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The Divine Romance [Yue x Blood_Rogue]

Laughing loudly in delight she nodded, leaning foreward till she was a inch from his mouth. "If that is what you wish my templar." Leaning foreward to close the gap, she kissed him, slowly turing into making out as he threw what remained of his strength into the kiss. After a minute of their embrace, she leaned back, grinning. "Anything to get me intertwinned with you, huh?" She joked.
Yue, who really did put all he had into that kiss, had to take quite a period of time regaining his strength. He smiled through it all, however, not trying to alarm Sicilia. Yue chuckled as he said, "For a kiss from you, the scar from this is worth it...," before he was simply overwhelmed and passed out. The medical practioner from earlier placed his hand on Sicilia's shoulder, she didn't even feel his pressence earlier. "Tch, maybe he's not such a bad boy. Even so, he lost a lot of blood and probably drained a lot of his mana. I'm no magus, girl, but common sense says he's beat." He removed his hand from Sicilia shoulder and continued to say, "He's probably going to be out a while. . . "
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