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[NSFW] A Mistress and Her Pet (Yume Kuribayashi & doombot86)

Jim caught on to the moans fading and was looking at Nawa looking for hints that maybe he wasn't performing like she wanted. Instead, he was met with her words, and loving the hints of a smile as she spoke them. Then he felt her hands on his chest as she suspected he was close, loving the feeling. He was and fighting hard to keep from exploding in her before he could see her orgasm. He let out another bark after she asked if he was close, letting her know he was without dropping the act. (Although he couldn't deny that he did drop it when he was licking her face). He brought his paw to her arm, in an attempt to let her know not to stop stroking his chest.

As he felt her inner walls squeeze down on his member, it tensed up in return signaling how eager he was to cum for her. Jim continued his thrusting as she moved up and down on him. Doing his best to keep any moan or whimper that escaped his lips sounded like a noise a dog would reasonably make. He tried to fight the urge to cum inside her, and found himself wondering how long she could make it last. Would she ride his cock to multiple orgasms before giving him permission? Would she see if she could make him break the act? Tease him until he had to verbally beg for release?
Jim's barking response, followed by his pawing at her arm, was enough affirmation for Nawa to recognize as such, and she responded with a soft chuckle and a closer caress of his chest, feeling more like a massage than a stroke. "That's a good boy~."

As she pressed her palm against him, she proceeded to pick up the pace of her thrusts, moving further up and further down than she had before. It was then that the moans resumed, louder than before and no less aroused from the physical feelings she enforced and he delivered. Though she closed her eyes to savor the sensation, she just as often opened them to see what expressions she could behind Jim's mask. Luckily, there was enough of a verbal element - namely, the stifled whimpers that suppressed any human sound he could have made - to clue her in to it. Her heart practically skipped a beat, seeing how dedicated he was to playing her puppy.

That internal affection may have also played a role in how closer she got. A spike in heat in her lower regions to match the warmth up top prompted a sharper moan, to which she placed a second hand on Jim's chest and spoke once more. "Ahh, this is it! I'm gonna cum...!" She took another few breaths, then looked Jim straight in his eyes, the struggle to hold back clear within them. "And when I do... go on and finish inside me, boy. You've more than earned it~."

With one more hidden smile, she rutted around on him some, and then finished her motions with a single bounce. The impact of her flesh against his was stronger, and in turn louder than before, and her resultant cry of pleasure was so spirited you could see her open mouth through the fabric of her OTN. Her inner walls quivered and convulsed as she came around Jim's cock, juices slowly leaking down onto his shaft with every wave of pleasure coming over her. Even if she hadn't given him the command, she felt he could hardly resist the urge to return such a warm climax with one of his own.
As soon as Nawa's moans resumed, Jim relaxed and closed his eyes for a few moments as her lustful chorus of moans and the chest massage she was giving him sent a surge of pleasure through his body. The combination making the urge to cum harder to resist. When he did have them opened, he'd watch Nawa going up and down on him lovingly, not wanting to see it end. With each bit of pleasure, he got from her, she could see the tell-tale signs that she was creating cracks in his will. He'd break eventually, either cumming inside her, or breaking the puppy act. It was a question of which would happen sooner. Even he wasn't sure, although with how good she made him feel, he'd have bet the act would go first. He bit his lip catching himself wanting to call out his Goddess' name. Praise the sight of her bouncing on top of him, the sound of her moaning, the warmth and wetness of her pussy on his cock. How this was the best fuck he could remember having. He knew that deep down she knew she was the best he ever had, but it didn't change that he wanted to say it, and didn't care if any of the neighbors heard.

Seeing the hints of her drawing closer didn't help matters. The sounds of her moaning getting sharper, the feel of a second hand on his chest. As she spoke, she'd catch the desperation in his eyes. To fill her with his cum... or should he say her cum, since she now owned him and the cock she was going up and down on. He returned his paws to the begging position, whimpering in desperation in case there was any doubt. As she reached her climax, he saw her open mouth through her OTN mask, her walls quiver and convulse on him. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he shut his eyes enjoying the feel of her achieving climax, his balls tightening as the last bit of will he had left shattered.

"Goddess!" He called out in ecstasy as he came hard inside her, filling her with his seed, and loving every second of release. His cock pulsating in time with the convulsing of Nawa's inner walls, as strands of cum spurted forth. He expected to be punished for breaking character, that he knew, and it was worth it. When his eyes opened, they were glazed over in lust as he looked at her. She looked even more beautiful after taking his offering, glowing and radiant. He lewdly worshiped her with his eyes, unable and unwilling to look away. She would catch a small glimmer of fear in his eyes. Not that she'd punish him for breaking character, but that she'd stop. She would feel his cock inside her trying to stay hard longer. Hoping it would encourage her to want to keep going. "Nawa-sama," He spoke lovingly under the mask, unable to help himself as he gave her a lewd gaze.
Through the multitude of waves coursing throughout her body during her climax, persisting yet decreasing in power, Nawa sensed all of Jim's responses to her call for him to cum. The begging position he brought himself back to just before she went over the edge and him along with her, the feel of his seed bursting into her pussy and filling it up, and of course, the very human call out for his Goddess. It was only inevitable that he'd slip up, but she was impressed with how long he committed to the bit. Her warning earlier about "distinctly non-canine sounds" getting him the paddle was intended for anything he did purposefully. She'd have let the accidents slide, but in a way, his obedience in such regards was commendable. He truly earned the position of her pet, even after breaking kayfabe in the most critical of moments.

As her orgasm petered out, Nawa let out a sigh and opened her eyes, meeting with Jim's. She could sense the overwhelming pleasure in them, but also the worry. He really was approaching her like a goddess in human form, wasn't he? And his call for her name that followed... That's what really got her excited, her heart skipping a beat at the affectionate way he spoke through his lust. And so, with a soft chuckle, she brought her hand up and rubbed the underside of his chin.

"Yes? What is it, my pet?"
The tone with which she spoke was warm and inviting, like she was wordlessly giving him allowance to continue as he was. Not with barks or whines, but with his human words.
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