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How is this site different from Elliquiy?

The people shitting on how ugly the UI/UE & design is at Elliquiy gives me life. 😂👌 That site really needs to be scrapped completely and have the spaghetti code redone from scratch. If my web design professors saw me trying to submit something like that to them, they'd stop me and ask me if I wanted to intentionally fail their course. BMR at least has a basic, somewhat user-friendly design in regards to navigation and use, so there's that. 💀
Welp. And here I was hoping I could extend my feelers there and see if I could have better luck in E. But reading the users' experiences...I guess I will remain here.
And God forbid you have a different opinion than the majority on Elliquiy...
All I'll say is I disabled chat here for a reason.
Welp. And here I was hoping I could extend my feelers there and see if I could have better luck in E. But reading the users' experiences...I guess I will remain here.

All I'll say is I disabled chat here for a reason.

Depends what you are looking for. I've had a lot more luck there finding long form partners.

I also leave chat off here. I don't engage is conversations in most places. I just look for RP partners, so I can't comment on how disagreements in public discourse are handled.
Depends what you are looking for. I've had a lot more luck there finding long form partners.

I also leave chat off here. I don't engage is conversations in most places. I just look for RP partners, so I can't comment on how disagreements in public discourse are handled.
Maybe. But considering I am into a tame niche, but definitely a niche without much of a market, the whole elitism, having to go through some sort of validation process that can be denied at a whim without any sort of feedback (as far as I read) among other things are good at dissuading me from taking the plunge. Especially knowing what I am looking for, while tame, isn't exactly popular.

I do apologize but I will deliberately avoid the second paragraph's subject.
Wow, this is great info for a newbie to this site. I remember E from years ago but didnt have a notable experience there.
Honestly I've got more action (rp wise) then over there. I feel not seen over there and while you are able to post a bump every 23 hours with your requests...over there they limit it to one actual bump per month and another weekly but only if you make changes or add anything to your request. In doing this over on E your very request thread is pushed further and further back with each initial person posting an update aka adding changes so it means having to sift through just to find where you posted and then forwarding it. Also people rarely talk to you on there so it is just a large space of ugh. I mean I've lost track of how many times I've been ghosted because someone didn't like how 'little' I posted in my intro pm...and they won't even tell you that it is just like...well guess that isn't happening.

I respect E for being fun while it was but now it is hard going on there and least on here I have found some fun to be had.
Honestly? I'm old. I don't have the time or desire to go through a long application process to play a fun game in my free time. I had an account on E that I used for about a month before moving elsewhere.

Despite BMR having the reputation as the 'lower tier' more 'sex focused' forum...I don't write smut very often, prefer story focus in-depth type plots, and have found multiple partners here. I have not found any on elliquiy.

I also had an issue very quickly with a user pushing noncon on me and being creepy which the staff elected to do nothing about despite their 'protect the users' policies. I found out other people had also had issues with that user and nothing was done about it, so I stopped participating.
Haven't been on that site for a long time but, from what I remember, it isn't. Getting ghosted here or there feels equally shitty.
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