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Special Guest of the Empire (Candicorn & LiveAmmunition)


Sep 30, 2023
Special Guest of the Empire

(@Candicorn & @LiveAmmunition)​
sample_1d9f5e5f8e930ded559eb042bfa4ff65fe7dfa9111.jpg Myrri hated descending into the castle dungeons. She didn't mind the dark, few Felin did. It was the smell; damp and moldy with an undercurrent of shed blood and human filth. It was enough to turn the stomach of anyone, let alone one with feline senses.

As she went further down past the first level, however, conditions improved. The first two levels were for the common prisoners; thieves and robbers, war protestors and activists, and those who ran afoul of the wrong noble on the wrong day. These cells saw frequent use and infrequent cleaning. The lower levels, however, were for special prisoners. These unlucky souls rarely stayed for long. Their tortured screams would echo in the dungeon halls for days or weeks, but never months or years. Before long they left by execution, death, or surrender to the Empire's uses for them.

Before she could get to the cell she needed, Myrri had to pass by the guards that separated level three from level four. Myrri gave a respectful nod as she approached them "I'm here to see Prisoner 8-901 on orders of Imperial Viz-"

"Yes, yes, the vizier's little familiar is here again to waste time" the bearded guard grumbled and began unlocking the dungeon door. As he swung the door open for her, he gave the woman a piercing look "How long are you lot going to keep that thing around anyway? The damn beast is a pain in my ass. This isn't a fucking menagerie. We'd be better off scrapping it for parts"

Myrri resisted the desire to roll her eyes. Instead she nodded her head and feigned sympathy "I hear you and understand. I will be sure to allude to your feedback in my report to the Imperial Vizier. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a speedy 'transfer', though. There seems to be interest in getting... value out of the prisoner"

She didn't wait for a response before slipping through the open door and heading down the hall of cells. There was no need. The guards didn't have the authority to stop the vizier's orders from being carried out and she didn't need their help. She knew where she was going.

In the past two weeks, Myrri had made this trip multiple times. She came every few days, sometimes every other day. Myrri's visits here were short. Thus far, she hadn't spoken to the prisoner. She hadn't even really seen him. Within the lower levels, the doors to each cell were like that of a vault, solid metal. These doors had one mechanism that would allow for the opening of a barred window for viewing the prisoner and another near the floor that would allow for food and water to be passed through.

In the first week of visits, Myrri had only cracked the window slot. Just enough to allow the prisoner to become somewhat familiar with her scent, a mixture of the woman's natural aroma and the smells of the spices she often worked with. Such things wouldn't have mattered to a human prisoner, but this one was Wulfen. It wasn't a race she had ever seen in person, but she knew they were bestial folk like herself. She wasn't sure he'd care or even notice, but she didn't think it could hurt. She'd at least been able to catch his scent.

In her last two visits, she'd brought food. It was a peace offering of sorts to prepare for their first attempted conversation. That would happen today, at least that was her plan.

Myrri stopped at the last cell door in the hall and took a deep breath. Slowly, she activated the mechanism to reveal the cell's window. Her bright yellow, cat-like eyes were intensely focused as she gazed into the prisoner cell to get her first glimpse of the Wulfen prisoner assigned to her by the vizier.

Illuminated by torches in the hallway, Myrri stood before the bars. She was a woman of average height with a curvaceous build. She was clearly well-fed and finely groomed with raven hair that ended above her shoulders. Her dark brown skin was adorned with beaded jewelry and covered modestly with well fitting clothing. Pointed feline ears rose from her head and a matching darkly furred tail swayed behind her. Her posture was straight and confident (in spite of any nervousness she felt).

Her voice was gentle as she spoke "Hello, I'm told that your name is Einhard, is that right?"
einhard.jpg How long has he been down in this dungeon? Weeks? Months? Time had no hold of this wretched place. No dusk or dawn, day or night. The only routines to follow were meal times and interrogations, though he doubted the consistency of either one, especially since the latter hadn't happened in some time. Perhaps his torturers had given up and were now discussing how should he finally meet his end?

Einhard raised his hand to his snout, the faint jingle of the shackled chain at his wrist breaking the silence of his cell. He stretched his fingers and curled them into a fist a couple of times. His strength, even if great in comparison to imperial soldiers, was but a shadow of its former glory. Leaning against the cold stone wall of his cell, he let out a long sigh. The once proud and powerful Wulfen warchief, who promised to protect his people and stayed behind to stall enemy's advance, captured alive and held prisoner. Questioned, tormented and treated like an animal. His tormentors haven't managed to get satisfaction of breaking his spirit though and no secrets of his people had slipped past his lips — only insults towards the Ferrotan Empire.

All they managed to get from him, were bits and pieces of his body. Tufts of fur, vials of blood, even tried to take his fangs once. Once. The last attempt ended with Einhard getting half-rations for several meals and one of the imperial guards parting with a few fingers. In the aftermath, a different and more complex set of adjustable chains was put in place, to prevent such accidents in the future. The hospitality and technical prowess of the empire knew no bounds, Einhard thought to himself. Afterwards, the only visits he had were guards bringing food. Other than that, he was left to rot.

However, as of late, someone was breaking the monotony of his captivity. Several times, the sliding slot of his cell was opened. The prisoner expected the usual disgust-filled insults and gazes, but none came. Whoever stood outside, seemed to be suspiciously content with just leaving the window ajar. Einhard answered the silence with a silence of his own, but his keen nose let him learn more of this mute visitor. The metallic stench of blood that followed the interrogators was absent, replaced by a potent smell of spices, similar to those that faraway merchants used to bring to his native mountain home. Moreover, it was a woman, likely young, but not one of the imperial Ferrotani. Her scent felt familiar, yet foreign.

Soon, the visits from the stranger were accompanied by a meal, an extra to his usual share. Einhard wolfed those down without care. If they wanted to poison him, they had plenty of opportunities to do so, and food was food, regardless of intentions behind it.

Once again, Einhard's ear snapped towards the CLACK of the sliding window. Still sitting against the wall, he raised his head towards the sound, his steely blue eyes meeting a pair of yellow feline eyes staring at him through the gap. He returned a cold stare, not showing his surprise at the stranger finally revealing herself to him.

She found him sitting against the wall opposite the vault-like door, the chains connected to all four of his limbs laying loose on the stone floor. Unkempt and dirty, the black and ashen fur covering his body had seen better days. However, despite the weeks of abuse — visible through the body riddled with numerous cuts and scrapes — his physique was still impressive and imposing, with broad shoulders and thick arms. The only article of clothing he was allowed to posses was a pair of ragged trousers. Despite his dreary appearance, he still wielded an aura of pride.

Einhard let out a loud snort at the visitor's words. "Where I'm from, it's customary to introduce yourself first... But yes, I am Einhard of Hamark." He looked her over as much as the narrow window and dim lights allowed him. His nose was right — she was no human. She possessed bestial features not unlike the Wulfen, but far less prominent. Not a race he had ever encountered or heard about, but the world was vast and the empire's appetite unending.
Myrri took just a moment to take in the sight of the captive before her. There was no mistaking the look of a trained warrior. He was also taller and broader than her, a clear physical threat. He met her eyes, clearly unafraid of what she intended for him and unbroken by the weeks he'd spent detained. She hadn't been told much about the prisoner other than that he was a difficult one. She didn't realize that he was entirely 'untamed'. No matter. She still had an assignment to complete.

"Do you really care for the name of an imperial visitor, Einhard of Hamark? At this point we must all seem alike to you. All equally... unpleasant and worthy of having our fingers bitten off" Myrri watched him carefully, waiting to gauge his response as the tip of her tail flicked back and forth with interest. From her tone it was clear that she wasn't chastising him for separating a guard from his fingers. On the contrary, she was both amused and slightly intimidated.

"If you're wondering, I'm not here to torture you or perform last rites before execution. I don't wish to hurt you or anyone really. My name is Myrri. I may be visiting you often in these next weeks" there was a brief pause as Myrri decided on what to say next. It was always difficult to know whether or not it was best to be forthright. In this case, she thought perhaps not. What she needed from Einhard was an odd request, and in truth, it wasn't really a request. She had no information on whether or not this wolfman would be amenable to a trade of sorts or if it was best to use threats or some other tool. She needed to size him up, without making it obvious. She kept her body language calculated. Somewhat neutral, but friendly and open.

"Is there anything that I may bring you on my next visit? Perhaps a light for your cell? Clean clothes? A bath?" she smiled apologetically "I'm afraid that I can't give your anything to materially change your imprisonment like weapons. You can ask for anything you wish, but there is only so much one Felin can do"
As she recalled the overconfident guard's loss of digits, the corner of the Wulfen's snout crawled into a shadow of a grin and his scruffy tail gave out a tired and short-lived wag. "An imperial that knows her worth? That's rare." It was refreshing to hear that the gruesome incident hasn't been forgotten across the hallways of the dungeon, perhaps even reaching the ears of some haughty Ferrotani noble. After all, she did look as if she worked for one, with her groomed appearance and fancy clothes.

"If you're not here to make me spill secrets or prepare my death, then why're you here?" His gaze grew sharper, as if hoping that it would saw through the bars of the window and the woman standing behind them. It was more of an accusation than a question, but Einhard's voice remained calm and collected. While he was oblivious to Myrri attempt at sizing him up, he also tried to measure her mettle and to discern her objective. He had no reason to take her goodwill at face value while locked in a cell and chained to a wall. It had to be a trick. If anything, he was surprised that it took the imperial pencil-pushers so long to try something else than physical abuse.

"I don't want anything from the empire or their little pet cat." He scoffed and turned his head to the side, breaking eye contact. He didn't know much about the Ferrotani culture, but that always got the guards and interrogators riled up. A beastfolk — an inferior being — looking down on them. Though that begged the question, how did she end up in service of the empire? He wanted to cut their conversation short and ignore her, but the gnawing curiosity at the back of Einhard's mind came out victorious in battle against his Wulfen pride.

"How much did your loyalty cost... Felin, was it?"
Myrri had taken Einhard's jab at her worth in stride but his calling her a 'pet' bothered her. Such comments always did. The Ferrotani nobles loved using words like "pet" or "stray" to describe her kind. Recently, she'd been saddled with "familiar" as a nickname due to her service to the Imperial Vizier. She hated it. Thankfully, though, Einhard had already turned his head to deny her eye contact before the offense reached her eyes. His latter question gave her an opportunity to sidestep his about why she was there, so she took it.

"Loyalty?" Myrri scoffed as though Einhard had ask a silly question "My presence here was bought with the blood of my forefathers and the destruction of their homeland. There are few of my kind left and none alive who remember a time before the Empire. My grandfather is a very old man and even he was born here on Imperial soil" Although she was confident that her words would not be overheard by the guards at the door, Myrri was mindful of her volume "'Loyalty' is not the word I would use. The Empire has no need for my loyalty and I doubt that I have any to give."

"As for my services, which is what I suspect you meant, that was simpler for the empire to attain. I do what I must in exchange for medicine, food, schooling, and so on. I am no 'pet cat', but I do serve and make myself useful to my betters. There is little else to choose from. There is a saying that is taught to Felin children that roughly translates to 'Cats who hunt and purr, receive milk. Cats who hiss and bite, receive death.' There's no actual milk of course, that's just to make the saying appealing to children, of course"
she shrugged then paused to consider how she must look to him with her fine imperial clothing. She chuckled softly "Do my clothes make me look as though I traded freedom for a fine cushioned seat beside the Ferrotani nobles? I assure you that there are no cushion seats in my life, but plenty of difficult and dangerous work like this"

"What about you, Wulfen warrior, Einhard? What does your loyalty cost? Or your service?"
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It was a welcome change of pace to be the one asking questions and actually havind them answered, even if Einhard expected different words from his guest. Still, the more he thought about it, the more her coming from a nation conquered by the Ferrotan made sense. However, he couldn't stomach her calling the imperials superior. "You may speak of having no loyalty for the Empire, nor them needing it but — in the end — I," he pointed a clawed finger at himself, still facing away from her, "am the one locked in a cell and you," the claw was now pointing at Myrri, "are the one standing free before it." He lowered his hand with a deep and bitter chuckle. She could try to explain it however she wanted, but in his eyes, she was still another minion of the imperial humans who dared to raid his homeland.

"Still, you shared wisdom of the Felin. Wulfen do not leave debts unpaid, so let me repay you with a saying of my people." He scratched his head, trying to get the words right, before once again facing the Felin. "'There's a reason why you don't bite a hedgehog.' Not as poetic as yours, I know." He allowed himself a dry smile. "The empire decided to bite, so they have to learn a painful lesson." It might have sounded morbid or even suicidal, but this approach was why many other countries neighboring his Einhard's homeland did not invade. Thanks to the Wulfen fervor and the mountainous terrain, any attack — regardless of its outcome — was a costly endeavor.

"That's why, you can't buy my loyalty. Not unless the king, emperor or whoever leads the Ferrotan promises me that the empire would never set foot in Wulfen lands ever again." Looking her in the eyes, it was clear that this wasn't just a bold claim, but true devotion to his people. "And would they ever break this promise — I would kill them."
In spite of herself, Myrri smiled at Einhard. It was a smile that conveyed both admiration and pity. Of the former, she admired his fire, his strength, and his hope. Of latter, the pity didn't mean she thought less of him exactly. In her mind, he just didn't understand what and who he was dealing with. The Empire would surely grind his admirable traits to dust, or kill him and move on to one of his kind who could be broken more easily "Do you.. do you truly think that you can wound the Empire, Einhard? What are the spikes of a hedgehog to a dragon that burns and destroys everything in its path?" she touched the Ferrotani crest on her clothing, a royal blue dragon coiled around an iron anvil.

Myrri paused for a moment to think. Einhard would indeed be a difficult task. He was proud and confident, even after days of torture and poor conditions. She suspected that he'd prefer death to giving anything of value to his captors. If it was even possible to ease him into compliance, it would take time. A lot of time. That was... problematic. She ran a hand through her short, dark hair "I'll be honest with you Einhard, I believe the chances of the Emperor granting a treaty with the Wulfen people to be unlikely unless they accept imperial governance. His majesty wishes for the empire to grow and it will take more than the pain of spikes to deter him. But, take my words with all the salt you like. I, sometimes, assist the imperial diplomats, but I am no treaty-writer."

"I wonder, though, if time might be of interest to your people"
she watched him closely "Time to lick their wounds, replenish their supplies, to further evacuate the young and old, find allies, and so on. It would not be what you requested, but perhaps it's something" While she was willing to lie to him, Myrri was actually earnestly exploring this idea. This offer didn't need to be untrue. It would depend on the imperial vizier and his communication to the Emperor and to the General. It'd also depend on if she could convince them that she had gathered intel from Einhard that warranted a delay of their operations. But first, it was better to know if it was worth taking the risk.
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"What are the spikes of a hedgehog to a dragon that burns and destroys everything in its path?" This question reached into his memory, pulling out the grim visions of recent past. Of war machines, rolling through fortifications as if they were tied together twigs; of ranged weapons penetrating shields like leaves; of villages burning in fire which water couldn't douse. Einhard swallowed, trying to push down the bile forming in the back of his throat, but it persisted. It annoyed him, but he — more than anyone — knew the meaning behind her words. Even the victories of the Wulfen against the empire often carried a bitter taste of defeat. "Whether it takes one, dozen or a hundred, the dragon will learn." He answered, frustrated but firm. His ancestors laid down their lives fending off numerous invaders, so he could grow up in their lands. Now, it was his duty to defend Usha Mountains — his homeland — for the future generations.

He continued to listen to Myrri, although without waning interest. His previous outburst was nothing but a way of venting his anger. Obviously, the only deal that the empire would be willing to make with those they considered inferior, would be submission to their rule. His feline visitor might've as well been talking to a wall, until she mentioned buying time for his people, which caused a curious flick from one of his ears. Time always had value. Einhard's great-great-grandparents had been born during war which wouldn't end until they had already had their children. Years, months, even a few weeks could make a difference. A chance to organize forces, invent new tactics and prepare for guerilla war.

With a slight heave, the canine prisoner got up off the floor. Standing straight and towering over his guest, the astounding size of his build was on fully display. Despite the sustained abuse, it was easy to imagine what this mountain of muscle could do on the battlefield: tear armors, break formations and even crush enemies barehanded, if need be. He rolled his head and shoulders, making the joints pop. "Aye, that sounds worthwhile." He said and then began to slowly stomp towards the cell door.

Before he could get within arms reach of the bars, the chains went taut. A dangerous grinding noise came from the mechanism as the warrior's strength met Ferrotani steel. The impasse held for a couple of seconds, but the latter came out victorious, making the prisoner let out a frustrated snarl. Still, the distance between the Wulfen and Felin grew more intimate. "But why should I trust your word?" The accusatory question was accompanied by a piercing look from Einhard, trying to sense her motive. "What do you get out of this deal?" Somehow, he doubted it was all for petty act of rebellion.
Myrri appeared skeptical about Einhard's response. Perhaps it was the pessimism instilled in her by her upbringing. How could anyone hope to escape the reach of the massive iron fist of the imperials? Whether there was one metaphorical hedgehog or one million, it seemed pointless. In her opinion, he'd do better to cut whatever deal he could to preserve the lives of the ones he loved and their future. What was the point of fighting and ending up like her and the rest of the Felin? She doubted that he'd ever see such reason.

Myrri was usually quite good at stifling the bestial body language that came instinctively to the Felin. Such communication often times meant nothing to the human imperials, or worse betrayed emotions that were better kept private. In this moment, however, she slipped. Perhaps it was the surprise of seeing Einhard at his full height and towering over her behind his bars. Perhaps it was proximity to another of bestial origin. Or maybe it was the tense moment when she wasn't sure that the chains would hold. As Einhard drew close, the interested flicking of Myrri's tail stopped and it came to a rest curled downward behind her back. Her ears turned sideways and flattened partially. While she loathed having a weakness exposed, she couldn't hide her intimidation. Before she remembered the chains and bars between them, Myrri was already calculating if she could get to the doors before he could grab her with his massive clawed hands. She might have been able to, but all things considered, she didn't want to have any sort of physical contest with the caged Wulfen. Especially, not one with her life on the line.

Collecting herself, she took a moment to ponder the man's question as his cold blue eyes speared her "Why should you trust me? Well.. I suppose you have no reason to do so. But, what other offers or options do you have?" as she spoke, her sense of confidence began to return "Down here it's just the me, the guards, and the dungeon rats. I'd be surprised and somewhat dejected if you preferred dealing with the guards to myself, but I suppose you could put your trust in them instead. And the dungeon rats, while potentially more trustworthy, won't have much to offer other than a morsel of meat, assuming you can catch one"

"Before you decide, I'd like to try making a smaller arrangement. It'd be a trade of something small in exchange for something small"
her yellow eyes looked him over "I'll return in a day or so. I'll spend that time finding out if I can give the time you're interested in. I'll do this in ways that require minimal risk to myself and I'll tell you honestly what I learn. In exchange, you'll accept a bath and treatment of your wounds without biting. See? Something small for something small."

"Once we've both done our part, I'll know what I can offer you. I'll make my first real ask then. Do you agree?"
she was skirting the answer to his question of why yet again, but at least this time, she was offering an end date to the vaguery.
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Her anxious body language did not escape the keen Wulfen eyes, earning a smug grin and contented HUMPH from the intimidating prisoner. Even if she had been born and raised under imperial rule, never knowing true freedom, its culture couldn't eradicate her bestial nature. In a strange way, it reassured Einhard that perhaps he could strike some sort of deal with her. It wasn't enough for him to trust her, but at least he felt she would be easier to read than humans. Previous interrogators didn't try to negotiate at all, just threatened and demanded. Myrri's offer, in comparison, was suspiciously sweet. She was right though — his options were few and far between. Either he takes her offer or continues to rot in this dungeon, awaiting either more interrogators, an executioner or the slimmest of chances for an escape. Was accepting her deal the right choice? Would he be betraying Usha and its people? Would his ancestor look at him with disgust?

He looked away from the yellow feline eyes, scratching his chin. The ragged gray and black tail, hanging behind him, cautiously swept left and right in slow strokes. After a few more seconds of pondering, he took a deep breath through his nostrils — causing his broad chest to swell up even more — and exhaled the same way.

To live is to fight another day.

"Fine, I'll take your deal." Turning around, he stomped his way back to the wall and sat back down, trying to stifle a wince. "A bath does sound nice, but it better not involve any guards or I'm definitely biting." He reached to his left side with a right hand, touching an aching wound on his ribs. Some ointment and bandages didn't sound bad either.

"You better not expect me to sing away anything important though. I still don't trust you, Myrri." For the first time during their meeting, her name passed his fangs. In Einhard's deep and growling voice, it sounded less like a sign of respect and more like a threat.
Einhard's initial words of acceptance brought Myrri's flattened ears back to their usual upright position. She'd purposely offered him a sweet deal but still wasn't confident that he'd take it. Pride was a powerful motivator, but clearly so was the possibility of aid for his people. There was a quick chuckle at his stipulation about the bath "No guards, huh? That's fair. I don't suppose I'd want them bathing me either" she sighed softly and rolled her shoulder, seeming resigned to take things into her own hands "I'll make he arrangements."

This time Myrri held firm in the face of Einhard's threatening presence. He was further away now, but his using her name made it feel more personal. Still, it was easy enough not to waver since for now she didn't have to lie. "I have no doubt you'll give me nothing that could hurt your people. So, I won't ask. I may ask about Wulfen lands, culture, and stories, but would fully expect you to omit anything vulnerable" she smiled softly adding "The former two will potentially help me get your time. Stories will be for me"

"You don't need to trust me with the secrets of the Wulfen people or with you life or anything precious like that. But you can trust me to make good on a deal. Goodbye for now, Einhard"
she bowed her head slightly, still looking at him with her bright yellow eyes. The gesture wasn't Imperial, but a holdover from the Felin culture. It was both a farewell and a show of regard to a stranger.

She stood up straight again and strode towards the dungeon door.
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Einhard cocked his head to the side. "If useless gossip be enough for you, then suit yourself." Wanting to learn more about the Usha Mountains he understood. After all, the difference between being ambushed and setting one yourself can be a single forgotten forest trail or shallow riverbed. Culture also made sense — knowing the fears, strengths and habits of your opponent is a cornerstone of forming a sound strategy. Stories though? It was strange to have someone from the Empire interested in them, even if not a human, though that might've been the reason why she's willing to listen in the first place. No one else bowed his head towards him, since being thrown in this dungeon, but she did. He nodded in reply, but otherwise remained silent as his strange feline guest left. The sliding window was locked and secured, no longer housing the curious yellow cat-like eyes.

Once again, the cell was his and his alone, while questions floated in his mind. What was her deal? Was she really aiming to help? Was this a Ferrotani ruse? Could this be a turning moment for his fate? Unable to get answers himself, he let out a loud sigh and focused on something else. Letting go of his wounded side, he grabbed the chain attached to his left arm with both hands and gave it a couple of tugs. Each time, the chain went taut, but the mechanism remained firm, not showing any strain from his previous stunt. Perhaps, if he was back at his full strength...

A day or so later, a handful of guards waited in front of Wulfen's cell, different levels of anxiety showing on their faces. "Is he out?" asked the youngest of the bunch.

"Yeah, out like a light" the bearded one replied, peeking through the sliding window. "Come on, let's get this over with before the drug wears off." He unlocked the cell and the guards began to move.

"What's even the point of all this?"

"Vizier's orders. Apparently, his pet cat's trying to get more value out of the monster here. Whatever — get the muzzle on first, then the shackles. We don't want a repeat of what happened to Raz." The youngest shuddered and continued his work.

Exhausting dreams haunted Einhard that night. Dreams of Usha Mountains, moving further away the closer he walked towards them, as yellow eyes stalked him through the forest. At some point, a great blue dragon blocked his path. He kept biting its claws off until his jaw could no longer move, but the claws kept growing back. In the end, the dragon burned everything to ashes — Einhard, the forest, even dragon itself. Everything, but two exceptions — a tiny pair of a hedgehog and a black cat, curled up together.

Shaking the sleep away, Einhard got up and sat on the cold floor of his cell. His vision was blurry and hazy. He tried to grab and take hold of his swaying head, but for some his arms moved in unison. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't separate them from each other. Blinking and squinting, he managed to see something rigid between his wrists, further connected by a chain to the wall, but the finer details remained fuzzy. While doing this drunken inspection, he conked his nose against the offending shackle, producing a surprising metal CLANG. A few more pokes revealed that another metal object — a muzzle — was mounted around his snout. Leaning back on naked haunches, his ragged pants tossed into a corner, the Wulfen collided with yet another surprise. A large wooden tub filled with lukewarm water, as he could tell from the splash on his fur after the liquid backed up from his weight. His memory was muddy, but he was sure it hadn't been there before.

The prisoner growled, the confusion clear in his eyes. Did he wake up or was this another strange dream?
The last day or so had passed quickly for Myrri. Getting information about Ferrotan war plans and priorities without exposing her motives had been difficult. Luckily, she knew where to find Ferrotani military officers with loose lips and penchants for strong drinks. The Wulfen were under siege but weren't the Empire's main priority. The conquest of the Usha Mountains was more like a vanity project, the result of some haughty nobleman's third or fourth son wanting to please his father and impress the emperor. The effort had the support of the state, but not it's passion. That was good. Very good for what she needed.

Unfortunately however, for the Wulfen captive already in the dungeon, there was some priority. She might be able to get away with coming back empty handed once more, but certainly not twice. Time would run out for Einhard and for her, if she didn't start collection soon...

Once again, Myrri descended into the dungeons and approached Einhard's door. She carried a basket this time, along with a somewhat concerned look on her face. The guards had assured her that Einhard was drugged and therefore no risk to her. She wasn't quite so sure. They'd seemed rather nonchalant but that could have been because she was actually safe or because they didn't give two shits about what happened to her. Either way, there wasn't much she could do other than be wary and ready to bolt if the need arose.

Using the door's mechanism, Myrri opened the cell to see Einhard sitting on the cell floor. Her eyes traced over his naked form, then the shackles and muzzle, and finally the dazed and confused look in his eyes "I had hoped they'd leave you a bit more comfortable than this" she sighed and approached him cautiously. She looked into his eyes, searching for a sign of recognition "Einhard, It's me Myrri. I'm going to help you into the tub now. I might sting your cuts a little, but I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to wash you and clean your wounds. Can you nod or flick your ear if you understand?" She reached for him slowly to help him get on his feet and over to the tub.
The sound of gears grinding and metallic moaning accompanied the opening of the vault-like doors. Were he sober and unchained, Einhard would dash towards the door, tearing through anything in his path, aiming to break free from this prison or die trying, regardless of his odds. Still in his stupor though, all he managed was to turn and look with glassy eyes at whatever other oddities came to haunt him. He managed to make out a fuzzy silhouette of a person, but the details eluded him. As the figure approached and spoke, he recognized her calm feminine voice and the scent of spices that lingered on her, but his jumbled mind couldn't connect those familiar traits with any person in his memory.

"It's me Myrri." A simple introduction, but it solved a task that would take him a whole handful of minutes in his current state. As she continued to speak, he cocked his head to the side, focused to understand what she was talking about. With the combined power of scattered bits of his consciousness, all he got was that she wanted him to stand up, pulling him up by his arm. The Wulfen himself wasn't sure if it was a good idea — he'd prefer lying back down, if anything — but gave her a slow nod and groggy 'mrh-yes' nonetheless. He tried to support his weight on the edge of the tub, almost tipping it over, but his legs refused to cooperate. Even with Myrri's support at his side, he lost his balance almost immediately and tumbled head first into the water.

His massive build caused an enormous splash, spilling water everywhere, imperial Felin included. Einhard, his hands and jaw still bound, panicked for a second after going underwater, but instinctively rotated himself and resurfaced, gasping for air as much as the muzzle allowed him. Sitting on the wooden bottom, despite the tub's hefty size, the water reached only up to his waist. The sudden soak failed to sober up the prisoner, but his scrambled mind began to process and appreciate the cool feeling of water against his fur and skin. He relaxed, tense knots in his muscles loosening, forgetting he wasn't alone. When even was the last time he had taken a dip?
There were a couple of terrifying moments when Myrri thought for sure that she’d be responsible for Einhard's accidental drowning. She wasn't nearly strong enough to lift the Wulfen warrior out of the tub by herself so his resurfacing came as a massive relief. Once no longer concerned for his life, Myrri was able to turn her attention to her splashed hair and clothes. She chuckled and shook her head "You know, I expected that I might get splashed. I just didn't think you'd do it so quickly"

She expected he'd be uncoordinated and potentially a bit confused for quite some time thanks to the black passiflora extract he'd been drugged with. She wouldn't be surprised if the line between reality and dream was blurred for him at the moment. She doubted that he would remember much of this encounter. Myrri decided to talk with... or rather to him anyway. There was an advantage to him not remembering after all. She could get an advanced notice on his reactions, let him forget, then try again with a different approach if the unremembered approach went poorly.

There was another advantage, too. Her deft fingers began to unclasp the bindings on her clothing. She didn't strip down entirely, but she removed her overdress, revealing a mid-length, pale green chemise underneath. The Felin woman laid the soaked garment bearing the Ferrotan colors over the back of a chair that had been brought into the cell for her. This would be much more comfortable and no one would know or remember.

Myrri's attention returned to Einhard in his stupor, sitting in the tub of water. She quickly grabbed a few items from her basket and pulled the chair up to sit beside him "Alright, let's get you nice and clean" Myrri spoke to the Wulfen, talking him through everything she did starting with adding a potions to the water to soothe his pain and bring the water's temperature from lukewarm to something close to a nice hot spring. Before long she was gently scrubbing his fur with a bathing brush and soaps that smelled of flowers and herbs. He'd accumulated quite the bit of filth, dirt, and blood in his fur but she didn't seem to flinch at all. Her gentle hands ran over Einhard's body as she washed him. She enjoyed the feel of him, even though she would never admit to it out loud.

"I found out about the time you wanted to bargain for. It seems.. possible. Not guaranteed but possible" her words were cautiously spoken as she watched his body for reactions "Do you know why the Empire invaded the Usha Mountains, Einhard? ...Do you know why you're here?"
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The refreshing feeling of water against his body was so captivating, that it dulled his other senses. Even though he picked up the rustling sound of Myrri removing her clothing, it went through one of his pointy ears and left through the other. Breath steady and eyes staring at something miles away, Einhard's thoughts were busy trying to process his current situation. He realized just how much he had became used to his smell, one of a prisoner who had spent weeks in a cell with hardly any way of keeping himself clean. The Ferrotan Empire may thought of the Wulfen as wild barbarians, but no one wanted to live in filth, even people of the mountains.

Myrri's gentle and calm voice brought him back from his trance, at least for a moment. He turned and looked at her, the glaze in his eyes betraying the unyielding hold that the black passiflora had on him. Still, he did his best trying to understand her — even if the slow blink he gave didn't promise much — and responded with a nod. As she continued to add and apply new concoctions and explain their purpose with her reassuring voice, Einhard understood he made the right choice by agreeing to her treatment. The heat of the water, the satisfying brushing and the pleasant touch of the Felin's hands didn't just lower the tension in his muscles, but outright washed it away with all the dirt and blood. Was it not for the muzzle on his face, his tongue would be happily lolling out on the side of his snout.

Each time the Felin ran her hand over his torso, it was accompanied by a content murmur from the canine throat. She could feel under her nimble fingers, that the black fur that covered most of his body was thick and rough in touch. Meanwhile, the ashen fur — starting at his snout and ending at his groin and inner thighs — was fuzzier and thinner, giving a nice feeling when running one's fingers through it. Moreover, the close proximity intensified the difference in their physical size and strength. There was a reason why a small nation such as Usha managed to hold against the empire, even if against but a fraction of its total power.

Myrri's words didn't interrupt Einhard's drunken feeling of joy, but did pull him a bit closer to the ground. Why was the Empire attacking his homeland? Wasn't it obvious? "Mrrrmmh..." He tried to speak, but the muzzle hindered his speech. It took him a few attempts to get the words out and even then they were slurred. "They want land, no? Or the people." He replied, confident in his answer.

As he relaxed under her care, forgetting the stress of his captivity, his stifled instincts came to the surface. His nose became more sensitive to her feminine scent, now so close within his reach. Whenever she reached his chest and stomach with her soft hands, he didn't feel vulnerable despite his bonds. Instead, his body yearned for more, regardless of whatever his dazed mind thought of her allegiance or race. Nowhere was it better seen that under the water's surface. Between his legs, only partially concealed by the soap's foam, were his scrotum and sheath, both covered in the thin white fur. Out of the latter, encouraged by the warmth and Myrri's touch, a crimson tip of his manhood began to peek out.
Myrri couldn't help but smile at Einhard's contented reactions. It was foolish wasn't it, to enjoy a tender moment with this prisoner? There was really no sense in letting herself enjoy the feeling of fur or loosening muscles under her fingertips. Under different circumstances, she was sure he'd rip her in half to get to freedom or in revenge for his treatment by the Ferrotanis. And for her part, well, she was here in the first place to take from him with or without his consent. There was no point in being sentimental.

The Felin listened to his answer, muffled but still understandable behind his muzzle. She nodded and she continued working suds and water through his coat "Wanting the people is closer. They have no use for the mountains and think of the land as worthless. If that's not the case, I don't recommend you correct them. They also don't particularly want the Wulfen as forced labor. They seem to think that would be too much trouble. Instead, they're after something the Wulfen produce" she paused for a moment, thinking of the best way to explain "I don't know how much contact the Wulfen have with humans or with magic. But if you didn't know, humans like the Ferrotani can't make much use of magic. That can drink a potion that's been made but can't manifest magic even with training. They lack the magical energy that flows through more bestial races like ours. Felin, call it 'quintessence'. We possess some quintessence - enough to fuel magic for those with the talent. But the Wulfen are overflowing with it. There's a theory floating around that it's why the Wulfen are so strong and can endure such harshness"

"Quintessence can 'live' in some of the body's fluids where it can be extracted for use. That's why the guards were taking your blood"
Myrri touched a wound on Einhard's arm softly "The uses vary, of course. Nothing useful for combat or great feats of magic. However, recently, it was discovered that if distilled properly the quintessence is a powerful drug. Hedonists all over the Empire, including the emperor himself, are clamoring for what they call 'Wolves' Fire.' That is why the Empire wants your people."

"As to why you and I are here.."
her hands moved to caress and wash his front, starting at his chest, then moved to his torso "They found the quality of their drug made from your blood to be lacking. Blood is likely not the best fluid to use and you've been kept in terrible conditions. It's no wonder they aren't getting their desired result. There is another fluid that will work but the Imperial vizier didn't believe that a guard would be sufficient. So I was sent" her hand continued to sink lower beyond the surface of the water to where she thought she'd find his sheath. A hint of a blush crossed her face as Myrri felt the beginnings of his exposed manhood. Her hand was still as if it was an an innocent, incidental touch as she waited for the Wulfen's reaction to what she'd told him so far.
Her tender movements continued to work through his coat, ensuring that none of the grime remained. Subconsciously, he kept positioning himself so it would be easier for her to reach the sore and hard to reach spots of his gigantic body. Even though the Wulfen were known to heal from injuries in almost no time, wounds still required treatment, but the mixtures she used were perfect at soothing his bruises and lacerations. His consciousness drifted between Myrri's words and the last night's tranquilizer, as he pondered what she was saying.

There was no meeting between the elders of the Wulfen tribes where they wouldn't discuss at length the reason for the Ferrotan Empire's invasion. Pooling their folk wisdom and outside knowledge, many — often contrary — explanations were given. Einhard, who received the honor of becoming a warchief and leading a warband against the invaders, expected it to be another case of history repeating itself — outsiders wishing to carve a part of Usha for themselves or to bring its indomitable people under their yoke. Myrri's claim, that it was all to harvest something from the Wulfen would, in any other circumstances, be a shocking revelation, but in Einhard's current state, it was more akin to a strange curiosity. As for magic, it did exist in Wulfen culture through charms and rituals, but the common knowledge was that their effectiveness was fickle. Even the most venerable shamans stressed out that no outcome was certain. To think that there was so much untapped potential residing in his people was unfathomable.

He lowered his head and looked at the palm of his shackled claws, ears straightening to attention, as his rationality had won a moment of clarity against the effect of the sedative in his veins. "They want us as... cattle?" he slurred. All that death, destruction, broken families and weeping relatives, just to make a fancy drug for the nobles? He recalled a time when his band intercepted a caravan of gossipy merchants, who told him that Ferrotani viziers grind and eat Wulfen bones and drink their blood. It sounded like something straight from one of his grandma's fairy tales, so all he did back then was to laugh and let the travelers go. How wrong he had been. Even the strangest of rumors had a grain of truth in them...

The grim and shocking realization sank to the bottom of his befuddled mind, buried deep underneath the layers of the sickeningly sweet sensations he was experiencing. Feminine palms roaming his wide chest and meandering across his scar-ridden stomach distracted him from the cruel reality. His head leaned back and his ears flopped to their sides, as Myrri ventured below the waterline. A brush against his inner thighs and a hesitant touch was enough to get a response from his red-hot masculinity. It twitched, causing the sack hanging below to move, and — bit by bit — continued to grow and slide out of its sheath further. After few more seconds, there was more than Myrri's hand could grip, even though it was still a way from being rigid and erect.
Cattle? Myrri hadn't thought of it in that light before. She was so used to the Empire preying upon others and wringing every bit of value from them, that the insult of being used like livestock hadn't dawned on her "I suppose you could say that. Or you could say that they simply want something you have. It's not impossible that you could use it to bargain. Nobles are lazy, fickle creatures. If there's an easier way to accomplish something, they'll often take it" she looked him "Wouldn't it be better to keep your home for the price letting the nobles get what they wish? As I mentioned, the fluid needn't be blood. Saliva and tears don't seem to work well, but semen on the other hand.. I suspect that the high emotion and energy it takes to release contributes to the potency of the quintessence collected. Surely there are at least a few Wulfen warriors who would choose to give this freely in exchange for peace. Maybe even you?" Myrri didn't know for sure that this kind of deal would even be accepted by the Ferrotani, but what she said was true. The nobles liked easy routes to their goals. She just didn't know if convincing the proud Wulfen would be easier or the most difficult task imaginable.

Myrri's eyebrows raised as she realized what she was feeling against her fingertips under the surface of the bath water. Her fingers traced a full circle around the base of his shaft, allowing her to judge his girth. Deciding on an additional measure, she ran her soft hand along his length "It seems that this might not be as easy as I thought. I feared that getting you properly stimulated might be a problem, but that doesn't seem to be the case. However, I don't think the sleeve device.. or 'milking' device if we're sticking with the cattle analogy, given to me by the Imperial vizier is going to fit you. It was designed for humans after all. You're also a bit larger than what I can comfortably wrap my hand around. That does leave me with quite the logistical problem, doesn't it?" Her last question was more thinking out loud than anything else.
Her words stoked the flames of conflict inside him. He took note of her explanation on quintessence, but it was secondary to what she proposed. Deep down, he had to admit that she had a point— if the price of peace was so insignificant, wouldn't it be worth to give what they wanted? Wulfen men certainly had enough vitality to satisfy even the greediest of the sleazy nobles. A bit of seed and the war would be over. However, his pride, cultivated by the stories and songs of his ancestors, had something else to say. Was the peace really worth such degradation? Bowing down to the invaders and giving them what they wanted?

The decision was harder to make by Myrri's dexterous underwater machinations. He let out a huff, fighting against himself, as her fingers circled round his girth, brushing the thin line between his sheath and the base of his meaty rod. When her fingers caressed across his length, the radiating warmth apparent even through the filter of warm water, an eager throb was its reply, pumping more blood into the shaft. Involuntarily, Einhard's arms tensed up and tried to pull apart the rigid shackles on his wrists. The force caused the bonds to creak in protest, but the tempered steel held and his muscles once again relaxed.

"They—" he began, but stopped to correct himself. "We won't submit. Not to Empire, nor anyone else. Wulfen are more than just an... ingredient." His mind and body were at odds with one another, but the former remained triumphant. The Empire might demand a tribute of a dozen men, then a hundred, then a thousand. There was no guarantee that the Ferrotan's thirst could ever be quenched. Einhard and his brothers would turn into nothing more than a resource for the Ferrotani to harvest.
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Myrri sighed. Einhard's protest aligned perfectly with what she thought he'd say. She'd only spoken with him once before, but it was obvious that the Wulfen's pride radiated from him like beams of light from the sun. If his was the common attitude of the Wulfen people, there was little to no chance of an arrangement being worked out between them and the Ferrotani. Myrri suspected this in her heart of hearts, but didn't want to give up just yet.

"You make it sound so terrible, Einhard. They're not looking for bones or organs, just seed. Something most males are happy to be rid of anyway" her hand cupped his balls gently "Something that can all too often be uncomfortable to hold onto anyway" continuing her exploration, Myrri's fingers returned to the Wulfen's shaft. This time instead of focusing on the base and length, she focused on the tip, noting the difference in shape compared to a human. Even when compared to the warm bath water, the Felin woman could feel the heat of Einhard's member.

"Instead of picturing the Ferrotani armies, picture Wulfen volunteers met with harems to attend to their offering. Imagine the volunteers treated to food and drink and the finest massage. Imagine the attendants using their wiles on hands and knees to pull as much of an offering from the volunteers as they can produce, then bidding them well" Myrri continued caressing him under the water "It doesn't have to be war. It could be pleasure. Doesn't that sound better? Wouldn't you like this better?"
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The continued incursion from Myrri's hands on his body agitated him even further. The gentle feeling of her palms on his testicles surprised him, as indicated by them moving just a hair closer to his groin. Impossible to notice for anyone but to those keeping them in their grasp. After holding them just for a moment, Felin returned to his manhood, earning another surprise and a pant from Einhard, as this time she focused on its head. Her fingers inspected its ridge and the spear-like tip, giving the squirming prisoner a passing thought whether she previously had a chance to encounter one like that, considering her cautious fascination. Whatever may have been the case, the Wulfen's body didn't protest the touch and he was soon at his full length and stiffness. In that regard, he had nothing to be ashamed off, whether compared to human, Wulfen or anyone else.

Her honeyed words combined with the vivid images made him waver. Images of himself Wulfen men being welcomed and treated with honor and admiration by skilful women, who would gladly wait on their knees to fulfil almost any of his their desires to acquire his their seed. Never before had he felt so much understanding for the heroic warriors of ancient myths, fighting the carnal temptations offered by the wilds spirits.

"No..." A heavy grunt accompanied his reply, his staggered reply. "No." He repeated with more confidence. "I don't believe your words. They are nothing but empty promises and I won't fall to them." With great effort, he managed to replicate the panache of heroes of old.
Another sigh came from the Felin woman "You really are difficult." she'd been rather proud of presenting the tempting image of Wulfen men being serviced for donations of semen. She thought that there was at least a slim chance that Einhard would bite on the idea. Weren't such things commonly desired by men? Apparently not. Or not strongly enough to overcome his pride and willpower. Absentmindedly, her gentle hand continued it's exploration and stroking. Einhard's was most certain the first cock of this particular shape to find it's way under Myrri's hands. Ever true to her feline nature, she was curious.

"Suit yourself. I suppose I can't make you a deal then. Maybe some among your people will see reason." she shrugged "That's outside of my purview, though. Instead of playing diplomat, I have a big lug to finish bathing, then apply ointment to so that he doesn't get an infection. C'mon then, stand up, please" the woman's tone was hard to place. She was firm but also gentle in her command. It was as though, she were caring for an unruly acquaintance, rather than speaking to a prisoner to whom she'd just given distressing news. Recalling Einhard's difficulty with movement earlier, Myrri moved her hands to his sides to help him rise from the water. She did this knowing full well that it would reveal the member she'd thus far only been able to examine with her hands rather than with sight.

Myrri reached into her basket to retrieve her ointments. She examined the bottles of varying shapes and colors, then looked up at him "Where do you feel the most discomfort, Einhard?"
"You really are difficult." The voice of the woman reverberated through the tangled knots of Einhard's consciousness. Yes, perhaps he was. Despite the drug-induced susceptible state, the feelings of loyalty and camaraderie that were carved into his very core surfaced from the depths of his subconscious. He fought and lost numerous battles, he wouldn't be broken by a silver tongue or — in this case — velvety hands, even if the slow movements across his shaft made him squirm and shift in his seat, the chain leading from the wall to his shackles getting pulled taut. How much longer could he withstand this twisted yet pleasurable treatment?

As if on cue, Myrri's hands stopped and she pulled them out of the water. The built up tension in Wulfen's body slowly uncoiled, earning a sigh of relief. However, like a tipped pitcher of tainted wine, a feeling of want spread and sank into his thoughts. A want for more. He shook his head, trying to get the intrusive idea out of his head, in turn sending droplets of water all around him. No, scolded his subconcious pride, you will not yield. He turned to woman and took not of her firm yet gentle tone. In his haze, he sheepishly heeded her order and — with her help — got up, the wood creaking beneath his feet from the increased pressure.

As he stood in the wooden tub, water dripped from his body, the difference in sheer mass between the two was once again highlighted, further enhanced by the wet fur hugging close to his skin. It outlined his neck, broad shoulder and brawny torso. The gash on his left ribs came into view too, clear by its lack of hair and odd color. However, the most eye-catching part of his body, had to be his erect member. Standing tall thanks to the attention and thorough examination it had just received, it was an impressive sight, with it's crimson red contrasting against the white fur of Einhard's groin. Wet from the bath, it had a slight shine to it in the pale lights of the cell, although a keen eye could notice that the light fell differently at the pointy tip, where a smidge of a liquid thicker than water gathered. Its owner didn't bother to cover it in any way — his hands were bound and his mind was slow. The sudden change of position dazed him for a moment and his willpower was focused on not falling over once again, to the point that he ignored Myrri's question.
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