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The new world (Zavaya & MsBloom)

"Even if it holds water, it needs cleaning first. God knows what else has been left in there."

Eryn was right about it being a promising site but Robin also knew it would need a lot of work before it would be suitable for any kind of habitation. She had her ideas on how to use the grain carts. Leaving the top open would be fine in Arizona as it hardly ever rained. That notion though had been seriously shaken overnight. And there was another thing that worried her. Something she shared with Eryn, hoping she'd follow.


She patted her foot into a puddle.

"This isn't normal. No matter how much it rains, the sand absorbs it. Like... Well you're from California right? If the sand is wet, it changes colour but it doesn't create puddles on the beach. The same thing should be happening here. The fact that we got puddles, means the soil is saturated and that leaves the question... how in the fuck is that possible?"

They were lower in elevation than the actual camp and Robin looked further south.

"Hang on... There is a river bed down there."

She pointed across the tracks to where the terrain lowered even more.

"It never had any actual water in it since I was here though."

A little hesitant she looked both ways and crossed the tracks. Almost immediately she could hear the water and with her jaw nearly in the sand she frantically waved Eryn over. Down in the usually dried up riverbed, there was now a raging torrent of water. Robin was hardly able to keep her excitement in check as she gave Eryn a cheeky smile.

"Race you down there!"

And then she began to ran towards the water. At the edge, she quickly began to take off her shoes, then her socks and then, looking at Eryn, she took off her top and trousers and in just her underwear, walked into the river, gasping at how cool the water was.
Eryn Flint

"And cleaning them will be a lot easier if they are filled with water. It softens the what else has been left in there. I'm going to take a look," Eryn said and was just about to start the climb when Robin commented on the puddles.
It was certainly true that sand merely changed colour but didn't allow puddles to form, no matter how much it rained. Then again Eryn had never seen rain like last night before. They nodded and splashed their left foot in the puddle as if to assess the depth and it was enough to get their entire foot wet.

They shook their foot in the air and then followed Robin as she set off across the tracks. It was almost funny the way she checked that it was clear before doing so. Eryn couldn't imagine any trains having passed through for at least a year, perhaps longer. She had been right though. There was actually water in the river bed and lots of it. Almost as if it was a spring flood in some colder Northern region.
"What the bloody fuck," Eryn said as she saw the water rage westwards.
They had never really lived in the desert before but knew enough that this was in no way normal. It must really have rained cats, dogs and grand-fucking-pianos over a much larger area than they had thought.

"Race you there," Robin said and set off towards the river.
It couldn't be much more than 200 yards away, 150 maybe after they crossed the tracks. Eryn had perhaps never been much of an athlete but she was explosive and had caught up enough with Robin to almost be able to grab onto her by the time they reached the edge of the river.

When Robin began to undress Eryn did the same, trying their best not to look at Robin as more an more of her skin was revealed. A bath was something they hadn't really had since forever just the occasional sparse shower that only just barely got rid of the collected dust. It would also mean a chance to actually wash their clothes. Alys would love that. She had been complaining about it since last they had a chance to.

A bit disappointed that Robin had kept her underwear on Eryn stripped down to just their boxers and hesitated before following her into the water which was cool against the skin as it had not yet been still enough to be heated by the sun. They submerged themself momentarily and then removed their boxers as well wrung them out and tossed them onto the river bank next to the rest of their clothes.
"Holy fuck," they said and leaned back into a casual floating position, their arms stretched out and legs spread.
"I didn't know how much I had missed a bath until just now."
Robin was a little taken aback by Eryn taking off all of the clothing and felt a little unsure how to proceed. It did feel good to have a bath though, despite the heavy current and the fact the water was a little bit too chilly to be really comfortable. Which caused a problem under Robin's bra. The cold caused her nipples to harden, which soon became really uncomfortable under the fabric. So she smiled at Eryn and then took her top off as well.

It felt weird being topless so public. Robin couldn't actually remember when her modest breasts had felt and seen fresh air. As she dipped under the water, trying to keep her balance, she too took off her panties and threw them on the river bank.

Immediately she realised that they had both made a little cock-up as they now had to either leave the underpants off, or wear them while wet, neither of which really interested Robin. Still, they were both naked in a refreshing river. First things first. She slowly moved against the current to get closer to Eryn and wrapped an arm around their naked waist, instantly sending an almost electrifying jolt through her body.

"I've missed a lot more than just a bath..."

She then planted her lips briefly and quickly on Eryn's, hoping she had read the signs correctly that Eryn had been giving off earlier.

"... until now."

Then she fully pulled Eryn closer against her, their breasts touching and their bodies exchanging heat.
Eryn Flint

Eryn did a few backstrokes and smiled as Robin took off her bra and revealed her breasts, modest in size perhaps but absolutely gorgeous. They only managed to catch a quick glimpse of them though before Robin dove under the water. Was she being shy, trying to hide her bared breasts? That seemed odd to Eryn because; why then had she removed her bra. Was it perhaps an issue with wet fabric against hardened nipples? It could be, but why dive completely under if that was all it was?

The answer came mere moments later when Robin resurfaced with her panties in her hand, which she then tossed onto the bank. Knowing they were now both as naked as the day they were born Eryn bit their bottom lip, nervously but also excited at what it might mean. When Robin approached them, talking about what else they had missed, Eryn let her legs drop back into the water and nodded. There was not much room in the apocalypse for dating, at least not the way dating used to be before.

Sure. Eryn had had the occasional, casual, sexual relation, but nothing that could be called dating. It had little more than a substitute for masturbation if they were honest. And living in a modified truck with their sister did not exactly make having sex easier. Back when they had shared an apartment with Alys they had at least had a door to close for privacy.

As Robin wrapped her arms around their waist Eryn welcomed her, placing their hands on her hips and for the time being leaving them to rest there. To be touched by another and to touch another's naked skin certainly awakened something deep within and Eryn only just barely stopped themself from moaning as they accepted the brief, clearly exploratory, kiss. Instead they smiled and nodded.

When Robin then pulled them closer, close enough that their breasts not only touched but were pressed against the other's. Eryn pushed their hips forward so that their pubic bone also touched Robin's pubic bone as an invitation to so much more than the hungry, passionate kiss they then planted on Robin's lips while letting their hands slide from her hips to her ass.
Robin had been bluffing a little. She hadn't missed a kiss or intimacy. You can't miss what you never had. Truth was, Robin had no idea what she was doing and it would probably soon became apparent to Eryn. The confident, survival camp leader, seemed to have shed more than just her clothes. She was trembling even, something Eryn could feel when their bodies touched and the way she kissed was clearly showing her lack of experience.


Robin felt lost and helpless. A feeling she hadn't often had and one she certainly didn't prefer. Though now in the water with Eryn, she figured she would be in safe hands. It felt really good to be this close and intimate with somebody.

"I... don't really know how this works Eryn..."

It felt like a stupid thing to say. Especially at that moment but Robin didn't like feeling lost. Either she led, or she followed. And right now, she needed to follow. She tried to lead, by pulling Eryn in, by kissing but that was all there was. Robin dug inside her brain to get her body to react and do something but her arms and legs just wouldn't move. They just held Eryn's warm naked body against her own, as if it was enough for Robin.

And maybe it was. Maybe this was all the intimacy Robin was ready for at this moment but deep down inside she also knew she wanted more. To have that explosion of lust and arousal and to let go. She'd been on top of things ever since the shit hit the fan, always turned on to the max. Feeling it was her duty to keep her family safe. Then the house and the ranch and then Houck.

And in come these two. Autistic Alys and her Mechanic Sibling. Both completely out of place in Houck but both completely disarming and endearing, each in their own way. Everybody who'd ever pass or join the camp had been up for discussion. Could they stay or should they go and every time there had been a heated debate. Not this time. Almost nobody wanted to let these two go. In fact there had only been one vote not to accept them. It was a risk. It could be bait. Spies. A trick to learn more about Houck. Surely two young people like these wouldn't have survived all this time.

One voice against them staying. The same voice that was now asking Eryn for help as she relished the cold water and the warm bare skin of Eryn.
Eryn Flint

I... don't really know how this works Eryn...

Eryn's eyes found Robin's and looked into them, searching, taking in the unexpected insecurity and inexperience of this beautiful woman. Surely with all the confidence Robin had shown so far they had expected her to know what she was doing. She had made the first move and it had been bold. No, that wasn't true. Eryn had made the first move back at Robin's place before going back to get Alys. They had then left it to Robin since there had been no immediate or definite response to that kiss. But just now, when they were alone, and naked on top of that, it had been Robin who made the first move, and quite confidently. Or so it had seemed.
"It's alright. I do," they said and softly kissed Robin's trembling lips.
"But also. If this is as far as you feel you are ready for things to go, for now, then that's fine."
They knew from having grown up with Alys as a big sister that sometimes slowly was the only way forward. They didn't pull back from Robin though, they kept her close, their breasts pressed against the other's, their pubes touching. They just stood there enjoying the intimate embrace.

It was perhaps not what they had hoped would come of this impromptu skinny dipping but for the moment it was quite enough just to feel Robin's muscular body close against their own.
"We don't have to do anything more than just stand her holding each other and sharing the occasional kiss but if you want to I can tell you how it works."
They planted another soft kiss on Robin's lips and then pulled their head back a little, tilting it to the side and looking at Robin's face again. Those words: I... don't really know how this works Eryn... still echoing in their head. Could it be that Robin, a confident and strong woman in her what mid twenties, if that., could still be a virgin? Of course that for a long time been the case with Alys but then ... Alys was on the spectrum and as such had issues with intimacy in general. Robin didn't strike Eryn as being on the spectrum, or any other kind of neurodivergent that might explain it. Had she really been that isolated growing up, perhaps home-schooled on a remote farm?

It would of course be very impolite to ask so instead Eryn gave Robin another kiss and began to explain.
"We both have female bodies so that means that all and any penetration we might share in the future will be entirely artificial, fingers probably being the most likely, but also toys, if we can find any. But it's not all about penetration. There is so much more. Other than your fingers you can also use your tongue and lips for oral stimulation.

It tastes absolutely ... like of course to some it might be something of an acquired taste ... but I just loved it right from the first time my tongue touched another woman's sex. That's perhaps the most obvious way to imagine two female bodies pleasuring one another, that and of course also teasing the nipples, maybe licking and sucking on them. Like you can feel how hard mine are right now as they press up against you, right. That's partly the cold water of course but not entirely. They are very sensitive at the moment, in a good way.

Then there is of course also tribbing, which is one of my favourites. It is basically like fucking but without penetration. Like if we were to do it we would be grinding our sexes against each other, our clits rubbing the other's to create the same kind of friction as if you were masturbating, only much much better. Or one of us might thrust against the other. Or we could just grind against the other's thigh."

Eryn stopped talking to let all the information they had just thrown at Robin sink in.
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