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The Divine Romance [Yue x Blood_Rogue]

Yue used his elemental magics to help was the cot, using water control to quickly clean it, then wind to dry it without damaging it. He looked to Sicilia without a shame in the world. Seriously, he wouldn't have one. Yue had a highly defined body, a lot of muscle mass with decent tone and tan. He saw Sicilia's brilliant hair was as the rumors said Sea Elf hair to be when wet - like angelic silk blowing freely in the wind with the most excellent shimmer. Yue was in awe for a second at Sicilia radiant beauty and by the look in his eyes she knew it.

After a few seconds, Yue replied, "Yeah, yeah... are you?" Yue would completely forget about the once eminent danger, now only focusing on Sicilia. It wouldn't matter, he had used a spell to masque their pressence earlier, so they would be fine. Yue quickly comments, "I can explain... with my books. Even if you liked it... you deserve to know what happened." Yue smiles, trying to be sweet with what he told you.
"Yea I am fine, mostly...." Her womanhood was still alil streched and hurting from the rough treatment, but would heal soon enough. "And...It is really your choice if you want to explain what happend." She leaned against a tree and waited for you to finish cleaning. After Yue finished, we headed back toward camp, walking close together. As Yue went to set the cot back up, she started the fire again and started to warm up the broth again. Sipping at the wine as she stirred the fire back into life. Smiling as Yue sat next to her, she handed him his bowl of broth. Getting her bowl she started to eat too, chatting with Yue absentmindly as they chowed.

After breaking camp and loading everything back up, they started on the forest road again, heading toward the city that Yue's meeting was supposed to be held. "So you wanted to explain to me what happend right?" She asked while they rode side by side. She had her cloak around her shoulders with the hood up, her sword belt around her slim waist with her sword sheathed in its scabbard. Her dagger was in her boot, as a last line of defense.
As Yue rides, he thinks over telling Sicilia. He's never told anyone about this -- the books. Should he? Irrelevant of logic, he was overcome by emotions and decided he should. Yue sighs as he says, "At first sight, these two books are no more than books. One is called The Lustless and the other is called The Lustful. Ocassionally, I like to write. The Lustless is for prose, The Lustful is for poetry. However, their real purpose is to be portable seals. When I started using my powers, I learned quickly I could not control my Demonic or Orucle based powers. The strength of Orucle magics overwhelm and hurt me, the ferocity and will of demonic magics are nearly uncontrolable to me. So, The Lustless binds my Orucle magic and The Lustful binds my demonic magic completely. But, I'm a very powerful magician to say the least... so, the seals in place have rules I must abide by. Alone, each set of rules are easy. But, together, I'm forced to live by a fairly narrow moral code. An example would be... I would break The Lustless if I made love with you without strong emotions between us, but to appease the Lustful if I am to have strong emotions torward you we must occassionally make love regardless... When you bit me, you tipped the scales. The Blood of Rychuss broke part of the seal of Lustful, so I couldn't control myself exactly. It's a complicated system, to tell the truth. I'm in essence a Templar, but I'm nipped at both sides: good and evil persay. Although... I'm guessing you don't really mind." Yue said all that almost depressed. It's obvious he's led a harsh life because of his situation. However, his last statement shone like gold among coal. He smiled at you as if you made it all worth it.
Smiles back, brushing some hair out of her face. "Yea...I didn't mind last was fun. The roughness....I haven't been fucked like that in along time." Giggling, she leans back in the saddle, enjoying the shade the trees offer as they ride through the forest. Afte several minutes of silence, she started to whistle the sailing song again, watching Yue out of the corner of her eye, enjoying his facial expressions.
Yue quinted his eyes mostly, watching the horizon. Ocassionally, he would look to Sicilia and smile flirtatiously. Yue asks, "Do you know any magic, Sicilia? Other than... your obvious magic." Yue grinned at that last remark, hoping Sicilia would pick up on it. Yue trotts down the path a little ahead of Sicilia, knowing it won't be long before they reach their destination and making sure his pressence is known first.
Thinks about the question and wonders what qualifies as magic, grinning at his vieled compliment. "What qualifies as magic? I can do a few parlour tricks, making cards disappear, coins disappear, and so on. I have perfected alil....disappearing act when customers got...rough." She smiled briefly, along with alil blush, hoping Yue wouldn't catch the red from were he was infront of her now. She considered herself a rogue of sorts, taking what she can so that she survived and had life easier, no matter how big or small.
Yue grins albeit Sicilia couldn't see. Yue talks almost mystically as he says, "Magic... the use of mana or and supplemental energy to manipulate, create or destroy. Skill with magic is determined by how many mechanisms you require for the end product. The fewer, the more skilled the magician. I can fire lightning without an incantation, spellbook, medium such as staff or circle... all testamates to skill. Those are things all Acolytes are taught. I want to teach you a little magic."

Sicilia can feel hands on her waist, a chin resting on her shoulder. She knows it's Yue due to her tracking, but the person infront of her is also Yue. Yue smiles, commenting, "Astral Projection is useful... it's cute how you blush." Yue created an Astral projection, hardly physical although Sicilia can feel him.
Blushes more, amazed t Yue's use of magic again. She had never seen this amout of magic in one place, not even in the usual wandering hedge wizard. Shrugging the projection off, it disappearing in a shimmering haze, she turned back toward Yue and smiled. "And what kind of magic would you teach your new apprentice? How to walk on water, shoot fire from her fingertips? Enlarge a man with a wink?" Giggles loudly at that last one, knowing already how to cast THAT particular spell all to well.
Yue chuckles, ironically thinking the same thing. He says, "I don't know about teaching that last one, but those other two are possible." Yue squints back to the horizon, finally seeing the town in which is their destination. He grins, "You haven't seen magic like mine before, have you?"
Shaking her head no, she pulled her hood back and felt a drip of water on her head. Lookin up, she saw dark clouds rolling above them, and several more drops plinked down onto them. "Storms brewing up, we might want to head to town faster and seek shelter soon at this meeting place of yours. Oh, that reminds me....."Digging into her pack, she pulled out a couple of gold coins. "We might want to find a place to spend this coin we have...nothing attracts bandits more then the sound of jingling coins." She tucked the coins awaya nd made sure that the sack was secured tightly. SHe knew this knowledge from first hand experiance, stealing from her customers as they slept. Not all of that furniture and clothes were paid for with the, now dead, master's purse.
Yue nods agreement as he leans forward and loosens the riens, commanding the horse to gallop at a quicker pace. Yue shouts over the gallop and the rain, saying, "I'll need repairs on my daggars, probably pick up a sword. We'll head to the smithies, maybe pick you up some mail. After that, we'll be heading underground. You'll need to stay by me then. Always." Yue seemed completely serious, his flirtation and warm attitude changing to somewhat dire. With you following him in gallop, he makes it to town quickly. When there, he makes it to the stables where he nods, saying, "Numquam cede," before he hitches his horse free of charge. He tells Sicilia to as well, heeding his almost command, she does them follows them to the smithies.

The smell of burning coal, smelted iron and heated metal fill the fordge. This smithie shack is the fordge - all in one. A building even bigger than the inn you came from. Yue says again, "Numquam cede, brother. We're here as customers and on business." A bruting human blacksmith nods, he his a moustache and long hair that's been tinged. Yue pulls out two daggars with minor knicks and offers them to the blacksmith saying, "These are special made with magemetals... repair them to your best extent." The blacksmith takes them and nods, heading to the fordge part of the building.

Yue leads Sicilia all around the shop, there being weapons from daggars to spears. Swords of all shapes and sizes. There is even armor with decorated leather and relatively beautiful chain link patterns. Yue says, "You'll need to be protected if you plan on traveling with me. And... I hope you do." Yue looks to Sicilia and although it's hard to see in his now cold eyes, his compassion for you is there. Something is different, he has changed as soon as he reached this place. There is something that Sicilia didn't know.
Looking around the shop slowly, holding her shortsword and dagger out to compare them to what the blacksmith has in stock. Sighing, she had become attached to her weapons in a emotional way, making it hard to part with her "friends." "I will be keeping my needs to repared though and I would like to set this sapphire into the hilt." SHe holds up a grape sized gem, the jewel sparkling from the fires inside, casting blue light everywhere. She put her shortword on the table, picking up a longsword with dwarven runes etched up the shinning silver blade, and a black leather scabbard for it to go in. "Do we have to pay or it free of charge?" She asked Yue as she headed over into the armor section of the store. Picking her way through the various armors, she finally decided on a studded leather vest, studded leather pants, and leather fingerless gloves.
Yue replies, "We have a sort of discount, but it's not free. Look around, between us we could arm five men for combat. So, be as lavish as you want. I promise Jared won't mind." Yue himself is looking over jewels and swords.
"Ehhhh, I am not that used to being weathly like what I have picked out will be fine...perhaps another dagger though." She pranced back to the dagger section and chose a long bladded dagger with a curved handle, the grip made to look like a snake coiled around it. Heading to the blacksmith, she handed him the two daggers and a grape sized sapphire for each. "Can you please fit these jewels into the pommles of these daggers?" The blacksmith nodded and went to a back room were the noise of busy work soon sounded. "So, see anything you like?" She wandered over to were the capes were, thinking of replacing her old, worn out cloak. She picked out a gray cloak with green trimming, picking a silver brooch with inset emerald as the clasp.
Yue looks to you smiling. He said, "Jared has some of the best jewels... I was going to buy some and maybe take them to a jeweler to make you a gift. Jared's best with weapons, not jewelry and I'd like the best for you." Yue points to some armor racks - lighter chainmail and dense, flexible leather are mounted. He says, "At least get some armor.."
"Uhhh, I did pick some armor." She points to the studded leather armor on the table, next to her new dwarven sword. She did however move over to were the other armor was, mewling over the thought of a gift from Yue. "So if you did get me jewelery...what kind of jewelery do you think I would like?" She asks him as she stood next to him, picking through the leather armors. She liked silver and sapphires, the strange mix of colors drawing her in to that combination.
Yue picks up gem after gem slowly, thinking with his reply. He notes each eaction of Sicilia's as he picks up a gem, seeing her eyes widen and smile slightly when he picked up a beautiful cut sapphire and grinning, knowing a sapphire would have to be his choice. Yue chuckles slightly as he replies, "Well... something like a sapphire to match your beautiful hair... maybe white gold or silver. You seem to like silver, but white gold would look just as good on you. Maybe a ring or a neckalace... if you would, maybe a ring with our names?" Yue sighs, as soon as he said that he immediately thought he over stepped his boundaries. A little anxiety flushed over him, Sicilia could see it.

Meanwhile, a tall figure with skin pale white and studded, black leather covering nearly every part of his body. This figure had two spiked bats on his back and long, black hair. He seemed like a ghost as he walked into town, completely standing out.
Thinking over the ring, not going in any deeper than just a friendship ring, she nods and with the new cape over her arm, she headed to the payment stand. The baclsmith was back with their purchuses, Scilia's new daggers shinning with their new gemmed hilts. "Wow...those are pretty...." She whispered while digging into her pack for the bag of coins. Dropping the corect payment into the blacksmiths hands. Picking up her new armor, weapons, and cape, she headed back into a changing room located on the side. "Be right out." She smiled and closed the canvas door, sitting down on the wooden bench, she started to strip out of her clothes.

While she was only half naked, the black leather clad stanger kicked the blacksmith's oor open, stepping through the door and immediatley heading toward the changing rooms. Yue, shocked that the man was able to find them, couldn't react fast enough to stop him from ripping the canvas door apart with a flick of his wrist. Behind the now-destroyed door was Sicilia, her new leather pants around her knees as she was pulling them up. Screaming in surprise, she dropped her pants and pulled the cloak over her bare chest. "Well well well, a female Beautific, that's a very....delicious surprise." He grinned, showing slightly filed teeth, eyeing her like she was a treat. The air around the man was cold, feeling of malice and rage. "Tell me my sweety, what is your name? I bet it is as enchanting as your legs...and thieghs" He chuckled evily, seeing her blush a bright red and use the other cape to cover herself up. "Don't you have the decentse to knock first!?!?!" She screamed up at him, trying despertly to figure out how to make a door appear so she can get something on. She looked at Yue for help...this man scared her in a primeval way, ancient evilness.
Time seemed to slow, the air grew thicker and gravity even seemed to pull down on Sicilia more. As with most Beautific, this man fed off Sicilia's fear and then grew exstatic when she wanted Yue's help. His eyes lit up with the malice of a little kid burning ants with a magnifying glass, his smile widened so his teeth looked reared like a snarling canine and Sicilia could fell how entertained he was to see her indistress. "Well, well... you think little Yue would stop me?" The man giggles, although it's not even feminine; his giggle sounds insane as if he couldn't control the reaction. "You are pretty little thing. I wonder what part you are... one-sixteenth? One-8th, maybe... Oh, you are incredible..." Even this man's choice of word emphasize was eerie, calling you incredible as if just a large buck on a hunt.

Yue growled in anger, grabbing the man's shoulder. The man stopped, his eyes widened as if he didn't expect it. Yue says, "Bayne... I never stopped you before, but I will now." Yue's voice is different than it has even been, it's almost a whisper yet it's incredible threatening.

"Yue... you know as well as I that you cannot back that up. Our fight before we left Ra--"

"--You know I was only using one-third of my power. I wasn't allowed to break my seals."

Bayne turns around to Yue, shoving Yue's hand off his shoulder. Bayne locks eyes with Yue and says, "You still can't."

Yue glares back, saying, "The hell I can't. And, I will."

Bayne replies, "I don't know what got into you... you'd never do this before."

Yue barks out his reply, "Bayne, either leave of give me a reason to make you."

Bayne chuckles as if he were no taking Yue seriously, replying, "Fine, meet me outside." Where Bayne stood, there was nothing but a thick, black mist that fell to the ground, Bayne had literally teleported behind Yue to exit walking out. Yue says, "C'mon." Yue waits for Sicilia to dress and get her stuff. Sicilia followed Yue outside where he took a stance down the road from Bayne. Yue asks, "Want to make this quick or should we drag it out?"

Bayne's laugh can be heard from all the way down the road, still having all those dark intents. "Yue, go ahead. Show your little girlie what you really are. C'mon. I felt her emotions, you're growing a bond. Let's see if she feels the same afterwards."

Yue glares, "Shutup, you'll be lucky if I leave you alive." Yue takes his first book, The Lustful. Yue reads an incantation within it, "Rain of Heaven extinguishes the fire of Hell. Without the burning blaze, the gates of Hell open and let the Riegn of Hell begin!" With Yue's incantation, he takes off his book and tosses it to the side, also tossing off his cloak. His skin darkens to a deep red, his body grows muscular. Two curved, white horns grow on his head, his canines grow into long fangs and his eyes turn black with red pupils. The power of Yue has doubled, Sicilia can feel it. He's changed more than just physically. Yue grabs his second book and reads from it, his voice changed as it is deeper, "Let the essence of life counter nature and bring the dead to us. Magic flow through me and fill my soul..." A shockwave blasts out from Yue, dust stiring and wind flowing. Black, tribal tattoos snake around Yue's body, incircling his eyes, nose, and mouth as well as covering the rest of his body. That is the only physical change - but it's enough. To Sicilia, this would be an entirely different Yue.

Banye laughs maniacly, "It's been a while, Yue! Hahah, or should I say, the real Yue." Banye stretches his hand out and a black mist forms from nowhere, taking the shape of a black sword before literally becoming one.

Yue replies, "Long time no see, Bayne. As I recall, I nearly killed you last time." Yue slams his left fist into his right hand and cracks his knuckles.

Bayne says, "Time's change, Yue-boy. I've gotten stronger and I always was better with magic." Banye rushes Yue, blackness itself trailing behind Banye like a neon light.

Yue replies, "I always was at 30%." As Banye reaches a certain point, nearing Yue, he is blasted back by a lightning bolt - hitting him so fast it would astonish Bayne AND Sicilia. Yue begins to walk forward, each time he gets close to Bayne, another lightning bolt fries Bayne. "This is one my most basic spells, Conduction. You can't even get near me."

After three lightning strikes, Bayne gets up smoking and groaning. He jumps back and says, "Damn... if that's how you want to play, lets play, Yue." Bayne's body turns completely black, turning into a corporeal shadow. He walks torward Yue and enters where earlier he couldn't. Bayne literally turns into mist itself, moving at an incredible speed torward Yue, slaming his fist into Yue's stomach. Yue had no time to dodge or parry, a fist intantly being slammed into his stomach. Bayne uppercuts Yue then, then kicks Yue in the chest and sends him back flying, skidding across the ground as he hands.

Yue gets up, wiping the blood off his mouth. He groans and says, "Sh-Shadowforme? YOU MASTERED SHADOWFORME?" Yue regains balance and takes a fighting stance, holding up his fists infront of his body.

Bayne laughs manically, three or four vioces overlapping to create his. Banye says, "I told you I was better..." Bayne rushes at Yue again and in the same instant, Yue's tattoos glowed a light blue, once the flash was over, Sicilia saw Yue and Bayne locked in a grapple. Bayne says, "You're not so bad yourself... but, lets see how you do in the darkness..." Sicilia's sight would be blocked, a black dome forming around Bayne and Yue. For the next few minutes, it would cloud up and Sicilia would hear screams and groans from both Yue and Bayne. After those minutes were up, a tremendous lightning bolt slammed down into the black sphere, crushing it. As the black mist the dome disapating into after being crushed faded, Sicilia saw Bayne's body being thrown out of the dome like a ragdoll. Out of mist walked the new, demonic-looking Yue. He loomed nearly a foot and half taller over Sicilia. He smiled as he looked down at her, "This... is who I really am..." Even with Yue's demonic eyes shown, Sicilia could see the same passion for her. Yue waits for Sicilia's reaction, unsure what she'll do.
After she had gotten dressed in her new armor, strapping on her sword and sliding her daggers into her boots, she had followed the two men out into the street. She was worried like never before for her new lover, this new man was nothing like the men at the tavern. She watched in stunned amazement as the two men fought their magic battle, scarely able to realize the amount of power each was using. She had thought of throwing her sword to Yue when the man had made a sword appear out of thin air. Yue didn't need her assistance however, using his lightning to burn the man to a crisp. She had worried over the paniced tone when the man used "shadowform", whatever that meant. Soon after they started the battle, the giant black dome closed over them, shutting the duel down to just them, no spectators. Hearing the sounds that erupted from the war inside, she gulped and held onto the timber post she was hiding behind. She felt when Yue got hurt, their blood-bond making so that she felt what he felt, and his injuries be replicated on her. Several cuts had appeared on her body, from her legs up to her chest and arms.

Then the battle was over, the black-clad man being thrown outof the dome and landing in the roof of a nearby building, surely killing him if they were lucky enough. Yue..or the Yue-creature walked up to her, the same loving Yue that she had mated with was still there, in his eyes. Slowly, she stepped from behind the timper post and shuffled closer to him. Reaching up slowly with her hand, she rested her hand over his heart and smiled. "Good thing you don't always look like this...." She half-joked for his benefit. This new Yue was massive and powerful...not anything like the templer she had made love to not a day before.
Yue chuckles lightly. "I suppose... however, this is my true form for a reason. The tattoos will fade as I stop using magic, but the horns and lot are all there... And, it'll be a while before I can go back to my normal form..." Yue looks at Sicilia a bit sad. However, only for a minute. Yue passed out complete, falling face first on the ground. As Sicilia stepped out of the way of the loaf, she saw it. A wound she didn't recieve. A huge, deep gash along his back. He was bleeding and even with his healing it was still severe. Yue mumbles, "It'll be a long while...," before passing out.
Hissing in surprise, and knowing she didn't have a chance of lifting him off the ground to anywhere were help could be available, she dug through Yue's pack looking for something minor that couple help. Taking out a salve, she quickly rubbed it over the wound. After cleaning his wound as best she could, she raced off into a tavern, coming back after a minute with two burly men behind her. "Ok just like I said, pick him up and carry him off to the apothicarion." The men nodding, they picked him off and carried Yue with grunts of effort. Picking up both their packs and belongings, Sicilia chased after the men as they walked down the dirt street into a two story home at the end of the lane. A sign hanging outside was marked with a staff with twin snakes curling around it, the sign of medicine. The two men had stopped in the parlour, waiting for her to pay the apothicary before they carried Yue any farther. Both now had blood splattered on thier clothes and blood continued to drip from Yue.

The healer walked out from a side passage, his eyes widening in surprise at Yue, then he rushed over when he saw the blood leaking all over the stone floor. "My, my, my, what have you people gotten into?" The elderly manpushed his glasses back and grunted. Motioning the men to follow him, the healer led them up the stairs into a white room with a grille in the center of the floor, to drain blood away. 'Lay him on the cot, on his chest you heathens!!!" He barked as the hired men nearly laid Yue on his back. After putting him on his chest the two men walked over to Sicilia, and she gave them a couple gold each. "Thank you kindly." SHe nodded and they left the unconscious Yue, the elf, and the doctor to fuss over Yue's injuries. "He was in a fight and he took a swing from an enchanted sword..." She flinched when the doctor pulled out a needle and thread, knowing that Yue would need serious stitching. "Tsk tsk, it is a shame such nice women get mixed in with bad boys...if you would kindly wait in the hallway till I am done, I would appriciate it greatly." She nodded, leaving the man to do his work. Slumping against the wall and sitting on a bench that was here, she dropped their packs onto the floor and sighed. Closing her eyes, she quickly slunk into sleep.

A gentle shaking woke her up several hours later. "Ma'am, your friend has been tended to, he will recover but...he will be bed ridden for a week or so if he wants that wound to heal properly. Now about the fee...." She nodded, handing him several coins, and a extra. "The extra is for your immediate tending to him...he...means alot to me." The old man smiled, nodding. "It was my pleasure, mi lady. You are welcome to stay till he gets better, but for more comfortable lodgings I would suggest the inn. It is up to you of course though." He walked off back down the hallway, going back to the parlour to tend to others. She picked up their packs and stood up, heading back into Yue's room. Pulling up a chair next to his cot were he lie on his chest still, but with his wound stitched up and covered in a poulice. Setting their stuff down again, she sat their, watching Yue sleep contentedly.
After a few brief hours, Yue would slowly awaken. Groaning and squinting, he slowly came to. He looked around the room in a haze, seeing the comfortable bed and feeling the irritating stiching. His head was pounding, his ears rang, and then he felt the warm touch of Sicilia. She consoled him, carressing his face. He smiled instantly, despite the muscles in his face hurting his head. Even with his blurry eyes and pained body, he looked to Sicilia with a grin. He says, "You... saved me." Yue looked to her with almost love glowing in his eyes, he wanted to show her how happy he was she would help him and how much he appreciated what she did and her. However, he failed to do so in words. But, Sicilia would catch this - she would understand. She had an empathy for him and she knew how he felt. Torwards her and his pain.
"It was nothing, don't worry about it sweety." She touched his cheek and kissed it. "I wouldn't know what to do without you so you need to stay alive." She smiled and leaned back in her chair, relaxing. Giggling, she asked. " Do you know how much of my gold I had to spend to keep your hide alive? There was four gold for the people who hauled you here, another ten for your initial treatment, and now it is two gold per day your here for your treatments and bed." Sighing, she leaned foreward to look him in the eye, still with a half-smile. "You are worth every bit of it though. Just pull through and relax while your body heals...maybe I can find a job here while your on the mend. Never know when a quest will poke its head up." Shrugging, she sat back and took a swig of their remaining wine. "Want a drink? Food? Anything?"
Yue gave a very simple reply with a wide grin, "Maybe a deep kiss from a beautiful sea elf..."
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