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Marry Me {DemonHuntress12}

Avery moved to Prince Dorian's side when he saw him struggling a little, wincing as he tried to stand up and whimpered from the pain. "I...Are you okay? Would you like help?" He asked, holding his arm out to offer some support.

He moved with him towards the dining room and caught a whiff of what was to come. It smelled delicious and he was looking forward to it. Although, when Dorian asked about his appetite, he looked away. "I'm sure I'll enjoy all of it" He said, he didn't want to put them out or look ungrateful if he said that he actually ate like a sparrow. No, he'd have to try his best and eat whatever he was given.
Dorian shook his head and flashed Prince Avery the best smile that he could manage, despite the stinging in his legs and feet. “It-It’s alright, I was just sitting for too long and now… the blood flow is coming back… reluctantly.”

The feeling came back as he walked towards the dining room and the guards on either side opened the doors to let them inside. Before him, his whole family was waiting for them, gathered around the table with his father sitting at the head and his mother on his side. “Prince Avery! Welcome! Come come! Please sit with us.” Dishes were already laid out for them and Dorian’s stomach was rumbling just from the smell.
"If you're sure" Avery said with a small smile. He let his arm drop but it was always there if Prince Dorian needed any support. He didn't mind, and he felt a little guilty. Of course, he knew Prince Dorian would have just left if he wasn't enjoying their time, but he still felt as if he had kept him.

Avery blinked at the greeting, bowing instantly. "Thank you very much" He said, looking at the table and the array of dishes that were on offer. It was almost overwhelming. He wasn't sure if he could eat everything that would be offered. He would try his best! He took the seat that was for him, sitting up straight and examining the faces at the table.
Shifting a little uncomfortably on the spot, Dorian flashed the most ‘I’m perfectly alright’ smile that he could muster as the stinging settled in his legs. Why hadn’t he thought to move around while he had been reading? That was the kind of thing his brother would have remembered!

He was immensely glad when he was finally able to sit down, right beside Prince Avery and opposite his brother, with his sisters on his other side. “Welcome to our Kingdom, Prince Avery. I hope my son has made things enjoyable for you whilst you’ve been here.” His father asked, looking over his glasses at the prince.
Avery smiled at the King, bowing his head. "Thank you, your Majesty. Prince Dorian has been perfectly kind and welcoming" He said, looking around the table at the other Prince and the Princesses. They all had a family resemblance. Being around this table made him miss his own family.

He pushed that thought away as soon as it came. He had been here one day! He couldn't be stupid like that now. He needed to maintain a happy face and be gracious to his hosts.
Dorian hoped that his mother wouldn’t immediately jump into an interrogation and, thankfully, his father seemed to be in a merciful temperament. “I’m glad to hear that, I would only want for you to have a good time whilst you’re staying here. Now, before we all starve, let’s eat!”

At his words, everyone around the table picked up their knives and forks and began to take things from the plates and bowls in front of them. From time to time, someone would ask for a dish to be passed towards them and the family worked together to move it over to them.
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