[M/M] Fandoms (new: Dark City, New Vegas) 26 Jan

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Jan 9, 2009
Doctor Daniel Shreber x Inspector Frank Bumstead
James x Arcade Gannon
Lord Vetinari x Rufus Drumknott​

Regarding male/male, I'm really only talking about the gender of the characters. If you want a character to be a transguy or a genderqueer male, female, intersex person, go right ahead. Likewise, if you got a transwoman, while we can call her biological sex 'male' I'm probably not going to wanna RP opposite her. Yeah?

@ Hamlet (I can do a Horatio)
@ Good Omens (I could do either a Crowley or a Aziraphale)
@ Dune (Paul)
@ Fahrenheit 451-ish
@ Troilus and Cressida (Agamemnon, Ulysses, Thersites, Achilles, Patroclus)
@ Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Ros, Guil)
@ Sherlock Holmes (Holmes, Watson)
@ Assassins (Lee Harvey Oswald/Balladeer, John Wilkes Booth)
@ Discworld novels (Vetinari, Drumknott, Vimes)

@ V for Vendetta (V, Finch)
@ Repo! The Genetic Opera (Graverobber, Nathan, OC)
@ Free Agents (Alex)
@ Doc Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (Dr. Horrible/Billy, Moist, Captain Hammer)
@ Merlin (Can play Uther, Merlin, Arthur or an OC)
@ Dexter (Can play Dexter, Brian, Doakes, Dr. Danco (novel-based)
@ Watchmen (Dan, maybe Ozymandias, maybe Rorschach, OC)
@ Star Wars (Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
@ Six Feet Under (David Fisher, OC)
@ A-Team (2010 film) (Hannibal, Murdock, Lynch)
@ District 9 (Wikus, Christopher, OC)
@ Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Harry, Perry)
@ Dark City (Shreber, Bumstead)

Video Games
@ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Revan, Carth)
@ Fallout 3 (I love playing James. Like, with all my heart.)
@ MYST (D'Ni OC)
@ Mass Effect (Kaidan, Custom Shepard, OC, Garrus, Thane, Illusive Man)
@ Dead Space (Didn't get to play much before I returned it, but would like to do something in that ship)
@ Dragon Age: Origins (Gray Warden (any origin story, prefer mage), Alistair, Zevran, Loghain, Cullen, Jowan, Irving, Greagoir)
@ Heavy Rain (Norman, Ethan, Blake)
@ Morrowind (non main character OC)
@ Fable (Good Hero of Bowerstone, Good Hero of Brightwall, Reaver)
@ Fallout: New Vegas (Arcade Gannon, Vulpes Inculta)

@ Alan Turing x someone on the Enigma Project (Turing, babee)
@ Richard Feynmen x someone (Feynmen)

@ Possibly something set during WWII; towards the end in the Philippines or afterwards in Occupation era Hiroshima.
@ Speaking of Hiroshima, I'm most likely to say "yes" if you ask for something to do with hibakusha, or A-Bomb survivors. Most likely in Hiroshima, since I know that city more than Nagasaki.

EDIT: One original added. Tentative. Might withdraw. Added 'can play' to lists.

EDIT (3 July): Added Merlin under Movies/TV.

EDIT (4 July): Added Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Oblivion.

EDIT (5 August): Added Dexter. Removed things. Added 'About Me'.

EDIT (4 October): Added Zombieland.

EDIT (10October): Added 'Cravings' and Dr. Danco to can play under Dexter. Added R and G Are Dead, Sherlock Holmes and Troilus and Cressida. Feel that's awful. Not as bad as new Historical/RPS section.

EDIT (23October): Added Mass Effect.

EDIT (26 October): Added Dead Space

EDIT (14 November): Dragon Age: Origins. More PC Grey Wardens will be added as I go through playthroughs.

EDIT (6 Dec): Added (onto) the hibakusha stuff under 'orignals'.

EDIT (21 Dec): Added Avatar.

EDIT (17 Feb): Altered characters for Mass Effect.

EDIT (22 March): Added Heavy Rain. Pruned stuff. Kept historical because it frightens me.

EDIT (4 April 2010): Added Assassins (musical).

EDIT (19 June 2010): Changed around who I can play in fandoms. Added Watchmen, Discworld novels, Star Wars, Six Feet Under.

EDIT (5 July 2010): Added A Team.

EDIT (26 July 2010): Added District 9, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

EDIT (31 October 2010): Added Fable

EDIT (26 January 2011: Added Dark City, New Vegas)
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

WHAT? How can you not consider the East Asian shamanism? I am disheartened! The idea of a businessman talking on his cellphone then thanking the spirit that resides in it is adorable.

I swear you are just racist against half of me. ...Even though you didn't know I was part Asianesian. BUT STILL, I HAVE A RACE CARD AND I AM GOING TO USE IT.

On a normal note: Free bump for ye!
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)


Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)


Tch. There was a main topic?
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

I believe the main topic was your racism against us Asianses (and, I suppose by extension then Native Americans). Honestly, you could just have a big ol' conglomeration of odd fantasy stuffs. And who says Asianses don't beat up Englishmen in the dark. I know I sure do. Smarmy Brits.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

No more class due to switched major.

Oh, baby. I'll miss you, physics, but not the pain and agony.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

Brave New World-ish
Dune (I believe I could pull off a Paul)
Cowboy Bebop-ish
Titan AE

all just let myself out ...thanks for you're time
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

ahha sorry been turned down a lot....was thinking brave new world....two males of different class mixing...
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

Well, it's a little difficult to read what you're writing, at least with just the out of character sentence I got right there.

For example, I had no idea what 'all just let myself out' meant for a good minute.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

I will tell you in all honesty i can be very lazy

but when i take the time

and clearly form each word

each thought

i can be very eloquent

I am a very good speaker

and when i am at my best a decent writer....

my idea plays on the seperation of the Alphas Betas and so on

klike the indian caste system

the Alphas and Betas dont mix

so it would be taboo in a society with few taboos

thank you again for you're time
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

Well, speaking's different than writing. If I can't understand your writing, even if the ideas are grand, it does little of us much good, right?

And I remember Brave New World. We can try. You interested in being an Alpha or a Beta?
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

i understand that...my plan was to have the Alpha be the aggressive one

so i could play the beta...unless you wanted to :cool:
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

Sure, I don't mind. It's been awhile since I've read the book, though, so some of the details (like various conditioned responses) might have been forgotten.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

all hail ford ahahah

sorry don't think it is crucial

and orderly society -like in Gataca - based on the idea that genetics decide a humans status in life...
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

Right, then. So do you want to start or should I? I imagine they cross paths fairly frequently, like Brenard and Leina, or whatever her name was.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

if you could...it would set the bar....maybe they work together...at different levels of course...a factory that makes scent sticks-- better not to ask why but to do and die....anyways...the alpha would be the decider/tester..important...and the beta would be in charge of making them...well not like by hand by coming up with how to make the scents....sorry if i am getting mired in the details
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

Only at 'H' of deaths.

Resisting urge to look ahead to 'Z'.
Re: [M/M] Fandoms and One Original (12June)

So lazy. Start class next week, is the problem.
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