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Fx Any Cyberpunk 2077


Jun 1, 2018
Hello there!

I'm seeking a writing partner who would be interested in portraying Viktor Vektor or Dum Dum as a potential love interest to my female V, whether in a long-term, plot-driven roleplay or shorter, one-shot type scenarios, via PM. I may also be open to other pairings (River, Johnny if we can find a way to make it work, etc.), including OCs. They're not my main interest but please don't let that deter you from asking if there's another pairing you'd really like to try!

I have roughly 21 years of writing and roleplaying experience, though I have not been writing as often in recent years and may be a little rusty. I write in third person descriptive format (multi-para to novella), and while I love attention to detail, character introspection and development, and a slower pace overall, I find pages worth of text and purple prose a little daunting, so there's no pressure to write extensive replies or match length. I'm a slow writer, posting multiple times a week at most, so I'm not looking for anything rapid-fire.

I don't have any plots for either of these pairings currently, just a sprinkling of potential scenarios; this is first and foremost an interest check since I realise this request is probably quite niche and highly self-indulgent, but some themes and tropes I really enjoy (and are entirely optional) are Beauty and the Beast, Stockholm Syndrome, enemies to lovers, forbidden love, power struggles and role reversal, and slow burns. I would love to discuss plot ideas with potential partners to create something that we will both find enjoyment in, but loosely following the game's storyline, with or without spoilers, is also an option.

I'd like to stress that I'm primarily looking for something story driven. Smut is of course very much welcome, but I'm not really interested in a plot built solely around, or for the sake of, fulfilling kinks. Give me a slow burn over smut any day.

All that said, if anyone is interested in indulging me in this request, has questions or would like to discuss a possible alternative, feel free to drop me a message!
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