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[x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, M/F][I'mm baack! ;D]

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Jan 9, 2009
Hello~! <3
My name's Krys, my screen name is Aember, and some of you may know me as Listenbabe.

Oh, look. There people went. Running. Oh well.


I am mainly interested in male/male pairings,
but I will do heterosexual pairings
if the person I'm roleplaying with is amazing. In Het, it takes a great plot to keep me interested. However, it can be done.

That being said, the roles I play in my RPs are very flexible. I am comfortable roleplaying both
Dom and Sub--
However, unless you specify that you would like a slave with slack will, then my characters tend to have dominate personalities.
If your character doesn't have a strong enough personality, mine may just flip your character over and fuck 'em instead.

My only rule with roles is that I will not play a man in a heterosexual relationship.

I also ask that anyone who shows interest in roleplaying with me please be able to post more than two paragraphs. From time to time, one paragraph is fine, but sometimes it does annoy me. I like detail!

Furthermore, if you're subbing for me, I will ask you to start.
If you don't, I probably won't ever get around to starting myself.

And lastly, I reserve the right to deny any person's idea for a roleplay, as well as cancel a roleplay. So don't bitch at me when I say no.

When you PM me, fill out this form (Or you will be ignored!):
Pairing Wanted:
Sexuality Wanted:
Do you want me to play dom or sub?:
Plot wanted?:
Average length of posts:

Genres and pairings are next!<3
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

  • Making Quinn an ass is way too much fun. : 3

    But I love him anyway. XD <3

    Hay, when do you want me making the first post for our second RP?[/list:u]
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I don't know. o3o;

Do you remember the premise behind it? xD
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

  • *Flails*
    Are you serious? xD
    Please tell me you at least remembered which character you were going to be using. XD SOMETHING, BESIDES THE FACT THAT IT WAS FANTASY.

    And that I turned into a total nerd about my own character. XD[/list:u]
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]


I remember that. xD;

Just making sure you did. >_>;
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

  • I remember most of it. XD
    (Don't remember your exact character's name, because I'm phail like that. xD) But he did have a psycho sister, or something who wanted to kill him. So apparently he's on the run from her or something (and this is how we had planned it to start), and he was searching for asylum with my character's Master, and managed to find them in the streets of some town. Good summary, neh? xD

    And then, the prerequisite of a love-hate relationship beetween the two. And some murderdeathkill.

    Yeah, I know I'm full of phail. >> Don't laugh at me.[/list:u]
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I need to actually read your thread... x.x'
;is getting kicked off now;

;clings; I shall read it tomorrow and hopefully be able to role-play with you! <3
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Okay. xD If you say so.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

  • That was a vague response. Could not tell if that was directed towards me or King. . .

    When do you want me to staaaaart? *Whinewhine* xD[/list:u]
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Post. D<

Whenever, I guess. o3o;

As long as it doesn't hurt our current RP.
I like it too much. ;3;
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

  • Haha, it won't.
    The only thing that'll get in the way of our RPs is a) if I wind up in the hospital, b) if I'm working at the hospital, c) if my parental units decide to turn into dramallamas and d) school.

Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]


School should burn. D<
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

  • Whoohoo, repliedreplied. XD

    Quinn, you're so crazy. D;
    MARRY ME. [/list:u]
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

;_; Poor John.

Poor bastard is going to go insane trying to deal with Quinn.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

You pansies don't know what real academic pain is!

Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Uh. . .I do.

I'm just not stupid enough to extend that pain to Physics. :D
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I am slowly improving. So maybe in the future I will try with you again.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

I have no sense. My only guideline for 'should I take this class or not' is 'am I crap at it?' If yes, take class. If no, do not take class.
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

Awesome. 8D

Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

  • xD
    Yes, poor John indeed.

    And started our second RP.
    I lack creative titles, so I just used the first thing that came to mind.[/list:u]
Re: [x] Burn out bright, babe. [x] [M/M, F/F, M/F] [New plots!]

King-- Sure. :3

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