lovers. And after enough time, she realizes BWC is the best and decides to help her friends realize the joy of it too!

2) MC is new to the role in an established world (a ninja from another Land in Naruto, a new Duelist in Yugioh, etc) and either finds himself in trouble or finds YC in trouble with some thugs/rogues, the two coming together to fight them off. And after that, they end up teaming together to go on adventures, perhaps even him getting the chance to put the Heart in other girls along the way.

If it also helps, I can provide a list of girls I'm interesting. And we can formulate other ideas from there!

- Orihime
- Rangiku
- Nelliel
- Unohana
- Harribel
- Yoruichi
- Tatsuki

- Ino
- Hinata
- Tsuande
- Shizune
- Mizukage
- Temari
- Anko

- Anzu (DM)
- Ishizu (DM)
- Asuka (GX)
- Akiza (Been a huge craving for her haha) (5Ds)
- Carly (5Ds)

**One Piece:**
- Nami
- Nico Robin
- Vivian
- Boa Hancock

- Mirko
- Ashido
- Ochako
- Toga
- Midnight
- Fem!Bakugo
- Tooru
- Mt. Lady
- La Brava

**Kinks (Negotiable)**
• Messy creampies
• Cum inflation (light/medium)
• Titfucking
• Lactation
• Cervical penetration (painless)
• Sexual Exhaustion
• Descriptive orgasms
• Leglocking
• Powerplay
• Begging
• Impregnation/breeding/pregnant sex
• Stomach bulges
• Groping/teasing
• Handjobs/fingerings
• Sleep-fucking (giving/receiving)
• Oral (giving receiving)
• Virginity loss

• Toiletplay
• Feet
• Futanari
• Puke
• Pegging
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Another idea to add, this one based in the MHA fan verse.

Quirks, as everyone knows, allow certain members of humanity to achieve superhuman feats. Speed, morphing, electricity manipulation, the possibilities are endless. No one really knows WHY certain individuals gain these traits, only that they do. Thankfully, the majority use them for good: To aid the humanitarian services and their fellow people across the globe.

However, one striking oddity always stood out in the minds of the civilian population and among the higher-ranked Heroes: Not a single male had been born with a Quirk. Ever. Scientists ran trial after trial, but it seemed like not only were Quirks female exclusive: They were irreproducible. Even the various world governments tried various forms of gene editing and therapy, all to no effect.

However, one day news comes in to Nana Shimura, Chairwoman of the Hero Council as well as Headmaster of the U.A. Hero Academy, about a young man in North America who seems to possess a massive degree of superhuman strength. He's just some farmhand from a backwoods area in Kentucky, but against all odds he stopped an 18-wheeler that had lost its brakes from plowing into a warehouse....And despite the driver sustaining some injuries, chief among them a fractured skull, this young man was unharmed.

The doctors in his state simply don't have the capacity to test like U.A. does, so he's brought to the Academy itself to test if he truly does have a Quirk...And if it turns out to be true, Nana believes she found the perfect way to help 'boost' the population of male Heroes.
After DMing so much for others on Discord, I'd like to make a small request of my own in the hopes of finding someone interested in the idea.

The world is fated to end in calamity and to that end, one priestess receives word from her Mistress that a hero walks among them. Somoene strong but unfocused, who has the power to banish the darkness for good. The Mistress warns this Priestess to temper her expectations, because even with her gifts it is unknown just WHO this hero is, but she gives the Priestess an amulet that will react in the presence of this Hero. And when she does find him? Instead of a dashingly handsome prince or a stunning rogue, she finds....A Goliath.

One of the mountain people. Brutish, always seeking fights, a race of people who could not care less about world-ending events, only seeking to sharpen their own skills. The basic plot is one of growth, where through adventures the Goliath unlearns his borderline suicidal "tactics" and grows as a person.

This would be kind of a harem-building adventure sort, but it would take some work for him to do as such. Especially since he'll have to be the frontman for recruiting fellow adventurers for ever-more challenging fights against the forces of darkness and its minions who would seek to claim his party as stock for entertainment.
Another idea from me, and a pretty basic premise. To anyone who's seen Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e, you might be familiar with the prompt.

This is a much smuttier exercise. The basic premise is that Humans on a primeval Earth are facing extinction, reduced to wandering warbands as they fight for survival against a powerful undead sorcerer hellbent on turning all living things into his undead servants.

A final assault on the sorcerer's keep lends Humanity a victory, the spells of death and decay undone on their world, but at the cost of the life of their greatest Champion (MC). He believes to be headed to the afterlife for a life of peace; however, his body and soul end up reincarnated in a world run only by Elves. In this world, they too faced a sorcerer. One that cast a spell of death many years ago, killing every last male Elf on their world and making it so that any future births would be female.

In this world, the Elves are at first consigned to a slow but inevitable extinction, but when they receive news of a male of an unknown species, they request of him to breed with several of their women in the hopes of producing offspring to keep their species alive (as well as recapture the bliss of the sexual experience.)
(I already have partners for this, just putting it here for other ideas later on)

YC is an aspiring artist/cosplayer who makes good money, but one day she starts to hit a bad stretch. The funds dry up, and she ends up evicted. Desperately she tries to find someone willing to shelter her. She'll do whatever: cook, clean, anything if it means not being homeless.

MC comes home from work one day to find her sitting on his porch. After she explains her situation, he allows her to stay on the condition that after she starts finding work, she pays rent. As part of the cost of living there, she's to help MC with the household chores (he won't make her do everything.)

Looking for a more romance/slower burn RP with lots of teasing from YC (as well as MC), with the potential for plenty of steamy bed-breaking smut. Kinks and such can be discussed in DMs.

The ref I'd like you to play (you can bring your own, but this is just absolutely peak IMO)
This new idea is pretty straightforward if somewhat barebones:

MC would be from Vault 0 (in this timeline, we're having the geniuses not become absolute braindead psychos and the tech works just fine. Which means the Brotherhood and the Warrior never learn of its location.). The idea being that they all foresee the Vault experiment failing miserably, and their simulations show that the experiments will ultimately fail. As such, they begin a new 'experiment': Project ADAM. The idea being they create a human specimen capable of resisting all negative effects of radiation and placing him at the peak of the human condition with one goal: Ensure that future offspring are clean and purged of any mutations brought on by the inevitable massive amounts of exposure.

Once he's perfected (the idea being he's a true Synth with complete functioning organs and all, something the Institute wishes they had), he's effectively set out on the wastelands to fulfill his prime directive: Breed any viable females across the nation, including any in the control Vaults. Any women he impregnates will be retrieved by their specialized recovery teams to have the children kept safe and the mother fed and cared for (they'll know because they have nanites in his body that record his every move, in case you're wondering.)

Obviously it won't be all sex and creampies. We'll have him do 'quests' of sorts, as well as meet several lovely companions that he can take with him on his journey across the land.
Okay so, another Fallout-themed idea from yours truly! This time involving Villainous' very own Miss Heed!

For anyone who's played Fallout 3, this is going to play heavily into the shenanigans behind Vault 112, otherwise known as 'Tranquility Lane' (well, the name of the simulation where they're all trapped is called that, Vault 112 is just Vault 112, but anyway!)

In this RP, Stanislaus Braun would be replaced as Overseer by a different character, one who craves worship above all others (YC). She is a genius in both pheromone chemistry as well as computer engineering, robotics and virtual reality simulation, so she uses Vault-Tec's resources to trap her brain-washed residents into worshipping her in this false reality every day, day in and day out. The entire Vault itself is saturated in the air with this pheromone, so anyone that dares (and somehow is able to) enter without sufficient respiratory protection is guaranteed to fall under her sway. With this in hand, she has captured many Wastelanders (ranging from Raiders to even Brotherhood Soldiers, though those are rare), her small army of caretaker machines tending dutifully to the maintenance and health of her flock. Any gear that her victims bring in is turned into materials for the synthetic suits that make up her Vault's residents' clothing, their thoughts bringing a fresh new face for her to corrupt.

However, one day, one of her residents starts to exhibit anomalous behavior (MC), starting to strain against the binds of her corruptive influence. Infuriated, this begins a game of cat and mouse, MC/YC attempting to outmaneuver the other until one day he manages to find an override program inside the simulation, freeing himself but leaving the others trapped. And from there, he goes to confront the Overseer herself, now surprisingly immune to the effects of her synthetic pheromone....What happens from there? One can only say. Will she manage to subdue him once again? Or will he turn the tables on her?

And even beyond that, what would he do with her? Would he join her as a willing participant? Or perhaps trap her in the simulation she had caged him in?
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This new idea is pretty straightforward if somewhat barebones:

MC would be from Vault 0 (in this timeline, we're having the geniuses not become absolute braindead psychos and the tech works just fine. Which means the Brotherhood and the Warrior never learn of its location.). The idea being that they all foresee the Vault experiment failing miserably, and their simulations show that the experiments will ultimately fail. As such, they begin a new 'experiment': Project ADAM. The idea being they create a human specimen capable of resisting all negative effects of radiation and placing him at the peak of the human condition with one goal: Ensure that future offspring are clean and purged of any mutations brought on by the inevitable massive amounts of exposure.

Once he's perfected (the idea being he's a true Synth with complete functioning organs and all, something the Institute wishes they had), he's effectively set out on the wastelands to fulfill his prime directive: Breed any viable females across the nation, including any in the control Vaults. Any women he impregnates will be retrieved by their specialized recovery teams to have the children kept safe and the mother fed and cared for (they'll know because they have nanites in his body that record his every move, in case you're wondering.)

Obviously it won't be all sex and creampies. We'll have him do 'quests' of sorts, as well as meet several lovely companions that he can take with him on his journey across the land.

Craving this idea~
One more for the pile!

YC's race (an alien race from an entirely different world) suffered a catastrophic war with an aggressor species, almost completely annihilating the entirety of their male population. Without fresh males to diversify their gene pool, they will die out in a matter of centuries. As such, what remains of their leadership has initiated a special protocol: A select number of their most fertile of females will travel the stars to distant worlds, hoping to find mates to bring home and breed with those females.

This RP will just focus on one breeding pair, YC (the alien) and MC (a Human). I will play other side characters for the sake of world-building, and this RP will be set in a futurescape where Humanity has achieved the ability for space-travel, but MC will be someone who lives in a fairly low-tech environment, and that is where she will encounter him.

After a first successful pregnancy, she will explain the situation and try to convince him to return with her to her world, to become her husband.

The alien reference I'd prefer to play against (Not mandatory, just a desire of mine)

Honestly looking for something with these two. Doesn't really matter what it is, this picture is just perfect.
Another idea from me (Ain't I a stinker?)


MC is dating a total bombshell of a girl. Big juicy thighs and breasts, lovely red hair, the entire works. The basic idea is that MCs father and YC (his mother) are going out to a Halloween party, and she's dolled up in every way imaginable. Perfectly shaved, plucked and dressed in the sexiest outfit she can think of. She doesn't miss the fact that her son has a hard-on even if he tries to hide, also hinting that he's going to be bringing his GF over since they'll likely be out all night. Cut to a few hours later, YC was forced to drive her husband home, him passed out drunk...And catches MC with his girlfriend getting naughty on the couch. She gets a bit jealous, and decides to test her luck by calling out to MC to help her bring his father inside, breaking up his little date.

And once things get resettled, the GF leaving as the mood was ruined...Well, it leads to a rather steamy encounter with YC and MC relieving that special sort of stress. And that's basically the initial start; I had a fun idea where the husband catches the pair at one point, embarrassed that his own son is outperfoming him....And perhaps could even include a little fun scene with MC's girlfriend and his own mother as a special little threeway.

The mother

The GF
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Had an idea that a Holy Paladin is engaged in a war alongside his Kingdom against demonic forces of darkness; though it's becoming more obvious to him that their God's blessings are growing weaker against these unholy demons that ravage the lands. And despite his pleas to use those 'forbidden magics', he is instead disbarred from his command. Excommunicado from the band of brothers he once called his family.

As such, not wanting to see his kingdom fall, he goes to an isolated region where he has heard tale of a powerful entity (YC) that could be the key to turning the tide. Even if it means forever snubbing the God to which he once held faith towards, he truly believes her power can help him save their lands.

So in exchange for freeing her, I was thinking we use the plot point of her pledging her service to him (effectively making him an 'Oathbreaker'), but it's more than he's no longer recognized as a Warrior of the Holy Order rather than him becoming evil or anything like that. He still holds loyalty to humanity, but perhaps this unknown entity has more sinister plans, or perhaps she is lonely and wishes to explore and be by the Knight's side.

Up to us how this goes!
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Admittedly something I've not done before, buuuuut figured I'd post it here and see if I get any bites for it.

The basic premise is that YC and MC are best friends. Gym bros and just bros all around. YC initially starts as a male, and has the hots for MC, but was for a long time too afraid to tell him.

One day though, he does just go for it, spilling his guts to MC about his feelings. And while MC does say 'he doesn't swing that way', he also says something along the lines of "I'm flattered, and if you were a chick with a fat ass and huge tits, I'd be all over it."

So through whatever means, with MC promising to be his friend still, YC goes him, feeling probably a bit dejected. Then, the next morning he wakes up...And realizes something feels different. His chest feels heavier, so does his ass! He gets up and looks in the mirror, seeing that he's been somehow transformed! Even his 'equipment' is gone, replaced by a tight virgin slit. He still retains his memories, personality, he's just become basically what his bro looks for in a woman!

So he goes over to his bro's house....Who naturally doesn't recognize him, and after some talking, MC realizes it's YC, but of course he's confused as fuck as to how that happened...

And yeah, the RP kinda goes from there. Our characters getting into all sorts of fun and potentially lewd shenanigans.
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