[M/M] Fandoms (new: Dark City, New Vegas) 26 Jan

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Jan 9, 2009
Doctor Daniel Shreber x Inspector Frank Bumstead
James x Arcade Gannon
Lord Vetinari x Rufus Drumknott​

Regarding male/male, I'm really only talking about the gender of the characters. If you want a character to be a transguy or a genderqueer male, female, intersex person, go right ahead. Likewise, if you got a transwoman, while we can call her biological sex 'male' I'm probably not going to wanna RP opposite her. Yeah?

@ Hamlet (I can do a Horatio)
@ Good Omens (I could do either a Crowley or a Aziraphale)
@ Dune (Paul)
@ Fahrenheit 451-ish
@ Troilus and Cressida (Agamemnon, Ulysses, Thersites, Achilles, Patroclus)
@ Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Ros, Guil)
@ Sherlock Holmes (Holmes, Watson)
@ Assassins (Lee Harvey Oswald/Balladeer, John Wilkes Booth)
@ Discworld novels (Vetinari, Drumknott, Vimes)

@ V for Vendetta (V, Finch)
@ Repo! The Genetic Opera (Graverobber, Nathan, OC)
@ Free Agents (Alex)
@ Doc Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (Dr. Horrible/Billy, Moist, Captain Hammer)
@ Merlin (Can play Uther, Merlin, Arthur or an OC)
@ Dexter (Can play Dexter, Brian, Doakes, Dr. Danco (novel-based)
@ Watchmen (Dan, maybe Ozymandias, maybe Rorschach, OC)
@ Star Wars (Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
@ Six Feet Under (David Fisher, OC)
@ A-Team (2010 film) (Hannibal, Murdock, Lynch)
@ District 9 (Wikus, Christopher, OC)
@ Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Harry, Perry)
@ Dark City (Shreber, Bumstead)

Video Games
@ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Revan, Carth)
@ Fallout 3 (I love playing James. Like, with all my heart.)
@ MYST (D'Ni OC)
@ Mass Effect (Kaidan, Custom Shepard, OC, Garrus, Thane, Illusive Man)
@ Dead Space (Didn't get to play much before I returned it, but would like to do something in that ship)
@ Dragon Age: Origins (Gray Warden (any origin story, prefer mage), Alistair, Zevran, Loghain, Cullen, Jowan, Irving, Greagoir)
@ Heavy Rain (Norman, Ethan, Blake)
@ Morrowind (non main character OC)
@ Fable (Good Hero of Bowerstone, Good Hero of Brightwall, Reaver)
@ Fallout: New Vegas (Arcade Gannon, Vulpes Inculta)

@ Alan Turing x someone on the Enigma Project (Turing, babee)
@ Richard Feynmen x someone (Feynmen)

@ Possibly something set during WWII; towards the end in the Philippines or afterwards in Occupation era Hiroshima.
@ Speaking of Hiroshima, I'm most likely to say "yes" if you ask for something to do with hibakusha, or A-Bomb survivors. Most likely in Hiroshima, since I know that city more than Nagasaki.

EDIT: One original added. Tentative. Might withdraw. Added 'can play' to lists.

EDIT (3 July): Added Merlin under Movies/TV.

EDIT (4 July): Added Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Oblivion.

EDIT (5 August): Added Dexter. Removed things. Added 'About Me'.

EDIT (4 October): Added Zombieland.

EDIT (10October): Added 'Cravings' and Dr. Danco to can play under Dexter. Added R and G Are Dead, Sherlock Holmes and Troilus and Cressida. Feel that's awful. Not as bad as new Historical/RPS section.

EDIT (23October): Added Mass Effect.

EDIT (26 October): Added Dead Space

EDIT (14 November): Dragon Age: Origins. More PC Grey Wardens will be added as I go through playthroughs.

EDIT (6 Dec): Added (onto) the hibakusha stuff under 'orignals'.

EDIT (21 Dec): Added Avatar.

EDIT (17 Feb): Altered characters for Mass Effect.

EDIT (22 March): Added Heavy Rain. Pruned stuff. Kept historical because it frightens me.

EDIT (4 April 2010): Added Assassins (musical).

EDIT (19 June 2010): Changed around who I can play in fandoms. Added Watchmen, Discworld novels, Star Wars, Six Feet Under.

EDIT (5 July 2010): Added A Team.

EDIT (26 July 2010): Added District 9, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

EDIT (31 October 2010): Added Fable

EDIT (26 January 2011: Added Dark City, New Vegas)
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (3July)

Actually, the cat wasn't so scared. The dogs were terrified.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (3July)


He just sorta went back under the blanket and slept. Neighbors still setting off fireworks, of course.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

Maybe they'll be done today and I can sleep without dreaming I'm in a bunker on the front lines.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

*pops NSAIDs*

Go away pain! Go! Shoo!
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

Oh, man. Reading.

It's really not so bad.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)


Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)


A-at me?

Also: how are you doing?
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

Yes. It is a love laugh. <3

Also: I am doing... Meh.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

Just some stuff.
How about you?

I am supposed to read that book, but my friend hasn't given it to me yet. D<
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

It's actually been a good few days. Shocking.

And you should read Good Omens. Good for the soul and all.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

Is Kawa sore because he was building the underground torture chamber book storage?
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

Ah~ your victims books must love you, if they could. xD

But by the by *actually read through the list*
You have a question mark by "Oregon Trail".
Does that mean you're not sure if you can attempt it, or...?
*is slightly interested in how that would go* <.<
Yes, Kitten might bother you to ask for an RP.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

It's up there, but I'm a bit iffy on it. It sorta goes a little too much into non-fandom for me, so I might or might not be interested in it.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (5July)

maybe an original plot...? think we had something planned but fell through
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