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[x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, M/F][I'mm baack! ;D]

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Jan 9, 2009
Hello~! <3
My name's Krys, my screen name is Aember, and some of you may know me as Listenbabe.

Oh, look. There people went. Running. Oh well.


I am mainly interested in male/male pairings,
but I will do heterosexual pairings
if the person I'm roleplaying with is amazing. In Het, it takes a great plot to keep me interested. However, it can be done.

That being said, the roles I play in my RPs are very flexible. I am comfortable roleplaying both
Dom and Sub--
However, unless you specify that you would like a slave with slack will, then my characters tend to have dominate personalities.
If your character doesn't have a strong enough personality, mine may just flip your character over and fuck 'em instead.

My only rule with roles is that I will not play a man in a heterosexual relationship.

I also ask that anyone who shows interest in roleplaying with me please be able to post more than two paragraphs. From time to time, one paragraph is fine, but sometimes it does annoy me. I like detail!

Furthermore, if you're subbing for me, I will ask you to start.
If you don't, I probably won't ever get around to starting myself.

And lastly, I reserve the right to deny any person's idea for a roleplay, as well as cancel a roleplay. So don't bitch at me when I say no.

When you PM me, fill out this form (Or you will be ignored!):
Pairing Wanted:
Sexuality Wanted:
Do you want me to play dom or sub?:
Plot wanted?:
Average length of posts:

Genres and pairings are next!<3
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Oh, Quinn.
You're fucking around with John' smind waaay too much. D;
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

He really is.

I think John's gunna snap soon too. xD;
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

  • XD
    Love-hate relationships taken to the extreme, maaan.

    I'm sorry John, Quinn'll be somewhat nice from now on. XD
    Kind of.[/list:u]
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

What, the inauguration? If so, yes. I even cried. >.>
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]


Love-hate-ripmyhairout relationships. xD;

Kawa: Awee. You cried. D:
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Of course! I got family that went to the Million Man March and have a father that lost his job for suspiciously racial reasons.

We all hissed when Wright came on, though.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

o3o What ethnicity are you?
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I'm mixed, beezee. Black and white, mostly, but a little Native American thrown in and God knows what else.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Would you maybe like to do a female on female World of Warcraft RP?
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]


I would love to me mixed with something.

<-- European mutt.
<--- Still completely white.

PM me, King.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I'm a Euro mutt, too. *flex*

I found out that far sightedness (non age related) is more common in black folks, which is what I've got. I was amused.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

-waves fist-

It's actually sort of amazing to study what sort of oddities occur in the different races. D:
In the different genders, too.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Isolation does that. And genetic variety happens quite quickly.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Still fascinating.

-prances off to make pizza-
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

*prances off to make a sandwich*
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Pizza > sandwich.

Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

>.> I haven't had time to make dough since I moved back here.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I made a double batch. xDD;

Most likely going to have pizza tomorrow night, too.

Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Can I come over and have some? D:
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I have to practice my naan making skills. I haven't got it right yet. But I'm close!
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

You are so cultured! Let me come over and have some, suga!
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

It's cheap! Indian food is cheap! That's not culture! That's necessity!
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I love Indian fooodddd. D:

For some reason I see Imasuke and Russel having really, really desperate hot sex. xD Not right now, but just in general. And then they just kinda ignore each other afterwards and pretend it didn't happen.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Indian food is amazing.

I can't wait to go up to Berkeley.
I've been craving Indian.
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