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Searching For A Kinky RP ~ F x Any

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Jul 29, 2010

I'm twistedparadox, and as you may have noticed, I'm looking for some Role Playing.

You can find my Rabbit Hole and F-List in my signature.

I'm open to any gender or species or creature or what have you that you want to play.

I'll play either dom or sub, though I generally prefer to play the more submissive character.

~Currently Craving~

A Master/slave RP. It's simple, but I can never get enough. I'm looking to play sub to a sadistic dom, involving collars, discipline and punishment, and whatever other kinks you'd like to add.


Master x Slave/Pet
Owner x Pet
Vampire x Human
Royalty x Servant/Slave
Royalty x Bodyguard
Royalty x Peasant
God/dess x Mortal
Younger Dom x Older sub
Demon x Angel
Assassin x Target
Kidnapper x Victim

Forcer Incest
Dubious Consent
Consensual D/s

Mythology Based


I mostly like to come up with a plot with whomever I am RPing with, so this section might be a tad short.​

Royalty x Peasant
A group of traveling entertainers/gypsies comes to the capital city. A member of the royal family comes out to see them, and one of the dancers catches their eye. They decide to take the Peasant with them, willing or not.
This could be a Master/slave RP, non-con, or more romantic.

Royalty x Royalty
There had been a war on for many years, and finally, one country wins. As a condition of the losing country's surrender, they must give a member of the royal family to the winning country.
This could be a Master/slave or non-con, and possible eventual romance?

I'll edit this as ideas come to me.

I'm very kinky! Love all sorts of kinks, extreme ones as well.

If there's something your interested in, and it's not listed here, go ahead and ask. I will probably say yes. :)

I also love m/m. Happily play dom or sub in that, as well, if anyone is interested.
Hey there! I have been wanting to do a vampire x human RP for awhile. I have a basic plot, if you're interested. If you're not, my entire search thread is located HERE!

Human (Mine) x Vampire (haha how cliche right?)
A vampire woman raided a home one night while dying of thirst. She murders the mother, father, and older children of a family. But the baby girl she leaves unharmed, stricken with grief for the girl. So she decides to take the girl as her own, to raise (telling her that her family abandoned her there). As the girl grows older, she becomes the personal assistant to the vampire. Forming meetings, cleaning her house, even being a meal if needed. (...)

There's no real submissive or dominant roles. They're not in love or anything, but they do enjoy a good lust filled night. Many times the human initiates the scene. I'd prefer playing the human :) And even you don't like vampires, it can be two humans, with an edited plot (like my character is homeless, taken in by someone else).
Amarhena said:
Hey there! I have been wanting to do a vampire x human RP for awhile. I have a basic plot, if you're interested. If you're not, my entire search thread is located HERE!

Human (Mine) x Vampire (haha how cliche right?)
A vampire woman raided a home one night while dying of thirst. She murders the mother, father, and older children of a family. But the baby girl she leaves unharmed, stricken with grief for the girl. So she decides to take the girl as her own, to raise (telling her that her family abandoned her there). As the girl grows older, she becomes the personal assistant to the vampire. Forming meetings, cleaning her house, even being a meal if needed. (...)

There's no real submissive or dominant roles. They're not in love or anything, but they do enjoy a good lust filled night. Many times the human initiates the scene. I'd prefer playing the human :) And even you don't like vampires, it can be two humans, with an edited plot (like my character is homeless, taken in by someone else).


I love your plot, and I'd be happy to RP as a vampire.
What kind of setting would you like?
RE: Always looking! MxF FxF

twistedparadox said:
eric said:
Master X Slave/Pet would be epic
Awesome. Any other ideas for plot or characters? PM's or a thread?
Yenpointfive said:
I'd be up for an incest rp with a younger dom/older sub twist to it if you'd like
Great. Anything else you want to inlude? PM's or a thread?

I know it's been a while, but I like threads, and I like interracial and romance.
I've been away for a bit, but I'm back now! So if you're interested in starting a new RP, or continuing an old on, just PM me.
I know, I disappeared off the face of the internet for a while there. If you were in the middle of a roleplay with me, and wish to continue, please PM me.
twistedparadox said:

I'm twistedparadox, and as you may have noticed, I'm looking for some Role Playing.

You can find my Rabbit Hole and F-List in my signature.

I'm open to any gender or species or creature or what have you that you want to play.

I'll play either dom or sub, though I generally prefer to play the more submissive character.

~Currently Craving~

A Master/slave RP. It's simple, but I can never get enough. I'm looking to play sub to a sadistic dom, involving collars, discipline and punishment, and whatever other kinks you'd like to add.


Master x Slave/Pet
Owner x Pet
Vampire x Human
Royalty x Servant/Slave
Royalty x Bodyguard
Royalty x Peasant
God/dess x Mortal
Younger Dom x Older sub
Demon x Angel
Assassin x Target
Kidnapper x Victim

Forcer Incest
Dubious Consent
Consensual D/s

Mythology Based


I mostly like to come up with a plot with whomever I am RPing with, so this section might be a tad short.​

Royalty x Peasant
A group of traveling entertainers/gypsies comes to the capital city. A member of the royal family comes out to see them, and one of the dancers catches their eye. They decide to take the Peasant with them, willing or not.
This could be a Master/slave RP, non-con, or more romantic.

Royalty x Royalty
There had been a war on for many years, and finally, one country wins. As a condition of the losing country's surrender, they must give a member of the royal family to the winning country.
This could be a Master/slave or non-con, and possible eventual romance?

I'll edit this as ideas come to me.

I'm very kinky! Love all sorts of kinks, extreme ones as well.

If there's something your interested in, and it's not listed here, go ahead and ask. I will probably say yes. :)

I also love m/m. Happily play dom or sub in that, as well, if anyone is interested.

I could play one of these plots. I'm not sure, really. So, I guess whichever you'd prefer? Also, I'm not the best role player, but LOVE BDSM. :) PM me. xx
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