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Mx M or F A Humble Request Thread

Nov 5, 2023

-A Writing Sample From Yours Truly-

The night club seemed to rattle with anticipation, clattering around and whispering about the next upcoming dancer. It became a news headline, people shared the vague memories they had of a brilliant rose in colored spotlights. Dominic picked up the name "Cherry" off more than a few lips inside the parlor. It was something sweet to taste in the mixed cocktails, yet also the young girls stage name. The air inside swelled with the collective anticipation of each and every eye in the room, a void of noise known only by the absence of such. The house lights began to dim. Everything softened, and held its tongue while spotlights started to hang on the center stage.

Dominic could feel the club begging for his attention. "Look here! To the stage. A beautiful bouquet of sensation, and pleasure stare back at you." The decorations strewn across the stage seemed to promise, while the music played louder from the background. A low, slow, sweet heat of rhythm bled off the speakers metal flesh. All while behind the curtains, he heard the click of a confident heel walking toward the spotlights glow. Dominic "Magnum" Opus, had his back in a leather cushion of one of the clubs deep brown armchairs. The old school leather made a crackle as he leaned foreword in his chair, expectant of the view. The suit he was wearing was Italian cut, broad and announced. It held a soft grey color, creased and tailored with a special attention to detail. Just as he'd instructed. Beneath he seemed to have on a classic European button up, colored a scarlet, or for the less informed: a deep bloody red. It highlighted the piercing gaze of his eyes quite well, which were now burrowing their stare past the curtains of the stage for a glimpse at this dancer. "Cherry." When finally not a soul in sight could bare the teasing: a set of beautifully devilish, plump lips pulled at the corners of a fair woman's face. They steered the curve of a sultry body, sashaying its hips across everyone's eager watch. He could only presume this was Cherry, based on the number of hushed whispers in awe from the crowd.

For the next few minutes of passing time, Dominic witnessed a magic of beauty. Bewitching and entrancing his senses. Sound-tracked by clubbing music, Cherry's body moved in ways he up and lost track of himself. Distracted by a painting of sultry red, the broad brushstrokes of which: were reminiscent of a strippers sequenced two piece. Until he locked eyes with her intimate stare, that's when he understood her art. As she ended her dance, caressing the warm glow of stage light with her figure: he clapped lightly alongside the rousing crowd. Finally he stood up, walked patiently right up against the stage, and stretched his hand out to her face. No security guard seemed to stop him, in fact they seemed to be avoiding his boldness at their own discretion. His thumb passed over her lips then to her cheek in a soft, graceful touch. He didn't say any words, he just left a hundred dollar bill behind her ear, and waved down the club manager. "I'll take the private room, top floor… with her of course." He spoke, the manager nodded in respect.

Evening, I am Knight. I'm currently looking for new roleplay partners, so why don't we run through the criteria needed from you to participate?:

1. Read through this post in it's entirety, I'll forgive you for skipping the sample writing. however the rest of this post is very deliberate, and asks politely for your respect
2. I as well ask for your respect. writing is fun. we both enjoy it. so let's treat each other nicely, and
communicate our intentions.
3. I'm looking for a third person writer, who's interested in a
multi-paragraph literate writing experience
4. All you need in order to dm me about this request, is to fulfill all the above criteria. As well as, be prepared to
discuss roleplay ooc

Let me tell you more about myself though

I've been writing for multiple years, and roleplay is the most engaging writing exercise I've found to excite me creatively and other ways. I've written just raw smut, to action adventure, to sci-fi and especially fantasy. I don’t mind wether you’re queer or a furry for that matter I’ve written many roleplays for both, and I myself am queer. I have a deep passion for fiction in general, and much prefer it over realistic settings. my greatest strength as a partner is my excitement. I love writing for you and getting the praise deserved in a strong response. however, I'd say my greatest weakness is my commitment. I struggle with burnout far too frequently, but I'll always make time to message you ooc if you care to reach out to ask for my response. Although If I've roleplayed with you previously, I encourage you to remind me so I can prioritize writing with you again. when you dm me from this forum be sure to include the secret phrase "iceberg" so I know you've read at least this far thank you. In summary, I'm very excited to meet you and I hope you've read something you like so far.

below is a listing of specific plot ideas I'd recommend to others varying in potential lewdness, although I'd love to hear your ideas and workshop something:

The region of Fallhorn has been perpetually ravaged by bloodshed. The soil hides arrowheads and plate armor from the strife of countless battles. Two kingdoms clash, leading to the early demise of both elves and men. This protracted war has fostered a deep-seated prejudice among the people. Elves and humans harbor animosity towards each other, blaming one another for the devastation they have each caused. There is no clear winner in this conflict, only a mutual agreement to water each other's gardens in another's blood. This serves as the setting for this plot point, I will now delve into specific character dynamics that would work well given the setting:

PLOT 1: MC who is renowned to humans as a formidable and powerful general, is also known as a ruthless killer of the elven race. Responsible for the death of uncountable lives taken under his leadership. Consequently, his rank and reputation grant him numerous privileges, including the spoils of war. After a recent raid on an elven village his army executed, MC selects among the captured slaves of the elven kind his favorite. Amidst the crowd of recently captured elves, he pays particular attention to YC. He takes YC under his wing, assigning them the role of his personal assistant, or slave in a crude tongue. It's important to note that the roles of this plot can easily be reversed.

PLOT 2: YC and MC are elven refugees of war, and so they find themselves stranded alone in a human village. Together yet profoundly alone in a world that offers no tutorage. To survive in this unfamiliar environment, they must rely on each other and trust their bond implicitly. Humans are quick to insult, demean our characters due to their pointed ears. So it becomes crucial that we remain united and swiftly adapt to the harsh realities of our new surroundings.

This plot takes place In a sci-fi setting in which a large central government controls the known boundaries of space. Every generation the grand space odyssey commences, during which the government expands its influence across the universe. New planets are unveiled to the public, teeming with exotic fauna and peculiar life forms on alien soil. Many citizens eagerly participate in this odyssey, embarking on spaceships to distant, foreign lands in pursuit of fame, wealth, and adventure.

PLOT 1: MC is on the brink of financial ruin, taking one last gamble by spending his life savings to purchase a spaceship and join the Great Odyssey. A harsh bet no doubt, in hopes that he may be among the first to strike rich during this generation's expansion. He only has one shot to save himself. He ventures far into the unknown, landing his spaceship on the enigmatic planet of YC. MC relies on you to showcase the wonders and opportunities that your land offers, and perhaps even hint at potential profit-making ventures. Stranded on this strange planet, only YC can teach him the essential skills of survival. The roles can easily be reversed.

Magic, deeply ingrained in life and its boundless creation, has even given life to the earth itself. In this fantastical world, magic has intertwined with nature and its creatures so deeply it manifests as great miracles. The lands of Windshire derive their sustenance from a magical heart known as the "Dragontorch," a core of magic deep beneath the earth that cycles through nature, just like the rain. It waters and feeds the animals giving them vitality and new unexpected life. This magic enables the existence of extraordinary creatures, such as dragons, and even causes profound transformations in the seasons, manifesting in unexplainable weather phenomena or unique environmental effects. The lands of Windshire are indescribably fey as if it were painted in bolder colors than our own.

PLOT 1: MC, a young adult, and YC are a part of an isolated tribe that has never seen the lands beyond. Yet together they embark on an otherworldly pilgrimage of Windshire, travelling through its lush and diverse biomes. This journey is about the unbridled sirens call of adventure and exploring the vast outside world. YC and MC decide to undertake this adventure together, and during their travels, they will witness the breathtaking beauty of the Dragontorch and its profound influence across the land. This plot may feel/be written as more of a dnd campaign than your standard plot.

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