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[NSFW] A Mistress and Her Pet (Yume Kuribayashi & doombot86)

Jim caught on to the moans fading and was looking at Nawa looking for hints that maybe he wasn't performing like she wanted. Instead, he was met with her words, and loving the hints of a smile as she spoke them. Then he felt her hands on his chest as she suspected he was close, loving the feeling. He was and fighting hard to keep from exploding in her before he could see her orgasm. He let out another bark after she asked if he was close, letting her know he was without dropping the act. (Although he couldn't deny that he did drop it when he was licking her face). He brought his paw to her arm, in an attempt to let her know not to stop stroking his chest.

As he felt her inner walls squeeze down on his member, it tensed up in return signaling how eager he was to cum for her. Jim continued his thrusting as she moved up and down on him. Doing his best to keep any moan or whimper that escaped his lips sounded like a noise a dog would reasonably make. He tried to fight the urge to cum inside her, and found himself wondering how long she could make it last. Would she ride his cock to multiple orgasms before giving him permission? Would she see if she could make him break the act? Tease him until he had to verbally beg for release?
Jim's barking response, followed by his pawing at her arm, was enough affirmation for Nawa to recognize as such, and she responded with a soft chuckle and a closer caress of his chest, feeling more like a massage than a stroke. "That's a good boy~."

As she pressed her palm against him, she proceeded to pick up the pace of her thrusts, moving further up and further down than she had before. It was then that the moans resumed, louder than before and no less aroused from the physical feelings she enforced and he delivered. Though she closed her eyes to savor the sensation, she just as often opened them to see what expressions she could behind Jim's mask. Luckily, there was enough of a verbal element - namely, the stifled whimpers that suppressed any human sound he could have made - to clue her in to it. Her heart practically skipped a beat, seeing how dedicated he was to playing her puppy.

That internal affection may have also played a role in how closer she got. A spike in heat in her lower regions to match the warmth up top prompted a sharper moan, to which she placed a second hand on Jim's chest and spoke once more. "Ahh, this is it! I'm gonna cum...!" She took another few breaths, then looked Jim straight in his eyes, the struggle to hold back clear within them. "And when I do... go on and finish inside me, boy. You've more than earned it~."

With one more hidden smile, she rutted around on him some, and then finished her motions with a single bounce. The impact of her flesh against his was stronger, and in turn louder than before, and her resultant cry of pleasure was so spirited you could see her open mouth through the fabric of her OTN. Her inner walls quivered and convulsed as she came around Jim's cock, juices slowly leaking down onto his shaft with every wave of pleasure coming over her. Even if she hadn't given him the command, she felt he could hardly resist the urge to return such a warm climax with one of his own.
As soon as Nawa's moans resumed, Jim relaxed and closed his eyes for a few moments as her lustful chorus of moans and the chest massage she was giving him sent a surge of pleasure through his body. The combination making the urge to cum harder to resist. When he did have them opened, he'd watch Nawa going up and down on him lovingly, not wanting to see it end. With each bit of pleasure, he got from her, she could see the tell-tale signs that she was creating cracks in his will. He'd break eventually, either cumming inside her, or breaking the puppy act. It was a question of which would happen sooner. Even he wasn't sure, although with how good she made him feel, he'd have bet the act would go first. He bit his lip catching himself wanting to call out his Goddess' name. Praise the sight of her bouncing on top of him, the sound of her moaning, the warmth and wetness of her pussy on his cock. How this was the best fuck he could remember having. He knew that deep down she knew she was the best he ever had, but it didn't change that he wanted to say it, and didn't care if any of the neighbors heard.

Seeing the hints of her drawing closer didn't help matters. The sounds of her moaning getting sharper, the feel of a second hand on his chest. As she spoke, she'd catch the desperation in his eyes. To fill her with his cum... or should he say her cum, since she now owned him and the cock she was going up and down on. He returned his paws to the begging position, whimpering in desperation in case there was any doubt. As she reached her climax, he saw her open mouth through her OTN mask, her walls quiver and convulse on him. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he shut his eyes enjoying the feel of her achieving climax, his balls tightening as the last bit of will he had left shattered.

"Goddess!" He called out in ecstasy as he came hard inside her, filling her with his seed, and loving every second of release. His cock pulsating in time with the convulsing of Nawa's inner walls, as strands of cum spurted forth. He expected to be punished for breaking character, that he knew, and it was worth it. When his eyes opened, they were glazed over in lust as he looked at her. She looked even more beautiful after taking his offering, glowing and radiant. He lewdly worshiped her with his eyes, unable and unwilling to look away. She would catch a small glimmer of fear in his eyes. Not that she'd punish him for breaking character, but that she'd stop. She would feel his cock inside her trying to stay hard longer. Hoping it would encourage her to want to keep going. "Nawa-sama," He spoke lovingly under the mask, unable to help himself as he gave her a lewd gaze.
Through the multitude of waves coursing throughout her body during her climax, persisting yet decreasing in power, Nawa sensed all of Jim's responses to her call for him to cum. The begging position he brought himself back to just before she went over the edge and him along with her, the feel of his seed bursting into her pussy and filling it up, and of course, the very human call out for his Goddess. It was only inevitable that he'd slip up, but she was impressed with how long he committed to the bit. Her warning earlier about "distinctly non-canine sounds" getting him the paddle was intended for anything he did purposefully. She'd have let the accidents slide, but in a way, his obedience in such regards was commendable. He truly earned the position of her pet, even after breaking kayfabe in the most critical of moments.

As her orgasm petered out, Nawa let out a sigh and opened her eyes, meeting with Jim's. She could sense the overwhelming pleasure in them, but also the worry. He really was approaching her like a goddess in human form, wasn't he? And his call for her name that followed... That's what really got her excited, her heart skipping a beat at the affectionate way he spoke through his lust. And so, with a soft chuckle, she brought her hand up and rubbed the underside of his chin.

"Yes? What is it, my pet?"
The tone with which she spoke was warm and inviting, like she was wordlessly giving him allowance to continue as he was. Not with barks or whines, but with his human words.
Jim really couldn't say anymore if the Goddess worship was an act or genuine anymore. Initially it was just an act to let her know how attractive he found her. Now, he wasn't so sure. She managed to make him feel so good when he was with her. Make him crave her. Desperate for her. She had to be a Goddess in human form. He gave a look at Nawa as he felt her hand move from his chest, like he was asking why she moved it. Then he felt her rub under his chin and let out a soft sigh of pleasure, moving his head so she could stroke his chin to her hearts delight. She'd also feel his cock throb inside her as she called him her pet, arousal getting him ready for round three if she so desired.

"I love seeing you bounce up and down. The sound of your moaning," He praised, mind still reeling from the will-shattering orgasm, watching her with a gaze that made no secret how much he wanted her, "I love how desperate you make me to please you. To worship you, my Goddess." His eyes wandered as he took in the view of her straddling him, still radiating from the afterglow. Part of him wanted to see her start bouncing again, to get another offering from him. He put his hands on her hips, only to remember he was wearing gloves made to turn his hands into paws. Didn't stop him from running his paws along her thighs and hips as he admired her.
Jim's regular reference of her as a "goddess" was difficult for Nawa to pin down, too. Was it an act, or was it the real deal? With the lines so blurred, especially after this off-hours session that constituted part of their date, it was safe to say that any chance of it still being an act was next to none. He truly did value her above all else, and in the most intimate of senses. His specific praises of her, spoken with his actual voice and not the puppyspeak he was limited to earlier, made her blush some, though much of that was hidden by her mask. But she wasn't so shocked or embarrassed that she had nothing to say. In fact, those emotions were nowhere to be found in her gaze into his eyes, nor in her response.

"You really do think that highly of me, don't you, boy?" Though it sounded critical in a vacuum, that remark was as loving as the tone with which it was sounded in practice. "And I bet you want more of your Goddess's love and affection now that you're receiving it firsthand. For you, my puppy..." She scratched at his chin one last time before moving her hand back to his chest. "...I'd be more than happy to oblige~."

With that, she resumed bouncing on his member, moaning as her motions picked back up to how they were before. One more round wouldn't hurt before it was time to undress and clean off. Hopefully, Jim could handle it without passing out from pure bliss.
All Jim could manage was an enthusiastic nod as he heard Nawa ask if he really did think highly of her. It sounded critical, but even in his state of mind, he caught the loving tone she intended. His cock hardening as she continued to speak, she would certainly win the bet on him wanting more of her love and affection. Then she started bouncing up and down on his hard member. He responded by thrusting into her, picking up the pace to match. His arms moving to be about where they would be if he was a dog lying on his back. His eyes once again glazed over as he watched her milk his cock with her pussy, in absolute bliss as he watched the sight.

He had tried to go back to the role of being her puppy. Trying not to make any noise that a dog wouldn't make as she had her way with him once more. Then she began moaning, the lovely sound resonating through his ear. If asked what the most beautiful sound he ever heard was, it would be her moaning in pleasure. His will quickly broke again, and while he was able to stop himself from speaking, he couldn't help but join in with his own moaning. Every so often he'd try to regain control, but almost immediately would lose it to the wave of pleasure she sent through him again.

Jim would continue watching his Goddess ride him. A look on his face that showed he was very much enjoying her. She had him in a state of pure bliss, but didn't seem to show any sign of passing out. Something he was sure she was concerned with even though she never said anything. He had no intention of passing out until the night was over, sharing his bed with her.
Truth be told, Nawa wasn't too concerned about how convincingly canine Jim portrayed himself during the second round. She already allowed him to speak, and this second round was merely a courtesy to both of their libidos, so the pressure wasn't great, let alone mounting. Even so, she enjoyed listening to him struggle to keep from moaning as she rode him at a pace as comfortable as it was steady, only to moan out whenever her motions hit that sweet spot within him. It was clear he enjoyed himself in turn, bearing a blissful expression mostly hidden but entirely obvious through his mask.

"Such a good boy~," she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear her, before picking up the pace of her bouncing. Another moan sounded, followed by her juices leaking onto his shaft. She was in no danger of falling unconscious, but whether or not that was the case, climax was certainly inevitable.
After about the third time of breaking into moans from the pleasure surging through his body, Jim gave up on staying silent. Instead moaning along with her so she could know exactly how much he was enjoying her. His mind almost completely emptied of anything but lewd lustful thoughts of Nawa, and the idea that he'd be happy being in this state of mind twenty-four-seven for her. He closed his eyes for a few seconds as she called him a good boy, and he started to feel her juices leak down his shaft. His cock responding by leaking precum inside her. She was enjoying this as much as he was, he was certain of that, even with the OTN mask covering part of her face.

"I love being your good boy, Goddess," he moaned with a hint of pride at being hers. He opened his eyes again so Nawa wouldn't think he passed out on her. When her pace picked up, his thrusting matched. His cock leaking precum inside her as her juices started leaking on his cock. He traced his paws along her body, lovingly tracing them up her thighs, and hips, then her sides as if for a moment he thought all of this had been a figment of his imagination.
It may have seemed too good to be true, an encounter as intimate as this going as far as it was, but no doubt in either of their minds, it was happening. Through the soft and steady moans she let out with each rolling motion of her hips, each bounce she made onto his member, slightly louder moans more akin to yelps sounded in response to his "paws" traveling up her body, stroking her intimately. She couldn't help but blush at the very human show of intimacy her puppy conveyed, but at this point, she saw no reason to chastise him for it, or his voiced enthusiasm at being a "good boy" for her. In fact, she saw opportunity to respond to it.

"That's right, and you're being a very good boy right now." She opened her eyes and glanced down at his paws at her sides. "Keep it up 'til we cum, and I promise you'll get a delectable reward for all your work tonight, courtesy of your Goddess." She reached up towards his mask with her right hand and tapped her index finger against the nose, closing her eyes and once more smiling behind her OTN. "You think you can earn it, my good boy?" She felt a slight shiver of excitement as she called him that, and part of it was the confidence that he felt a similar shiver to match.
His 'paws' continued moving about Nawa's body as she spoke to him, they explored up and down her back. He let out a lustful moan as a shiver of pleasure surged through him upon hearing her call him a good boy. No, not just a good boy, a very good boy. His gaze turning hungry for her as she promised a reward for his work. All he had to do was keep his efforts up until they came. He couldn't help but let out a needy moan as her finger tapped the nose of his mask. Underneath it, he was trying to kiss her finger. Wanting so bad to taste her skin since it the mask was denying him.

"Yes Goddess," Jim answered another shiver of pleasure rushing through his body. His thoughts entirely on how to last so they could cum together again, "I can earn it like a good boy." His balls tightening as he was getting close for her, and his cock throbbing as it was so ready, just waiting for her to release. His paws made their way to her stomach, making their way up to her perfect goddess breasts, and began kneading them as best he could. Much like how she had massaged his chest before. Part of him wanted to use the paws to rip her robe off, something he knew Nawa would see in his eyes. He resisted the urge and continued massaging her bountiful bust.
Nawa smiled a little wider at Jim's restrained yet no less enthusiastic compliance, closing her eyes to convey that to him. "Good. I'm looking forward to seeing you succeed~." She pulled her finger away from the nose of his mask and started stroking his cheek through it, all while resuming her bouncing on his member. She moaned with every motion down, and every thrust he delivered in turn. She entered a good pattern in that respect, keeping it up as her urge to climax, the possibility of climaxing continued to build upon itself. However, it soon was interrupted, brief as it was, by a soft yet surprised yelp.

A glance down towards her bust immediately clued her in to what was going on: Jim had placed his paw-gloved hands on her breasts, pressing against them like he was trying to grope them with his limited dexterity. In response to the sight, she let out an amused chuckle, which came out fairly sultry from her continued motions. "I shouldn't be surprised, seeing my good boy act so naughty towards his Goddess... Guess that means I'll have to get naughty in turn~."

She placed both hands on his chest, one on each pec, shifting them around such that her index and middle digits were on either side of his nipples, locking them in place. Once arranged, she pressed down, squeezing the nubs between her digits like natural clamps, at the same time thrusting down onto his dick a little harder than before. Her moans, likewise, got louder, and the increasing slickness made it clear she was going to cum soon, as much as it seemed like she was just a little further away.
Jim heard Nawa yelp, and looked around thinking something might have gone wrong. Her words confirmed it, as she mentioned him being naughty. His lust filled mind tried to work out what he did, but it was difficult to focus on anything but making his goddess climax. It had to have been the paws. This was his first time with them, and maybe the paws were rough where he was fondling her breasts. He wasn't really able to give it much more thought before he felt her fingers pinch his nipples. He let out a surprised yelp and was amazed he managed to stop himself from cumming. If she had done this any other time he might have complained of pain, but now it was as giving him just as much pleasure as discomfort.

He matched her movements as before when she thrust herself down on him harder. All the while his cock was practically vibrating from all the throbbing it was doing inside her. He wanted to cum so bad right now, but she hadn't given permission. "I only wish to please you Goddess," Jim spoke mindlessly, as if that was all the explaining he needed for groping her. His hands never stopped massaging her breasts. In fact, he started tracing his paw-gloves in circles around her ample mounds.

Hearing her moans get louder, his own started to match. Eagerly on edge for her, as his cock never stopped throbbing with each thrust. His gaze went from her crotch, watching what her robes would allow of his cock pumping in and out of her as she bounced up and down on him, then slowly up her body, imagining how she'd look without the robe. As his eyes made its way to meet her gaze, she'd see all the hints that he was in heavenly bliss. Even with the mask covering his face, it would be seen clearly. He was ready to cum for her, and he could tell she was close as well from how slick her pussy had made his cock.
"Then go ahead and please me," Nawa responded without a single missed beat. "Keep it all up for me, boy. Keep it up 'til we cum, and I'll make sure your reward is more than worthwhile~." She gave his nipples a playful twist, then continued riding him, moaning a little faster, sharper, and much breathier than she had before. She didn't even need to say anything; her motions and her own clear closeness to climax was enough of a go-ahead for Jim. Though she'd be more than happy to urge him along, were he to hold back further for his Goddess...
"Yes Goddess." He moaned hearing her words and catching all the signs that she was nearing climax. He kept thrusting into her, wanting to be a good boy for her. His hands continued to massage her breasts as best they could with the paws he was wearing. Even with the paws keeping his hands from feeling her perfect mounds, he loved how they looked with his hands on them. His moaning and groaning from the pleasure picked up as he got closer to orgasm. If no for the mask on his face, he might have tried to kiss her before he came. It wasn't much longer before he threw his head back. "Goddess!" He cried out as he came for her, unable to hold back any longer. His cock filling her with more of his seed.
With Jim having voiced his compliance, Nawa saw no need to urge him further, as he kept up his thrusting and groping against her. Likewise, she kept up the bounces she provided as part of their mutual copulation, moaning softly with each rolling push forward she made going down, and gasping with every backwards swipe she conveyed going up. Those motions, joined by the sensation of Jim's gloved hands against her beasts, pushed her even closer to the edge. It was difficult to tell, though, that she was already teetering over it. And sure enough, it was time to fall.

"Oh yes! Here it is~...!" She wrapped her arms around her sub's body, hugging him tight as her juices exploded out of her pussy and onto his dick. In a series of waves, she coated his member with her essence, gasping heavily against the fabric of her OTN mask. In-between those pulses of pleasure, she caught her breath, only to softly whimper in resumed delight as another pulse hit, and more juices leaked out. It was unclear if this was a normal orgasm for her, or if it was something different from the norm. All that mattered to Jim was, this was how she came with him. It'd be another precedent of several set today by his one and only Goddess.
As Nawa wrapped her arms around his body, he did the same, wanting to feel her body against his as she orgasmed. He watched as she gasped heavily against the fabric and nuzzled the nose of his mask against her as if licking her. He slowed his thrusting down as she rode out the orgasm. When it was done, he relaxed under her, looking up at her as he admired the afterglow. His gloved hands traced circles along her back as they laid there, with a blissful expression under his mask. It didn't matter if Nawa could see it or not, he knew he was in bliss from making love to his Goddess. "I'm glad I can make you feel good, my Goddess." He whispered into her ear as he stroked the nose of his mask against the crook of her neck.

As he laid there, he thought about the idea of doing this again. He thought maybe next time they could forgo the dog mask and just have fun. They did have a three-day session coming up where they could explore the pet play to their hearts content. Or they could leave this for their personal fun time and stick to slave/mistress sessions like they had been. The possibilities were endless, and there was plenty of time to work out the ideas with Nawa.
It took Nawa a while before she came down from her climax, heavily panting for a good half a minute as her juices' spillage eventually slowed to a stop. She opened her eyes, to be met with the sight and sensation of Jim nuzzling her in affection with the snout of his mask. She couldn't help but giggle some at the sight of it, and apparently that was enough for him to whisper a compliment to her. His expression may have been obscured, but just looking at his eyes, she could tell how blissful a state he was in. It was enough to make her smile behind her mask, the dampness of the fabric following her earlier panting making it almost visible, in a way.

"I'm glad too, my pet," she said, reaching up and stroking the back of his head affectionately as she held him close. "Very glad~." With those words, she held him tight for a few more minutes, simply basking in the afterglow of their near-mutual climax. The time for planning ahead for their next encounter, be it a standard session, the weekend retreat or another Sunday date like this one, could wait. The present moment mattered more right now, and all things considered, it was nice.

Eventually, that moment of shared bliss came to an end, with Nawa instigating through unwrapping her arms from Jim's torso. "Well, that was fun, but I believe it's time we cleaned ourselves off." Sitting upright once more as she had been, she pinched the upper hem of her mask on either side of her jaw, slipping the index finger in past the fabric, and pulled it down, taking a heavy breath as she did. "You won't mind if I get the shower started, would you, Jim?"
Jim watched Nawa as she started to lower the OTN mask, admiring her now fully exposed face. He then started to try and get the paw gloves off, which wasn't easy given his hands were balled into fusts in the gloves. "No, Goddess. I don't mind at all." He spoke, tone making clear she didn't even need to ask. She owned him, and in his mind, she could treat his home as if it were hers. All she had to do was ask, he'd give her a spare key to come and go as she pleased.

Managing to free one hand, he took the other glove off and then took his dog mask off. He immediately kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth as he ached to kiss her. When he broke the kiss, he started kissing down her neck, as his hands slowly helped her undo her kimono as he worshipped her. After kissing her collar bone a couple of times, he laid back on the floor admiring how she looked with the partially opened kimono and what it displayed of her body. "Would you like me to join you, Goddess?" He asked as his eyes looked her up and down, "Or would you rather have privacy?"
"I figured as much," Nawa said with a nod as she stood up, preparing to turn and head for Jim's bathroom. However, she stopped the moment she noticed him wriggling one of his hands out of the paw-glove she locked him in earlier. She was impressed he was able to worm his way out of it with such short-term effort, but even moreso, she had a feeling he'd show her more appreciation once out of "pet" mode. Curious to see where that went, she stayed put, simply undoing her obi and dropping it to the ground, but making no move afterwards to remove her outfit.

Jim did not disappoint, with what he did next. Once he got the mask off, he stood up and kissed her; a sudden action, for sure, but one she quickly ran with. Returning the kiss with closed eyes and a soft moan, she poked and prodded at his tongue for a few moments before he broke it and started kissing his way down her body, pulling off her robe all the while. With that, he returned to the ground, gazing up at her mostly-nude form - she still had her gloves and stockings to remove, after all - and asking permission to join her, more or less. Smiling with a bright blush, she replied cheerfully.

"Of course! I am spending the night, after all. It would be a waste if we didn't make the most of that togetherness, wouldn't it, Jim?" She held out her hand, offering to help him back up before they got to cleaning themselves of the sweat and fluids from today's session.
"Oh definitely, Goddess." Jim smiled as Nawa reminded him of the fact she was spending the night, "How can I properly worship you otherwise..." He got up from the floor and lead her to the bathroom. On the way, he slid her gloves giving her now naked hands a kiss. Once in the bathroom, he set Nawa's gloves on the sink counter and grabbed a couple of towels for the two of them. He then got to work getting out of the BDSM harness. Once the harness was off, he took the collar off. He made a point to kiss the tag with her name in kanji before setting it on the sink counter next to her gloves.

"How do you like your showers?" He asked, as he moved behind her, bringing his hands to her breasts to act as a bra for her. "Personally, I like warm showers, but I want my Goddess to be comfortable..." He trailed off as he started to give her breasts a light massage. As he awaited her answer, he couldn't help but admire Nawa's reflection in the mirror. Her naked body, and magenta hair. It made it easy to worship her with his eyes as he stood behind her, catching the scent of her perfume.
"Indeed so," Nawa simply responded, blushing a little as Jim took the lead on their way to the bathroom, but suppressing any further reactions of flattery, keeping her head cool throughout. He went ahead and removed her gloves, which prompted a deepening of her blush, and then moved to peel off her stockings while Jim got to work undoing his harness. Much like he did with the gloves, she folded the garments and placed them on the sink counter. After that, she brought her hair around and removed the tie keeping her ponytail in place. As she looked at herself in the mirror afterwards, her too-pale-to-truly-be-magenta locks she caught a glimpse of Jim kissing the tag on his collar, now removed from his neck. She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, flattered by how dedicated he was to her.

She also caught sight of him coming up behind her and groping her breasts, almost lifting them like a push-up bra with the way in which his palms cupped them. She hummed softly in both thought in arousal, then opened her eyes and glanced over at Jim's own reflection, barely visible behind her. "A warm shower would be lovely, my pet. Now, if you'd go and prepare it for me..." She placed one hand over one of his and gently removed it from her breast, hoping he'd get the message with regards to his other.
He got the message and took his hand from her breast. "Warm shower it is, Goddess." He replied and made his way to the shower to start the water. As he waited for the water to warm up, he watched Nawa. His worshipful gaze looking her over, unable to help but get aroused again. Every few minutes he'd bring his hand under the water to check the temperature. Once it was ready, he took Nawa's hand and lead her into the shower so they could be together. He watched the water cascade over her body.

The shower wasn't very big, making their shower very intimate. He handed her a bottle of shampoo from the shower shelf and took a wash rag applying soap to it. She could wash her hair while helped wash her body like a good pet. He'd give her body an occasional kiss as he lathered her body. One to her stomach, another to her thighs and knees. If the space in the shower had allowed, he would have planted one on her shins and feet. Once he finished with her front, he worked on her back. His lips trailing kisses up her back and along her shoulders. "I could enjoy doing this with you nightly..." He whispered into her ear as he finished soaping her shoulders and back.
Nawa stood to the side and waited patiently as Jim prepped the shower for the both of them, keeping her arms crossed just below her breasts, with a hand on either elbow. She was tempted to tap her foot a few times in faux impatience as the wait stretched out to about three minutes, but she restrained herself. She wouldn't want to give Jim the wrong idea, not after the wonderful time they've had so far today. Eventually, he approached her, which was enough of a tell that it was time to enter. She summarily took his hand and followed him into the stall, humming softly as she accustomed herself to the warmth and feel of the raining water.

"Thank you," she said with a nod as she took the bottle, squeezing some of the contents out onto her hand before setting it aside. She proceeded to lather up the top of her head, gradually moving down to work the shampoo into the rest of her hair. As she did that, Jim took the liberty of scrubbing down her body, from her collarbone and breasts to her belly and legs, and up her backside as well. She let out the occasional soft hum whenever he kissed her form, even letting out a giggle as his lips touched one of her more ticklish points. And then, as he let her know he'd like to engage with her like this regularly, she grinned wide and responded in kind. "Play your cards right, and that may very well happen. Though a more spacious shower would suit us best, should this become a nightly ritual, like you say." She raised her arms above her head, lifting her hair up with it, towards the direction of the showerhead to provide for immediate and arguably convient rinsing.
Jim smiled as Nawa responded. He kind of liked the intimacy the shower put them in, but she did have a point. "Of course, Goddess." He replied, kissing her neck as she lifted her hair for convenient rinsing. He took the time to wash himself now that he had finished soaping his Goddess. Getting himself as much coverage as he gave Nawa, before rinsing off. He then applied shampoo to his hair, and washed his hair, while staring at Nawa, as if he was about to wake up from a dream. As he finished washing his hair, he leaned into her again, pressing his lips against hers. "Maybe next time, we could try your place?"

As the water trickled down like rain, he smiled at Nawa. Looking into her eyes intimately. His hands tracing along her slick wet skin, as he continued his worship of her. He pressed himself against her, loving the feel of her naked body against his. He kissed her shoulder, then trailed kisses up her neck, before kissing her deeply. It hadn't been that long since she made him cum, but he was ready for another round in the shower. All she had to do was give a light push, and he'd obediently back away, but until she did, he let his lust for his Goddess dominate his thoughts. "After we first met, I occasionally imagined you walking in on me taking a shower, in your school girl outfit." He confessed, as he enjoyed her company in the shower, "Letting me see your top become see through from the water as you join me."
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