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The Divine Romance [Yue x Blood_Rogue]


Aug 3, 2010
The Divine Romance
Note: Lore in this roleplay is taken partially from Warhammer.

In the begining, there were nine gods. These nine gods created the Earth, sky, and oceans and taking all of their power and skill to do so. However, when it came time to create life, the gods were in quarrel; the gods could not decide on creatures of intelligence and magic. Afore, the gods biggest quarrel was allowing magic at all. Now, the topic grew even more contreversial. Some gods wanted the life in their image. Others want every god to contribute and create a perfect being. Some even wanted there to be no intelligent life at all. Two of those gods - the ones who did not want intelligent life - broke from the others and began destroying the earth to avoid the squabble. Enraged, the other seven killed them. Even for gods, killing the divine is difficult. The seven gods made a pact to disband themselves and limit their powers. Each god made one race and put it on the planet. That is the very begining of The Divine Romance.

In this world, there exists two pantheons of gods: Order and Chaos. Within the Chaos, there is Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne and Slaanesh. Nurgle represents disease, destruction and decay. Tzeentch represents magic, evolution and change. Khorne represents blood, war and murder. And, Slaanesh represents pleasure, passion and decadence. Within the Order, there is Nodoriah, Rychuss and Orus. Nodoriah represents faith, patience and will. Rychuss represents instinct, nature and whim. And, Orus represents magic, prediction and wisdom.

The Chaos Pantheon, known as The Daemons, may outnumber the Order Pantheon, but they have little cooperation. Animosity between Khorne and Slaanesh is only one reason The Daemons have been kept from dominence. The Order Pantheon, known as The Light, have no animosity nor ambition.The Order Pantheon wish for things to be done by the races they have created, not themselves. In fact, The Light purposed and allowed a contract that granted Rychuss and Slaanesh to create two new races each and put them on the Earth. That is considered a testament of the neutrality of The Light.

Nurgle, the Plague Lord, has only one intelligent race. He has many demons, such as Nurglings and Slime Hounds, but The Paestel are his strongest devout. The Paestal are humanoid demons born in litters with such malice they may kill their nestmates. There is no maternal or paternal love, Paestal must grow on their own. Paestal are incredible necromancers and powerful demons whose only wish is to kill, even other Chaos-aligned beings.

Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, has two intelligent races: The Changelings and The Watchers. The Changelings are a mischevious race of shapeshifters. The Changelings were created by The Watchers, thus not breaking the contract set in place. The Watchers are an avian race of incredble magical power. The Watchers live long lives and are known for amassing knowledge in archives they will fight and die to protect.

Khrone, The Blood God, has a single race that has dominated many others created in the begining. Khorne has one of the two largest dominons of The Daemons, mainly because of his race, The Brood. The Brood are a hive-mind race that dominate the lesser and turn them into blood-affiliated demons.

Slaanesh, The Dark Prince, has three races: The Daemonettes, The Lycans, and The Vampires. Daemonettes are the original race of Slaanesh, powerful feminine demons capable of shreding battlefields and bedsheets. Lycan represent beastial lust, created by Slaanesh as part of a deal with The Light. Vampires are the more romantic forms of lust, created during the same deal.

Nodoriah, The Lightbearer, has three races, but each one is an evolution of his original race. The Elves, the humans, and the dwarves represent the agility, intelligence and strength of the Nord. The Nord evolved or devolved into the three races when they lost faith in Nodoriah, however there are few Nord who has survived with their faith.

Rychuss, The Spirit of the Forest, has three races, as part of the deal made with The Daemons. The Rhotom are a humanoid-beast race that have many clans regarding what animal they resemble. The Kin are a feminine, beautiful version of The Rhotom that Rychuss created to live in in Garden of Rye, an Eden-like paradise that is now hunting grounds for slave-traders. And, the Salamandra, an all-female amphibian race that has four legs, two arms and is beautiful in its own way.

Orus, The Wise, has but one race, The Orucles. The Orucles are a race whom are feeble in strength, small like an Elf without their agility, but are stronger than even Watchers in magical abilities. Orucles are rare and powerful beings who can supplement their body with their own magical prowess. Orucles most notable trait is the fact they do not age.

Chapter One
Yue sighs, standing under the clouding sky. Yue's grey cloak is picked up in the wind, revealing the two books hanging from chains around his belt and his simple, gray, linen pants with light leather boots. Yue says alloud,
"It seems I'll have to take shelter...," before walking down the road only to see a small settlement where he looks for an Inn.

Shock. Not of lightning, but of power. "Wow... fate has a funny way of playing games," Yue said as he felt a dormant power. A dormant soul. Yue focused on the power, a burning light in a damp darkness. He found the source coming from a local tavern. Sighing, he knew he had to go into the abyss of drunks. And, he did. He entered and looked for the source.

While searching, Yue decided to partake in the sin of poisons and sat at the bar, hailing a bartender to give him a relatively weak beverage as he looked to see many people in the tavern because of the oncoming rain. "My job won't be easy," he said as the bartender returned with his drink, "Thank you, sir." The bartender nodded as Yue returned to his search.
With a strained smile on her thin, elfen face, Sicilia Darkmoor walked down the stairs from the tavern's bedrooms to the serving floor. With a slight grunt of effort as she helped her latest buyer down the strains, drunk and drooling, she looked for a place to put him. With her light blue hair falling in her face, starting to mat with her sweat lifting the brute, she moved toward the hay near the fireplace. With a final surge of effort, she tossed the man down onto the floor and sighed deeply. Straightening up and fixing her hair as best she could, she walked over to the bar were a man in gray was seated. "Hey, boss, here is your share." Tossing the barman two silver coins, keeping one for herself. Her light gray eyes glared at him while the fat man grinned and put the coins in his pouch. "Good slave, good girl, now, see if this man here would like someone to warm his bed eh?" He laughed and picked up a mug of beer, downing it in one shot. Burbing, he moves down to deal with other customers. Straightening her mist blue top and skirt, both having midnight blue edging, she advanced up to the man with a false smile on her face. "Hello kind sir, mind letting an extra body into your bed tonight? A warm, soft body is only three silver coins for your nightly desires..."
Yue quickly turned to the woman, his own white hair flowing nearly weightless in the quick jerk of his neck. His eyes are a steel blue hidden by black eyelashes so thick in long his eyes look traced out with eye liner. Yue's eyes are filled mysticism, cutting straight into Silicia. Yue saw it, his eyes widened which added to their already piercing appearance. The words from Yue fell from his thin, almost feminine lips as he replies, "'Twould depend, darling... once we're done and I sleep, would you leave for another or stay?," and as he continues he slightly mimics Sicilia's speech with his own seductive, feminized tones, "I would pay double for a beauty to lie with for the entire night."

Yue then lifts his slender, tan hands to adjust the long, stout collar his cape-like cloak. Yue smiles, squinting his eyes in a way that makes them slender and appealing, as if he was trying to seduce you as much as you tried to seduce him. His face was slender in general with a short shortline, thin nose, and his afore-described eyes and lips. Yue rests one of his blue sleeve-covered, lanky arms on the bar as his other disappears into his cloak, giving him a more open, comfortable appearance.
"Uhhhh, sure...all night works." Opens her hand to the queer man and takes the six silver coins he offers up. Beckoning upstairs, she follows behind the man as he climbs up the stairs, leading her up to his room. Stepping over the threshold into his room, the man closing the door behind them. "Well...ummm, what's your name? Mine is Sicilia Darkmoor." Sitting down on the strawbed, her skirt riding up some to expose more of her long, pale legs seductivly.
Yue smiles, grinning robustly as he drops the six silver coins in your hand and pursues you upstairs. He enters, his tan face reddening and his grin growing greater. Yue sits beside her, staring into her eyes with his, again chillingly jagged. Now grinning, his face show dimples and rugged lines of masculinity around his nose - his smile much changing his appearance. Yue chuckles as he says, "I am Sir Yue and I know not the surname of my father. Sicilia, I respect and admire you and your beauty, but I ask... would you like a night of rest. And, just rest?"
Raising an eyebrow suspiciously, she regarded you closely. "Is this a test or something? The damn barman put you up to this didn't he?" Glares at you, the light blue of her eyes darkening and stormy. "If this is a test then I won't fail...I am not going back out onto the streets again." Pushing the man down onto the bed, she straddled over him and looked down at him. Looking into his eyes, she sees that he has a sincere air around him, and a softening look as his outrage became understanding. "If I can just sleep...that would be a relief."
Yue remains quiet, allowing her to take control over the situation until her final remark. Yue grins and slides his arms around Sicilia, pressing his forehead to hers. He stares into her eyes a while before he says, "This... this is no trick, no test. Just lay in my arms and sleep, take comfort without... what you normally do." Yue rolls slightly, allowing Sicilia to fall slightly beside him and onto his chest with the guidiance of his arms. "I am a Templar of sorts, we have a moral code. Without sincere emotions, we cannot partake in sins of the flesh," he states, trying to comfort you. He stares into your eyes once more as your head rests on his chest, "This night is yours. I bought it for you. Nodoriah looks kindly on a good deed and I do like the comfort of another while I sleep."

All the while, Yue thinks. What will she believe when I try to steal her away tonight? There are no windows in this room and she fears the streets. This will be hard for me. But, we need her. I was over a hundred foot away when I felt her dormant pressence, she's incredble. Beautiful, too - wasted in this place. A girl like her should have a better life, I can see her sincerity and kindness. That would be the thought that created the comfort that Sicilia felt. Even while thinking of how to steal her away, Yue doted on her even in mind without a perverse thought.

Yue readies himself for a short sleep, a skill he mastered with magic. When the time is right, he will be awoken by magical jolt. Yue becomes comfortable, also helping Sicilia as he finally states, "Especially the comfort of someone as beautiful as you." Yue's words... he had aldready bought her. He had paid. He had everything he wanted. Yet, he complimented her. Why? Words that might run through the abused mind of someone like Sicilia. He wasn't going to have his way, yet he still complimented. He was polite and just. Yet, he called her beautiful. Those would be things someone in Sicilia's proffession wouldn't be accustomed to. Things they may appreciate highly.
Blushing lightly at the rare comment and settling into a comfortable position, she looked up at the templar." Thanks for this...and the compliment, haven't hear a honest one of those in awhile." Smiles slightly and snuggles closer to the warmth of the man. So, what brought you all the way out here? I thought templer's were supposed to stay at churches and guard them or something." Looks at him closely, seeing the books chained to his belt and his weapons. Smirks at the though of weapons, since she was hiding a dagger in her skirt for those particularly violent customers.
Yue had closed his eyes and was close to sleep when she had talked, so it was a brief second before he would reply. When he did, the slur in words denoted his drowsiness, "You're right... I'm more like a crusader with a templar code. You eyed my books... they're only poetry and prose that I have written. Maybe, if we wake up early enough... I will you read you some. For now, I wish to sleep. Not that I don't enjoy the company of such a smart little vixen." At that time, he would have rolled to her mid-part of the speech and given her a priest's kiss on the forehead. With Yue, it felt totally innocent, as were his intentions.
"Ummm, sorry for waking you up, ser templar." She whispered and got under the covers more. Her mind wasn't at easy, mewling over and over about his last sentence before he passed out. "What did that mean....and what will it mean." She thought," And then there was that man has ever confussed me so before." Sighs and closes her eyes. thiking rest will clear her mind and the questions will still be there in the morning for later study. She slept with her legs closed and with a hand resting on her top,near the hidden dagger, just to be safe.
In the middle of the night, as she slept, Yue would wake up and check the halls. He smiled and walked over to Sicilia and gentely nudging her as he says, "Sicilia." Yue stepped back to avoid any overreaction as he noticed her come to.
Her eyes popped open and grabbed her dagger, whipping it out and in a arc infront of her, cutting just air cause the templar stepped back. " Ooops, sorry...I didn't mean anything by this." Looking up sheepishly at his surprised, slightly stone-hard face. Getting up and straightening her clothes out, returning her dagger to her top. Still has the sheepish look to her face, and finished cleaning up as he explained why she had been woken up at midnight.
Yue says, "Is only me, Sicilia... I thought I might wake you up for a midnight stroll. Maybe... a little poetry?" Yue offers his hand which now that Sicilia is awake she can see - mainly due to his candle light.
"Uhhh, alright....this is new." Takes his hand and lets him lead me down to the groundfloor, then out into the streets. Stopping hesitantly at the doorway, she bit her lower lip then sighed heavily, letting him continue to lead me. Her hand stayed near her dagger, and her posture was tense and alert, watching the shadows on both sides of the street.
Yue smiled and said, "Don't worry, you're with me..." However, any comfort from that would be short lived. From the shadows emerged three men in leather padding. Two of them wielded greatswords and the third as highly paid man of Sicilia's boss. She'd known him. He had a chain with a blade on it, incredible with. She'd seen him kill mercilessly with it.

Not only was this man physically intimidating, but the slightly insanity of his voice set him off as well, "Sicilia, tsk tsk tsk... leaving so soon? You know you're not supposed leave. Don't you? I mean, you were told. You have to ask to leave. You know this, ri--

--Shutup. You're an annoying little freak," Yue quickly cut off this nameless man, not wanting to hear his pathetic speech. Yue said lowly, "Step back, Sicilia... I'll deal with them."

The man said, "Whom are you tell--you're the man whom paid Sicilia for full night? Get your joll--

Again, Yue cut him off. But, he didn't do it with words. A concentrated blast of wind itself spun inside Yue's hand and blasted forward, hitting the man in the chest and sending him into the tavern. A hole in the wooden mainframe of the tavern was created as the man was sent through and wind blew debri everywhere. The two swordsmen ran forward with their swords, Yue however simply strafed to the right and slashed his blade against one of their swords. Immediately, a spark of blue electricity jumped from Yue's little daggar to the swordsmen, dropping him unconscious. The other man stepped back in fear. Now, seven more similarly attired men as well as Sicilia's boss came from the streets and down the stair.

Sicilia knew her boss' voice when it was enraged. She knew it well. He yelled, "WHO ARE YOU?! SICILIA?! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD! I TOLD YOU LAST TIME THAT THIS WAS YOUR LAST CHANCE YOUR LITTLE WHORE!" Yue obviously didn't take kindly to those words as mana flew around him freely, sparking from place to place. His hair lifted and flowed as he began to charged a bolt of concentrated electricity within his hands. Even as far back as Sicilia was, she could feel the heat from him. Yue fired the blast at her boss, her screamed and fell instantly. It was obvious, he was dead.

Yue said in deep, dark tone, "Anyone who thinks they can withstand lightning by the blades touch and a shock from the heavens at range. Try me. If not, leave the girl be or you'll end up like that pig. Fried." The men backed away and Yue turned to Sicilia, his muscles slightly buldging and his body filled with vessels that popped. A white fire seemed to seep from his eyes, even so she still found that comfort. Men fired arrows that were parried by gusts of wind, Sicilia and Yue were utterly safe due to Yue's magic. The intimidation factor fled from Yue quickly as he offered his hand and asks, "Would you like to come with me? And... stay."
She smiled as his comforting words originally, then when the master's men had walked out of the shadows, she had immediantly stepped back and cowered in fright. She had seen that man cut three people in half in one swing of his chain-blade before. She had taken another step back when Yue had told her to. The next thing she saw stupidfied her, the brute had been blown through the taverns wall, shurely killing him. She had never seen magic before, except for the local shaman who did card tricks and illusions, thus this sudden usage of war magic scared her more than anything else, even scareier than the sudden appearance of her master, yelling at her. When she had turned to look at him, he was suddenly engulfed in electricity, cooking him and burning him to a crisp.

With mouth agape at the sheer incredability of Yue's magic, both destructive and defensive, and eyes wide with more than a little hint of fear. Her hair and fluffed up some as the electrical energy released, quickly trying to brush her hair down, she looked up as the templar mage spoke. She took an involentary step back as he offered his hand to her, remembering the lightning well. The wind gusted close by as a arrow was flicked away, buring itself into the wall behind her. With her hand shaking uncontrolably, she took his offered hand after several seconds of trying to make it stop. "I am out of the job now..." SHe took a quick glance over to her smoking boss and shuddered visably, then turned back to Yue." I have no were else to go I have to go with you...if i stay I will be dead by morning." Sighed and trying to steady herself, she tried to make her legs move again." I will need to get my things from the tavern...or whatever is left of it." Several arrows had struck the wooden walls and hay roof, as well as the massive hole in the wall from the boss's champion. Taking several unsteady steps, she walked back into the inn and up the stairs, heading to her room which was at the very end with a lock on it. Reaching for the metal key in her top, she yelped in pain when it shocked her, the bright white light flicking rom the key to her fingers, stinging them. "Damn magic..." SHe mutters under her breath and finally unlocks her door.

Her room was actually quite nicely furnished with an oak table, chairs, dressers, cabnits, and an even floor without hay on it. She noticed how Yue looked around, faint suprise flicking behind his eyes...or was that magic? "I am...was the best...ummm...girl here, sir. So, I got a better living place than what the others got." She reached into her dresser and pulled out a leather backpack. Quickly moving from her cabnits and dressers, putting food and clothing, along with a few personal belongings in her bag. Grinning sheepishly, she pulled out an iron short sword from behind her "uniforms". "I was...prepared for anything...nearly." Fashioning a gray cloak over her shoulders and hooking her sword onto a leather belt with a silver dragon's head clasp, she shouldered her pack. " I am ready when you are...we might want to grab what we can from downstairs though before we leave, the boss usually kept the good drinks in the back, along with his money cache."
Yue had followed Sicilia, actually quite amazed by her accomodations. He sifted through some of her clothing and without her knowledge stolen a uniform she didn't take, hiding it in his satchel. Yue didn't reply much until he had made his way downstairs. Harnessing storm-like energies was difficult without letting it explode. By the time Yue made it downstairs a few civilians were sifting through the ruins, just a peasant or two. Yue replied to Sicilia, "Well, you're beautiful enough to be the best. If not obvious, I'm a stormmage and a powerful one."

Upon seeing Yue and hearing those words, many of the peasants stopped. Yue paid them no heed as he knew where a lockbox was, he'd seen Sicilia's boss put money into it. Yue lifted his hand and a gust of wind bursted from it, simply tearing apart a portion of the bar to reveal an iron lockbox. Yue walked up to the lockbox and through either fire or lightning magic incinerated the lock, letting it melt off. He opened the box and grabbed three sacks of assorted silver and gold. Yue walked up to Sicilia and allowed her to carry money after filling his own sack from one of the three. After passing off the money, Yue returned to the lockbox and tossed the peasants the largest sack of all three.

Yue said, "Men, see that? I give it to you as gift from The Light. Praise Nodoriah." The peasants looked at it with wide eyes. One replied, "But... this is enough to feed three families for tenyear," in which Yue replied, "Then feed yours for tenyear on the generosity of Nodoriah, fellows." After that, the men fled and Yue took a few assorted bottles of the shelf and had taken a flask, filling it with something - it being too dark for you to see. Yue left the ruins quickly after that and even offered his hand to help you.

Yue smiled to Sicilia then asked, "Are you at least happy now?"
Smiled at the compliment and watched again in amazement as her melted the lock onto the safe, the molten metal catching a few pieces of hay on fire as the metal washed over it. Blinking in surprise as he handed her a bag of money, more money then she had ever seen in her whole life. Quickly tieing the bag of money closed and stuffing it in her bag, she grinned. "My bag is even heavier now then I have ever felt it. " SHe had to tilt the opposite direction some, or she would be falling over. While Sir Yue went to one end of the racks of beverages, she went to the other side, sliding open a secret hole, taking the amulet inside. The amulet had been an ancestrial heirloom and she would rather be ripped apart then part with it a second time. She put it on and covered it up with some of the fabric from her cloak. Quickly making sure that Yue was still working, he was pouring something into a flask, then she took the few other jeweleries inside the hidden safe, including several loose gems. Pocketing her hidden earnings, she took a couple flasks of wine, beer, and mead, putting them with the rest of her food. "We all set now, Sir Yue?" Smiles and starts to walk out of the ruined tavern, taking Yue's hand as he offers it up for my benefit. " Yes, I am happy now." She replies to his comment as they start to walk toward the stables. " Ummmm, where are we headed to now, besides the stables?" SHe looked over the horses, eyeing a beautiful black stallion with combed, loose black hair.
Yue replies, "There is an asembly of sorts I was heading to before I met you. We'll be late, but we're still going. Trust me, you're invited and safer there than with me alone." Yue waited a minute before letting go of her hand and noted how she eyed the horse. Yue smiled and walked over to the stables, untying the black stallion and heading it to Sicilia before he mounted his own tan and white horse. He smiles, "If you're content, we can go..."
Her eyes buldge and look up at the horse, which was taller by a head then her. " You can just take it?" She asked nervously and looked around, trying to find the stable's master. She had learned growing up that you usually had to pay for a horse..and just about everything else too. Looking back up at the horse, she gulped anxiously and tries to sit in the saddle. However her bag weighed down her jump, making her nearly fall into the grass. "Ok...ummmm...I might need help..." She shrugged her bag off and hooked it to the rear of the saddle, then tried jumping up into the saddle again. She made it this time with alil wiggling, as she struggled to get up, Yue could clearly see up to her inner theighs, her pale, tonned legs making several un-templarly thoughts pass through his head, imaging what those legs could do. Smiling happy since she got up in the saddle on her own, she looked over at Yue. "Lead on, sir Yue." She giggled with elation, she was finally leaving the hell hole which was this village. Her body shook with laughter, making her breasts bounce delectably, teasing Yue's thoughts more.
Yue chuckled - the only thing he knew to do as his face reddened and his once pure mind was sent into a spiral of perversion. Yue said, "In the chaos of what happened to the tavern, two stollen horses will mean little. 'Sides, it would slow us...," Yue simply stopped at the sight of Sicilia's laughter and his mind wandered off temperarily. Yue snapped out of it, however, at Sicilia's command and he went on, trotted down the road. Yue said, "You're quite good at making yourself wanted. Or, should I say, attractive, Sicilia." Yue lead Sicilia down a road that she's seen few travel - the east exit out of town.
Giggles lightly and blushes some at the compliment. "It runs in the blood, my mother, I am told, was the same way when she was young." She settled comfortably into the seat and leaned foreward some over the saddle. " Back there in the tavern, why did you toss all that money to those vermin? I mean...I think I might of been foreced to sleep with one or two of them." Shudders and shakes her head, her light blue hair falling all over. Adjusting her sword and hair, she looked to either side of the dirt road into the woods, keeping an eye out.
Yue sighs as he adjusts the reigns of his horse and listens to you. He says, "I suppose you wouldn't've been educated in The Light with your proffession..." Yue notes what she said about her mother. It's quite possible that her mother was a Beautific or seduced a Beautific. Which was it? Hm. Yue looked to the sky, also noting it was getting quite late in the night and he was tired, his little sleep then use of magic was draining on the body. "The Light is the holy goodness that drives the power of Paladins and Templars. I have a few spells in the field. The Light is also the council of Gods that represent all non-demons. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Kin, Oracles and the like. There are more, though I've never met them."

Yue points to the sky and says, "There are contellations for them. See that big star? Look at it close enough and you'll see an eye. That's the Eye of Orus. Orus is the god of magic of The Light. He has the most notable constellation - the only one memory serves me. Nodoriah is the Lightbearer and the main force of The Light. He is the father of Elves, Humand and Dwarves. I pray to Nodoriah... Nodoriah smiles upon good deeds like the one I did. Those men may have used you, but they were still the sons of Nodoriah and for that I must be kind to them. We have more than enough gold to last us, letting them have some did not hurt us." Yue smiles and looks to you. "You're a daughter of Nodoriah, a beautiful one. I've met Sea Elves before, but I've never seen one as enchanting as you." Nodoriah's voice is becoming slurred again, you can tell he's getting sleepy like before in the tavern.
She listened in intrest as he described things about the gods that she never knew or heard of before. When she had looked up into the sky and saw the eye, she felt something in her brain click. When she had turned in the saddle to ask him something, she heard his voice slip into a slur and saw him starting to sag in the saddle. "Are you aright?" She moved over closer to Yue with her horse, walking along side his horse. She had blushed again at his comment, enjoying this new side of being free and being given commpliments about something other than her prownesss in bed. "Perhaps we should find a place to sleep for the rest of the night..." She was however to hyped up from her freedom to sleep anymore that night, but Yue looked exhausted. Taking his reins in her hand, she led them into the woods alil ways and into a small clearing. "Want me to set up the tent or are you wanting to?" She got down from her horse and tid the reins to a tree, getting the camping gear off of Yue's horse.
Yue says, "I'd traveled nearly a week before going to your tavern, I was exhuasted then. Now, I used magic... heh." Yue slips off his horse and unsaddles it. He sits down both of your horses and pulls out some hay. It's not much, but it keeps the horses content. He says, "You set up tent, I'll make a fire... " Yue walked over to some briar from some bushes near the place Sicilia picked. He pulled out a knife and cut them at their base, then into smaller pieces. He put them in the campsite and ignited them with a spark of lightning. Yue grabs a pot from the equiptment satchel on his horses saddle and fills it with water, another accomodation from the equiptment satchel. He then tosses in some dried, spiced meat and said, "It's not much, but the broth and meat will be nice." Yue sits beside the fire and stares in it. His eyes glow almost magically as the fire flicks. He says, "Once you get situated, sit down and tell me about yourself..."
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